Good morning Zig Forums. Readers may remember at the beginning of May there was a competition run by NASA that had kids designing projects that help improve the world. Twitter niggers got wind that three she-boons were in the competition and were losing because spinning water and copper with a fan isn't science, so they decided to rig the polls for them. Within hours the boons went form last place to having a 70,000 vote lead over the original first place team which were some Asian kids. We eventually got word of their actions along with the rest of the internet and decided to boost the Asian kids vote totals. Eventually NASA hid polling results when the realized what was going on, and the kike media sprang into action covering for the rigging the nogs tried to do by blaming us.
Editior's Note: The filter only removed large copper particles from the water. It did not filter lead, and it did not removed the H+ particles that were acidifying the water. As one user pointed out, the she-boons appeared to simply dilute the existing water with pure water which increased the pH back to 7.
After polling closed NASA stated the would announce the winners in a few weeks. Winners have finally been announce. The Asians with the algae project took first place. The nogs were gibsed second place for their water fan.
It appears NASA selected the rightful winners of the competition, but also threw the nogs a bone to keep them from chimping out. As of today no one seems to be reporting on the winners. It's a bitter second place award. If the she-boons were given first, every (((news))) outlet would have reported on the heroic black teens who triumphed over racist internet trolls, and the evidence would have been buried. Second place is nothing to report on because it would draw up a controversy and potentially expose the public to the behavior of nogs. The lesson here is that the fight is not over. We still have power and we need to flex that power. Good work.
I'm also requesting and screen caps of the twitter posts, mp4s, and any other media related to this event as I'm keeping a file on it for future reference. Thanks.
tldr: Niggers try to rig competition voting in favor of niggers. Media backs them. They learned why you don't try to fuck with the internet.
Moreover, it was deemed racist to vote for asians. Jews say only whites and white success is racist so by their own cultmarx dogma asians winning would not be racist. Apparently they believe it's practically nothing but whites that were voting for the asians therefore it's racist since white votes do not matter compared to black votes. It's difficult to follow this "progressive stack" nonsense the jews have manufactured and put into practice everywhere. Obviously it's not racist for black twitter to try rigging the vote in the first place which initiated the pushback to begin with.
who is that stupid to think this? THE FIGHT IS NEVER OVER
Jonathan Myers
Supporting any race that isn't completely retarded and can function without the help of whitey is the new status quo now that hating whites is already politically correct. So yeah, the kikes will be targeting Asians next.
Angel Walker
They've been doing it already for years. They really hate the Japanese, so do blacks.
Gabriel Adams
So they cheated.
Christopher White
Of course.
Nicholas Mitchell
Don't you know by now, shitlord? Being progressive means giving all the awards to Africans no matter what. It doesn't matter if they won fair or not.
Mason Stewart
That's because the Japanese love their culture even more than we do and that is what is respectable about them. Also compared to most kiked media most Japanese anime aren't about (((diversity))) and (((progressiveism))) and instead about unity and friendship also known as the exact opposite thing's the kikes are pushing on us
James Lopez
Anyone got links for their twitter accounts? I have a dangerous medical condition that leaves me with a chronic lack of salt and I need to replenish it numerous times throughout the day.
Oliver Reyes
What the fuck did we win anyway?
Jeremiah Reed
Gavin Brooks
Did any of you massive faggots ever document what the poll was at before the rigging and after the rigging? Showing that 70k votes magically appeared out of nowhere would completely demolish the media narrative on this and be one gigantic redpill.
Eli Sanchez
If you don't support this shit you are a raycss troll, goyim. Reminds me of this shit
I extremely beg to differ. I remember this shit and the only judgement of the 'quality' of the arguments was the number of points made. This is why they're speaking nonsense niggerbabble and also why nigger babble got them there. I swear a person completely aware of the ability of the nigger for spitting a deluge of nonsense meticulously crafted those rules to make get them there.
I knew this nonsense had to be bullshit as soon as I saw it. "Trolls" can't stop a science competition. It makes no fucking sense. What really pisses me off is this forced state religion of kikery horseshit anywhere near science and so many retards occupying space in science.
They ought to be ashamed to let the engine of actual progress for the whole Earth be destroyed by filling it with ooga-booga retards that can't even make a goddamn filter.
William Turner
Like everything else used to slander us, this is absolutely correct. You'll never get it from the media, of course, because the narrative: "racists hold down niggers, which is why they all have shitty credit" is too powerful to just walk away from.
I am unaware of a single case from the last 50 years (at least) when a "racist" did a single unfair thing to a nigger. Every bad thing that happens to the apes is something they brought on themselves by trying to compete in a world shared by whites and orientals. Yet, if the mainstream ever accepts that there isn't a coast-to-coast racist army tirelessly working to hold down promising young black intellectuals, then the next natural thought is that maybe there aren't any promising young niggers. And then you start thinking we aren't actually equal, and what that implies for voting rights, the Democratic coalition, the cottage industry of Civil Rights lawsuits. . . the lot.
This story plays perfectly into the white-racist-hate narrative, if you leave out the part where liberals and Jews tried to help their pet gorillas win in the first place. For future reference, that part of the story will always be left out, and our actions will always be maligned, because the logical consequence of the alternative results in the total collapse of an already very tenuous world religion.
Just keep in mind that your actions will never be fairly reported on, not at Charlottesville, not in rigged contests, not at school, not at work, and never in politics. War never changes.
Blacks and shitlibs realized this a long time ago which is why they're forcing diversity bc nogs cant make the cut no matter what they do. To make matters worse nogs directly from aperica are outperforming local nogs across the board. Kek!
Josiah Sanders
Checked for agreeing with me, but this really should be obvious to the point of platitude for everyone. I guess that's the power of religion for you.
They are not smart enough to cheat. It is just a coincidence they came with any results at all.
Juan Sanchez
Dylan Butler
I don't think so. At 3:40 of the mp4 you get a good view of the second-place team.
Brandon Clark
These fucking naggers would risk the future of human space travel, would cause certain tragedy, just for some diversity points. We are so fucking fucked. I want to see heads on fucking sticks
Nigā£gers don't know what research and preparation are. They can't even read correctly. If we let this shit go on, you will have to rap to defend yourself in court.