This guy gives me hope for the future. Drops redpills like tictacs...

This guy gives me hope for the future. Drops redpills like tictacs. What are some potential memes that could work as a streisand effect for msm? Pic related, Patrick Little

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He's a fed

He's a fed up guy with jews jewing.

Hes a republican candidate, discourages donations or even contact. Just because he names the jq does not make him controlled op. The distrust is as big a pitfall in the right as rabid triggering canibalism is for the left. A solid player like little could save us

You're a kike -

I've watched everything online of Little & he's a straight up guy that's new to the kike question. We need tons of ex-marines that are redpilled like him to step up because most of Zig Forums are cowards as of now.

Fedrick feddle is Hal Turner 2.0

Don't know who that is but Patrick Little is running for senate.


you're a jew

Most Patrick Little posts have had Kike-free FP's. Today we fall from perfection, but our eternal struggle continues despite our scars.

Hail Victory

disappointed you anons let a jew get first post

All posters who imply Little is comped are terrified jews and glowdarks


a shekel has been deposited into your account

Attached: Bypass.jpeg (576x320 7.54 KB, 426.16K)

Attached: oy_gevalt.png (712x949, 393.48K)

Pilpul is pretty petty schlomo.

… says the fed.

Everyone who publicly says they're a white nationalist or holds white nationalist viewpoints is a fed. People who are proud to be white all hold it in forever and never ever declare it or else they're a fed. Be silent. Don't speak up. If you do you're a fed.


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. I have worked for the government most of my life, and I am openly NatSoc. Try not being a faggot about it.

Fuck off fed.

wew, i knew this would happen. let the controlled opposition begin.

That's not irony, that's sarcasm you nigger. If anyone's being a faggot, that'd be you.