In the past weeks the asian shills got less yet the people behind this are still out there.
Those are asian guys living/grown up in the west trying to get white women.
What is your opinion on this?
Do you still think Asians are "based"?
In the past weeks the asian shills got less yet the people behind this are still out there.
Those are asian guys living/grown up in the west trying to get white women.
What is your opinion on this?
Do you still think Asians are "based"?
No one ever thought this the Japs are the only exception and you should know this. We should have nuked the chinks when MacArthur wanted to.
Sadly to many people on the right think this.
Japs are based now?
We don't use that word unironically on this board no matter who we're talking about. As for the Japanese, they're Honorary Aryans and always have been. Lurk for 100 years before posting.
They're just acting out because they've been even more feminized than White Men. Asians in the West have an odd life because they don't really 'belong' anywhere. Universities treat them as badly as they do white people. They can't be nationalistic because they're still foreigners to the land. But they also can't engage in racial warfare like the blacks and mestizos; those two groups don't see the Asians as 'oppressed' to nearly the same extent they are, so they're always forced to stand to the side and be quiet. The women don't really have these problems. They're not effected by the feminization; they're rather easily able to get some "nerd" White guy to take care of them. For the most part they blend in with White women, but since they're both non-White and female they often act as organizers for group chimpouts by leftists. The men are in an awkward spot; it's easy to see why they feel so isolated. Because - quite frankly - they should feel isolated; they do not belong here. I think they would be much happier in Asian countries.
I'm not too worried about them. Every race tries to get White women, because they're the best. Luckily, they're not attractive at all. They simply aren't a racial threat in the way other races are. They're also simply incapable of chimping out in the way blacks can. Quite frankly we could deport all the Asian men and no one would even notice. I feel a bit bad for the mixed-race "happas" though. They tend to get serious personality disorders from their unclear identity.
Is this some kind of crypto cuckposting slide thread
On the other hand many of them put more afford into getting white women than the average white guy into getting any women.
It almost seems like that their life goal is getting a white women.
This threat is also about the group of people that post the cuckposting slide threads. They have been posting XMWF threats for quiet some time now.
Never did, gook.
The sexual frustration for these guys could end up bad. Think about it this way. The rape statistic gone up in many European countries after 3rd world brown men arrived there. These guys couldn't get laid despite the "Muslims going to cuck you" meme. Just think about the EU officials daughter that helped at the refugee center and got raped and killed.
Now look at these guys, probably most of asian women that live in the west probably had an interracial relationship. And around the half of new marriages for asian women are with non-asians. The problematic amount of guys that are left out among asian men is very high.
As a White Man, I can sympathize with a lot of the problems they have. It doesn't excuse bad behavior, but I'm not inclined to hate them on the level I hate "ayo where da white women at?" They've found themselves in an unfortunate situation, just like we have. Hopefully the ones with a brain will side with National Socialism, so that we can nurse the world back to health together.
It's kind of funny how they try the same "I'll make a bunch of money and surely women will love me" strategy that has turned Japan, South Korea, China, and Singapore into hyper-capitalist hell holes on White women. I also notice this attitude among a lot of MGTOW types. The fatal flaw in the orient is that they don't understand love or passion. We should be careful not to lose that gem ourselves.
identify a bot:
● One or only a few posts are made, all about a single issue.
● The posts are all strongly negative, effusively positive, or obviously irrelevant.
● There are rarely links and photos of real people or organizations behind the posting.
● No answers, or evasive answers, are given in response to questions about the post or source.
● The exact wording of the post comes from several accounts, all of which appear to have thousands of followers.
Japan is an example of a strong ethnostate. It has one of the lowest crime rates world wide, very low obesity rates, a good education system, and a strict vetting process for any form of immigration. I dunno why anyone here would hate them.
I hate the Japanese because they've settled in my country in massive numbers. Their country is nice though.
Japan literally imports white whores and pays them to work as porn stars and have sex with Japanese men on camera for the whole country to masturbate to. For this reason alone, they deserved the nukes. Also, , they do immigrate to the west and the women have a high rate of miscegenation, tempting white men to have hapa children instead of a white family. For those that would accuse me of "muh d&c" against "muh honorary Aryans", in what way exactly does an 'alliance with the Japanese' benefit us? Are there teams of Japs shitposting on shitter and plebbit shilling white nationalism? They're completely neutral, we should just ignore them. Good for them that they have a homogeneous nation, we can use it as an example as to why such a society is safer and more prosperous. But they don't directly benefit us in any way, any sentiment to the contrary is weeaboo larping.
They behave as immigrants, work their way into the citizenship but actually never try to become actual part of the country they migrate to.
And mixed race people have their problems. Since mixed with white rarely look like white people they tend to side with the non-white side.
Can't speak for North Americans but mixed race people of both genders often exclusively date white so it's not just a lost person in the white gene pool but the non-white genes get their way into the population.
What does that even mean?
Should people change race/nationality based on desire? Do you think that is even possible?
Mindset, ethics and group belonging. Mexicans that get their citizenship because their pregnant mother crossed illegal the boarder still wave the Mexican flag and express their hate for America. Same thing as described places like "china towns". Or the fact that there are Chinese people for so many generations in other asian countries and still call themself Chinese.
coolies are just sore about being physically shown up by every host nation they infest. I preferred them when they were labourers instead of investors
/r/AsianMasculinity is one of the funniest things in the world to me.
As much as I sympathize with hapas, I think we should think of ways to radicalize them. It'd be the best way to wake up normalfags to the dangers of racemixing when they notice that there's a whole bunch of Eliott Rodgers out there. Particularly the effect of this would be to restigmatize mixing in general and to discourage white men from spreading their seed outside the tribe.
The mongrol in the first image isn't Asian. He's a fucking chimera. A chimp that doesn't belong anywhere or to anyone. A mistake that belongs in a landfill.
Chinks who immigrate with their rich parents sometimes become 'incel' types when they get too far from their own culture. It's kind of like a house nigger but with an uppity attitude. Spoil brat whose lost type of teenage bullshit.
Just all human garbage and as such, not worth of discussion. Beat on one if they get in their face and cure them of their brain damage with proper brain damage then they won't bother anyone again.
Having dated a few asian women when i was younger, listening to them talk about how they view men of their own race was really fucking weird. It's one thing to know a white guy that's pussy-whipped or is into otherwise girly shit, but for these girls to tell me that essentially ALL of the asian men they know fall into those categories makes it a no-brainer to go outside their race, from their fucked up perspective at least. I had one chinese chick tell me that all of her male friends were into fucking SHOES AND MUSICALS. These are men in their 20s doing this shit. There's also a tendency for the older men to divorce their wives once they get some money and go back to their home country and get a trophy wife. One gook chick told me how every man in her family had a divorce, and that she had no intention of ever even dating a vietnamese man. Even fucking soyboys have a leg up on the average pencil-armed asian man, and it's honestly really fucking sad.
It also makes the women totally fucking nuts. I've sworn off any asian women years ago due to how common it is for asian women to get insanely possessive and clingy the moment they find any trace of masculinity/commitment potential in a man. I'm not speaking as some fucking ultra-Chad either. i'm just a regular dude, which makes it even worse for your average asian man. It makes me feel bad for them, because they'd all just be happier in their own goddamned termite colony countries they were designed for, but their parents wanted a kid who made lots of money instead and forsook their natural happiness.
Nips, Taiwanese, Singaporeans and Koreans are honorary Aryans for never cooling their Nationalism. The rest are jaundiced degenerate ant people, especially the chinks and the gooks.
Take out the gooks and we're good
we're a k-selected people living in an r-selected west, to put things very simply. the vast majority of the little shits that allow their viciously bitter insecurities manifest itself in the above example of spamming will not amount to very much in life.
anybody who's sane, including other asians, wont find them pleasant to be around. they've got that sick, twisted hatred that'd take anybody around down the gutter along with them.
Reminder that 70% of mixed azn + white children turn out like Elliot Rodger supreme gentleman lookalikes that won’t fit in with either community least of all the Azn ones. You all should not need to be reminded that mixing is a bad, Unless you’re an awful parent that wants their kids to suffer through their early lives.
Incedentally the remaining 30% inherit the good sides of both races. Euro appearance + Azn youth gene ie: Keanu Reeves
hapa salt is life
Fuck off. Best Korea belongs on that list, as do the Kebab-removers of Myanmar, the people of the Philippines (Due to Duterte).
And you deserve complete extermination?
This is probably some degenerate fucking chink. He even stated his problem himself, not being shredded. Too much whining.
This is the problem with orientitial males. Majority can only fucking whine and are underhanded bitches like kikes. The more masculine elements can't begin to teach these retards anything because bug culture.
Gonna need a few A Bombs and huge ass victorious conquests to fix this.
Quite funny how those countries with low ethnic diversity are also one of the safest at the same time. (Poland's a second good example)
All of the Orient need Eugenics and polygamy right now. For a few centuries at least.
Breed out the cuck genes and bug culture. No hope otherwise.
Imagine being an American and migrating to Japan. Imagine never bothering to learn the language. Imagine bringing all your American friends and family over and setting up your own colonies. Imagine calling the locals "foreigners". You just imagined being chinese.
This faggot has been hitting the soy sauce too hard. But I can see why he's upset. One people's women sleeping with another people's men (but not vice versa) is essentially a form of conquest. I don't experience what he does completely though. Women of all races seem to like white men, because it's "marrying up." The closest thing I can imagine to it is walking down the street and every single couple is a blonde woman with a nigger male, and all the men are busy working and playing world of warcraft. Sounds like a fucking nightmare. But it's still an avoidable nightmare, since all their problems would be solved if they WENT THE FUCK BACK TO THEIR OWN COUNTRIES.
Asian countries are a good example of why communism and capitalism are wrong with their egalitarianism. The Orient has always had an aristocracy which kept order, made new developments, and carried on Indo-European religious traditions. I suspect this is why the Arabs have degenerated so badly in the past 100 years; they also had a natural aristocracy that the kikes eliminated. I don't envy whoever has the responsibility of 'fixing' the Asiatics.
Yeah I know the guy in the first picture in the OP, Eurasian tiger he's a HAPA mongrel who lusts after white women but can only get ugly black women. He and other people from his reddits have been shown to spam interracial photos of Asian men with white women on boards all over 4cuck and Zig Forums
You do know that the Manhattan project was LITERALLY a Jewish operation, don't you?
In other words, JEWS nuked Japan.
They specifically targeted the two cities with the largest Christian population, too.
Then, some of the same Jews gave Israel their nuclear arsenal!
So no, Japan did NOT deserve to get nuked for fighting with the Axis on the right side of WWII, and holding out longer than anyone else.
Why do you think this?
Just go with the old Co-prosperity Sphere:
Japan, Manchuria, Philippines, Burma, Thailand, Indonesia (India too under Subhas Chandra Bose)…
Korea is grandfathered in since they were part of Japan back then.
Also, Taiwan since their girls are hot and they're Nationalistic.
And might as well include the Vietnamese too I guess.
Elliot Rodger was half-Jewish, not half-White, though I feel bad that his (((father))) didn't raise him properly.
This is what happens when the bravest and strongest men are all selectively killed in a war (not just talking about Japan; Korean/Vietnam wars had huge casualties and China had millions slaughtered in the wars and tens of millions under Mao).
Posts like this make me appreciate that whites aren't the only ones being horribly fucked by the Jews and modernity
The Japanese need more than just a self-defense force; they need the resurrection of the Imperial Japanese Army. I'd have no issue with them subjugating the chinks; hell, that's outcome I would want.
Of course, if and when a new National Socialist order is established, we should be wary of a Japanese encroachment upon Aryan lands. Hitler already had plans to stabilize the borders between the East and West (strong borders require good neighbors and vice versa).
Mechanized warfare has created an unnatural selection process that removes the strong from the gene pool, leaving a glut of weak men behind that would typically be cannon fodder.
Is it no wonder that the juden had such an easy time subverting European nations? The Asians still have some structure of nationalism, but the majority of their men are utterly feminine and materialistic, especially those that are displaced from their homeland.
The removal of the (((parasites))) cannot come soon enough.