I am curing myself of my furfaggotry and giving myself to Adolf to cure myself.
Kill all furfags.
I am curing myself of my furfaggotry and giving myself to Adolf to cure myself.
Kill all furfags.
do it faggot
I like slide threads just as much as the next goy, but you should put more effort into these chaim. If you could actually make someone laugh, you might actually win.
Good on you. Keep busy.
You can't relapse if you're doing stuff.
Im not sure even Rockwell would give you a chance but have this anyways and consider reading the rest of white power, this time the world, fame of a dead mans deeds and of course mein kamp which you should have already read.
You better empty that recycle bin and overwrite the bits for him too.
Whatever the fuck that is.
Mein Kampf*
Typo I felt I should correct.
I was hoping I cropped out my gay furry porn. Doesn't matter, it's all gone now including all my furfag bookmarks.
So how far down the rabbit hole did you go before you realized that this may be a problem, and what sparked this idea for change? Because it gets disturbing at the lower sanctums, and not just in the ha-ha funny autism sort of way as I naively once thought many years ago.
I started to get into actual bestiality. That's around when I started to realize there might be a problem with me.
Now you have to see if you can resist the urge to go back to FurAffinity. Sage for slide thread.
You aren't allowed here anymore.
Well, at least you hit that wall when you did. Seems like some people just keep going until they get busted for content or activities involving children, all while completely confident that what they're doing is almost if not completely normal.
The lack of self-awareness and blatant self-righteous justification at that point is horrifying.
Keep it up.
I did this months ago, except I didn't delete faggotry.
It helped a lot.
The zeal of men with something to prove has its use
Block them all in the hosts file if you're still using wandwews or maybe don't, because it'll remind you of what they are. Git gud, lift and read books.
Take these if you don't already have them.
Become who you were meant to be, and take your former furfaggotry to the grave where it belongs.
Let's try that again
I still gotta get rid of these.
Years from now your depression and self hatred will be revealed as stemming from your furry period. You can do it user-kun, we believe in you~!
By do eet I meant self improvement, not an hero kek
Jesus fucking Christ, user.
I mean, I'm glad you're getting out of this shit but goddamn. You went really far down the degeneracy hole, farther down than I ever went to when I was a teen.
great blog post user
At first I wasn't going to chastise you too much because honestly, I'm into less-than-desirable stuff myself, but fuck at least I never bought animal sex toys.
deus vult