This smug little aids spreading faggot needs to be taken down a few notches, along with the masked lesbian with him.
This smug little aids spreading faggot needs to be taken down a few notches, along with the masked lesbian with him.
Other urls found in this thread:
were not some jewesses white knights, faggot
Going to any political action as a woman without proper coverage is a mistake. The political world is dominated by violent idiots, so if you don't show up with at least violent idiots on your side, you lose.
nypa faggot
Did you just assume its gender? Good idea, OP.
Eric Clanton should not have been identifed either, right?
sad how much closeted marxists are on Zig Forums in 8ch. Reminds me just how small our movement really is.
Faith Oldy is a I AM A FUCKING GOON SOMEONE SLIT MY THROAT. Hope that deformed mutt pulls a murder suicide on her.
Nigger get a fucking grip.
>hey guise! come help the whore who works for shekel monger (((Ezra Levant)))!
She made her bed.
lol I bet you have a twitter account
image It was taken
10:29 AM - 19 May 2018
on the Roxham Road, Quebec.
Anti-jewish National-Socialist actually
Someone post some more faces from that video, maybe we can find more videos of these people and get some better angles. This could be a fun hunt.
Masks are protected self-defence like firearms, borders, and laws.
don't be a nigger
It's not about goldy you fucking mental midget.
I agree OP, where do we even get started? What was the location of this?
lmao is this wordfilter or hotpocket?
kill the pone too
On this thread >>>
that faggy looking soyboy is identified with a jpg labeled "brent leroy" No surname or other info such as location is given, so the post may just be a bloody red herring that some kikes are dragging across the trail…Govern yourself accordingly.
Worth a look though… it's here on Zig Forums.
screen shots follow
Sure, Shlomo - that's why you Kikes were so triggered by the showing at C-ville last year, and why your frantic rabbis have just increased the payroll to include so many more hasbarats.
Your post reminds me that you Ashkenazis vastly overrate your purported high verbal IQ.
Charlottesville was Skokie 2.0, organized by 2 kikes - Kessler and Kline. The jews loved it.
The trouble with bringing "violent idiots" on your side is that they'll allow the enemy to initiate violence.
One thing that seems to confuse people is leftist initiated violence. See, anyone with even a marginally good grasp of the political situation recognizes that in a fair fight I'm talking violence btw the left loses. Not only in one to one fights but in violent conflicts as well. At least this is the case in modern politics. There are very few White nations where the left has even a chance of victory outright if things come to violence.
So why do they do it? If they have no chance of winning through force, why do they intentionally egg people on and initiate violence?
Well, it's a bit more complex than that.
See, the left doesn't send people to try to physically defeat a pro-White demonstration through force. If antifa wanted to violently shut down the alt-right at Charlottesville for instance, they would have brought guns and committed fully to shutting them down.
Instead, they initiate small scale attacks intended to incite reprisals from the alt-rightists.
In otherwords, they intentionally commit small acts of violence with the intention of eliciting a much greater violent response from their non-conformist enemies.
This tactic is not restricted to political dissidents. They employ the same tactic when engaging in demonstrations against police. An example is walking up to the police and screaming at them with the intention to elicit police brutality
So, why do they do this? Why do they intentionally try to create a violent confrontation when they know that they'll lose?
Well, that's it actually; they'll lose.
But losing a battle is not the same as losing a war.
Their goal is to create situations where their enemies use excessive or seemingly accessive force upon "seemingly" non-violent demonstrators. This is then photographed or recorded. Next (and leftist footsoldiers don't comprehend this part) their allies and leaders in the corporate media use these images to manipulate public opinion.
Consider this picture. Here we see some sheboon "bravely standing up to da ebil bolice."
Not shown are the hours of provocation from blacks and probably from this negress herself. But that doesn't matter now does it? Because all that the corporate media and that is to say; the jewish media will only show this one image of excessive police brutality against an innocent black who was probably just asking where the college is.
Image matters. It is through images that the kikes manipulate events.
Don't fall for their tricks.