What are you reading? Zig Forums book thread. Post your bookshelf and prove it if you dare. PDFs don't count either niggers. Genuine books only.
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Pleb-tier taste.
I tried to take a pic of my books like that but it just came out like blurry garbage you couldnt read. Anyways, you have a lot of trash in there. You dont even have anything on fighting a race war.
Posting in epeen thread
Bookshelf is currently packed as I'm moving and I don't think it's all too impressive, even though there's some rarer out of print books here and there. That being said I'm reading Julius Evola's "The Mystery of the Grail: Initiation and Magic in the Quest for the Spirit".
Every single time
Truly Patrician.
Sounds interesting, but I'm guessing it has nothing to do with Monty Python's Grail!
What are you reading then?
I'm calling Imkampfy right now.
It is definitely a good primer for reading deeper into the Esoterism of the west through a thorough analysis of western mythologies and motifs. I picked up Serrano's The Golden Cord but was severely lacking in the contextual department. Reading Evola is a good base for this however.
A few months back selection, about a tenth of my backlog. Not pictured: normie triggering books. Took it to prove to a shit kid that I knew what I was talking about when I disagreed with his assumption that humans tend toward monotheism.
Anyone have a good book on soil? Got some glacial silt just under the surface here, need guidance to make the sandy mess palatable to black walnut.
Such a beautiful collection. Question though, what's the book beneath the statue? Also, I've been saving up for a large copy of the Red Book myself. Currently my hardback "Man and His Symbols" is my coffee table placeholder.
Datamining thread. Be wary, they can track you based on stuff like this.
Don't do what this user did and leave EXIF data in your image. They have databases in each bookstore, and you have already given away enough info to dox yourself.
inb4 butthurt mods & 404
The Book of Symbols, encyclopedia of the most common images/motifs in the world. Made a lot of connections I wouldn't have, like the many cultures that use the primordial egg in their creation myth.
I don't understand how to get to woman I am wizard apprentice lvl 23, I really don't get what is so unappealing about me. Being 6'3 and good looking only gets me glances but beyond that I cant go farther with them. I'm no social butterfly but I can keep a conversation if the topic is interesting can't fake small talk though.
So be it
Right now I'm reading the Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini, can't take a pic but my shelf has some Jack London books, Ray Bradbury books, Alice in Wonderland, a stack of SOF magazines, Shogun, The Prince, The Inferno, batman comics and manga and other mixed in stuff.
The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour
A catechism of racial thought, compiled from many of the world's foremost thinkers on race and western politics—and some unknown internet commentators—edited and commentated upon by César Tort.
It includes the history of the millenial old jewish jewish problem, why (((christianity))) is a problem that enabled the current state of the western world etc.
A good 600 page read.
You can also buy it on (((Amazon))) or lulu.com
PS: PDFs count as I live in exile and can't get books easily here…
Leviathan by Hobbes.
So far it's full of shit. People never existed in a state of free for all. The basic unit of human social organization is the family unit or tribe, not the individual and we have always lived like this. His entire work is predicated on insufficient archeological data.
However his other argument for being hesitant to overthrow a bad government - because it will cause massive chaos and destruction and there's no guarantee you will do a better job - is a good argument. I think the destruction of our people is a justifiable reason to go to war on the ZOG.
Thank you, this is definitely something I need.
luv these threads
this is a joke, right?
I don't have many books anymore.
All kikes deserve death anyway, so why spend time on it.
They also commit enough crimes in the present, and I'm well enough informed on the past, already.
The only book you need is the one you use to bash Moishes head in with.
One of my bookcases
Haven't read the blue Heidy Aristotle buscher yet bc I lost my Greek lexicon
responsible sage. they are watching be weary
The further from Lucas the universe gets, the more philosophical and mature it grows. Remember, despite being the fan favorite, the Empire Strikes Back is hated by him.
My man.
This me
Don't read shit, mods banned any intellectual discussion for the past 2 years.
No picture of your personal belongings needed. OP is a datamining faggot.
Everything by Miguel Serrano.
Because knowing what books we read is so fucking valuable for kikes. Makes perfect sense. /s
Bump. I don't have a pic to post, everything's digital. Some of what I read:
- Revolt Against the Modern World
- Meditations
- Death of Empires
- Technological Slavery
- Fry the Brain
- parts of 200 Years Together
I definitely recommend For my Legionaries, it gives a completely different perspective on politics when you can compare with Romania in the '20s-'30s.
Kikes don't read, they make the white man read and give them bullet points
you're the plebbiest pleb who ever plebbed.
i do appreciate though that mismatched lord of the rings.
and now if you wanna laugh at me right now i'm reading along with some history books a raymond chandler marlowe novel. i love that stuff. to me those books existence is unexplainable. the guy took apart different short stories of his and frankesteined them together with not much regard to continuity or making sense. they should be devoid of any artistic merit. and yet i find them pretty great.
currently reading Rashi's commentaries on the Torah.
I'm always disappointed to see how few of you read stuff on mathematics and software development. You sit at the computer all day anyway, might as well learn how to use it properly.
Soyboy detected
A man's attention is limited by time. We here, to use the word colloquially and not medically, are autistic. We find a subject and delve to its lowest reaches. Whether medicinal herbs, ancient esotericism, philosophy, political theory, polemic histories, argumentation, literature, practical memetics, etc etc and so forth.
Of these the fields of mathematics and computer programming require more than interest. They require self training and discipline. There is no vaguery or dispute, only the slow climb into a skillset that while beneficial is initially paltry.
There aren't many math or program anons here for the same reason there aren't many drawfags. Zig Forums is its own hobby, just like /v/ and Zig Forums. You'll find overlap, but it would take a concerted effort to get more into it.
Push for more, invite anons to learn, set up a digital classroom if it bothers you.
at the moment H.P. Lovecrafts Eldritch Tales: A Miscellany of the macabre
it has some amusing descriptions of niggers
Of course here's the obligatory poem.
He acted normal, once, and became the life of the party. He was invited by some of his story buds but refused to drink. They spiked his punch without him knowing and he suddenly blossomed, startling everyone in a pleasant way.
What a strange soul.
See you around I guess.
Nice datamining (((OP)))
I'm currently reading Narciccus and Goldmund by Hermann Hesse.
OP copied his pic from /lit/ btw.
What's the open book in the background?
Did something happen with the turkroach and his merry band of kikes?
The big tome of Liber Nova; the Red Book. Say what you will about Jung, but he pisses off kikes to this day. The salvageable parts of psychiatry/psychoanalysis were born from his work, and corroborated by Campbell in my opinion.
The Red Book is his Gothic manuscript dream journal. A work of art, both amateurish and surprisingly detailed. He more or less emulated schizophrenia for fourty years to study what imagery his mind produced. One of the people that recognized Hitler's rise as something spiritually charge, a Wild Hunt of energy.
May have had affairs with his patients. There are many stories good and bad, but he's no kike, and became Freud's enemy.
Also 100% prophesied KEK, I shit you not.
It's good, but needs a shitload of stuff for context, like Goethe's Faust, which I'm finding hard to get hold of and can't find a good audiobook at all. I'd recommend anything by Joseph Campbell or Jung's academic works before his esoteric mess here or in the Black books.
just list the fucking books you have an read, and don't let your vanity make you boast to your own disadvantage.
I agree that it's probably datamining, due to the lack of timestamp and other suspiciousness. But given that the image showed up in /r9k/, it's possible that OP is, in fact, really that much of a faggot.
fuck me, thank you.
suffering from sudden retardation, it seems.
Fuck it why not
I'm glad someone else appreciated those star wars-flavored MASH-ripoffs. They were fun to read.
ETIDORHPA! Gilded age occult inner earth sci-fi, groovy.
Satire about space vampires killing the cattle people with poisons, the IFBB will solve this. I am not interviewing primary sources and it is not based on reality.
Volksgeist, Blood Resonance: Why niggers give bad vibes
Normie friendly not-pi-holes
Self improvement and writefag threads soon. Perhaps they realized they were losing a lot of users and someone gave the mods a good talk.