Fuck Jim Carrey
This is what winning looks like
Blonde White Women In Wheat Fields
Viral ‘grad with rifle’ image continues to cause a stir
It's definitely time to put jimmy on suicide watch. Anyone have any anti-kike mask memes?
No. Winning would be for her to skip college and work on her fifth white child. Straighten out your priorities.
American graduation culture is laughable, guns or no guns.
What was her score though?
Stay away from anything they're involved in. Bunch of mutts and muds.
Found the mud
How fat are you?
oathcucks are a bunch of cucks, faggot
No, this is what propaganda tailored to appeal to young conservative men looks like.
Pornography. The fingerprints of the kike are all over it. As if a "based" gun-carrying conservative woman would be dressed like that.
Are you really this gullible?
Then she takes off the Moonbump, puts back on her miniskirt, collects her fee for what she describes to her friends with outlandishly colored hair as:
Kent State shooting vitcims:
Nice try, Shlomo, but we caught you by the nose again.
TORfag is correct. Notice how OP only posted the photo that didn't show her facial structure or her kiked tweets.
When I was young our schools had rifle teams and the women's team made it to nationals. Younger generations are such pussies.
Its not the younger generations' faults at all. We had race traitors, feminist cunts, and emasculated faggot hippies to raise us. It's your generations fault bud. Thanks for the world we inherited. Guess we'll just have to fix it ourselves.
Bullshit, women stayed in the kitchen during that time period
You mean (((YIPPIES)))
Another useless, Contrarian post from the Torposting glownigger.
What do the Kikes really seek to gain from a more Pro-Gun culture?
Boomer posting at it's fucking Finest. Guess who got us into this mess?
Attention whore whoring confirmed
It would only make sense if the attention-thot's graduation ceremony is a mutt free zone where she's unlikely to get jumped from behind. I support her exercising her rights, but personally would stack concealed firepower instead even a smoke grenade.
Women only ever do this shit for attention. If she wasn't she'd be on a homestead rearing children for her man, not seeking e-celeb status on (((social media))).
She has amazing hair. Top tier wife material.
Peterson foster child detected. If you had a daddy he could tell you user is correct.
Carrying rifles to school & shooting clubs were common, but school shootings were not.
Into the trash (((you))) go.
How do you know it's loaded? You can see no rounds anywhere.
Oh, like the other one;
Into the trash (((you))) go.
We had a debate about these pictures in our Britbong politics class.
The single thing that stood out the most to me, other than the regular clueless, braindead bullshit ("THAT IS NOT A RIFLE, THAT IS AN ASSAULT WEAPON THAT HAS MORE POWER THAN A RIFLE!!!") was when discussing the sign.
The first point made was "Would she actually be willing to shoot anyone coming to take it?", which was a valid question.
However, after that, it was said that "It'd better for these women to simply face the emotional trauma of these crimes instead of the trauma gained from shooting a person, like in a mugging."
At this point I thought he'd go back on the statement, or make some sort of clarification.
I stayed mostly cool on the exterior, but Jesus fucking Christ my soul was livid.
TORniggers go into the trash. Just like (((them))) >>11597734
So the people you were talking with said it would be easier for her to accept a rape than to shoot the nigger attempting to rape her?
user please, my blood pressure is already at dangerous levels.
Women need to have children not parade around like another (((Lauren Southern))), notice how alt right women always complain about white genocide but they remain single into their 40s like Ann Coulter.
It was our teacher.
Better yet, when he said it the two women in the class winced, yet I heard them talking to each other for a few minutes after, convincing themselves that he was right.
That is totally 100% the woman's fault Shlomo, I agree. In no part is it the betacuck "men" around her fault's for being complete kike owned faggots.
Nice D&C attempt though.
I mean beside the fact that it's obvious.
And the fact that (((you're))) filtered.
(((You))) did get a (you) though. So there's that!
Nogunz pussies like you need the rope then a bullet.
>here goys! a pretty (((white))) girl for ya! don't pay attention to the leash!
So she is just doing it for attention.
Sure is reddit in this thread.
Quick! Where did I say anything antigun?
This is why I wont go to college. I would not stay quiet if something like this was said, I'd inevitably piss off my teachers and fail anyway.
kek 8ch is so slow to these things. Fuck this conservacuck t h o t and her mulatto jew looking boyfriend.
Zig Forums has truly become nigger faggots. I can't believe you niggers believe this bullshit every time a non-fat woman says something edgy to get on TV. This is Candace Owens 2.0. She even has a black boyfriend.
There is going to be a huge wave of 20 something year old semi-attractive women saying edgy shit now that Tomi Lahren, Candace Owens, and this bitch have a job.
Notice there isn't a single pic of her AT her graduation with the gun? This is completely staged bullshit. It's illegal to carry a firearm into a place that holds 500+ people, like a football stadium where every graduation is held.
She staged this picture for twitter, put the gun in the car, and went to graduation.
Article is a total lie.
Beat me to it.
That said, the responses to that tweet, to any of her tweets, are incredible.
If ever I start to forget how much I hate our opposition, all I need do is check this woman's twitter posts and I am quickly reminded that catlady T H O T s deserve the rope along with the kikes.
He could just be French.
Women, as a general rule, are a better shot. But aren't hunters or snipers due to the other physical abilities necessary to be those.
Your country is fucked. Burn it all and start over.
I had a roommate who got kicked out of class for not accepting his teacher tossing his MAGA hat in the trash. He used logic, she told him to leave, and she was gone for the rest of the semester.
Tbf Coulter had a muslim "boy"friend. Microchimaerism rendered her lost genetic potential ever since.
Yup. I wouldn't last a day in college. No way I'd take that sitting down.
Why are torposts almost always utter shit?
hey mods, this is what a quality thread looks like.
They're both trannies.
Mmmm possibly. Looks like some German-Anglo mixes I know though.
going to check that check.
Holy shit that's absolutely disgusting.
Well, maybe she saw her father caressing the niggers' feet and wondered what else could be rubbed. Two fucking mulatto children, and he never honor-killed her.
Shieeet we playing hunger games now
All the best people of your country, the ones who will stand up for themselves, they came to America. Britain experienced an alpha-drain, and now you're just slaves.
ha, I get it
Sometimes I wonder if the British even have souls. They're so subservient and obedient to their social superiors and now it's practically 1984 there.
Conservacucks are the goodest goys.
Imagine how that warps a child's mind to see their father, who is supposed to be their male role model, worshiping niggers. All forms of niggerball are a blight on this country and our race.
Have to machine gun them all though.
thanks user … thats all we need to see
so jim doesnt get enough attention and someone in media decides to stir things up for him
OK we agree its very sketchy, but the only important question remains, how do jews benefit? Normies arent smart like us, every redneck in america is drooling over her right now.again, how does this benefit the Jew? Do they think death counts will rise with more guns around? Im sorry, but little emofag jimmy wont have the balls to try to shoot up the school if all the good ol boys are carrying heat. There has to be another angle here, but what? Only one i can see is they want civil war since ww3 is failing?
fuck off learningchode
Does it have to be EVERY time? Do we have enough gas?
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that she left me after I got hurt and couldn't work for nine months and all my money/free car rides/nice apartment dried up
"B…but…she's not a practicing jew, and she's got and cool as hell." - Me, justifying dating a kikette
This bad bitch would shoot half the faggots in this thread hahaha.
>It's legal to carry an M4? onto campus grounds
I'm all for the second amendment but that seems a bit too relaxed honestly.
It's not a fucking guideline. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
That question was already answered.
Guess how I know you're a conservacuck.
Well, yeah but it seems more applicable for small guns surely? Might just be my britbong speaking but it doesn't sound like a totally amazing or very enjoyable experience to see people walking around with an ak47 on their back.
She was a student until she received her diploma. The school is noguns. Now she's an alumnus and the policy doesn't apply.
TORniggers can't into basic elementary school logic.
Those are semi-automatic sporting rifles you nigger. Kikes make them taboo by acting like they're magically more dangerous than any other firearm. Reality check; on average more people are beat to death with hands and feet each year than are killed with ANY type of rifle in the U.S. You don't support shit other than gun control.
Hello Shlomo
Well allow me to explain: the US is still over 60% white, and those ARs not AKs. If we were 90% mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckers and Mohinders like the UK I wouldn't enjoy seeing people armed with AKs either.
Get the fuck out of here, woman.
Why can't (((they))) all just shut the fuck up.
Nobody want's to hear what these dumb shits have to say, yet they are so full of them selves that they think so… fucking retardads never even finished high school, spent their lives reading lines… and that's it.. so they think they know shit about well anything… they all live sheltered from society too and know nothing about life or anything other than reading fucking lines from a script. I hate them so much
I'm all for the 2nd amendment and rifles shouldn't be banned but carrying a rifle for defense is retarded.
Fuck off, kike.
eww I guess it was a reason for her taking that picture from behind…. still though has nothing to do with the case
Nigger can you read? I said carrying an m4 is stupid, I didn't say it should be illegal. Can you be this stupid? If a shooter showed up and saw someone carrying a rifle on their back they would be the first person dead. Why do you think people carry concealed weapons?
Jesus Christ Zig Forums has become shit.
Then your post is even dumber than I thought it was before I stopped reading. Why would you chime in with something irrelevant to the subject of discussion? Don't answer that. Kill yourself instead.
Only when not being carried at low or high ready and without secondary back up.
If they pulled it off, would she die?
I told you so.
Attention thot confirmed.
Also note she is "sorry" she can't wed other men.
That is woman speak for DM me behind his back, and I'll see if you're worth it.
Can't believe there is people here that disagree with such an obviousness, they also don't argument why you're wrong they just they "you should go to a trash bin hur dur I'm such a troll".
it would be extremely painful
You're a dubs guy.
to you
What are you talking about nigger?? How does her being a kike puppet affect a normies perspective of her if they dont know? Its pointless to argue about our perspective on it we need to look at it thru the eyes of the kike and normie to understand what the purpose is and counter it properly. This is why shit.doesnt get done around here anymore. Everyone lets the shills get them arguing. Were supoosed to have a Just the Facts additude. If its a fact shes a puppet, so be it. Normies dont know, thats a fact. And because they dont know, they think shes on their side. So again, how does pro gun support strenthen the position of the jew? I thought of an alternative, but its grim. Large amounts of sleeper agent type plants for one huge false flag…
Oh you're one of those.
Torposters can be pure cancer.
That one is particularly rancid, as he tries to hide his cowardice behind a veneer of more-1488-than-thou edgelord sperginess.
Check almost any thread on the first page, you'll find his trademark six zero ID and ad hominems everywhere.
You answered nothing you pretentious fuck. Why would the kikes want a puppet that preaches against their current stance? Im not questioning her being a puppet im trying to see how it benefits them, so we can counter it without looking like hypocrites who are now anti gun. Think long game shithead. Otherwise there is 9gag for people like you who just want reactions and have nothing of value to say…
You can't be this retarded.
Have to make sure the goyim know who their greatest allies are, and to fight against a white government that is jew-wise.
Good from far. Far from good.