This is it. Apparently, that leak to the NYT to get ahead of the story was the turning the point.
Trump Takes Off the Gloves: Orders Official Investigation of Obama/FBI for Spying on Trump Campaign
Other urls found in this thread:
Is it happening?
Honestly, I would love to see this stuff happen but it has been nothing but bluster so far. Maybe we will see some movement on it now but I am not going to hold my breath.
Cool so now we see if Trump was put in to publicly openly declare martial law and begin America's slide to fascism or if he's part of the civilian Intelligence agencies working to take down these faggots.
yes the tweets are happening … all next week … many tweets.
these tweets are gonna be huge, look how many followers I have
A scaffold should've been built on the eastern portico of the capitol on the very first day of his presidency.
Trump says he's going after the swamp creatures now huh? I'll fucking believe it when I see them hang.
It's only happening when jewish names enter the docket
Less celeb politics bullshit and more airstriking borderjumpers
immediate blackpilling in this thread, shills are butt blasted
His entire Presidency has been one of defending himself against the DEEP STATE
Or they blackmailed him and made him bow to ZOG while putting on the appearance of resistance. A distraction while the jewish march of tyranny continues unabated.
hahahaha die jew
To be fair, most Zig Forumsacks did warn that putting a nigger in charge would lead to a banana republic.
Inb4 convicted of treason but sentence commuted.
I've actually bought into the QANON shit recently. I believe Jeff Sessions will act soon.
eat shit, kike, you're not going to be able to spin this
I'm not spinning it, I'm offering an alternative explanation. Donald is the most zionist president ever, I am not holding my breath for any actual "Drain The Swamp" action.
the fact the Deep State tried so hard to remove him and is still doing so indicates your premise is total and complete horse shit
It's been fun watching his twitter account act all surprised and only now is it clear enough to publicly announce what has been in the works for years Most have seen this coming for a while now, some of us have been real smug about it.
Yeah, you can tell whenever he's feigning surprise in his tweets. I'm not expecting much, but I like that the tweet already has 45k replies in 3 hours. Lots of kvetching already.
The last "people" I'd let near my campaign are the academic "elite". Greasy fucking traitors, the lot of them!
Fuck off.
I imagine all the good stuff will start happening near the election(s).
should have just assumed, but there it is…again….always.
Fuck yes.
King nigger and his niggerlings going down
The best part is how he already knows the answer. He wouldn't be asking the question if he didn't expect the right results prior to either the mid-terms or the 2020 election.
Too early to tell, but it seems to be happening, yes.
Damn it. Off by two. Rolling again.
Okay, guess not.
Yes, though
That and giving jews everything they want.
Has anything happened regarding Hillary's email scandal? Talk is cheap these people need to start doing.
Trump and his cadre knew all about him. There are obviously powerful factions at war right now and the juden were painfully unprepared for it.
heil yea checked.
the no-no's we know about are likely what they'll be/have been pursuing
I wait for answers instead of symbolic 150 character tweets and Im the jew … nah man, you are the one that wants us to confuse sorcery with actual happenings
you are the jew
im the one that is not staisfied yet … my thrist will only be quenched with the punishment of traitors and tyrants aka liberals
I need more than tweets , i need California , progressives and the democratic party to suffer for 1000 years
you are the jew or the idiot
just fucking wait mate , dont celebrate yet
You kikeshills are as desperate as you are pathetic.
I support this sentiment, if not that awful leddit spacing.
I see no indication to suggest any of these bullshit 'investigations' will lead to anyone of import being imprisoned or punished in any meaningful sense, and I don't really care that the Marxist faction of Jewry that was in power was spying on the Zionist faction of Jewry trying to gain power for themselves.
This shit is just bread and circus for the plebs, to keep you distracted from the fact that he hasn't done a fucking thing for his 95% White base in terms of meaningfully altering the demographic displacement transpiring right now which will ensure that in future elections his current base is rendered powerless.
You are literally shilling for kikes with that post.
fuck you , that spacing directly correlates to separation of points
You are literally proving you need to kill yourself with that post.
Do you have the two images from the twitter post saved?
Oh, look, gore to put off normalfags from seeing points in a thread which has turned against your narrative.
What a surprise and totally not a shill tactic.
You're an obvious actor on behalf of the Zionist Jews which Trump serves, and I have only this to say to you:
Zion will burn, Jew.
Strategy 13 Beat the Grass to Startle the Snake
You are now wondering if this is a bot.
You have no place here, plebbit. I wonder how many miserable failures, both here and in your 'life', you can endure before you kill yourself.
Not many I'm guessing.
that post was much better than your post
I guess in contrast you'd need to kill yourself then burn in hell to make up
are you jewish?
Wew, yeah man, really gotta beat that grass to startle those snakes so you can identify them - otherwise, how would you know they were your enemies!?
Yep, that's a bot alright.
so you are satanic and support jew enslavement of goyium
A bot that can point out how you are too retarded to use this site's most basic of functions correctly.
It would seem that you are too stupid to succesfully kill yourself, little kikeshill. But that shouldn't stop you from trying. I know you can do it eventually.
Yep, its a bot, a pretty intricate one too. Gotta be Israeli-derived.
I'm curious; do they give you shareblue cucks a quota on "hurr durr drumpf iz a jooooooooooo!!!" posts, or are you just such a purebred nigger you're too stupid to realize only the most fucking retarded pothead Zig Forums would believe your D&C faggotry? Based on your poor English nigger DNA kek and heavy reliance on copy-paste, I believe it's the latter.
doesnt the gore also kind of bring attention to it? At this point its all just colors and once its recognized as a tatic … thats when your point is made for you
back to the topic … we want trump to stop tweeting, we need to put some fire under him to start acting
Kill them, Donald.
Kill them all.
The opposite generally happens. Let's just hope this time ends up different.
You aren't convincing anyone kikeshill. You will fail. In fact you are already failing. It is the only thing you ever do. Until the second you put a high velocity slug through your deseased and degenerate brain.
Preferably you should paint the walls with the contents of your fractured skull while your parents are watching. That way they will know firsthand that their faggot son is finally dead.
Do you need more encouragement to kill yourself you pathetic heeb?
I will give you as much as necessary. Cause I'm a good guy like that.
yea but ur wrong
failing at what … you are not even making a point?
damn man you are just going on with disgusting shit … why are you even in this thread?
his point was that trump is just talking not acting? Do you have a counter point?
Holy shit, the shills hit this one hard. Reminder that the filter ID+ feature forces Rabbi's little darlings to hop IPs before they can keep shitting up a thread. In this thread, for example, it only takes maybe two ID+ filters to restore it.
Please do not respond to shills. Your response rate is the only metric JIDF has for how it pays bonuses.
Fucking pajeets working hand in shitstained hand with leftyfaggots to bring down our bastion of priviledge.
>content of Zig Forums can be very offensive and disturbing
Top kek.
Toppest of keks.
I wonder how that is working out for them.
Wew the kikes really hate this thread.
These Israeli-bots aren't as quality as they could be tbh. They need to work on their keyword recognition.
Not really - its all repetition gore. Any long-time user has seen all those images and worse, so its just noise. To a normalfag though, gore is unpleasant and they aren't conditioned to it, so they'll avoid where possible.
Agreed, but saying anything of the sort is basically what draws these admin/Israel shills out of the woodwork.
They don't want any suggestion of such, they just want sycophantic adoration, and any resistance to that gets drowning in shillposts or banned by the mods if that should fail.
Like this faggot:
I mean, look at this shit.
Its just straight-up "anyone who says things critical is a shill and you need to filter them so you cant see their words and please please please don't engage them in conversation go- er guys".
Its fucking ridiculous.
To the aforementioned faggot and the other botshill above:
Trump is in bed with Zionist/Israeli Jews. Prove me wrong.
You can't.
Now watch them squirm and shitpost because that's all they've got.
6 in 10 to give Israel 8 years, buffalo queers.
They don't though, the Israelis love this shit.
Or are Israelis not Jews in your mind?
Lets find out. Yes or no answers only.
[spoilers]Shills hate yes or no questions.[/spoiler]
Something tells me the Israelis are not super-keen on the ol' Mueller investigation, pleb-circus-shitshow though it may be.
Hahaha you are become more retarded by the post.
I guess I was wrong, you aren't from plebbit, you're from cuckchan. Sorry cuck, no niggerdicks for you here you'll have to go somehwere else for that.
Unless you're here to get off on being humiliated repeatedly over the internet, huh cuck?
Oh, well shit, how bout that… I wonder which 'social media' outlets they target…
I really gotta learn how to code, these things are getting advanced and I want in the on game.
it's the Log Won't Arrest Dog faggot, yeah, they're butt hurt right now
meant for:
if you think anyone is going to buy some retarded narrative about muh Based Mueller, you need to put a shotgun in your mouth right now, no one is this fucking stupid
I demand
that you immediately stop
shitting up threads
with this multi-response style. It's fucking irritating. Just pop in, call someone a kike like everybody else, then fuck off and get the white wife pregnant. It's not difficult, user.
he's a shill, he had like 100 posts in the thread about the IG report including criminal referrals
HRC said herself that she and her criminal syndicate would be hanging from nooses if Trump became president. Tick tock, let the prophesy be realised.
11.11 user
I have no idea what the fuck you're on about. Explain yourself.
Oh, you're one of the shills. I see.
You have no power here you Zionist nigger.
I demand
that you immediately make
a fucking argument
that isn't empty ad hom.
Now answer the fucking questions above and/or disprove my statement about Trump and Israel above, or shut the fuck up, you worthless Jew.
Zionism is poison and you have no argument.
same garbage recycled from the other thread, you're fucking transparent
When will there be Trials?
This is going to happen sooner or later, when it all falls a part. But it was not very strategic shitposting this right now maybe, we'll see. The investigation is over september 1st, after that it's going to happen shit. Heads are going to roll
you embarrass yourself by going so far out of your way to misunderstand. seek euthanasia
Trump and Nunes have been bitching for months and still nothing is done.
America's Berlusconi
As far as I can figure, the West is being fought over by two factions of Jews, Zionists who may have done 9/11 and want us to fight for Israel and Internationalists that want to swamp us with Africans to destroy us and our sovereignty. I think Trump is definitely on team Zionist. Anyone else agree with this?
We already know (not assume, but have proof of) exactly that by way of the Strozk (sp?) texts.
Fuck off with your D&C meme shit. If you aren't a kike you need to drop *pill that isn't red or blue.
Fuck off, kike
You're fucking new hear if you can't see how (((blackpill))) (((brownpill))) (((whitepill))) (((purplepill))) are D&C to rip apart one, if not the; strongest meme to describe the entire world.
that's ridiculous, trump watched 9/11 happen in person - he'd not side with the zionists. he's also not a globalist, he's on team america - everyone has their shot at glory, and he'll destroy every last one of em who tries
here's your counter bump for your derailing
Hey faggot, thanks for letting everyone know how assblasted you are again. So autistic you have to respond to every post.
You're not worthy of an argumemt you lying kike. Suck a shotgun, you will get better results that way.
Subhuman detected
Filtered on ID b6f765 and now (((your))) new (1) is here just as kvetching as before.
Oh lawd a typo.
This is an example of an actually shit post. It dwells in the unknown region between shilling, retardation, autism and shitposting.
Don't be the person who shits themselves in the middle of a crowd.
See this poster.>>11598282
Compared to this poster
Everybody with enough brainpower to properly construct a sentence recognizes that Donald Trump has not committed a single antisemitic act in his life and his presidency is currently EXTREMELY pro jewish.
>Filtered on ID b6f765 and now (((your))) new (1) is here just as kvetching as before.
I'm the OP you fucking faggot and I haven't changed IDs. This shill sure is booty blasted.