Schools and Authorities do nothing to stop it
Mob of feral Africans terrorize Las Vegas neighborhood
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killing niggers isn't irrational.
You can thank liberals for women not being able to walk around safely anymore.
Nevada is deep red and a shall issue state.
Post a webm please
Reminder to remind people Teens = Niggers
Thank you user.
dont they have open carry there ??? why are they not just shooting when their "life is in danger"
deep red with tons of mexicans and no christians … its read like neo cons are conservatives
its not red culturally … it just really into capitalism so they rather have "free" markets than any kind of communism
Not anymore, we swung blue last election. There has been a mass migration of Californians and Blacks from falling cities in the past 5 years.
A couple months ago i was in a7/11 and people were rattling off the cities they just moved from, Baltimore Chicago L.A. Funny enough i actually live in a nice area, i can't imagine what's going on in north town.
One thing i have noticed is an influx of low income apartments interwoven in the nicer areas of town. I put money that neighborhood is right betweenr the school and some apartments. Methinks this is by design.
Stupid fucking faggot with his NFL hat on backwards seemed to have stood by as wife was getting beat by wilding nig she teens.
Who the fuck take cell movies while your neighbor is getting beaten?
Post the phrase HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG on your faceburg and watch as zog rains down on you.
You know you can have guns in Nevada right? You know you can have really big and fast pew pew pew guns in Nevada right?
Gun the fuckers down when they grab rocks and throw them. Not a god damned jury in Nevada is going to convict you for turning a bunch of rabid monkeys using deadly force into ketchup. It is literally self defense if someone is assaulting you WITH ROCKS.
Stop LETTING THEM ASSAULT YOU. Stand up and face the bullshit charges they always level and tell them to fuck off. The jews have a stranglehold over most of our people because they fear legal repercussions for bullshit that wouldn't invite any repercussions if people stuck by their guns (pun intended).
It is the entire premise behind the castle doctrine. Your personal space IS your home.
This is bullshit. What the fuck is wrong with people? 60 fucking monkeys? Lay out the first line and the rest will scatter if you let them.
and no FBI I'm not advocating just running around randomly gunning down and murdering an ork horde, simply saying if you cunts can't/won't protect people from PHYSICAL ASSAULT they should be allowed to without getting your cock in their asses for it
They voted for fucking HILLARY during the elections, you stupid nigger. Next you'll tell me Massachusetts is a red state.
If they had the cocksuckers in cuffs the police should have been doing something. It isn't up to the fucking school. What in the fuck?
The fact he he's still a fan after everything is proof he's a cuck and probably got off on his wife getting nigged on. The absolute and current state of American white "men".
Fred Durst there did nothing right.
fuck off jew
Because the courts and prisons are not designed to hold every nigger that chimps. They are built to keep the outlier whites away from the rest, not hold your average black.
Time to go full Paddock then. Cleanse the streets of the feral negro beast or shut up and take your raping, robbing and murder like a good cuck.
Nice try Kike. your post just shows what a fucking impotent cuck you are. After your done sucking the cum out of your girlfriends ass after Tyrone blows his load in her-Go Sho'ah yourself. Little fucks like you don't even have the balls to look Tyrone in the eye on the street let alone stand up for your self or your "Whyte" women when attacked.
Well of course not, expecting blacks to obey the law or act like human being is rayciss.
Generations of telling whites from the time they are little and don't understand the world that niggers are humans.
Generations of force feeding these children nigger "music", "culture" and "fashion" (subhuman alternatives to their true form).
Generations of telling niggers that they are owed something. That white humans are magical oppressors that keep animals from ascending.
No shit we are finally seeing the water rise as the pot boils, and no shit that we are seeing whites reluctant to take action.
We aren't the first generation of brain washed. (((They))) have widdled our common sense down to a state of confusion where a white person seeing a group of these animals attacking is trying to relate the incident to human terms and looking for civilised and human solutions. Little do our people fully grasp that this is more like a pack of wild dogs attacking than coherent humans with reasoning doing something. While the cuck with a ponytail records instead of defends at all costs, I argue that he is a symptom of familial generations of being told that these are other "people" simply acting out. It is not his fault, but he is going to be left with a choice. Embrace reality that is opposed to his brainwashing, harder for some than others, or eventually fade away confused. This is the choice our people will have to face, a mental evolution. Comprehend and reject literal programming since their grandparents/great-grandparents were children or fall victim as planned. Regardless, this isn't the ponytailed cuckold's fault entirely. Every white person has been exposed to the kike's poison, some are just more resilient. I truly believe that (((they))) overestimated how effective the programming has been and (((they))) are jumping the gun by selling their pets that genocide starts now.
Made me laff. Too bad it has to end this way, I'm an Europeon who's in love with the idea of Las Vegas, and Nevada in general, a massive cowboy esque desert to fuck around in. Must've been nice for a ride.
No one is going to do anything about it other than complain.
You idiots don't get it do you? niggers do this because they can get away with it he even says it on the video… Jesus man you "white" burgers are cucked beyond salvation.
You want something done? DO IT YOURSELF!
Smug anime girl says it all.
Seems organic
We already know that you're all low-iq communists that support the destruction of white lives and countries, you don't have to remind people.
Its just part and parcel of living in a big city.
When was the last time you got off your basement you incel?
The Boondocks are funny and so is your post too.
You still have your problem.
Not really, commies are just as retarded as you Zig Forumstards. Im just enjoying as this plays out, you guys are right about plenty of things however there is no unison and all your efforts are just going out in vain for as long as you dont get organized.
You guys have let the jews too deep into your country. 80% of your kids cant even get drafted to fight properly.
Fuck off jew
Yeah you wife won't be coming back after she leaves your faggoty ass.
Yeah funny.
Subversion requires at least a small amount of effort and intelligence.
One day we will get to write (you) on the rope that comes after such attempts.
You could have spoilered that shit you fucking nigger.
what are the self defense laws in NV? Here in GA some nigger tries to get in my car I can exerciser my right to self defense same goes for a horde beating your wife.
Apache War Party Date 1903
There was a reason early American settler hunted native americans down and killed them all.
I'll be here.
Yet you post gay shit.
Dont counter gay shit by posting gay shit, just tell the jew to get in an oven.
Fuck me, it wasn't even 20-30 grown male niggers (not that that makes it ok to stand there while they beat the shit out of your wife). It was little bigger children. Judging by the size of the guy, he could have been knocking out three at a time with each punch
Because they wanted their land and were infested with Manifest Destiny members?
And these JIDF fucks get pissed at me for getting sick of these cucked faggots not defending their wife.
wrong answer, feet first into the wood chipper you go
Dead niggers can mob people
Damn those nigger zombies.
Ya YT. A jury of your "peers" made up of all blacks and mexicans in (((their))) court surely wont convict you for shooting an unarmed "teen".
But in the end ZimZam was also a minority, no amount of media propaganda was ever going to change that.
Had it been a white man the results would have most likely been wholly different.
It was supposed to be this image, but w/e.
Because they were violent savages who kidnapped white girls to be taken as sex slaves and thought of robbery as a way of life. Far from the honorable, generous red people kike media has painted them as.
>>>Zig Forums
In other news, a pack of wiener dogs mauled some spic to death in oklahoma.
Anywhere outside Vegas and Reno is good. I live in Pahrump. No faggotry here.
It’s center right democrats, and spics. All the niggers in Los Vegas are transplants. In just 28 years they’ve been able to shit out enough monsters that it’s finally happening. It was already a violent, drug infested shithole (bum fights was filmed there) but it’ll be the niggers that officially run the roost within 12 years. Niggers are like a virus, and the way they infect a host is through those shitty tan colored low income apartment complexes.
Only Cernokike uses the word feral when describing nigs. Subhuman or savage is a better descriptive.
That's how you fix Nevada.
You mean the yids who founded Los Vegas, or the semi-cucked Italian/Sicilian "mafia" that refuses to compete with the truly teflon jewish mafia?
mob is satanist now … pushing drugs and steroids … they love the way nevada is … and jersey will being going the same way now with the new court rulling
his balls are cut off , and they get what they deserve … you think those people are republicans?
They voted for King Nigger and for Shillary, so they can reap what they sowed. Hope nogs burn that kike- and spic-infested, degenerate shithole of a city to the ground and themselves along with it.
Never stand between an idiot and consequences of his actions.
I hear prostitution is legal there.
Not in Vegas, but in a nearby county.
You know, I could see that meme with the left hand swapped. I.e., it looks like monkeys with CNN on, but, wouldn't you know, it's just niggers nigging without the CNN glasses.
Woudn't be happening if white people did the same thing right back
"muh prison"
wouldn't be that bad if whites were the supermajority and also engaged in mass violence.
I swear you cucks don't even deserve to bear arms.
Then what incentive is there for white men to behave at all? To surrender to police at all?
None. Take as many with you as you currently can.
The problem is, there's always someone who wants to put someone who harms the offender in jail. Self defense, especially shooting someone has to be done EXACTLY right otherwise you'll go to jail. It's disgusting.
Just shoot the niggers. How is this so hard to figure out?
That's wyoming
it takes more than a simple gun to ward of sixty niggers
it takes a flamethrower and/or explosives
Shorts and a baseball hat on any man over 20 is a sure sign of a cuck.
such a tease. here's the long version.
I've seen all the versions, but I only really care about Rina.
Asuka too, perhaps, but definitively to a lesser extent.
Rina could have been center for all eternity and I would have been fine with that, even when she was no longer center the best thing about watching their vids was catching sight of her.
When she left, I lost most interest I had for NZ46.
There isn't. Its just a factor of having enough firepower to be able to tell the government and their supporters to fuck off or else. Following the law and depending on blueniggers is a losing strategy.
AFFH + Section 8 put welfare blacks in all peaceful white communities.
shit this is a few fucking minutes away, lol i never heard anything about this. looks like someone is going to end up shooting a 12 year old over some dumb shit. 12 year olds reachin into cars and stoppin cars and shit, nah, that shit dont happen, people i know around there wouldnt hesitate to run over a little nig surrounded by a bunch of other little nigs attempting to block traffic . Cops out here wouldnt give a shit either unless they were in a fucking cross walk. then the driver might get cited, otherwise kids family is paying for damage to the car.
shit, my fuckin bro who lives kinda near there somehow heard some lil kid maybe in 8th grade getting jumped by a ton of lil niggers and fucking went ape shit, lil niggers scattered like fucking mexicans at the INS office.
Little niggers are just that ignorant lil fucks who have no clue what is goin on and simply throwing a few into traffic will make the rest scatter.
It happening in summerlin. A kike hold rich neighborhood of no guns faggots. I live here and have yet to see this nigger wave.
lel african street rackets for protection money in vegas
maybe I'm more used to the dangers of enrichment as an eurocuck but I don't leave my apartment without a knife and I can't even own a gun.
I believe you can get a concealed carry permit there. Not sure when you can shoot someone but if a nignog approaches me it's stand my ground time…
Even this lawyer says it's possible.
Nice try Tyrone, but your rambling sentence structure and inability to spell make you stick out like a nigger in a barrel of flour. Go back to your hood and rape a helpless raccoon digging through the trash on the street.
Are you fucking serious? It only takes one car backfiring to scatter the nigs.
One is plenty.
Can we just castrate niggers and not feed niggers already they would be gone in the USA in 1 generation. I mean humans castrate all the other animals why can't we do it with the porch monkeys wild feral pitbulls are safer animals to be around they at least listen when you are the only one feeding them.
Now they're just begging to be called brainless monkeys, aren't they?
Webms and mp4s, stop the )ewtubes
Move to an apartheid-walled community you dumb goy!
Bruh, I got me a 71 round drum of nog stoppers. That is eleven more bullets than I need.
Should've put a bullet in each one of them.
Not around Vegas…
I love the "something needs to be done, before someone does something irrational." Implying someone getting fed up and putting those nogs in the dirt when that should have been done from jump street
God damn the White Man and his patience.
This. Split a larger home into 2 or 3 apartments if you to or go innawoods.
This society, all western nations are so fucking cucked it's terminal.
Cuckservative retard detected. You should always defend yourself and other whites with lethal force. And never turn yourself in. There is no fair trial anywhere.