The Battle of the Staceys

I know not much attention is paid to Democratic primaries here, but there is a very interesting Democratic governor primary happening on Tuesday.
Stacey Abrams, Black Stacey, is a single (lol), black, politician who is every way embodies the entitled, sassy black woman stereotype. Since the (((new))) Democratic voterbase is majority minority, especially in Georgia, she has a pretty significant advantage over Stacey Evans.
Stacey Evans, White Stacey, is your standard white female liberal. Successful, married, pushing for a renewed focus on the working class, etc. Basically what any Democrat would be if our country wasn't 40% nonwhite.
I see this as an amazing D&C opportunity. Ultimately, our goal should be to get white liberals to abandon the Democrats. Full on racialization of the two parties is optimal. So yea, make some racist memes about either Stacey in order to get black liberals and white liberals to hate each others guts.

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Not a bad idea. This is definitely a stress point that can cause fractures.

Remember, in Democratic areas where they're running against themselves, the voting breakdown is 100% by race. Asians vote for asians, blacks vote for blacks, most whites who don't cuck out vote white. This fracture needs to be taken advantage of.

I can already see it, her entire campaign is

This is maybe a chance for them to eat each other.
But generally I try not to buy into these things, and I ignore them.

I know everytime the (((media))) forces focus on a particular candidate race it's likely been rigged or predetermined, with opposition sometimes paid to throw it.
The end result being they can produce optics in order to demoralize or act like cucked leftist stronk/wymn/nigger/tranny agenda is beating the ebil white males.

Prove it. Looks pretty kikey to me.

Making they fight against each other is one thing, electing exactly what leftists want, with the bias they want, is retarded. It needs a clever play with intelligence.
Attack both equally.

inb4 (((PRfags))) show up to be the "voice of reason" and say D&C tactics in any loose basis is inherently jewish, etc

Regardless of who wins, they lose.

Do it yourself stop being lazy bucko

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That's not how burden of proof works. She looks like a kike, has kike politics, and I'm just supposed to assume she's white? Kill yourself, bucko.

Black Stacy is a jiggajew

Female "leaders" can never win actual democratic elections, they thrive only in oligarchic gynocracies. That's why there are so many female mayors now.

It's going to be a disaster for them either way. I can't wait.

How about a ying yang with both them in it, talk about good and evil.

I'd rather the white woman wins, regardless of what side shes on.
blue dog democrats are a rare thing and are not our enemies.

Bonus points if we can get Stacey Nig to Call Stacey Kike a "fucking Jew" before the election.

God help us, what if she's even less cucky than the republican she'll end up going against?

you are fucking doing this all wrong. We have to sabotage

1)Support the black woman fully with positive memes
2)completely harass the white womans voter base
3)investigate and share information about white woman using jentrification and jerry mandering to win the election
4)completely get all other minorities against white woman by making LGBT and immigrant topics something to attack the white woman and praise the black woman

-black woman wins election
-atlanta ruined
-democratic party seen as failure and unequal for whites
-white democrats become white republicans

if you let the white woman win youll just keep the white base they have supporting them

there are actually rich white people that still think liberal values are good, they lose those people they lose alot of money

fuck you jordan peterson

A pronounced gap between the front teeth is an indicator of maternal syphilis.

Attached: Syph_Teeth.png (720x555 236.57 KB, 46.31K)

>a (((white))) woman versus an African woman

no her entire campaign is
-feed the needy (black people)
-improve the schools (black people)

Its going to be robin hood … and if she can win a debate it might work depending on how atlanta is going right now (robbing for the hood???)

now this is something this board can get behind … i would also accept "these/those people" while indicating its directed at the candidate

ok here we go … memes for both sides

"stacy is against poverty"

"are those people against poverty"

"stacy is against youth violence"

"these people encourage it"

Full court press on their white shitlib front women. "How can whites represent the party of color!"
Remove them and their overall IQ goes down the toilet.

So what we have here is a race between 2 women promising who can get whitey to pay more for niggers?


I agree that it would be best for us if Black Stacey wins. I think she is going to win anyways because Georgia has so many black people. Also, she will probably lose the race for governor so it doesn't really matter in the end.

Some ad with the text overlay "85% of Georgia's Politicians are White. It's Our Turn to Lead. Vote Stacey Abrams"

could be pretty effective

>(((white stacey)))
Eat shit.

[citation needed]

Look at the fucking illustration in pic 2, you goddamn bucktoothed retard.

Kekd m8, that is one kikey-ass nose.

You identified exactly how to fracture the party to no end. The race card works both ways. It has been tried and was moderately successful when blacks were reminded that the latinos were breeding for their gibs. Niggers got pissy. Since everything is under the Democrat "umbrella" that's the only way they can win elections. It's almost as if some racial leaders need to work within their own communities and accidentally force a few more fractures.

If I were a retard I might trust your unsourced picture as gullibly as you.

And that article refers to Hutchinson's teeth, which are characterised by short teeth with notched biting surfaces that are narrower at their end than base. You might know know that if you had bothered to read before spouting off.

No, every tooth gap does not indicate congenital syphilis,

Attached: f9d8d64f3d7e7caa6266581c8a21c4ba.jpg (354x270, 16.12K)

What the fuck happens to their teeth? Do they restructure to be sharp and jagged?


Nigresses and cholas HATE white women for being white while claiming victimhood. The resentment is barely hidden and it's a great opportunity to not only get white women to abandon the left but white men who'll white knight for them
Every effort needs to be made to get the sheboon attacking the white's privilege and supremacy

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Literally the opposite of burden of proof retard. You're the one making the claim, back it up or shut up

I didn't make a claim, I made an observation, dumbass.

What observation? You just said she looks like a kike and is a leftist. You're the one telling him to prove a negative (She is NOT white).

How is "she's white" a negative, you fucking illiterate?

White women love Trump.

You're making him prove that she's NOT white, how fucking stupid are you? Burden of proof is on you making the kike claim. I don't know how much clearer I can be, do I need action figures to act it out for you?

Not a Jew I mean

Absolutely not. You're a confirmed illiterate nigger. I asked for proof of a positive claim: the claim that she's white. Kill yourself, cotton picker.

lol niggers are mad

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(I'm in Georgia)
Black Stacey has no chance. She's a total joke.

The governor commercials have been playing nonstop lately, and hers starts with "Don't believe what the smear ads say about Stacey" – but the other ads don't actually smear her or mention her at all. The democrat strategy is a massive failure.

The other candidates are redneck conservatives and their ads are competing for being the most politically in-correct, talking about rounding up illegals in their trucks. She isn't mentioned at all. She's a total nothing. She might take the niggers in Atlanta, but the entire rest of the state is looking at a race between the Trumpian conservatives.

Maaaaybe somehow the conservative candidates split the vote or something– or maybe there'll be massive fraud (not unlikely considering Niglanta)– but for the most part she's a nothing.

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Ah I wasn't even thinking about how it's the party primaries, because of the way the ads have been going so hard. My vote split scenario was talking out of my ass.

Still Democrats have no chance at all– their strategy is to whine about how black kids are doing bad in schools. They really have nothing.

On the other hand, Republican candidates are literally talking about "rounding up the illegals in my truck and bringing them back to Mexico".

(polite sage for doublepost)

No fucking shit, Dr. Scholl. I never suggested your snaggly teeth – which you are bizarrely defensive about – were a sign your mother was a whore. Though she clearly was, which is where your nigger DNA comes from

Not all cases of congenital syphilis result in the crepuscular teeth; sometimes there's just a gap. Go fuck yourself with your mother's syphilitic sex toys, faggot.

What the fuck happens to their teeth? Do they restructure to be sharp and jagged?

It's the result of a developmental delay. The tooth buds start as two, then grow together to produce a unified tooth. When they are slow to come together, they wind up sprouting points first, then growing together and finishing the tooth.

This is perfect.

This nigger is really, really mad. He should be encouraged.

Slightly over half, which is still impressive considering how impressionable women are.

Turns out the left is already doing our jobs for us. Abrams is a freedom rider, Evans is calling the cops on them.

Black Women vs White Women in the Democratic party is a fracture point a mile wide. Black women fucking hate white women. We just need for white women to realize how much they hate them. As white women become increasingly marginalized in the party, they will flock to the right.

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niggers aren't people user

We need to make memes that target the black since they're more gullible to social manipulation. Plus they hate white people anyway so it'l be easy to bait them into openly shouting "kill whitey". Getting white libs to hate nigs is like pulling teeth.

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Bumping because this is a good idea, and we need more threads without D&C bullshit on the first page.

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this tbh. The most important part of the culture war is the war of the womb. I hope you anons are endlessly redpilling women out there

These things are always fun.

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Bumping this because the Nog Stacy won the primary.

75% of the primary vote. Is the DNC in Georgia majority nog now?

There it is. Atlanta.

"Ms. Abrams has signaled that she is unlikely to spend much time pleading with rural whites to return to a Democratic Party that they have largely abandoned. She has embarked instead on a strategy of energizing a coalition of young and nonwhite Georgians who represent a growing share of the state’s population, an approach national Democrats are watching closely as they grapple with how to reclaim the presidency."
DNC is going full-on fuck whitey.

If anything, she scored lower than expected.

I think that's 75% for all of registered dems in Georgia, correct? I'm not sure if Georgia has open primaries or not.

We need all the Guam tip over candidates we can get.

Attached: Guam will Capsize and Tip Over into the ocean Hank Johnson.mp4 (640x360, 3.34M)

Bump for interest.

Anyone who doesn't want to gas the kikes is an enemy.

Nice virginpost dubs.

Genius–nice eyebleach from virginposts.