when will this ride ever end?
when will this ride ever end?
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The church isn't God. The catholic church did this to me. Never forget.
I would love to see someone getting the pope's private information and posting it here
His Holiness, Pope Francis
Apostolic Palace
00120 Vatican City
I general Lurk but you are a different kind of retard.
not that, like his financial records, etc..
Heretic pope.
credibility grab
No one burned any paper when picking Peter the Roman, the cardinals farted into the furnace.
Finally the confirmation we waited for, the pope is the anti-christ.
The way of god does not promote sexual misconduct.
Is this the big revolt that will make Catholics jump ship? Is Francis last pope according to the prophecy?
Sensationalized headline. Context notwithstanding, that quote is the official stance of the Catholic church at least since the 1970s, and is compatible with the theology of Aquinas.
2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.
2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.
2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.
he is not the pope he is a jesuit and is forbidden to be pope period ,he is a globalist jew rat subverting the might of catholicism put in place so it won't rightfully oppose multicultural invasion by shitskins which is part of the jew rat plan
>believing (((pol)))
I'll also bet that you're a nu-christian
Well he isn't technically wrong since the Pope is a Jesuit and worships the devil.
I would honestly not be surprised if the Pope was struck by lightning one of these days.
Hello, I'm from Cuckchan! of the papacy
But can he say why? If so will he be attacked and killed if he answers wrongly or cannot provide reasonable justification?
Maybe the Sherriffs department can explain the justification of judgement. The question soon to come however. Can they provide reason without meeting a fate they hadn't planned? Soon.
The (( (chriscucks)) ) are at it again
Checked dub dubs of blue darts
Explain this, papists
You don't want to be a poorly educated american living in a rural area do you, goy?
"Eyyy, dis a nice soul yoo got eeah. Be a shame if somethin' wuz ta happen to it.
Ya wanna talk to God? Dah big man? You gotta tru *me*. Oh an', ahhh…"
(shakes collection plate meaningfully)
Just another Italian Mafia.
>the (((italian))) mafia existed
That pic. LOL, if you read between the lines it's clear his (((education))) failed him in direct debate,
so he has to attack their "failure" to have learned cultural marxist, post modernist doctrine.
It's not that his arguments were poor, no, it's because *they* failed to have experienced the
same indoctrination that he did and his sophist gobbledygook had no power over them.
So ass-burned by this he had to go online in an attempt to correct the meta-record like any good little
SJW Robot in ideological free fall. Feigning a condescending good humor about the whole situation to
maintain an air of intellectual objectivity. And of course, in true SJW projection style, accuses *them*
of daring to believe they are the smartest person in the room at any given time (and they clearly just
hand-waved his calls-to-authority & name dropping as a failure to make a convincing case on his own).
Oh, and they do seem to be right about the Pope.
Funny how they didn't need his (((high quality education))) to figure that out.
Interesting, that clipboard image auto-loaded or I hit the wrong key somewhere.
Here's what I was putting together. Nice little jewbrag about their influence and history in China.
It was allegedly said in a "private conversation", whether or not that's true, it's seem suspicious that it was "leaked" to the media. If it's true, the Pope is mocking God. If I were a Catholic I would be questioning the Pope and Catholicism. Under any stone.
Try to not take it personally. This reality does have it's reasons, but if one gets bogged down in the muck and mire of will be hard to escape.
The usurper of the Church. The Church is not a place or building, it's within.
My only regret is that my local SSPX is going to be really packed now. They need a bigger place.
he is a Jesuit you faggot, all his jibs go to the black pope
The dago/spic hybrid is desperate for Shekels. Paying out all those pedo claims have put a damper on his finances. The guy is either the fucking devil or mentally ill. So probably secretly a jew.
The Church is not the clergy. It is the entire body of Christ represented by all of its members.
Death to this heretic Pope.
The Vatican follows the fagotry agenda, as it was prophesied in Daniel 11:37. The Jesuit Pope protects pedophilic rapists and operates gay brothels. 98% of the clergy are fags, the Jesuit Pope refuses to call fagotry a sin, he is totally 100% following the homosexual agenda. The Jesuit Pope is contra the Bible and the Word of God.
So, how does some random faggot get to talk to the pope?
Catholic church was comped in the 60's (Vatican II) just like every other country on the planet during this decade.
CAN WE MEME A SCHISM IN THE (((CATHOLIC))) "CHURCH"? Do we have the power to destroy the jews' most powerful puppet?
The U.S. military is the Jews biggest puppet you fucking Negroid Black tar Jude.
We can, but isn't this the job of Catholics? They have kicked out popes and elected anti-popes and waged war for Christ. It's their fault if they let their religion get killed from the inside out by marxist deviants.
christfaggotry is worthless
racist, white atheists and odinists will be battling Muslims in the streets for control of Europe in 10 years
There is already a schism. Check out SSPX. Promote them, not many people know about them, but I think they would grow immensely if more Catholics knew about them.
It's not. Neck yourself.
Hi, intl. Four years, buffalo queer. No one will ever believe you.
There already have been many schisms. Convert to Orthodoxy.
false prophet would be more appropriate.
>"But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them – bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping" (2 Peter NIV).
Popes deserve the cross.
He might actually have said something biblical on accident. It's not that sodomites were born that way, but given over to being degenerates for being terrible people.
Romans 1:
Some additional verses from the same chapter:
Just wondering how the combines the whole love thing with "they which commit such things are worthy of death" and why he has the audacity to go so blatantly against the Bible all the time.
Are we really that far gone that he doesn't even feel the need to be sneaky about being a false teacher?
So heretical as determined by the actual still faithful Catholics who refuse the determinations from Vatican II.
Hey Catholics…
How does it feel to know your pope is spitting on the graves of your ancestors and church leaders, by taking a sperm-laden shit all over their beliefs?
How does it feel?
According to the St. Malachy Prophecy, this is the last pope, the evil pope:
"In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep into many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people."
How he could be seen as "Peter the Roman" is questionable, but he's clearly leading the Church into sin and tribulation.
This is a thread for Zig Forums or /christ/ or /christpol/ - not Zig Forums
Obviously not good, because the church has been losing membership since Vatican II.
Isn't what the pope suggesting a hersey? Namely suggesting predetermination exists?
Good job.
FINALLY the Vatican has died :^)
Yes, through their actions they will be judged. To those who turn their back on temptation stand wide the gates of God.
That's true. But it's compatible with earlier teaching, including that of Church Doctors.
No. If you're born with a disability, it's because God made you that way. Here the Pope is assuming that homosexuality is an inborn disease, which is contentious, but comforting to those afflicted.
Ironically, this is the first time anyone has ever been right in saying "god" made a homosexual the way they are. Male homosexual behavior is the result of a fetish* which arises from being sexually abused in childhood. In this case, "god" in the form of the church is directly responsible for creating his homosexual desires.
* While I do believe male homosexuality is a fetish, I also believe there is enough evidence to suggest there is a genetic component. In this scenario, no one is "born gay" certain genotypes leave an individual more predisposed to accepting abuse and more likely to internalize the experience by fetishizing it. That's the only concept I know of that can explain why certain genetically determined features (facial structure, hair growth patterns, hand/finger physiology) are shared by homosexual men in a disproportianate manner to the general population, yet a large portion of homosexual men share none of these features.
'We haven't discovered the "gay gene" because it doesn't exist. It's merely a response to being abused as a child (not always in the form of direct sexual acts, emotional abuse can work too) with homosexuality being one of many possible outcomes. Genetics plays a large, but not 100% deterministic, role in which outcome is the end result of the abuse.
This shit should really be in >>>Zig Forums but I'll add my opinion to that matter. I think that Catholicism is heresy. You should try to find a non modified bible even if it is impossible.
Has anyone got the Martin Luther quote on the jews.
Just fucking lol at christians. How much more evidence do you need that you are practicing and antiwhite, jewish ideology
You mean it wasn't before when it helped the rothchilds get power and before that when it was the main agitator between dozens of countries throughout the medieval period?
We have an objection and by our Emperor powers we sentence you to death by quartering.
Yeah, blaming Christianity for what some random nonbeliever does sounds like a great idea. Especially when it goes straight against the Bible.
Are you also blaming right wing ideals for people like Milo or some other jewish rat playing pretend? Maybe you should just "lol" at them, faggot.
This fucking greatest goy pope is making everyone convert to Orthodox Christianity. Which is ok I guess
What do you mean, local? Millions of people live closer to me than the nearest SSPX =/
Wow, jewpope, just fucking wow.
Bring Benedict back, shitvatican
So he was groomed into a bitch?
And now they're attacking to priest who did so?
Or are they supporting his mental corruption?
I don't even.
Organised religion is stupid, period.
Jewish, Christian, Religion of Cuck™ic, pagan or otherwise.
A true wise person sees the universe itself as the temple.