CSS/Banner/Vol application thread
Also, if you have additions/improvements to the oft neglected (by newfags) intel primer, post them here.
CSS/Banner/Vol application thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I've tossed together a shitload of things that could be used as CSS images since the last CSS thread, but I'm reluctant to dump all of them for fear of shitting up the thread. Here's a few anyway.
There was a css thread 10 or so months ago and like two of them were ever used out of dozens of pieces great oc that were made.
Can we just get rid of the numale mod we have now?
Everything else will work itself out..
Also >CSS
I made this one, and some chum paid for it to be at the top of the page a few years ago..
Was epic lel
I remember it was supposed to rotate every 2 weeks. If they went back to that, it would probably be 4 years before they ran out of CSS images from the last thread alone. Here's a couple more selections anyway.
Both CIA and Mossad are staring across the room at each other right now not sure who did it.
Yea, I didn't me to come off like a debbie downer but damn there was some good shit in that thread. Seems if its not an animu girl it won't be used. I kept bumping that thread in the hopes to see some more of it used. It wasn't.
Can we get rid of the gay word filters, especially the ones that add 10 more characters of text than the word they're filtering?
In any event, I'm glad you reposted the Kangz Pyramid, because I forgot to save that one last time.
Bring back tavistock.
this, the only wordfilter should be "d1scord" to "honeypot"
it fucks up links and quotes, sometimes it confuses people, it's just retarded
if there were only a few it wouldn't be so bad but there has to be over a dozen
keep the honeypot word filter
but also add
"Jew" -> "kike (filtered from Jew)"
I noticed even the most die-hard kike shills stay away from using the "k" word and unironically spell jew with a capital "J". So both a correction and a general advisory to the public is needed, this might actually demoralize them enough to fuck off.
Kek. That ought to piss off Jason Lucas, alias Trinity, owner of Godlike Productions. Guys like him should not be allowed to be tavistockkeeper for conspiracy knowledge.
That's just phonefags and autocorrect niggertech.
Also instead of bumplocking shitty slide threads why not just delete them altogether?
shame them just the same
How about get a mod who doesn't unpin threads like the one where the Jews caused dodson to suicide
This thread is glowing so brightly that it's hurting my eyes.
because if they are automated they detect 404 and just make a new one.
And what is wrong with assisting those phonefags with niggertech, my friend?
Can we get book threads allowed on the board? Ever since the news slowed down after the election, Ive stopped posting here but continued reading.
Id love a chance to discuss what Ive learned and help other anons with their journey.
ALSO, can we please get a word filter for "electric universe"
"Schizophrenic bullshit"
Its fucking annoying as a physicist to try and explain complex subjects to people that dont want to learn and instead just want to push forward misinformation. Honestly its probably pushed forward by kike shills anyways.
Because then you get kvetching that 'muh modz delet shit' which is pretty much how I lost vol, because of some ram faggot was pushing (((tommy robinson))) and (((sargoy of cuckkad))) unironically.
The funny thing is I told Heil there were too many stickies and the rules were not clearly defined, which had been causing a rift.
Funny how when kampfy came back and laid down the law recently, the ten fucking stickies disappeared eh?
I smell goats and reddit.
Go for it. Just saying, muslim buddhist jew christian. Niggertech capitalizes it all.
Indeed and they keep using it as an excuse when you can easily force your autocorrect to not capitalize those words. If you weren't a nigger or a jew that is.
checked for confirming imkikey is back
gee I wonder who
nearly every smart phone learns to stop when you undo an auto corrected word enough times.
>Don't talk about anything beyond (((Hertz-Maxwell))) ya filthy goyim
Please no, its already fucking up threads.
How the fuck are we going to discuss the DOJ investitavistock the FBI plant in the Trump campaign when every fucking word that ends in G A T E is going to get fucked. Its a shit filter always has been.
lel you're implying anything the shills say is based on the truth. You could never delet anything and they'd still kvetch about MUH MODS DELETING THREADS. Their words are meaningless. They deserve nothing but removal.
That black edge just looks awful against the board colors. Trying that one again.
t. nothing faggot its a shit filter that disrupts discussion and its already happening. You want to talk about tavistock, start a fucking thread.
It's out of my hands. I'm sure it'll be changed back after the complaining gets to be enough that it's no longer funny.
Problem is when they are connected to a group with some sway in the nationalist/1488 area, then it becomes 'muh /bol/ is compromused see da modz delet muh thread twice' and it becomes an image problem, hence I got v&.
You're the one who requested it you fucking shithead! Resend! Disavow!
Again, the shills will say that regardless. They'll claim the evil compromised mods deleted their thread six billion times. And the thread in question will have never existed in the first place. Also I don't believe you got de-vol'd for deleting Tommy Robinson and Soygon threads tbh,
Allegedly 'I made too many mistakes', RAM is respected by a few anons. Meanwhile most users supported my more hands off moderation approach. Letting anons debunk shills is a core part of redpilling, blanket deleting everything is a way to look like you have an agenda but this seems to have balanced out a bit in last month or two.
Torniggers though, holy fuck the torniggers were a quick path to grey hair. Killing tor would stop 70-80% of shilling.
Problem is kneejerk banning of huge length for pretty benign posts is off-putting,hence shit gets reset every now and then, balance is needed.
Being a vol can make Zig Forums quite a chore too, for anyone considering it.. Quiet days can be fun, whilst busy shill happenings keep you on your feet.
Once the last vol was chosen he started a purging spree that made the kikes shiver in fear all over the internet.
As a result most kikeshills have been funneled into (((tor))) meaning it takes a literal second to filter 80% of trash on any bigger threads.
Too bad about the few good anons who for some reason need to use it but lurking will have to suffice.
Although I have to say they really ramped up the shilling these last days even before Trump announced the investigation into FBI/DNC/Clinton cabal.
RAM threads get deleted by the current hotpockets though. When the faggot who posted them sperged out and started spamming the catalog it pretty much ruined RAM threads and made RAM look shady as fuck.
There's actually a surprising number of good torposters but they rarely get noticed because people usually insta-filter tor lel
I'd be happy if the next vol would
Intel primer could use some philosophy 101 stuff and anti-blackpill links, like what metaphysics are and why you shouldn't blow your brains out if you're not high all the time. Why we go on would be a good one.
We are after all, trying to stop Whites from committing racial suicide with jewish pogroms; it's a matter of will to do what needs to be done more than anything else.
im glad BO had that purge back then, things kinda settled down since. The bans also for a large part stopped being autistic bullshit, and the discussion on here is mostly back to normal.
things id complain about are ofcourse the wordfilters and the many duplicate and slide threads, but theres not much mods can do about that beyond whats already being done.
tho for duplicate threads or threads about a certain happening/topic, where you have 3 threads about one thing and none of them have even reached bump or post limit (all of them on the first 6 pages), id be glad if BO or one of the mods would make a rule that threads about a certain happening/topic have their own general and that people dont make new OPs without checking in these threads. off the top of my head some of the generals should be:
making these would free up alot of the catalog and in many cases concentrate discussion, so you dont have to have 5 tabs open to talk about the same thing.
aside from that id say the board works ok, considering its free.
muh wordfilters
Kill yourself kikefy, dirty kike from Canada
O-OMG… Kiley unsticked a t-thread..! Muh gawd emperor kikey, striking the law down, by handing out 88 year bands like the neurotic shitskin he is, and going through your posting history like some glow in the dark nigger (that he is too).
I really like this one.
Im a ==## Board Volunteer== here on 8ch.net/b/. I have dedicated a large about of time towards the community and would like to take on more responability.
I chose to apply here today because I believe my moderation style can improve the community by being vigilant against forum spys and astroturfers.
Define astroturfers.
Couple weeks ago there was a thread where literal faggots were thrown out of a bar by bearmode "YOU'VE BEEN WARNED" guy, and one of the faggots ends up on the ground crying like a little bitch. Someone posted a banner commemorating the moment. I forgot to save it. If anyone has it, it deserves to be added.
not sure if serious or just /b/ shitposting
friendly reminder to make the backgrounds for background images transparent
It is deliberate.
Yeah, because that's correct grammatically. I'm not going to disobey capitalization rules because it triggers you.
Yeah, you're done. You just hopped IPs but you'll have to do it again. Not a word you say is believable now.
No, blow your brains out.
A little, smug banner
Checked, beautiful digits and this.
>newfag kikes trying to get jew word filtered
I use either Jew or kike, depending on the circumstance, and this is my first post in this thread.
*that was
>unironically pushing J
Did you get lost on the way to kiketube or something? Fuck off you useless newfag.
Yes, rules that your 'tism has conceived don't matter to me, you illiterate nigger.
Good luck getting anyone here to support anything you've said, you filthy fucking jewlover. See what I did there? Proper grammar and dejewified jew. Because I don't capitalize what is illegitimate.
I don't give a shit about stepping on the eggshells you've voluntarily laid out. Jew is a proper noun, ergo it gets capitalized.
Kek. That's the most hilarious thing I've read—as if putting it in lower case somehow turns a kike into not a kike.
Enjoy your ban, you kike newfag. Lurk for four years before trying to shill next time.
Kike shills spelled out "Jew" on old shitchan long before phonefags showed up.
OY VEY, He said Jew with a capital J! Ban him, so I can feel safe from the terrible words. Hypersensitive women.
Okay. I don't see the relevance. I use either depending on the context. My only problem is assuming that if someone posts "Jew" and not "jew", that he is actually somehow a kike shill.
My apologies
Hypersensitive women.
Learn how to read, then blow your brains out so there's something for the bullet to hit.
You are so new it could light up a village, plus you also have broken the rules.
Again, lurk moar you kike shillnigger.
Ctrl+f "kike" = 0 is usually a good indicator when someone is a literal kike. The point is that it will trigger their telmudic autism if their post has "kike" in it as they are clearly avoiding use of the word. Just have the filter say kike somewhere with the original word doesn't have to be a direct replacement.
Maybe don't scream kike at everyone who slightly disagrees with you and you'd get less shitposting as a result. What's the point of making an effortpost when the only responses are autistic screeching?
I've been here since the first exodus. I understand why— because use of "Jew" doesn't denigrate them.
Or a newfag. I still don't see how typing kike would disprove that. I'm just tired of the ever-increasing and ever-changing list of approved words on Zig Forums.
Fuck off shill. You faggots never stop. You are interfering with redpills and fully deserve the banhammer.
I was waiting for this opportunity, hope you like this little banner, also a source pic for reference
fuck, here's a version without that white line on the left
I volunteer, I will help keep the site free of nigger porn and rach posts.
I also have a joke entry. I don't think it would be good to have disinfo like this at the top of the board, but someone made a screencap that was almost the right size already.
Is the tavistock filter still in effect? (test)
Come the fuck on! that filter was removed for a while right? What a fucking retarded filter.
Enjoy your ban.
I remember it being removed for a short while, was it not?
And the filters are really excessive. If I'm banned for saying so, then so be it. Filters should be at least a bit funny, like the Discord => honeypot idea presented before.
I don't even remember what was up with Tavistock and the G.A.T.E. thing, there was a thread way back but it didn't seem to clear up why we'd need that filter.
Yes, fucking please.
That shit is cringe incarnate.
The fuck are you talking about? We had like 10 stickies like 2 days ago.
This is why I'm glad you don't have any power. What you're basically saying is, "These people said things I didn't like and I couldn't stop them and that made me upset, please make it a hugbox!" and you should kys for even thinking that way.
Know what I want from mods?
I want you to delete cuckporn spam and shit like that, and I want you to shut the fuck up, because your over-aggressive moderation has been systematically turning this place into a subreddit devoted to sucking Zionist cock while calling anyone who isn't on board with that a shill and banning them for 88 years, then pouting when they get on tor and call you a Zionist-cock-sucking faggot.
I have you fags on record as calling threads standing in opposition to pornography a 'moral panic' and then banning the people who made the thread or took part in it. Fuck's sake I just got off a ban that came about because you dirty niggers somehow thought it was inappropriate to suggest that well-regulated militias no longer exist in the US because they've been stigmatized out of existence by Jews… And you banned me as a 'kike shill' for that post, which said only that.
Case in fucking point in this very fucking thread!
There goes your chance at being a mod.
You're not wrong; I was more talking about your other point. You can't say that here.
This is RETARDED dude.
If your name is John, and I write it John instead of john, I'm not giving John fucking power.
If I'm talking about Cairo and I write it Cairo instead of cairo, that doesn't give Egyptians fucking power.
That's your fucking imagination you double-nigger autist, that shit has come about in like the last 6 months as yet another silencing mechanism that can be wheeled out when someone is saying things you don't like to attack them.
I've seen it happen, people will be writing Jew left and right and then suddenly someone says something one autistic faggot doesn't like and its all "HURR U CAPITALIZ JEW U R JEW BAN NAOW DURRRRRR". This shit HAS GOT TO FUCKING STOP.
Half the fucking threads wind up devolving into "ur a shill!" "no u!" bullshit that goes nowhere (besides a mod showing up and siding with one and banning the other) and this wasn't fucking happening before the 2016 election.
Yeah, no shit, shills exist, but just because someone doesn't fucking agree with you doesn't mean they're being paid to do so, nor that they're associated with some shill organization, and the constant nonsense of accusation just makes everyone afraid to say anything 'out of line' for fear of being called a shill and potentially banned for it. Its a silencing mechanism that is being utilized by those in administrative positions and probably being used by our enemies as well.
dark theme when
Not necessarily. I rarely use 'kike' these days, preferring uncapitalised jew. Intentionally writing the proper noun in lower case is suitably degrading, and it makes a direct association between the word 'jew' and all the things universally despised about jews. I also think that indirection via 'kike' takes some of the sting out of it; because it is a colloquialism, a jew can mentally distance himself form the word 'kike', but he cannot disassociate from the word 'jew'. It all comes back to 'call him a jew and watch how he recoils'. No truer words were ever spoken.