Whites have an innate drive to create and to make themselves useful to society / to provide useful goods to society while both Jews and ethnic Chinese favor parasitic strategies.
Jew together money via overpriced low quality products and services or deceptive business practices, invest the money into properties and jew up prices into oblivion.
Firstly by slum lording, later by gentrifying, also eventually block busting (that's more of a jewish thing though as chinese aren't that confrontational).
Fun fact, the number 1 selling financial self help book in China is written by, you guessed it. A jew. It's based on the Talmud and generally speaking Chinese who wish to get rich (all of them) respect jews for their devious parasitism, thinking it's clever, and wish to emulate it.
Oliver White
Do you have the author's name or the book's title?
Ryder Lewis
Hold on, I shall find it or at least the article I read about it in.
That was the running theory about the bullshit that went down at that Starbucks. The jewish guy the niggers were meeting was attempting to leverage social media activism to shut that store down so he could free up the real estate and buy it cheap.
Jews are in China and have been guiding it for nearly a century. They just can't shapeshift quick enough to blend into their population through interbreeding, forcing them into a back-seat driving position.
Will upload a pic later when the network isn't getting attacked. But it goes all the way back to Mao.
it's easier to be a parasite than to make your own stuff, why bother when other people already have things in place that you can not only leech from but completely take over?
Josiah Bennett
You are parroting some fabricated internet meme.
The title wasnt a flop, but thats about the only reason why people have heard about it, but neither can it be considered some Wealth of Nations household item as some larping niggers trying to agitate "the right" against China with these fake stories.
Outside of anoymous forums and blogs claims, it cant even be found in any top seller list of economic books or any category whatsoever. The sales arent even in the 100 Million range which makes the narrative about "found in every store" just some bullshit someone pulled out of his ass. Its not even actually written by a Jew.
Meanwhile 80% of the economic papers and books and awards in the West are produced by Jews who lobby the publishing industry. Doesnt mean Jewry is in high demand and everyone wants to be a kike.
Jeremiah Thompson
Yep, absolutely. It's evolution. Urban civilized life selects for greasy grasping soulless legalistic cowardly conmen. The Chinese have been civilized for as long as anyone. The Jews too, plus they had the experience of the diaspora to mold them into the apex predators of modernity. Anonymous urban life and bureaucratic states chip away at everything honest, noble, and self-sacrificing in a population. Maybe it's just a fraction of a percent each generation, but over time it adds up. Civilization burns through the civilized. See also, "IQ shredder."
The chinese are even WORSE than jews because there are so many of them. They don't even need to flood host nations with various shades of brown because they can just let in the lesser chinks to the same effect.
Xavier Martinez
Point out jews are notorious slumlords hurts.