#1. We The People have the Right to complete free speech when on the Internet. #2. We have the right and shall be guaranteed absolute privacy when online. There shall be no unauthorized monitoring, recording, or storing of our data at any time. #3. We shall be given access to the most up to date and powerful technology available to us, with all provisions & efforts made by our elected officials to ensure that our Internet quality is always reflective of its importance to our Republic. #4. We have the Right to NOT have our Internet throttled, prioritized, or restricted in any way. #5. We have the Right to select and appoint a new special council to oversee these Rights, and a report on the State of The American Internet shall be submitted to POTUS by January 15th of each year.
Why should I care?
Twitter shadow banning and Facebook data collection have gone on far too long, it time for the people to make their voice heard and send GEOTUS a message that we are tired of this charade being pulled by these companies
This will likely never happen since companies would lose their power to suppress speech, but hypothetically, if it were enacted, it would be abused for sure. "Complete free speech" could be exploited by spammers, pedophiles, grooming gangs, terrorists, etc. and thus would wind up limited in ways that benefit the jew.
Lucas Barnes
Dominic Russell
I'm all for information anarchy but more government oversight is not the way to do it.
Henry Barnes
Jordan Price
We have the right and shall be guaranteed absolute privacy when online. There shall be no unauthorized monitoring, recording, or storing of our data at any time.
no one can guarantee you privacy
there are harassment laws (stalking) , defamation laws (being lied about) , and then there is lawful warrants for information (we now have the right to search your shit because you seem pretty bad and its resonable that you are guilty of said crime)
you are not going to get more rights on the internet then you have normally
Nicholas Baker
#1 can't be guaranteed, imagine if some idiot raided a forum for middle schoolers with gore #2 is reasonable but I expect in practice it will result in updated TOS for most sites which will be clicked through and ignored anyways #3 shouldn't exist, I'd like to see your justification: any networking company can abuse this by releasing incrementally "better" routers even if they aren't being utilized well. #4 is worded awkwardly and pedos can use it to legitimize trading cp #5 more government oversight will fix it? you've got to be kidding. supporting an independent organization like the EFF would have more influence towards your goal. also since the internet is a global thing, having jurisdiction to enforce any of this is going to be a permanent clusterfuck. I'd like to see legislation protecting domain name ownership to prevent what happened to 8ch.co from happening again.
Wyatt Diaz
What's wrong with trading cp?
Kayden Perez
Thanks for the input.
James Turner
This reads like a Jewish op to convince nitwit youngsters that the internet needs more (((government))) control
Eli Martinez
Trying a bit hard don't you think?
Joshua Gray
might as well be
Someone has to believe that you can attain your rights and freedom. Otherwise roll over and die.
Eli Gutierrez
if rule #1 were in place the raider could have a case that his rights to free speech were being infringed by the admin that blocked him/deleted his posts when your rights conflict with laws it goes to court and it is used to set precedent for other cases. it's nice granting more rights to everyone but you need to remember not everyone is a good actor. because the EFF has a proven track record of protecting civil rights and because government bodies have a tendency to metastasize into bloated ineffective toothless jobs programs and especially since obama era politics means you can use the government as a political weapon
Julian Moore
Or we could do the simple thing and dox them then report them to the police.
I didn't, however I understand it well. Personally, it seems like a good direction.
Blake Miller
because surely it will remain as strong as intended to be followed to the T. just like our real bill of rights.
Daniel Green
Only number 1 and 2 have any meaning. Number 3 is not an issue of rights, it is an issue of service. This is asking for socialism in internet provider quality. Gas yourself for demanding that. Same with 4, just stop using a service if they Jew you, don't give the government the power to push private business around. You'll just create a crony capitalist model. Number 5 and go gas itself too. Less bureaucracy for Jews to control, not more.
Not an argument. Hitler didn't gas anyone. Kill yourself.
Jack Cook
James Parker
Paul Nehlen's was better
Angel Rivera
how about fucking FOSTA that Trump signed? Jim shut down tons of boards on Zig Forums because "global rule"- but they didn't shut them down before, and therefore, they did NOT break the global rule because otherwise the site wouldn't have been up. Duh. A whole board cannot violate the global rule because a board itself is just text- individual posts which contain pictures can break the global rule, but not a board itself. Jim shut down /shamedsluts/, hell I don't even fucking know how many boards, but there used to be a lot of boards with names of cities in mexico that spics used to trade pictures of local sluts. Zig Forums no longer has free speech, and it's all because of Trump.
John Parker
Try harder and deepen your context.
Camden Sullivan
Pssst there are still hidden boards which don't follow the "global rule", you just have to lurk moar and know where to look, btw if I point them out they might get removed…
I'm actually all for this, I'm tired of private corporations skirting our constitution while providing a mass communication platform. Basically a public forum at that point. I mean at least for data interaction in or through American networks. They'll obey censorship demands in other oppressive countries but ignore the 1st amendment here. Censorers should be censored, only users can choose to block or ignore other users. Companies that don't allow free speech will wake up to a backpages shutdown warning/notice. We could pull a reverse China on companies that choose to make up bullshit like "hate speech", or pull a bias toward certain areas of speech. It certainly is doable when there is an effort to silence and moderate billions of individual users you can't tell me it would be tough to do a similar task on a numerically inferior collection of companies.
Logan Price
Kill yourself you sick pedo freak. Or wait and get the rope on the DOTR. You will never be white.
We have to be able to tell updates to fuck off permanently and not be reminded every 10 minutes. "Ask me later" is an unacceptable alternative to "no" and I want to kneecap software devs every time I see it.
Ryan Davis
While I'm on the topic of rage, I would like to reclassify personal phone lines as private property, making unsolicited advertisements and robocalls a form of trespassing.
Aaron Ward
Most of the boards that were deleted were not CP boards. Was /shamedsluts/ a CP board? Esperanza, Tijuana, whatever all those spic boards that were deleted, were they CP boards? Even for the actual pedo board- /younglove/- a board itself is just text. A title, a subtitle, a /thisthing/, tags, a theme, etc. None of that violates the global rule. Only individual posts that contain illegal content can do that. Thus, nuking entire boards contradicts the whole point of Zig Forums, which is freedom of speech with only one necessary global rule. Jim nuked all of those boards out of deranged paranoia after FOSTA was passed; he did not nuke them before that, which empirically proves that they did not violate the global rule. And as I already mentioned, most of the boards that were taken down were not even places where the global rule was implicitly encouraged to be broken, like /younglove/, and I've provided examples of that, like /shamedsluts/. Part of the blame for this rests on Jim's shoulders for being a paranoid little faggot, but it's mostly Trump's fault for signing FOSTA, thereby removing safe harbor protections from all websites, and putting Zig Forums in danger. what is this, the nu-Zig Forums catchphrase?
Jace Murphy
I hate Rick and Morty as much as the next non-cuck but that was a guy satirizing R&M fans:
Xavier Williams
One step at a time user. Our voices need to be affirmed so that the deep state and corrupt intelligence agencies know that they are not as wise as they parade themselves to be.
We the people have always been in control, and GEOTUS is proof of that.
I believe strongly that it is time for WE THE PEOPLE to RESTORE THE REPUBLIC
Okay, so some faggots typed some shit in Swedish. Big deal. Real edgy. Controlled opposition? Obviously.
This is a direct call to POTUS in regards to the issue of Internet Independence of Speech and Privacy. It is about WE THE PEOPLE and restoring the power in the hands of WE THE PEOPLE.
That is what we currently have. This is to bridge to gap so that our freedom of speech and privacy is protect when we are online as well.
In fact, this is the opposite of what you are feeling.
Adrian Bell
James Scott
Thank you for an honest take. #5 does seem the most concerning, however the council is designed to uphold #1-4. Notice it does not include the power to amend. So essentially their power is cucked and straight forward.
Aaron Rogers
You have to realize that even without the power to amend they can still shaft you. As I said, your first two are already covered by a much more important bill of rights, but due to the "council" that is the supreme court (((interpreting the amendments))) they are still trampled on when it comes to the internet.
Sebastian Watson
If they are covered by the bill of rights, then why is it Companies like Twitter are able to shadowban under the guise of (((hate speech)))? And you've stated it yourself, that the supreme court is still trampled on when it comes to the internet. How come we have a different set of rules when online? Shouldn't our experiences online reflect the freedoms we honor and share in the "real world"?
Christian Sanchez
tHIS IS stupid but still better than many of the new threads
Hunter Nelson
I'd add the right to copy data on there somewhere just to piss off copyright shills.
Landon Cruz
If the internet could truly be a public forum, the control of art and technology would become available to all. Rule by the will of the people. Music industry and other forms of thought control would crumble under its wake. Musicians would become artists again and no longer slaves to sing the anthem of ignorance into the unclean masses.
Gavin Roberts
I would avoid trump-ifying it, lefties really loved that whole thing about net-neutrality or whatever it is which basically what #4 is
Juan Watson
So, you're saying that a mod can't ban you for reeeing about Jews in a thread about engine repair?
Jewgle and Duckgo both don't show this copy of the petition, when searching for Internet Bill Of Rights. It will lead you to petition #2 which is closed.
Nationalize a social media giant, it becomes a public space subject to the constitution. Supplement that with anonymizing tools and SSL, there you go. Didn't need to push for very much.
Eli Mitchell
Reminder that jews don't obey laws. Reminder that the government will simply ignore laws and protections for whites and national socialists. Reminder that we don't need an "internet bill of rights," since we already have the first amendment. Reminder that anyone telling you we can reclaim our countries without violence is a jewish shill.
It's nice, but who the fuck is going to enforce this? Americans bled and died for their constitution and freedom from the Eternal Anglos, how the fuck do you want this to succeed, by signing a petition?
Ayden Jenkins
You're a jew because you don't believe the law will magically stop the government from doing things.
Ethan Fisher
But the law is controlled by jews, both american and international. Do you think that they will allow this even if it gets five million signatures? No, if you want this, there has to be some other way.