Faith Goldy was physically assaulted and spit on by masked antifa terrorists in front of live CTV news cameras; CTV covered up the crime by not reporting on it or showing the footage - Accessory after the fact?
Faith Goldy assaulted by antifa in front of live CTV news cameras
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Rebel media psyop. Reported for eceleb bullshit.
Dont make this about faith goldy, make it about antifa sticking their head out again. They need to be slapped every time they do this. There needs to be consequences. It doesn't matter who they do it to, they are communists and they need to be punished.
doesn't matter what you think of her (although it's notable that she is openly civicnationalist and criticizes civic nationalism), this is an opportunity to hold antifa and MSM responsible for their crimes
hi antifa scum, i reported your post for trying to help your "comrades" cover up their crimes
this, it's about attacking antifa and MSM for covering up their crimes
i made a mistake here:
meant to say that Faith Goldy is openly civicnationalist and has criticized civic nationalism
here she is with Lauren Rose
also Faith Goldy was fired from Rebel Media a long time ago for being too right wing and kicked out of a free speech event by Jordan Peterson for being too right wing
but as other user said this is about attacking antifa and MSM for covering up their crimes
hello antifa.
did you btfo nazi leader trumpf today yet?
Not everyone who hates the altright is antifa.
Reported again. Have fun with your ban you c*mmunist faggot. We're coming for you.
Cuck chan is too pozzed to allow antifa doxxing threads anymore (they banned lots of people for it when they tried to doxx the antifa who attacked Tommy Robinson and Lucy Brown). So this is a better place to do it.
I'm getting flashbacks to the TRS raids a year ago.
And Tommy Robinson is controlled opposition.
Unfortunately, the press are also communists. What should be pursued here is criminal charges not just against the attackers but more importantly against the press. The press has been covering up for commies constantly. There needs to be legal precedent to fuck the press for covering up commie crimes.
guess what antifa subuhuman, nobody cares whether it was an attack against "controlled opposition" or /ourguys/ or just a random apolitical member of the public, or even just public property / someone smashing a window; if it's an opportunity to fuck over antifa and the left we're going to take it on principle
stay scared
Nice digits, it's not just the antifa faggots, it's also about their enablers the (((Media))), now looking at this, it's a shame that Goldy there didn't brought back-up that also recorded her getting attacked while the media just "Nuffin happened" there, you know, like how Tommy Robinson doesn't go anywhere unless he has his mates with him.
two more views of the antifa subhuman who commit the assault
people are dumping some info under Faith's tweet:
stay scared
I think you could make a strong case that CTV is an Accessory After The Fact to the antifa assault
CTV news witnessing and filming the assault from only a couple feet away and then failing to report on it or show the footage, despite still covering the event where it occurred? Deliberately leaving out footage of the crime to hide it and protect the perpetrator?
Reported for cuckchan spam.
Oh no! Not /ourgirl/ Faith Goldberg! Someone call Ezra!
The fear is real.
This is about using this opportunity to damage antifa and the MSM - which we are going to do and there is nothing you screeching shills can do to stop it. Stay scared.
Heil'd user, this is right. These disgraceful faggots need to be punished, as well as the msm, those commie-defending cunts need to ruined.
what do you think of the 'Accessory after the fact' angle? see
You're the one not blending you massive faggot. It's about punishing your fellow commies as well as the kikey msm. Best just stop now, no one is buying your bullshit.
Fuckin gold, we should use it. This is undoubtedly a crime, no fuckin way this isn't illegal, defending the commies like that is unbelievable (not literally, since it's so fuckin common).
Reported for cuckchan spam.
might work
rebel media is jew
she's a jew
you're a jew
Do both. No autistic myopia allowed in the fight for the future of our white children.
We must be on all fronts.
she isn't jewish and neither am i
I am being realistic, lul. Bringing this to the attention of the public gives both commie scum and the msm negative attention. Quit trying to suggest people do nothing, that's counterproductive you nigger.
this is about damaging antifa and MSM and holding them accountable for their crimes
but for all the terrified shills trying to derail this op by criticizing Faith Goldy: it's fucking hard to imagine her being "controlled oppositon" when you consider that she was fired by Rebel Media and deplatformed by Jordan Peterson for being too right wing, and is openly pro-white and criticizes civic nationalism alongside Lauren Rose
but again this is about damaging antifa and MSM and holding them accountable for their crimes
Yeah, my first question was weather this could be a stunt, and that dude is too chad to be an antifag.
This is an opportunity to for an attention whore to get more attention and play martyr.
Would you marry a white woman who fucked a nigger? Why am I asking, of course you would. You're so thirsty.
Hmmmm…dat nose/lip formation in the bottom pic, bro.
That's pretty fucking jewish, and the Alt-Lite has lost so much
real estate it wouldn't be beyond them to try to put one of their
own into the actual right at this point.
That Ezra rat outed himself pretty solidly as a pure opportunist with
that fag who recorded his hush money offer.
But I'm not really up on these low-level wannabe alt-right eCelebs since the election.
The chicks are all pretty suspect tbqh. Attention whoring comes in all flavors.
And I don't give a fucking wet shit about muh optics or demographic appeal.
Red Pills demand a commitment and no sugar coating.
It's the data that should convince, not a pretty face.
no moron the place was swarming with antifa it wasn't a "stunt" and that's a pathetic way to try and cover up the crimes of your fellow communist scum
antifa advertised the event here:
reported for antifa shilling
you can't cover up your crimes, don't bother trying
In short, they're terrified of us pulling another Eric Clanton-tier unmasking of one of their comrades, since they know we're the one group that could actually do it.
two more views of the pile of human garbage
What are screeching about, you annoying oven nigger?
If you think he's a legit Antifag, then track him. I don't give a fuck.
But if he turns out to be a Goldy accomplice, report back on that too.
It's about diverting to theater away from Patrick Little.
These faggots seriously do not want to hurt antifa? Like where do you think you are? Do you think Zig Forums is stupid? How many times have you retards tried to dissuade us from exposing the actions of your evil traitorous kin; how many times has anyone ever bought your bullcrap?
Surely after Trump of all people was endorsed by us 'for the greater good' you should have got the message? If it damages you evil satanic psychopaths; we will do it. We don't care if she's an attention whore, we don't care if some jews support her; we know it does damage to you, so we push it. Like we always have.
It's actually quite amusing how hard you traitors and foreign hostiles try. I wonder how much money the ADL/EU/x-governments have wasted on funding you incompetent faggots.
We should start looking through relevant university profile pages. Where did this happen? I doubt antifa goons travel too far. It might (will) also be worth looking through Tinder and so on for that area.
You're talking to the wrong guy, idiot.
Learn to read. Then learn to understand what you read.
And know this, while I'm pushing for the right on all this, the second any of you mental cases try to start purity testing like te SJWs do, I'm gonna stomp you as hard as I stomp them. And judging by your retarded grasp of logic that won't be too difficult.
I will not be fucking told what to say, how to say it, by fucking ANYBODY.
And if some fat faggot like you ever calls me a "traitor" to my face, I'll kick your fucking head inside out.
imagine being stupid enough to think that people can't be aware of more than one piece of info at a time
stay scared
their fear is just proof that we're on the right track
at the Roxham border crossing between the USA and Canada on May 19
It's the jews.
oh they won't do that. they'll be too busy trying to find the next kike prop to feltch.
the whole world will know who your "comrade" is soon enough and there's nothing you can do to stop it, just stop posting
These retards are easy to find.
Dresses like a skinhead, so do some research into bands around the area this happened. These guys have terrible persec and can be found easily.
always good to start by IDing the shoes if possible, they tend to change less often from day to day than clothing
Great another excuse for her to fuck that plastic nightmare of a facelift up even more. Hope she starts a gofundme.
Is Antifa very active in leafland? It'd be helpful if we could rule most of that side out for now.
I just noticed in the op:
You're taking this quite hard. How much do you "donate" to hep per month?
some video footage of the attack
yes the website that advertised the event seems to indicate that most of the antifa members were bussed in from Montreal canada:
we need to ID the shoes, trying to find a better shot
Vid related.
Quebec has an open boarder where thousands of 'refugees'' are crossing. Some coming as far as Nigeria, boarding flights into the US and crossing here. Antfia being the commies they are encourage the destruction of Canada by encouraging the illegal movements.
You fucking cuckchan wankers really piss me off.
If you want to make e-celeb faggot threads go sperg in
This isn't the place for your e-celeb cancer.
If you are from 4 chan lurk for 2 fucking years - at least - before making a thread
Is the bitch married with kids yet? No. If they slapped her up she might have some sense knocked into her to stay out of politics and go raise a family - which is what she should be doing for our race instead of whoring herself for attention from you alt-right faggots.
Things we don't like here:
faggots that shit up the catalog instead of lurking
It's the kikes you civcucks.
Well, at least we know where to look though I was hoping we could avoid having to go through Montreal. First thing's first, we need to start going through the sociology and so on departments of Montreal's major universities. We should also put out feelers on whatever their major dating platforms are - Antifa faggots WILL put hints as to their affiliation on their profiles which should help filtering. Facebook would also be helpful.
Rob Liefeld must have been working the camera.
one other angle: this other fucking idiot was spitting at her and didn't even cover his face, should be easier to doxx
which might lead to the perp in the red jacket, maybe a connection on social media or a common group
Muh purity spirals
this is a thread about doxxing antifa and discrediting MSM, not an "e-celeb" thread
Hold that thought, our enemies are retarded. Here's their FB groups:
What we want to do is look through the profiles of those who hit Like on the relevant posts (i.e. those relating to Roxham road). Be sure to archive EVERYTHING as you encounter it, whether it looks relevant or not. Even if we go through everyone who ever liked either of these pages that's still only 6000 accounts to click.
OK part one, probably the hardest part. What sex is this thing?
Archive everything you find.
also screenshot the pages in addition to archiving because sometimes the archive comes out weird / misses links
are apes capable of programming bots now or what
maybe it should have been more explicit but it's pretty clear what the thread is about: we have antifa committing violent crimes on camera, time to doxx them (SOP)
Decent shoe shot at @2:58,
sorry, no time to crop/modify
Good luck with that. And who exactly is going to hold them accountable? The entire system for doing that is already completely pozzed beyond cure. You've already been outmaneuvered and all you can really do is screech about it on your containment board.
For a antifa hunt thread you faggots & OP in particular haven't even posted THE FUCKING ARCHIVE OF THE MAIN SAUCE?
1. Establish timeline - When did this shit happen EXACTLY? Last week? Yesterday.
2. Alternate source media. You should already have a list of ALL those other cameras filming the event - there's a shit ton of them!!
3. Sperg posters who can't help raving about "I punched a nazi" will lead you to the culprit e.g.
4. Image archives of photographers - this is how I found the hi res photos that we used to find the Charlottesville Antifaggots
grabbed some more shoe shots
alright thank you
i grabbed some better pics of the perp's face and eyes
and on this day it was not a kike free first post
there's a faggoty word filter for e-t-h-n-o-n-a-t-i-o-n-a-l-i-s-t to civicuck, user. You didn't mistype, you were betrayed by the mods.
She also went to Israel with Ezra to make propaganda in defense of the rat-faced kikes are genociding us. She's guilty of racial treason, if she's even a gentile - "Goldy".
You can't be pro-White and pro-kike.
Great image. It's as true now as when you used it to defend Q. I've also noticed the Holocaust seems to be extremely threatening to shills, since they all go crazy and say it didn't happen.
0/10 shilling
reported for trying to cover up antifa crimes
The image was made to defend the Q LARP, and given it's low quality, I doubt anyone but its maker posts it.
Do you think it's possible to be pro-White and pro-kike/Israel? Are the Rebel Media trotskyites "good" commies?
the image was made as a response to shills trying to stop poster campaigns (IOTBW and MBMC) and spread from there
Faith was fired from Rebel Media a long time ago
this is an antifa hunting thread, Faith is coincidentally the one who was attacked
She didn't even leave the kike on her own terms! Oh man, you 4cucks are something else. Definitely need a gassing.
Even if her departure from Rebbe Media was completely legitimate, she's still a zionist whore who hasn't changed ideologically, other than by paying lip-service to kosher nationalists, just like her colleague Lauren Simonson.
The bitch whose tweet I posted is very likely one of the crowd, find her and then you find her friends - which would likely lead to him.
You don't hunt them from Faiths camera footage alone.
Look at the account that like "I punched a nazi" type of tweets.
They are always linked.
2 more images from the previous tweet I posted.
+ a hit on one attacker
LOCATION: Canada: Quebec protesters block St Bernard de Lacolle border crossing
DATE: Sat 19th May afternoon
OTHER VIDS WITH EVENT DETAILS (few photos, no video)
find some right wingers in the local gay bar scene and you'll out this guy pretty fast tbh
Example from last month.
Better watch out, he'll call you antifa for that!!
I believe rebel media only hires jews.
/Our girl/ confirmed
These leftist pricks really need a beat down. Too bad the inbred muslim mongrels these faggots lust for will be the ones giving it to them.
After the Québec mosque attack they pretty much attacked quebec nationalism… they are a divide and conquer media, little shits that plays on both sides.
This. Ezra gets a real kick out of seeing White men rush to defend his staff of trannies. Just like the "Lauren Southern" piss-bucket hoax attack.
Hoax attacks are a core tactic of the kike Ezra, think also of "Baked Alaska" being "blinded", Richard Spencer being "punched".
Still, it doesn't seem to matter how many times the kike Ezra plays this card, horny young right-wing men will allow the jew to rile them into a blood rage, not realizing they're defending a literal transvestite.
The satisfaction this causes the kikes behind the scenes must be immense, verification that the sexual corruption has been effective.