Just heard from police radio. It is a freaking active bomb, live explosive, not inert or whatever is the correct fucking wording for it in english.
Update #7: 15:32 CET
Update #8: 17:33 CET
Got my phone back, I have been through a police investigation about what I was doing in that place and so on. We have been thanked for acting like we did. It was an active anti tank missile, bomb squad was not authorized to manipulate with it, military bomb squad had to be called, it is beeing transported to a nerby military area where they are going to detonate it. I could get any more info about it being wired or how did it even get there but hopefully will be able to get some more info from an owner of that factory, will keep you updated. There is an strict embargo about it we can't talk to press or anybody so I hope this will be ok since I did not mention anything too specific.
Good, dont talk to the fucking (((press))). What's wrong with the cops telling you not to talk to the fucking journiggers? They'll just try to pin it on a white person regardless of the truth.
Luke Gutierrez
Link dont work
Aiden Turner
Number 15 Burger King Bomb Internet The last thing you want in your Burger King Wi-fi is somebodies high explosives. But as it turns out, that might be what you get.
Jayden Brown
lurk moar faggot
Justin White
False Flag ruined?
Easton Jenkins
I was looking into that thread, people said he probably had his phone temporary taken from him because the signal may interfere with the bomb/the disposal equipment.
Dylan Taylor
falseflag in the czech republic ??>>11599967
Jack Cruz
The question is what servers are worth bombing like this? Details?
MDE never dies, faggot. They have a backup channel
Xavier Hill
Hasn't anyone put up an MDE video collection dump?
Brayden Sanchez
Maybe the gov materials are the bomb itself.
Camden Garcia
that's not an anti tank anything yo im just an arm chair hobbyist but also a serb too, and i also visited most military museums, also studied the math because i discovered it is required to blow up tanks, and also had a pleasure of talking to quite a few majors, professors and a colonel around here even
looks like someone's going to pay money or even get locked up for le epic prank but i could be wrong
Jordan Russell
Every time.
Brody Cooper
Jaxon Carter
A true redditor. Fucking cuck. Shame the thing didn't blow up in the cocksuckers, bitch face.
Ayden Myers
somewhere people will be, but somewhere where people won't see
Gabriel Wood
somewhere people will be, but somewhere people won't see