Le Zionism=Nazism Maymay
So Zig Forums, let's talk about two things. First is about the indoctrinated "progressive" college kids in (((uni))) who tend to have anti-Israel sentiments, the second will be about a peculiar political cartoonist who is also just like the "progressive" college kids Carlos Latuff.
Anti-Zionist Marixsts in (((Universities))): Remember the time when the left started to support pretty much anyone who is a shitskin which are basically the niggers, spics, and the Muslims? During the indoctrination of the (((Frankfurt School))) teachings, it made the useful idiots assume that anything they don't like is racist, homophobic, transphobic, |slamophobic, bigoted, and the best of them all: Literally Hitler. Basically you've become an anti-White golem for the kikes. You victimize yourself and always assume Whites have it all and all cops are "racist White pigs". Surprisingly, somewhere along the line the golems actually started to turn against their own (((masters)))! The whole idea of the Holohoax narrative was to gain sympathy from the goyim and make the goyim spit on Hitler's grave to further soil his reputation, but the "progressive" college kids have started to be against Israel, the pro-Israel Jews and king kike Bibi Netanyahu himself. Since Israel practices nationalism,, they keep comparing their kike "holy" land to the South Africa apartheid, which is a very retarded anology. I believe this type of Marxist anti-Israel sentiment started when Stalin went against the Jewish state because (((they))) started to back the West more than the Soviet Union. This whole kike vs. kike scenario is basically the golems of the Zionist Jew being against the golems of the Marxist Jew. I know that Zig Forums doesn't support the Israel either and is pro-Palestine, too but isn't this one of the weirdest shit you'll ever see coming from the Marxist golems? Why do they always do this, Zig Forums? If the Marixst golems knew Hitler and the Third Reich supported Palestine, too they would have been all National Socialists in the first place. It just goes to show that nobody truly likes the kikes, not even their own pets.
Carlos Latuff: Like I said before he's just like the "progressive" college kids in (((uni))). He's an Arab who lives in Hueland who identifies himself as a Che Guevera Marxist. He creates anti-Israel cartoons but he seems to always have a similar pattern to all of these comics, comparing the Israel-Palestine conflict to the Holohoax as if it happened. One odd thing about him though is that he's a Marxist who supports a neoliberal political narrative: (((gun control))). I don't even know why he would because not even (((Karl Marx))) supported (((gun control))). He seems to only support what's mainstream in the "progressive" spectrum when it comes to social "issues" in America. Remember when the whole left started to ridicule Trump for saying he wants to arm teachers? Latuff joined the bandwagon, too. He is also against Erdogan without knowing the fact that he's also against Israel, I don't like him either but still. He was against Assad and Merkel but somehow he magically started to support them. Pic related are one of his most retarded "arguments" on gun rights yet. Just like any Leftist "argument", it's pure projection.
Is this what commies are nowadays? I'm not sure how they made themselves completely believe the whole world is against and out to get them while literally ignoring the (((government))) actually working around on their benefits. Unless if it's Israeli benefits, because according to the kikes all of that is beyond any form of criticism, left or right. They keep victimizing themselves without any fact or evidence to back up their supposed "oppression". I honestly doubt any of these mouthbreathers will ever call out the war crimes the (((Soviet Union))) has done to the Third Reich or the 66 million Russians they have slaughtered through its years.
I guess there could be a way to weaponize the far left with their anti-Israel/pro-Palestine sentiments. Just don't give them any form of power in the long run.
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