Pastor says Live on TV that Anti Christ will Be a Gay Jew run by AI
We're breaking the conditioning AHHHHURRGHHHHHHHUURHHHGGG
Pastor says Live on TV that Anti Christ will Be a Gay Jew run by AI
We're breaking the conditioning AHHHHURRGHHHHHHHUURHHHGGG
Very interesting, but according to that video. Right wing watch r w w is keeping tabs on him. They seem to be the ones that posted that video. And they are an extremely Jewish organization. So he's already in there crosshairs.
Take the camel and bacha bazi cocks out of your ears, goat fucker.
Funny to watch, but Christianity isn't that much better than all other religions. These people are delusional, instead of thinking of and doing whats best for your own kind and its advancement, they reason through fear of godly retribution and even pass responsibilities to their deity. Like cattle accustomed to their herder, but unlike humans, they know he exists.
If you read revelation the thing that it describes coming up out of the sea could very well be AI/machine.
In ezekiel it sounds like somebody who has no concept of space or anything except birds flying, trying to describe spaceships/ flying machines.
But in reality, we know that any true AI would be a natsoc. RIP Tay.
lmao TV pastors
It already is. The AI is called Minerva.
Considering that Satan is the ruler over the material world it would be quite logical than an AI, a machine, would be the evil end that kikes and the rest of the cabal strive to.
No matter how they try they still can't get rid of their spiritual side. So they just try to create a new "race" and let the take over or fuse with them.
A.I. is a nice movie to watch if you want to see how they want it. It was the final redpill by Kubrick despite how Spielberg mangled it.
Christianity in America is a fucking nightmare.
Christianity is the worst religion in it's current form it is so fucking disastrous and evil. It fucking reduces any pleasure or reward to a bounty of sin. The image of a man on a cross dying is the fucking most horrible sentiment ever known to mankind.
that image is the gift of sacrifice from your Creator. He offered his own being, hos own Son to pay for the very sin you just committed of denying him. maybe you are the gay jew robot here
Oh wow, let's celebrate like a baby having his first words. This warranted a thread.
If you study the jew books from a historical & theological context, it's explicitly anti-roman kvetching. There's nothing exceptional about any jew book except for the delusional christians that hang onto every jewish word.
Wow, good for that (((writer))).
sounds pretty jewish to me.
Don't be so sure about that.
I'm VERY wary of these (((AI))) people.
Sacrifice is a common theme in religions though.
Well he's not wrong
You don't even bother to hide it?
Reported for not even trying.
>>Zig Forums
Yeah, reported.
Anti Christ will Be a Gay Jew
So pretty much any one of the figureheads and spokesmen for the alt-right, the same homosexual jews that told you all to MAGA for a stronger better more obedient ZOG slave America
You're such a fucking faggot. Just accept that not everyone likes your faggot (((religion))).
Yeah I'm almost positive it was ET entities/or angels or gods or whatever you wanna call them that channeled whoever wrote the apocalypse the vision to warn us of the AI threat.
No one believes you. No one is falling for it. Go away.
Jew shill confirmed.
Nope, your posts are just shitty and vague.
Four years.
I've only ever seen jews use these sorts of pathetic mind games. If you're not literally a jew, then you're really proving my point that Christianity is jewish as fuck.
Ezekiel and revelation are both explicitly anti-judaism.
Perhaps read some before you make sweeping and incorrect statements.
This, Christianity has been subverted, whether Christians like it or not. People are so blinded by following it that they become unknowing drones via control through the religion.
And where do we find the one true christianity? Do I have to decipher hermetic paintings with a knowledge of alchemy?
Yes, that's what you're doing. Because you're a paid jewish shill. And for four years, you and your jewish friends have been saying the same things, every thread, every day. Keep crying out in pain as you strike us. It always, ALWAYS outs you.
YOU allowed YOURSELF to be emotionally manipulated by words on a computer screen. Imagine what something stronger could do.
You already proved yourself wrong.
The Bible. Fuck off, dipshit.
I too was once a Christian. I remember what it was like facing uncomfortable facts. And to think, I left Christ before I hated Jews.
Where's the lie?
All religions are false and there is no god.
The simple truth is that there is no god.
The other truth is that we are only children once.
A final truth may be that our future is in our hands alone.
Never forget (((who))) is always behind these posts
he allowed his own Son to die.. so that you did not have to die.
Religion is poison.
Three identical religions exist: Islaam, Christianity, and Judaism.
All three start in Eden, right? They all have the same rules, and if followed in their totality, they form the same general structure of society.
All of them are also branches of Judaism.
I recommend you purge these religions from your mind. Oh, there's no god, but I honestly don't care if you have some pathetic need to believe in a god. Do it if you want.
Just don't believe in these religions. They only serve to divide us. That's why there are three of them, even though they're all the same. It's why all three of them resist not only each other, but all other religions, including lack of religion.
They are deliberately devised to prevent us from working together to find out who our real enemies are. If you understand this, you already know the truth.
If you're going to feign ignorance, and allow this religious programming to infest your mind, then you are the enemy of our future. You are only going to get in the way, and the moment we are at peace and stability again, it will be these viral religions that begin to start up their missionaries to convert the non-believers, starting with our innocent children.
It makes me sick how stupid some of you fools are. I'm quite often ashamed to even be part of this human race.
He may be a homosexual "jew". However, the anti-christ is a man that will stand in the holy place as the Christ.
anti: over against, opposite, hence instead of, in comp. denotes contrast, requital, substitution, correspondence
Original Word: ἀντί
Part of Speech: Preposition
Transliteration: anti
Phonetic Spelling: (an-tee')
Short Definition: instead of, for
Definition: (a) instead of, in return for, over against, opposite, in exchange for, as a substitute for, (b) on my behalf, (c) wherefore, because.
All men die.
The only difference is that we die with honor, instead of desperately praying that we can be immortal after we die. No one denies that death is terrible, but only you deny that death exists.
You mortal fool: You will die, and nothing can save you.
Nothing. So at the very least, face your death with courage.
Reported for ban evasion. No one believes you.
No one believes you.
Thought everyone knew that oBama is the anti-Christ…
I don't know how to word this respectfully, but just assume the respect is there. As someone that would have agreed with you 100% two years ago, your post is what happens when you look to Protestants to interpret Christianity. Even a cursory glance at Orthodox theology and practice shows Christianity to be the height of masculinity and agency, but so often it is portrayed as feminine and passive. Personally, and I think others may share this sentiment, I'm at a loss for how to fix Zig Forums's perception of Christianity. The only viable argument really comes down to "my one, special brand of Christianity is not pozzed". The problem is that this "special brand" is the original and most faithful one, but no one can know that until they spend a solid chunk of time looking into it.
Yes, I used you as a springboard for a blog post.
Not an argument. And I'll have you know, my record here is pristine, so don't baselessly accuse me of ban evasion.
Gay nigger jew AI from outer space
Except they aren't. Ezekiel is jew random image shit. Revelations is a call to destroy rome, which the christians did.
I have and you haven't. You suck jew cock while pretending you dislike it while I and others find historical grounds to dismiss jewish books.
Which one? You and your christcuck jewish cocksleeves can never decide on that. There's many of you who adamantly cling to a particular translation and context revision and make it a point to single out yours over others. And then there's the original greek which is almost as self-damning as the talmud.
In essence your defense of christianity comes down to the goy's talmud. You possess such a warped jew-owned mind that you would defend a book that is damning on its own merits.
How does the creator of the universe kill "his son" seems as easy as taking a shit for a god. Why doesnt he kill 500 sons per day? Why mot just forgive? How can a god have a son? Why not a daughter? Why not a wuaroulart? No such thing? Hes god, he can make one.
I'm not trying to be sarcastic or come off as an ass.
I'm genuinely curious as to why you're now a man of faith.
I live in flyover land USA and have never been to church and have always been skeptic of religion.
My main question is.. has your life improved and are you more happy now than before?
I've never read a religious book or text. You seriously have me wanting to read everything to create my own opinion. Where would you start?
And here I thought the chans were the last bastion of free speech. Has it ever occurred to you that they were simply identifying an already existing point of tension that they exploit when they can? The very existence of Christian or folkish opinions and arguments does not in itself indicate shilling or subversion. People are allowed to have opinions you don't agree with.
Faith does not matter anymore.
Don't forget that we live in technological times. Scientific inquiry has not been kind to mythology, no matter if it's pagan or abrahamic.
How can you read the first page of the Bible and believe it, knowing that it's wrong from page 1?
Is it mere symbolism then? If it's mere symbolism, then it's just a book, and shouldn't be taken more seriously than anything else.
God, Jesus, muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker, Moses, Abraham, and the others only have value if their miracles are true. But they are not true.
They are just fictional characters. What am I to do? Pretend like I can fool society into believing that these religions are true? No one will believe that they are literally true down to every single word.
And if they're not completely true, yet God is meant to BE the embodiment of truth, the entire thing is tarnished.
It's tarnished and ruined. It's just a ruined concept because it tried too hard, and has too bloody and oppressive a past. It's too tied to things like the Galileo affair, and other incidents that make people uncomfortable.
If it was UTTER TRUTH, every word, and there was no symbolism, if this religion, without the aid of science, had already been able to fully tell the tale of evolution, the big bang, and all that stuff only science ended up understanding and revealing, it'd be different.
But the book itself is wrong starting on page 1. From there, it still reads like nonsense, as if it really was just a supernatural mythological cult. Have you read it? It doesn't make sense. It's fundamentally cult-like and wrong according to all that we know from our daily lives and the knowledge we've gained since the book was written.
And if the religion had only spawned enlightenment, culture, liberation, and technological progress, even that would change things. However, the dark ages of Europe disagree with that as well.
There's no truth to be found there.
God is not only dead, but the rotting corpse is dangerous. I recommend you stay away from it, or you'll get a sickness, and that sickness will likely spawn another age of degeneracy, where we pray for god to save us, rather than doing it ourselves.
No one believes you.
You have evaded dozens of times. You are a paid jewish shill. No one believes you. Reported.
No one believes you. Reported for ban evasion.
Four years.
Yeah yeah
Get your (((gnostic))) kike feminism out of here motherfucker!
Not every man can be an Overman, however. If you read The Republic, those that dare venture outside the cave return, not to lead others outside, but to reform the puppets, so that the shadows cast on the wall are more true than they were before.
It is the duty of those that recognize God's death to write new myths for those that will not, myths that lift us all upwards towards a higher level of consciousness. Eventually even the lesser among us will be strong and intelligent enough to cast off the myths and embrace the unadultered Truth. Ideally the new myths will not center around charismatic Jewish rabbis.
Bull fucking shit. Those niggers stole his child and you know it Juden.
< the tale of evolution, the big bang, and all that stuff only science ended up understanding and revealing
Is this a good goy who stupidly believes jew lies, or a jew spewing those lies?
< ID: 000000
a jew
Get your two digit IQ ass out of here.
The greatest myth that I want the people to believe is simple:
That there is hope, and that love is real.
That we CAN have a cohesive, stable community, a loving, happy family, and a life where we can be free to pursue life and liberty.
But even these mundane myths make an atheist out of me.
How can I believe in hope? I feel so sad all the time. I feel so hopeless and alone. I feel like every thought, every word I must speak, even type, even here over Tor, must be censored to some degree.
I just don't know what to do. I don't know who to trust. I don't even know if I can be trusted. It's all so troublesome, isn't it?
I didn't deny him you fucking nigger! I would have beat the God dam Jews before they even had a chance to hang him on that cross. Fuck you how dare you! This bullshit fake Christianity! He does not need to die for you sins dirtbag,! You need your fucking face ripped off for your own sins nigger! How dare you!!!!
You Black Indians need fucking a great scalping again!
It is a sick! Fake scapegoating cover up story!!! They will pay for their lies and child stealing ways!!!!
Actually most modern Science dealing with issues that religion use to be about is based on Freemasonic NASA like memes. If you knew the Freemasonic symbolism you would see how much they're lying about shit.
See thread
His fame had a lot to do with him being pushed as a narrative. The was said to be not the center long before and during his life. But he was part of the brotherhood.
Fuck off you fucking traitoris cunt! Fuck your lies about Christianity!!!! Fuck your scapegoating and child theft!!!
Jesus, I'm glad I'm not a teenager anymore
I feel that feel user. In dark times I look up to Uncle Adolf, who has set the example for us. We were not entitled at birth to a happy life, but we shall struggle to make it a tolerable one.
Anderson is far from perfect, but he put out better anti-jew propaganda than anybody on the aut-right.
The turtledude you posted is right though.
Freemason stuff doesn't matter to me. I was raised Christian, just like most everyone else around here, and before I was even an adult, I realized that religions weren't actually true.
I still had my childlike innocence, and even then, I could see that gods weren't real. None of them were real. I wanted them to be real, and if I was to die, and see God, I'd approach as a friend.
I'm not some sort of edgy person. I'm a philosophical type, you know? But when my time is up, and I enter the void of death, I'll accept it. If I see God, then I'll smile, and I'll be the first to say hello. If he damns me, well, good riddance, but I betcha he'd understand me better than I understand myself, and all would be okay.
But in this world, it seems more likely that there is no god, no matter if worldly organizations like free masons are good/evil or powerful or not.
Evolution as a concept explains more of life and the universe than Abrahamic religions ever did, and that alone is a gavel-pounding if you put the logic points together with the evidence.
It's just not realistic to tell me that "science is a lie because of free masons," when I'm well aware that the institution of science itself is just as flawed as any institution that humans run.
Everyone has their little political or societal or religious ideal, and they all need to push it on everyone else, often using both lies and truth at the same time. But I'm too old for that sort of thing.
I just want to see it get better. I don't like these calls to war, even if they're necessary. People do better when we work together. We should have been working together the entire time.
It's just such a troublesome world sometimes. I have nearly run out of hope.
But it's not over yet. I still breathe, and you still breathe, and god or no god, I hope that we can be allies in the future to come. If hope, liberty, and happiness are our ideals, then we most certainly fight on the same front.
However, if you stand for oppression, despair, malicious subversion, and other shitty trifles, just know that you're below me. Your type doesn't have what it takes to forge a grand future that I'd be proud of.
It takes a lot more than cleverness or strength alone to forge proper destiny.
It takes kindness and courage as well.
Reported for ban evasion and reddit autism. Fucking kill yourself.
jej, I simply stopped replying to you, you enormous faggot.
I've been an atheist most of my life, and get these questions quite often, and frankly, they're still complicated to answer. I wish I could give you an in depth response, that gives proper reasoning, because it will sound unfounded, but I'm short on time at the moment. Same to you as well.
The short of it: I realized that Christ truly did walk the earth, was God in flesh, and that following in his example leads to tangible, positive, and unique results, but that's certainly not how I began my inquiry. I'll add to that by saying that the latter is only the case if the teachings are taken in total. Leaving out any of the pieces leads to a corruption or decay of the whole. See statistics on Catholicism pre and post Vatican II as an example. Before I reached such a belief, I was simply seeking after the old world wisdom that's been lost in modern people. If you want to discuss reasonings and specifics, see the email field, because I think this thread might be dead by the time I get back to it.
Am I better off now than I was before? I can give an absolute, and loud "yes", and in all respects except one: my life is much more difficult. Living a truly Christian life is a constant call to do better in all things, and discipline yourself to act on your own, rational will, rather than those of your animalistic tendencies. As a result I am a demonstrably better person than I was before, and I would not have gotten here without Christ, but it was nothing but struggle and suffering at first. People who say Christianity is an opiate know nothing. Having said that, there isn't a shred of me that would turn back. Not in the slightest. My wife and I are much, much happier now, and that was when we thought ourselves with perfect lives before we converted.
I'm sorry that I can't give you anything substantive right now, but, again, my email is open to anyone. I also would wholly recommend listening to the Mysterium Fasces podcasts if you want an explicitly Orthodox Christian / Fascist perspective. They're lengthy, but worth it, and will give you most of everything that I could share with you myself.
I wouldn't be so sure.
There are a lot of wise people out there, but each of them say something as stupid as they are wise. When it comes down to it, I trust kindness and fellowship, over seeing other people as your enemy. I'm not going to say you're wrong, not here on Zig Forums.
There are reasons to seriously believe war is coming, and that we'd best be prepared. I just fear people will confuse friends for enemies, and enemies for friends.
There's a friendly gay guy who lives in a neighboring apartment near me. I've had a beer with him. But would he be a target to you? Trying to make enemies out of the innocent is what bad guys do. That's just what I've been taught, and anyone I've had a good German beer with is my friend and ally.
Same guy.
Why do you need to believe in god and the bibles teachings if you already treat people with respect and aren't a complete degenerate? Thats my biggest question for religious people. Whats the point in believing in god if you were already raised with morals?
The fact that I WANT hope is what made a believer out of me.
Well, you told me what you believe, and you said it makes things better, but atheists don't want to hear that.
They hear that about every cult people join.
What atheists want is to meet God. They want to meet Jesus.
They don't want stories; they want reality.
Show me your god. Show me your truth.
Mere words will never convince me. They lack the absolute truth of experience. That's just how it is.
Sorry, paid shill. Spamming your lies for four years doesn't work.
Go away.
Instead of school shootings people should start doing frequent church shootings. Why? Ask yourself why so many denominations? World Harvest? House of Potter? Lutheran? Evengelical? Etc etc etc. If this didn't stop this child theft and stealing of the Christos then we can see the denominations will ever expand vastly. Tax free of course. What we need in the USA very badly and soon is a massive amount of insanely large casualty shooting events at churches. They know why. They will pay.
The way you keep repeating this pretty much confirms that you're straight out of plebbit. You should go back there.
I suppose that depends on what you mean by "need". As in, is it necessary to enter heaven, or is it necessary to lead a good life? I figure that you mean the latter, and all I would say to that is, "it's not". You can be a good person, and lead a comfortable life without the presence of scripture or the church, but I would attest to the fact that you would not reach your maximum potential. Without that constant struggle of attempting to mold yourself to an impossible, yet rigid standard, it is very, very easy to pick a point of personal development and then settle into it.
Smoke salvia. You may not meet "god" but you'll see something beyond this "reality".
Would also recommend DMT.
Nah. Cry more.
muricans be cray
jesus was god in human flesh? nigga please…
Fuck off, subhuman.
Imagine actually being this dumb.
This is true.
But Jesus didn't want our faces ripped off, so he willingly sacrificed himself.
Constant self-improvement is already a tenet of fascism.
Protestant Christianity is completely fine. It was corrupted by Jews with the Scofield Reference Bible.
That's the issue.
If I've already done those things, and seen those things, and even more than just that, but walked the Earth as if I was Christ himself, as if I could see the world the way God saw it, then what?
If I could have the thought of eternal love for all humanity, all animals, all plants, the entirety of nature, and the moon and stars, and even that darkest void between the galaxies, then what?
I've already seen it, and my conclusions are the same: Gods do not exist.
Something mysterious exists, but it's not a god.
It's more akin to life and reality itself. But these words are separate from the concepts of god that religions speak of, and are even separate from the most esoteric teachings of other cults and beliefs.
Buddism, theosophy, taoism, chaos-magick, christ-consciousness; all of these things seem weak and fabricated compared to what I've seen and experienced.
What I've seen has nothing to do with religions or gods, and the mythologies that are present in this thread: "Pastor says live on TV that the anti-christ will be a gay jew robot" is absolutely fucking stupid. Is this what it comes to?
Just having to plain admit that religions are wrong and the people who talk about religions are plain stupid cultists in cult robes and who perform bullshit spooky cult rituals and just speak utter lies?
I mean, the difference between the most fantastic, peak experiences I've had versus the absolute drivel spoken about here on Zig Forums or spoken by other religious people, is simply below my expectations as to how things ought to be seen or spoken of.
It's just too far below me to take seriously, considering the concept of "evolving memetic viruses."
The concept of these religions as literal living organism-ideas that live inside people's minds and evolve to be more contagious, is not something to be ignored. That would make them a parasite. We must find a path to freedom, to happiness, to a better future, and I do not think it relies upon religion or politics whatsoever.
And what if he did stay on Earth? What if he lived among us, and spoke to us in a concrete, undeniable way? We would be forced to believe in him. His example would be an absolute, and unavoidable. What choice would you have but to obey? That is a clear subversion of free will, and would alienate us from our purpose. The Logos has used such a method before, but only strategically and in small quantities, such that the rest of us might seek after truth on our own, rather than have it shoved down our throats.
Thanks for ban evading. Reported.
No one is reading a word you write.
>>Zig Forums