I found this today in Yellowknife, NWT while going for a walk. The first post with dubs gets to decide what I deface this with later.
Defense tips would also be handy.
I found this today in Yellowknife, NWT while going for a walk. The first post with dubs gets to decide what I deface this with later.
Defense tips would also be handy.
Other urls found in this thread:
There's more ramblings all over the length of the fence, but I couldn't be bothered to photograph it all.
Don't deface it further. Clean it off.
"The holocaust is hoax."
While wearing a Nazi uniform and after calling the media.
Draw that shitty ugandan knuckles meme right next to it to make an absolute mockery of those niggers.
naked trap gf blowing jizz out of her fat cock
being an anarchist in canada is redpilled though
by 'those niggers' I don't mean ugandans, I mean antifags, but ugandans too.
I like this idea.
gas the kikes race war now
The real meaning will probably escape about 99.9% of the population, the confusion should be nice.
Writing something pro-NatSoc or anti-kike will probably get it painted over real fat, anyway.
dubs check'em
I didn't really check at first but
Pure low energy.
This, clean it and polish it.
thats pretty cool dude, blog about it
gonna fap to asians tonight because of this ngl
Make a suggestion then, faggot.
OP has to delivar
oh shit
Paint a swastikas over it and the government will clean it off.
Will go to buy some spraypaint soon, hopefully.
Canadian Tire closes in an hour if Yellowknife is PDT
Erase it, and engrave a small geometrically pleasing swastika.
Great job, user, your moral weakness and degeneracy has given us perhaps the least desirable result possible. Reluctantly checked.
I don't know but, him jerking off aside, "gonna fap to asians tonight because of this ngl" would sound kind of funny written in big bold letters on a fence right next to a "serious" political message like the one in OP's picture.
I can picture people looking at this and being utterly confused.
"So anarco… nazis? I don't get it."
Just sandblast it. Thats a nice fence faggot.
What's not to like about anarcho-national-socialism?
Aren't we all?
Settle this shit with dubs.
First dubs decide what OP will do with it.
I say paint a swastika or write something about the holocost.
There were already dubs.
However I'd go for defacing it with "reverse-what-are-you-doing-rabbi", by inserting massively unpopular jewish positions.
For example, two hashtags next to each other (because everything retarded begins with the # symbol):
Holy salted pork fat Batman, Is there anybody on here besides the Australian shit poster who isn't a Canuck?
Hi shlomo. What's the matter, does it terrify you to think of nationalists scoring a PR victory by dressing and acting normally while performing a good deed for the community? Yes, of course it does, which is why you suggest that user blows any chance of winning hearts and minds by donning a "Nazi"your nose is showing uniform, something which the public have been conditioned to hate since birth.
Yes OP, clean it off, but don't neutralize your propaganda effect by dressing as a "Nazi".
Nor should you really engage with the mainstream press, they will probably try to get you attacked on camera. Go there with a couple of friends, wear a face covering if necessary, and have them film you removing the left-wing vandalism.
Then upload to social media, it will spread by itself, the MSM may pick the story up and try to cherry pick, but they'll only have to work with what you've already vetted.
I would also suggest asking the property owner's permission to perform the job free of charge.
You could in theory be charged for criminal damage otherwise.
Reminder that the anarchy symbol is hate speech in Canada
Being a revolutionary National Socialist is not the same thing as being an anarchist.
Fuck right off.