"Kill the boer" might be coming to Namibia

"We're not going to be interested in saving the rhinos," says Namibian activist who supports the expropriation of land from white farmers

Some lefty YouTube channel made a documentary about how oppressed blacks in Namibia are compared to the whites, because somehow whites are to blame for the incompetence of the blacks. Of course, when the German farmer brings up how white farmers aided Zambia's economy after fleeing from Zimbabwe, he's called a racist. In the second part they make the case for why white farmers should give up the land without compensation and how "violence is inevitable."

youtube.com/watch?v=0U2g5K8JaJk (part 1)
youtube.com/watch?v=mqERf5URnxQ (part 2)

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Other urls found in this thread:


Lets sacrifice the lefty white farmers and start the race war.

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This one's for your whites in Africa folder.

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Its worth a watch I think, if only for the hilarious juxtaposition of nogs and aryans.

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I want to go down in history as Genociding all Black African Black nigger tar skinned people and to build a containment device where their souls etc are trapped forever and constantly destroyed. Never to be seen again neither in life or after death.🤣

Remember the days

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Whatever. Fuck off shitskin. We have posting guidelines.




Despite South African military's best efforts, SWAPO took over South West Africa in 1990. They promised nogs democracy, jobs, land and prosperity. SWAPO has been in power for 28 years now and nogs are still poor as shit. But ebil whitey is to blame, of course.

It's worse than that user, nogs are poorer and more violent than ever. Turns out nogs make piss poor politicians and policemen because their brains do not process the idea of integrity or morality.

No shit. Also, I am fairly sure that no White man, no matter how hungry, would eat a human placenta or drink HIV-infected blood to slake his thirst. It's classic nigger retardation, and they want whitey to yet again foot the bill for it.

There was an illuminating thread on here a month ago about millions of Mali area niggers thinking Wakanda is real and high tech vampires from the film are terrorizing them. They started lynching vampires and it has since devolved into a full out civil war (like usual). I am actually underexaggerating what happened, in case any user wants to expand on this particular censored hatefact.

Oh yeah, I've seen that thread. Hilarious shit.

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All while the Chinese buy up their resources for pennies on the dollar. They're smart enough not to feed or interact with the locals.

Chinks actually push the niggers out economically as well. Mgongo has a chicken coop and sells eggs for trillions of niggadollars per egg, Chong will build a chicken coop and sell eggs for billions until Mgongo fucks off or starves to death.

Now that's a wicked sense of humor you got there son. Everyone knows that you have to have the frontal lobe which Niggers don't possess.

Into europe.

Post a citation if you have one.

Well, there's nothing but a bunch of kikes and traitors stopping us from walling up and torpedoing these boats. Can't blame Chong for not caring about niggers.

If you aren't an exterminationus in 2018 you need to catch up. These niggers doesn't deserve to breathe.

I can't wait for retards crying waycism to instantly get their ass beaten. That's where things are headed there.

Okay, they can just fucking starve too.
but for 25 cents a day YOU can help feed little Dayquando Tyroneson

Niggers only try that bullshit in the cities. Their attitudes shift big time out in these rural parts.

I have some bad news for ya, user.

I live in Canada not the Congo m8 kek. Thats what I meant.

My point is that even feral Apefricans have picked up the urban niggers' race card.
My condolences.

Of course they have. Monkey see monkey do. Kike media machine reaches over the globe.

Benny G, I thought you stopped posting here?

Unsurprising, and I will always say it, if whites lose foothold in (south) Africa, a gigantic portion of the earth species will be eradicated by this. savages (and the zipperheads, who are rapidly colonizing africa) in less than thirty years, permanently fucking up the planet. Remember this, neither the chinks or the niggers have any business in south africa, the former wants to leech on the local resources and export them to Beijing, displacing millions of nogs to Europe in the process and the latter are a bunch of devolved bipedal beasts, who cannot think in the long term and if let alone, can destroy the world with their existence.

Taking this time also to shill for:

>>>/boers/ >>>/boers/ >>>/boers/ >>>/boers/
>>>/boers/ >>>/boers/ >>>/boers/ >>>/boers/
>>>/boers/ >>>/boers/ >>>/boers/ >>>/boers/
>>>/boers/ >>>/boers/ >>>/boers/ >>>/boers/
>>>/boers/ >>>/boers/ >>>/boers/ >>>/boers/
>>>/boers/ >>>/boers/ >>>/boers/ >>>/boers/

*left alone

His hat is commie.

No, they could have and should have coup de tats the government, shot all the traitors even talking about appeasement, and begun securing the key industries and purged the niggers.

They didnt do shit.

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That would have been racist user

When you have the entire world breathing down your neck and sanctioning you at every step while bleeding money in a 23-year-long war… Well, at some point you will have no choice but to be less radical. Mind you, I do not agree with their actions and I hate de Klerk for cucking out to Mandela and his commie goons, but I know all too well what military fatigue and being the world's pariah does to people and communities.

Violence is inevitable, not just in Namibia.

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–South African Prime Minister Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd 1958

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So what else is new?

In the US, Dindus kill dindus more than any race. It's why Dems want to ban the second amendment. No race war needed. Just need to preserve the constitution.

Give them the Zimbabwe treatment:

1. Sell your farmland and leave this Nigger shithole
2. Niggers ruin farmland
3. Niggers starve to death in the millions
4. Niggers beg Whites to come back before the Chinamen ate them all.

Great read, do you have more?


Here is what should happen:

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We lose at the end anyways.


That's literally reversed apartheid. But most fuckheads don't know or even understand that.

Let's meme this ball rolling.

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So who the fuck are the groups already on the ground that we can support?

Foreshadowing of Afrimerica's fate.

Jews celebrating the death of the last white rhino.

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I guess a racemixing polygamy with a different subspecies of rhino is in order. I wonder what that's like.


China can't depopulate that vile continent fast enough.

Trips confirm. The chinks can't do this on their own! Get in there boys!

Africa is beautiful you niggger


Did you notice? There's a rhino in each of your pics.


It isn't.
Noggers make everywhere they dwell the opposite of beauty.
The Chinese can have it.

lurk moar newfag.

Dindus get illegal guns even when they have easy legal options. Even when they are rich sportsball players. 2nd amendment is important to whites, while incarceration rates, birth control, and abortion is important to blacks.

Anti-slide bump

