Where does power derive from?

ITT I'd like to get a discussion going on a philosophical topic. Normally I try to not stray too far into the future. As Dr. William Pierce once put it, "I don't like to build castles in the sky."
But for the sake of argument, let's assume we are far in the future. The jewish problem has been solved, the immigration problem has been solved and so on. Imagine living in a White nation free from financial and political domination from jews and other anti-White elements.
Imagine the post-jewish world.
How should we govern ourselves?

Power does not exist as an end to itself. Instead, power is and must always be derived from something. If we lived in a post-democratic world, what would legitimize the new form of government?

Many, though not all Zig Forumsacks view democracy as a failed concept. It is easy to point out the fact that democratic governments tend to reward short term destructive behavior. Democratic politicians have no interest in fighting for the long term prosperity of the population and instead tend to focus solely on getting reelected in 2, 4, or 6 years. In addition, democracies are not rule by the people as much as they are rule by a small cabal of corporate media bosses who control the masses through propaganda and entertainment.
These are valid critiques of democracy. However proponents of democracy do have a solid argument. Power must be derived from something and the argument that power is legitimized by the consent of the governed cannot be thrown out entirely just because the majority of the people are lemmings. Lemmings they may be, but democratic governments have tended to foster a higher standard of living because the larger the electoral selectorate, the more likely politicians will attempt to raise the standards of living in order to please the mob. And higher standards of living lead to higher rates of development.
We must not forget that deriving legitimacy from consent of the governed is not a new concept and even Adolf Hitler sought legitimacy in it. The Anschluss for instance was legitimized by popular vote. As was his premiership of Germany. Contrary to popular myth, elections were held in Germany even after the National Socialists were elected to power
In addition to NatSoc Germany, electoral majority has been used as a legitimizing basis for numerous other European civilizations. The Norse and Germanic peoples elected kings as far back as ancient times. Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius described how German aristocrats met and voted for kings.
And speaking of the Romans, their first government was based on republicanism and it can well be argued that the justification for imperial power was based on the idea that the emperor was safeguarding the republic. So in a weird way, a non-democratic system legitimized itself under the pretext that it was defending democracy. My how times have not changed.

But the best argument for democracy is that it *theoretically* allows bad leaders to be replaced. Obviously in practice this does not happen as often as we'd like. Propped up by the Zionist media and possessing a silver tongue, a lying scoundrel can live out his life betraying his country and selling out his people's future while gorging himself on public funds.

But in a post-democratic world, what prevents political leaders from doing this? I have often heard people say that power should derive itself from violence. That might makes right. And I think that is a terrible system. Essentially it is like African tribal politics. basing a society on violence would create an African standard of living, not a European one.
If might made right, then whatever back stabbing, treacherous scoundrel managed to seize power by force could gorge himself upon the public just as much as any democrat. In fact, such a system rewards short sightedness even more than a democratic system. After all, in such a system it would be beneficial to starve the public so that they could not rebel and seize power.

So if we managed to overthrow the jewish elites, how would we ensure the prosperity of White people and effective government? What would need to be done to ensure that the corrupt and cowardly do not maintain office? And upon what bedrock should power derive?(Pointless thought experiment thread)

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control of resources

fuckoff with the philosocuck shit, saged

Like violence, control of resources does not ensure good government.
Essentially such a mentality reverts back to african tribal politics. Whover controls the diamonds or oil or cobalt rules. Such a system rewards the most brutal and corrupt leaders. Not the best.

How would such a system be good for White people?

Anything that leads to civilization will inevitably cuck itself, government and society should be restrained.

Power comes from strong individuals.

Strong individuals dictate policies, and thus that's where power flows from.

This is why democracy will devolve into autocracy/dictatorship because the weak is to be ruled by the strong.

"Power is a parlor trick, a shadow on the wall." This degenerate show got one thing right–there was one reason I watched every episode early on: power dynamics. It is an excellent study of power dynamics.

The Rothschilds' don't physically control much of anything. Their bidding is done by others. Even "riches" only exist in the mind. The same goes for every other hypothesis.

If we're going to win this thing, anons need to see all the way into the problem. Why do you think they are so deathly afraid of ideas and of thinking? "A small man can cast a very large shadow." Power is a fickle thing. If we attacked their distraction system or it went offline for a while, anyone else could seize power for themselves. Indeed, with no "riches," no acts of violence, etc., look at how our power has grown. Bob Whitaker died almost a year ago, and he repopularized the word "antiwhite." That may very well have been the difference between whether our race lives and dies.

A return back to a tribe like mentality with family units and small clans with the finality of death but the freedom to live how one pleases and produce for themselves and their people, might not be so bad in the short-term, but as was said that inevitably leads back to civilization and the consolidation of peoples into one global body. It's a cycle.

I can't think of any alternatives because we have to change ourselves. These are flaws inherent to social human behavior - we are bred to be social animals, yet we're not a hive mind. You have to find a way to breed out people with narcissist and sociopathic tendencies and promote altruism.

the best way to go, from an atheistic perspective, is a dictatorship with a good dictator
question is, though, who would be the dictator, and who would be the dictator after he dies? and who would be the dictator after HE dies?

The first course of action though would be to smash the current paradigm because it isn't sustainable. It's too twisted and corrupt and imo, there's no saving it. The problem is what to replace it with, how to reach a consensus in the aftermath and move forward without repeating the same mistakes.

That cycle is necessary for humanity.

The strong men create good time, good time weak men, weak times strong men have never been truer if you take a look at history.

The solution is not destroying the circle, but accepts it as natural.

For after all, the death of the Roman empire gives birth to the feudal kingdoms 500 years later who are strong and able to defend Europe.

God, this board has terribly moderation.

Apparently, you can't talk about fucking government and ideology in a fucking politics board.

I guess what I want to ask are the differences between to a traditional society with castes, classes, and hierarchy versus something entirely different where there aren't necessarily leaders, just providers and consumers, yet every person has easy means to produce whatever they want for themselves and others without any systems in place to check or impede them. The only system would be threat of violence, murder, and death. The commodities could be skill, information, and services not muddied with fiat currencies susceptible to corruption and collusion.

It's my belief with any power structure or hierarchy, there will be people relentless to rise to the top and have power over others to literally control them to their benefit. The only thing worse than some kind of straight-faced, cutthroat society where death is valued as a means to keep people accountable for their actions is a system like the one we live under where everything is SO convoluted people are able to bend the rules to their benefit and cheat and deceive in ways imperceptible to the average person. The kind of corruption that spans entire generations and centuries.

Sound like fucking communism and anarchism to me, champ.

And believe me, communism and anarchism will always revolve around hierachy, because hierarchy is the thing that keeps other hierachies from replacing it.

Humanity needs a leader, always will be.

It could be a pointless thought-experiment but it's one worth mulling over in case things do go to shit in the next century.

Power is derived from the biggest stick and legitimacy is derived from the people. Schmitt is a very good man to read. Also Machiavelli.
No it wasn't. They first had kings.

Also Hobbes.

kike mods strike again

The Third Reich was built out of thought experiments, challenging the established consensus then putting those results into practice.

I swear to god one or all of these faggot mods are Turks, Jews or some kind of hybrid. I just want an 8ch run by a cripple and organic BO's and mods again. Not some degenerate racemixing faggot kike freemason fatass and his crew of mongrels.

Imagine one of these retards calling excepts or contemplation on the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion "pointless thought experimentation."

I've never seen a more retarded reason to anchor a thread than this. Done goofed this time, Jew.

Pic related, Ahnenerbe, the Third Reich's "pointless thought experimentation" branch.

Attached: ahnenerbe.jpg (258x249 12.44 KB, 67.62K)

There has to be way we can do better - having the knowledge that we do, unfettered global communications, but it probably wouldn't be sustainable at the current population.
The human population probably needs a massive culling.

Of course if it were that easy or anymore natural than this, wouldn't even be an issue.
Which brings me back to the sentiment that this is a human flaw requiring us to change ourselves and how we think and perceive the world. So not very realistic.

Wtf why does Trump get a dozen threads, Christians get their own threads, Patrick Little get multiple threads, and random news stories get half the board, yet anons can discuss philosophy? I think it's really fucking important to try to find a sense of legitimacy because if National Socialists took over the government overnight, most of the population would fucking hate us. They're all too indoctrinated in to zionism and other jewish mind viruses. It's important to find a source of legitimacy greater than the strength and economics based legitimacy that capitalists and communists use. Banning OP and bumplocking this thread but leaving up that thread where le based preacherman calls the antichrist jewish right after redefining the word antichrist into something much less insulting is fucking ridiculous. Please reconsider the direction you want to take this board in.

What do you mean by doing better?

The cycle of breaking and unison is innately doing better than an utopian government where the same people rule forever, because the former is improvement while the latter is stagnation.

See the whole thing might be moot because of our competitive nature. Much like that other post referring to this cycle, you can't have peace because some disagreement or injustice will inevitably drive mutual collectives to war. Out of war these families and clans band together to form kingdoms, trade and then commerce takes place with new economies and currencies taking form, before you end up back at our present state with all the same flaws.
There might not be anyway to change that without changing the fundamentals of how humans think.

Because politics, news, poo poo, and pisssssssssssss.

National Socialism is Communism for the bourgeois.
Which is where you will find your answer, OP.

If you are Indo-european, once you strip away the Abrahamic religions, your culture is Celtic.

I'm actually arguing that it is good that we are now having the flaws, because we acknowledge these flaws and will seek to improve from it.

And no, while the modern world has many conveniences, its freedom rating is the lowest in comparison with the classical and medieval era, and humanity has never been treated more as cattle.

But the darkest is before the dawn, after this era, we will rise again.

And may we never have PERMANENT PEACE, permanent peace is stagnation, death. War is struggle, struggling is living.

White Europeans are being genocided by jews as you fucking read this post. We don't have time for this shit.

The Third Reich was built out of doing. They didn't sit around twiddling their thumbs all day having philosophical debates about how they'd run things far in the future once the world was literally perfect. They focused on the tasks of building the Third Reich and defeating their enemies. They didn't fucking daydream like OP. They did shit.

Actually, the 3rd reich's core was a secret society before the doing phase.

They were having philosophical debates about fucking magic, aryan superman before they took power.

In fact, the doing goes along with the thinking.

So what exactly are you doing right now?

It really is a pointless thought experiment. Wasting the precious time we have on shit like wondering what we're going to do AFTER we've solved the jewish problem and for all intents and purporses created our white eutopia is basically the same as going to Zig Forums and creating a thread asking what people want to do when they get to heaven.

It's pointless and stupid. People should rather spend their time creating propaganda for our cause and attempting to convert more people over to our side and spreading the truth.

Goebbels was a filthy anti-christian kike, kill yourself

Kill yourself first, christkike.

God, you speak like fucking the ministry of truth, where's your "propaganda" my man?

Why aren't you using every seconds of your life to make some dumb memes?

Debates are what challenge the minds, propaganda are boring after awhile.

Attached: Odin Give Your Foes No Peace.jpg (498x486 700.55 KB, 49.11K)

It's not about what's "boring" it's about getting people on our side.
And FYI I do distribute propaganda daily through many platforms.

Spending hours on a cambodian art speculation board is what we really have time for. Just look at the news thread where a 30 old guy dont want to leave his paents house. Now thats a good thread that will save the hwhite race.

Neat. Nothing I just said is wrong though.

fuckoff you varg semen slurping peasants, one day we'll be rid of (((pagan))) vermin and have true prosperity in europe again

That can be done through debate.

In fact, it's more effectively done through debate.

There's many ways to save the white race, and spamming propaganda might not actually do it.

You can't really do shit if you don't know what you are going to do.

You are wrong because the 3rd reich didn't just spring it from nowhere.

The Thule society provides a religious and rtetohrical base before the Reich is even a thing.

This is not to mention things like Nordic saga and Der Ring der nibelungen.

Media and philosophy do matter in breeding leaders and commanders.

Attached: christ.jpg (850x400, 66.83K)

But speculating on what form of government we'd have AFTER we've solved the jewish white genocide problem is really helping… rather than… oh you know.. speculating about HOW to solve the problem.

Actually, it's an useful debate to have considering how many of us are clueless about what to do after.

In fact, in many cases, you have to take control of the government until you can get rid of jews.

And no, one thread to discuss on just government isn't a problem when the whole board is filled to the brim with tabloid bullshit.

There won't be an "after" if people waste their time thinking about what to do in the future rather than actually solving the problem.

Philosophy is the struggle for truth. This airy "academic" variant is an institutional corruption of the purest pursuit.

I agree that thought experiments are useless though. Practical questions are necessary. We don't need a long winded basis to discuss where power comes from.

The necessary addition is: What is the goal?
That has the easiest answer. To do what is best for your people.

So the question should be: "How does one get the needed power to do what is best for our people?"

We already know what to do.

1. Participate in local election politics, either civil or military.
2. Debate well and turn people to our side.
3. Get fit, get armed, get strong.
4. Get a wife, start a family.

We already know what to do, what matters is doing it.

True power comes from correct alignment with God and nature.

Checked, nice digits and criminally unchecked.

Do you go onto social media platforms other than Zig Forums?

You know, it's kind of funny. This thread which deals with the political structure that we should be looking forward to post revolution gets anchored because it is "pointless"
Doubtless there are more important things that we should be talking about than politics on Zig Forums
As these people insist…

So what better and more important things than political institutions are so much more deserving than my pointless philosophical thread?
Why the 30 year old guy who wouldn't leave his parents house.
That's important.
People asking Zig Forums what we think of the free masons.
A thread about black magic.
And a thread about yet another anti-White movie.

Now, I have nothing against these topics being discussed. And I am not against moderation. However I think it's foolish to ban discussing future politics on a board dedicated to overthrowing the existing regime and replacing it with… something.

We ought to figure out what we replace it with.

And as for the folks who hate me because I made a thread about politics when, according to them, I should be dedicating my time to stopping White genocide I have to ask; what are YOU doing right now? Instead of making memes or putting up posters to stop White genocide, you read my thread and engaged in arguments with people who wanted to talk philosophy. How does that stop White genocide? And how does White people discussing politics on a political board hinder your efforts to fight White genocide?

And finally, since you people came to my thread to virtue signal about how committed to the cause you are by argung that we shouldn't "waste time" by discussing non-activist related subjects, please explain why you aren't creating threads dedicated to this subject?
I wish you would. I do IRL activism myself and frankly I think I do a better job than you do by plastering local cities and towns with pro-White propaganda. What are YOU doing for the cause and why aren't you making thread about it?

No one will see this comment but this thread is proof that 8/pol/ is in a sorry state.

His picture alone seems to bring out vitriol within the hidden Jew that they cannot contain, thereby revealing themselves. They just hated the fact he wasn't afraid of them.