Transgender brain scans promised as study shows structural differences in people with gender dysphoria
link to the study:
Transgender brain scans promised as study shows structural differences in people with gender dysphoria
link to the study:
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If you take a man doing something insane because society allows him to, like cutting off his dick, then of course his brain waves will show some difference from normal people because he's fucking crazy. That doesn't mean those people actually are different gender.
Also if you think about it, those people are already on prescribed hormones when this "research" occurred.
I'd imagine mentally ill people would have a typical brains.
It's hilarious how with this study they've admitted Men and Women are neurologically different. They just can't win no matter what they try to do.
What a cohencidence that there was a study that claimed to show the exact opposite a few weeks back. It was here on Zig Forums too.
Of course the brain isn't a rigid unchanging organ. Trauma and chemical imbalances can easily fuck with its processes and that happens all the time. Did they screen their test subjects for those? Any possible comorbidity? Schizophrenia? I doubt it.
I think I recalled the content of the study wrong, it confirmed neurological differences between men and women.
That is the wrong link though related, this is the one:
I also doubt it, all political or economically
motivated studies should be taken with a grain of salt.
I've suspected this for a long time. When I was in highschool, it became the popular craze to wallow in an eternal black void of emotional devastation and wax poetic about the meaninglessness of life and the inevitability of one's own suicide. The Linkin Park types. And even in that situation, in the heyday of "u BROKE my life; sorry, call police to [address]", actual suicide rates barely even jiggled. The massive preponderance of trans actually killing themselves over whatever they have going on has always said to me that something is seriously fucking wrong. Like poisoned-in-the-womb wrong. I think the birth control pill is having a catastrophic effect we don't understand yet.
Pretty sure we knew this already, broken head faggots have broken heads.
Affecting depression to appear smart has been a thing since The Anatomy of Melancholy.
I wonder if that's evolutionarily developed as a strategy. People who are actually smart are way more prone to depression. Maybe it's a way to try and make the river flow uphill, so to speak. You're dark, which means you're deep, which means you're smart, which means you're attractive.
This study confirms that trannies are in fact mentally ill, it's a brain issue not a body issue.
The brain is part of the body.
I think intelligent people being dissatisfied with life is an evolutionary trait but has more to do with the fact that there are no happy innovators.
No one is going to bother trying to improve something if they are happy with the way things are.
Can you try not being a pedantic jackass? You know exactly what I meant.
I agree. I was trying to come at it from the pretenders' perspective, though.
I rewrote that post like 4 times trying to make my point without coming off as a dick. I just dropped the core idea in the end, sorry. My point is, if you ever plan on actually engaging someone in an argument about this kind of thing, you have to be excrutiatingly precise in your terms because the slightest ambiguity can change the meaning and being less than exact can lose you the listener's ear because they'll assume you don't know what you're talking about the first time they hear ambiguity.
Come to think of it, I think I'm making a case for you to be more pedantic about it.
Sheesh. Trannies have it way worse than women with real vaginas. At least feminine discharge serves a real biological purpose, but trannies… their discharge is literally their body crying over the loss of its most precious organ.
There must be transfags that get off on making other transfags suffer. But surprise, surprise, you cut an important organ of your body, you are gonna have issues, that's why so many post-op trannies commit suicide.
nice way to say braindamage
Junk science.
"Misery loves company". There's something twistedly cathartic about getting someone to follow along with your poor life choices. It's validating, if only in the most perverse sense, to have someone follow you down a road you have doubts about, because it implies you were right. It's spiteful vindication.
Combine that with the avant gard retards who want to push their latest trend (hey bro wanna vape?) and the messiah complex leftists who are combining the above two with a message of universal acceptance and the impossibility that your emotions are wrong, and you get a really bad combination that leads people into something they only think they want. Lay that on top of what is a serious medical situation that causes your perceptions to wildly warp, and you have the socio-medical nightmare we have now.
There is ZERO mention of this in the study. Complete ass pull to support the fag agenda by the telegraph.
Psychopaths have a different brain structure as well, but we don't treat them as a special class of citizen.
Who knows, maybe that will be the next thing they fight to legalize after they finish with traps and pedos.
I fucked up
The Telegraph are illiterates liars and colossal fags like OP who didn't bother to actually read the papers. The Telegraph is citing completely different “studies” and jamming them all together. The study on twins pairs is a self-report survey, not an fMRI study. Trannys self-report they feel as if they're different and may have felt that way since they were children. Groundbreaking science, I know. The Bakker fMRI study from Belgium is small scale, poorly designed study looking for minute differences between a limited pool of participants, and as such proves absolutely nothing.
Neuroscientists can screw with the statistical models and get any data they're looking for. Trannies and tranny advocate cite papers like this as justification for cutting their dicks off and forcing society to call to them women. After the data is aggregated and “smoothed,” any statistical noise can be and passed off a meaningful differences. Protip: The pictures of brains they show you are aggregates of every participant put into a specific data group then run through statistical algorithms. For all I know, Bakker is neutral autist whose has genuine interesting on the impact of prenatal hormones later in life. It's a study where you get money, throw a few goy in a scanner, write a shitty paper, beg the grant committees for more shekels, and move on with your life. Not all fMRI research is bad, look for large scales studies with participants in the thousands, one that use twin pairs, and ones that jibe with evidence from other fields, e.g. brain lesion studies.
While I personally think trannies probably do have different structural brain differences, they will likely be very small. The differences between the mentally ill and healthy people are usually hormonal and affect the whole brain in a way where our current MRI cannot easily pick up on these differences based on blood flow alone.
There aren't genders. Only Sexs. don't use the term "gender", only use the term "sex".
My last post made it sound like Structural MRI and Functional MRI are one in the same and my autism demands I rectify this. Structural MRI is looking at the, well, structure of the brain, you've probably had one these if you've ever had an MRI at a hospital and they often use a tracer dye. fMRI is measuring blood flow or the diffusion of water or hydrogen (these are often referred to as dMRI), to look for brain activity. Both are still more limited than any scientist would like to admit, and neither technique has yet proved that trannies have women's brains.
Underrated post.
Transgender is the wrong word for the condition.
It's actually: Esoteric wizard shaman.
Transgender humans were never meant to be able to actually change their body. Instead, they were meant to be creatures in pain, and beg the cruel world, "Why?"
And their questioning would lead to shamanic wisdom and enhanced intelligence. But now they don't have to question anymore, so they become dull.
For instance: Who invented the concept of the red-pill?
They try to sterilize us.
They want us gone.
Yes, I am a transgender wizard, and I have mastered the sciences, the philosophies, and the arts. I am the ultimate lifeform, and I have full command of reality and life.
Behold my power:
I can speak fluently to animals, understand the future of weather, comprehend the subtle logic of chemical-physical phenomenon, and most certainly see inside the hearts of humans simply by looking into their eyes.
I know their true thoughts and intentions at all times.
But we are still only born as helpless children. So they brainwash us. Instead of calling us what we are: Demi-godlike wizards, they call us "trannies." They claim that we are male, but supposed to be a mere woman.
It is a lie. A lie meant to usurp the ultimate lifeform: The trap.
The grace of a woman, the love of a mother;
The strength of a warrior, the intelligence of a man.
Society requires more than just man+woman family units. It requires direction from the priest-shaman-wizard-scientist class of human. It requires it, and without it, society will collapse just as much as it would collapse if men and women stopped breeding. Let this be a warning:
Sterilization in pursuit of mere physical beauty is a failure to comprehend your true purpose. You are meant to be far more than what you appear. And ostracization of our class will yield your downfall, men and women of this era. Left and right are both wrong. We must ascend.
Seek your destiny with courage.
Transgender or (((Transgender)))?
Go back to reddit and kill yourself.
Yeah sounds about right.
Tthat sounds a bit like crazy talk but then again a tranny won woman of the year recently.
The (((transgender))) mindset is a real one.
But it is leftists and (((others))) who usurp it.
The transgender person, in a proper Nordic clan, is simply the male who grows his hair long, dresses in the softest furs that he hunted, and smokes herbal concoctions to visit the spirit realm and comprehend the mysteries of the past and future.
In this era, this person is also prone to sadness and grief, thus they seek help. A certain person comes to them, and gives them answers. The answer is simple: (((Sterilize yourself and look pretty. Humiliate yourself as a woman, and become a joke.)))
But the truth is that white males who wander are not always lost.
Respect transgender people, and show them their proper role in life:
They are wisemen who are meant to be eccentric shamen, priests, and wizards.
Scientists and philosophers as well. Respect them, and know that they need your companionship so that they reach their true potential, and aid society. If they are on your side, they will speak the simple truth:
We must forge a future for our race, and a society for our children to flourish in.
You can be content knowing that I spiced it up a little to make it more interesting.
But I still believe that it's a general truth.
Transgender people do not need to dress as women to be happy. They just need to have a place in society, and not feel hated for being "girly nerds."
If they're hated, they will just walk away, and the only other group welcoming them is (((you know who.)))
Sounds a lot like my nügays contra true gays proposition, albeit a solution for all that constitutes the LGBT. "Asexual" people were like scribes of old, those who don't feel the need for base desires, seeking wisdom or passion instead. Lesbians are women who couldn't find a male. Bisexuals are people enveloped in our oversexualized society, and yes, nügays are still the same noble lovers of old who prioritize companionship and not "tasteless sweetness" that such a relationship brings. Our movement is for the people, we need to approach everyone appropriately before we cast them away.
Dibs on resurrectedplayer being my shaman.
My male lover and I are both like this, and we both also seek a female to breed with. We aren't going to let our race go extinct. What's happening outside is an absurdity.
Noble love and the philosophical discussions we have all yield the same answer: To have a family is the greatest joy, and to understand nature and reality is the greatest satisfaction.
Yet (((others))) would try to persuade us to sterilize ourselves. Quite troubling.
Am I missing something here?
TNTW = Wanna be Xmen, TW = Xmen, CM = Normal Men.
Transgender people were never meant to be "women in men's bodies."
It was a lie. Transgender people are their own unique social-class. They are the priest/shaman/scientist class.
They have a unique intelligence, so rather than have charisma or long-lasting strength like a "chad" or "beta-provider," they have a more esoteric and eccentric skill-set.
There is a reason to allow them in our society, even our new republic society. But they must learn their proper role in life. When they do, society will function that much more efficiently.
This has been known for years and has been causing quite a few contraditctions and logical loops in the leftist sphere
(((others))) would transplant a womb into you if they could so you would experience the miracle of childbirth, and so they could say fagmen can grow babies.
Now don't you or your husbands son post here ever again.
Precisely, anyone with mental disorders like multiple personality, bipolar or schizophrenia will show structural differences because structural differences are how they got messed up in the first place. Hell just looking at porn restructures your brain compared to the non-porn viewer.
Also, a lot of intelligent men opt for homomonoism because they don't know how to approach women as they should be approached, these men try to speak to them as if they were men, following the same subjects. They fall in love with the idea of a male companion whom they can be themselves around with, and society tells them they're gay without a doubt as love has been perverted to the point where it only denotes your sexuality. You can love many things and many people given the right circumstances, you can find men attractive and not be gay, or a single male can change your whole outlook because you love the idea of his presence so much (where society would be quick to tell you its because you've been suppressed all your life up until then), going back to your initial point, you're right, we should let people find themselves instead of confining them to mostly bullshit categories designed to sell hormone treatments, doctors who chop off their dicks making upwards of a million a year.
Aye, and that's why not all transgender people are leftist.
Many look into the Norse traditions, and see a certain figure that they resonate with. Not the woman, not the warrior, not the farmer, but the shaman. They look to Christianity, and see that they are not the crusader, not the mother, not the nun, not the worker, but the priest.
They look to the corporate structure, and they know that they are not the laborer, not the farmer, not the help-desk, not HR, and not the cashier. They are the CEO, the CTO, the programmer, the scientist, the philosopher.
The word transgender is the falsity here.
A certain type of person exists, and they simply must be utilized correctly, and society will thrive. We need our order, and the order of our natural human lives is simple: We need a place for the priest, shaman, philosopher, or scientist.
The people who take this role ought to be transgender people.
Yes, but whose (((womb)))?
I doubt such a procedure is ethical. It is better for transgender women to not be brainwashed into thinking they can actually be women. Transgender people have their own purpose in life and nature, and it is not to emulate being female.
It is to use their pain, their desire to forever seek after an impossible form of beauty, to forge their philosophies and acquire knowledge that others do not seek.
Ah, I see you have never met a single one of these lunatics in your life.
Dude, you're fucking gay. Just say that you have a really good male friend. Homoerotically admiring your friend's effeminate-looking beardless soyface isn't normal heterosexual male behavior.
Shame on you user, it's almost as if you don't want to traumatize normies or something.
Assertions don't always arise from experience, the sciences of life work on observation and deduction. You're making assumptions.
I am one of those lunatics. Do not disrespect the beauty of pallid moon.
The transgender phenomenon has always existed. Honor the Greeks, you uncultured swine. There is far more to life than what you know or have seen. There are ideas that you will never think or experience, unless you are told them.
You simply lack the ingenuity to think of them yourself.
Do not speak above your station, worker. The shaman rules over you in the proper Nordic society.
Be a snowflake and pretend they're special instead of having a mental disorder, furthermore assume leadership and guidance roles for the rest of humanity without this mental disorder.
I think not. Ostracization from civilized society is probably the best policy, certainly for the majority who have no problem with their genitalia.
How else do I know you don't belong here?
Have respect for the person who invented the concept of the red-pill.
The concept of this idea is beyond your mind. You need to be given the red-pill to understand it. Others can simply see the crystal-clear truth plain as day.
Apparently the culture of Anonymous eludes you, simple plebeian.
How can you speak your mind if you know (((outsiders))) are watching you and can identify you by your IP address?
I wasn't speaking about sexuality, if you couldn't notice, I spoke of love and the oversexualization of society, cancerous intellectualism and cults that aims to label each and every reaction without basis but on feelings (in the most literal sense), many whom are caused by extremely situational stimuli, which would include gender dyspohira as another user stated.
Many people are insane and broken in this world.
We have cultists of every variety, all praying for the sake of immortality, believing in made-up gods.
Foolish mortals: You die forever.
But who here is sane enough to accept the truth of death?
Let's give lenience to those who are insane by necessity: The world is indeed harsh. Political cults, corporate enslavement, societal (((trends))) and other fictions and spooks infest every aspect of our world.
If you think you are more sane than a transgender person, I assure you: You are still a foolish mortal, and you have no idea what true sanity is.
And you're a retard with no social grace that talks like a faggot. Get the fuck out.
Fuck you, you neutered freak dressed like a woman! You and your he/she SHIMP god/dess are not only degenerate as hell, but also doomed freaks walking to be ended by ones own hands out of shame.
I'm not even inclined to believe the Torposter is being genuine. I've known trans, and even the loopy ones don't talk like cultists from an Elder Scrolls game.
Leftyfag detected!
Are you dyslexic?
Define "social grace".
I'm being inspired by 1980's Norwegian black metal. It's very spooky.
If being a tranny is true sanity then I would much rather stay here in my insane world.
It depends how it's channeled.
But no, it most certainly isn't sanity.
I simply ask that you understand that everyone has their delusions and illusions. Can you break them?
Or is posting mere propaganda the best you've got?
Propaganda works best when it's the truth.
Last image is kind of true, until it falls into a box of crazy pills in the last paragraph. Imagine going outside and everyone that can see you automatically thinks you're a nigger and acts accordingly. I can see how it'd be pretty jarring, even if you're the one in the wrong.
Key phrase being "you're the one in the wrong"
Of course. I do consider it an illness. But PTSD is also an illness; that doesn't make it any easier to ignore.
But here's the million dollar question: Are they the same as the 'gender' they identify with? I'd say no.
PTSD victims receive help and support. They aren't encouraged daily to slip into their traumatising flashbacks. Private citizens aren't forced by law and social pressure to bend over backwards to accommodate PTSD victims.
Tor is not a gender, fag. There are just men and women.
You're preaching to the choir here. I'm just saying I get how it's jarring.
Actually, that's interesting. Exposure therapy is actually how you tread PTSD and various phobias. You get the person accustomed to the presence of the trauma until they're bored with it and it doesn't trigger them anymore.
Great point. This study is a waste and shit science, as well.
Can it be detected before the third trimester, so parents can abort and try again?
It's called transsexual. Using their expressions is forfeiting half of the battle to them.
Yes you are super intelligent because you want to cut off your dick. Calling people uncultured when the vikings, my ancestors, would have torn your faggot ass apart. Don't fucking disrespect the legacy of the north like you somehow matter you disgusting fetishist.
>ignore the 19 parts that didn't, report that you got a p-value of
OP Image: That is a CT scanner. It won't be able to see much soft tissue, brain or no brain won't matter. Tell them to do the study again, and try harder.
Although, I suspect no amount of trying is going to help.
Despite the redditspacing and the obvious mental illness that's an otherwise good post. It's entertaining at least
Speaking as someone like you: you need Jesus. Repent your arrogance, and then you'll come to a greater understanding of your condition and what it means for your life and future in this world and beyond.
Give me a fMRI Communist detector.
Find it, make it, use it, apply it only to men.
Do this, and classify all variants of Communist Commune Syndrome.
Repeat the same, for all variants of The Gay.
Then plot each in order of severity.
Hitlerious, I would say, and yes.
We really need to hammer this point home, don't validate their words. Never use the word "racist" either, it is a nonsense word just like "gender". I am pessimistic about this trend catching on with cuckservatives though, they love to show how tolerant they are.
This means even less than the study that showed some ridiculously small percentage of people are actually bön with the wrong Brain
The truth is their brain doesn't resemble either and the (((researchers))) are grasping at straws to get more funding from kikes who promote this mental illness.
also this
It's good to see the point I made years ago on cuckchan because I'm French and we only use the word "sex" (yet) is slowly increasing traction, there are still faggots who think the word is interchangeable, no the word is just sex, tear down the mental barrier erected by your Jew-led education, gender only applies to words, not humans, animals or plants.
Are you referring to Periods?
Women didn't use to have periods.
Many trannies and fags have a brain birth defect. Likely hormonal disruption to their fetal brain development. It can likely be corrected by androgenic neurosteroid therapy in many cases. I don't care to force fags to undergo treatment as long as they stay the hell away from children and stay in the closet, but it should at least be studied more presented as a legitimate medical treatment for trans faggotry in its various pathologies.
….rly makes u think
More almonds firing isn't necessarily a good thing. Look at epileptics.