Brit/pol/ #2817: Eyesore Edition

The rebuilt Notre Dame could feature a futuristic glass design, solar power, and an urban farm that supports vulnerable and homeless Parisians, if one architecture firm's vision is realized

Welsh independence march: Huge turnout in Cardiff for AUOB cumrag march

Sadiq Khan has 24 hour police protection after receiving hundreds of threats on social media

Theresa May is refusing to set a firm resignation date before her Brexit deal is passed by Commons

Seven Kings Mosque shooting: Gunman fires during Ramadan prayers in east London

Black students are failing to apply to Cambridge because there is a lack of Afro-Caribbean hairdressers in the city, the university’s pro-vice-Chancellor has said

Racist threatened to stab people in theatre hours after court appearance

Brex-hit and run? Nigel Farage's chauffeur-driven 4x4 crashed into me and he just ‘upped and left' hours before Question Time, claims pub landlord

Migrant women art exhibition opens at Birmingham Library

At least 65 migrants drown as boat capsizes off coast of Tunisia

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i can do it!

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does anyone here watch britain's got talent?

xth for worker focused National Socialism with English aesthetics and Japanese arthoes

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Just got into a fight with my sister over dinner lads. She was talking about that communist Indian bint and Joe Owens and mentioned she thinks you can’t be racist towards white people I went the fuck off about Rotherham and she left.

The old roof wasn't that nice tbf, I don't particularly like the design in OP, but it could be improved.

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surely you mean owen jones?

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She's probably just regurgitating shit she's been forcefed, gently ask questions to make her aware she doesn't have a good reason for believing it to be true.

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God I hate her

She sounds like a child lad.

tbf the beeb having her on so often makes a lot of normies angry too so it works out

ban this lad

How about I ban you new-lad

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The fucking nerve of these on-the-EU-payroll traitor-cunts.

ban this cunt

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All women are like that lad

verbatim the same shit they say up here

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Keeeek, who is that, a random Deano?

The Troubles and those Irish Marxists ruined Celtic Nationalism tbh.


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nah this is a distinct pre packaged new plastic neo liberal gdp nationalism that has risen

You should find some humour in all celtic nationalists being internationalist.

They're terribly deluded, which is why they think had they intervened they could have stopped Brexit, it's the same delusion that has led Verhofstadt to campaign for the Lib Dems.

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go off king

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All women fucking are.

They will just storm off if you try to attack their shit little arguments in the nicest way possible.

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It's not my fault, my only non-Celtic relative is Norfolk-Dutch.

The only other way to get through to them sit down and explain calmly to them like you would to a child

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only way to get women to stop believing something is to make them think it degrades their social status

Family injured in Manchester terror attack furious over ISIS bride Shamima Begum’s legal aid plea and claim she is getting more than their compensation
Robert and Claire Dowson said they were 'appalled' legal chiefs were considering paying out to help the Begum come back to Britain


At least their site works without ECMA-cancer.

I can't tell if this was posted facetiously or not.

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Be honest, which one of you lads sent the flag to him?

how the fuck does he make money


he's an actor apparently

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My sister does the exact same shit. Before she went away to university she was a normal well adjusted person. Then she came back after one semester away and she'd completely changed. One semester, that's all it took.

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Passengers hear porn on train speakers
An investigation has been launched after what sounded like pornography was relayed through the train’s public address system between stations

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you an actor

Still think it's an elaborate art project.

society takes in normal mostly wholesome girls and spits out vile used up tattooed lefty slags

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That'd be impressive although it's not got enough traffic.

hullo newfren

I still can't get over that picture. You could write a novel on the state of the nation based on that memi.

this is about the 4th time you've called me new this week, excuse me I don't know your faggy tripfag backstory

tbh I'm surprised /cow/ hasn't done anything to him, he's given all of his personal info out with every single post he makes

calm down lad

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Is that chicken saluting a darker-skinned chicken being burned?

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just one election like this and the tories will be finished

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He does extras work, stands in the background of things


embarrassing tbh

I do doubling and ads tbf

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Nor do I tbh. What is RNA?

lad just admit you came here after the tarrant thing


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Genetic coding information expressed as a single strand.

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Being an extra is comfy tbh easy money and a day out

>Family bought a cat
**>My face feels itchy and my eyes are watery **
2 piriteze for dinner

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Good arc tbh

smh you're gay now

Im not puglad

extra stuff is fine depending on the role and location tbh, the larger the scene the worse it'll be

Its a nice ginger cat tbh, sweet little thing

Good replace his shit arc with your better one.

I'd do it again tbh.

Don't let it go outside too often lad.

*rips it to shreds*

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dunno why people think im puglad

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If you can get it consistently like I was doing you can make pretty good money, especially if the agencies like you.

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Anyone can have an arc, lad

Good lad

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lel I completely missed that, quality journalism right there

top fucking kek
what an utter mong
fucking embarrassing tbh lads

how's the mutt arc progressing?

Do none of you lads care about the ffvii remake?

They want it to be a house cat because our last one got hit by a car i think, came home to die, really sad


what one lad, there are 3 different mutts for me to chase and i am going out drinking with one tonight tbh

if it's not ATB I don't give a shit