this is actually urgently important, and this post should be read with zero connotations. i have spent the last 4 months deconstructing actual evil meme magic to its very core and at the base of everything is the concept of the cube. this planet is infected with an evil cube metaphor that is destroying people's minds.
the cube is entirely mental blocks, if that makes any sense, and if you shatter the cube, you are actually untouchable, but the only way you can be touched to begin with is through the cube. it makes absolutely no sense, but the cube cannot actually hurt your mind unless you give in to the cube. all addiction is a cube. anything that changes your mental state is a cube. win/loss mentalities and warmongering are cubes. pharmaceutical advertisements are a cube. worshipping particular deities in a literal way may also be a cube because it's putting one being above another. ignoring people's opinions based on bias over their intelligence is a cube. feeling embarrassment pretty much ever is a cube of its own. laughing at violence instead of feeling remorse and pity is a cube. not waving to people you pass on the street is a cube. sexual fetishes are a cube. anything that limits your mind or your actions is a cube but the desire to think about evil is also a cube. the cube is almost entirely ego but it is also nonsensical mental blocks.
the cube metaphor is also in religion. the mecca is an actual black cube with golden furniture inside that nobody can enter. the star of david and hexagons in general may be seen as a cube, but the kabbalah is the exact shape of two stacked cubes when you include daath. the cross of christianity is the cube unravelled by the savior because of his selflessness, but the imagery of the crucifix is a cube because it's an understanding that because jesus was tortured the cube was opened instead of the fact that jesus set a good example which opened the cube. even sitting here typing this out and acting like i know what i'm talking about is also a cube. the english language itself is full of cubes so to actually type this out i'm trying as hard as possible to have no connotations.
if you shatter the cube you will actually be neo, but you're not neo whatsoever because thinking about yourself as neo is a fetish power fantasy. the way to beat the cube is to love your family and your life and try and be selfless and a positive influence. christianity has the right idea but the new testament from my limited reading is full of nonsense and contradictions, but i don't really know. whatever helps you be selfless shatters the cube. the entire idea of a lord above in control is a cube. the nwo has ZERO power because the nwo is INSIDE OF A CUBE and that makes NO SENSE and that is EXACTLY how it works, and i can just say this, out loud, and nothing will happen. you have to see the unsee to break the cube.
WOW! The universe is a cube. Incredible! Great job user for this incredible discovery. Really made me think about the cube crucifix. No sage for effort in writing this.
Easton Roberts
wait until you find out about holofractal theory, user. You're in for a trip.
Nathaniel Bennett
Get your priorities in order, you could have studied real philosophy/theology but that would require effort, wouldn't it?
Adrian Fisher
Levi Clark
The black cube of Saturn is the physical world aka Time. Time is a mental process only, and not an actual thing in reality. Time does not exist except in your mind. The Star of David is the 666. 666 = Carbon atoms, 6 electrons, 6 neutrons, 6 protons. A human is both part animal and part God. One foot in the animal kingdom, and one foot in the heaven. To break out of the dimension of matter and time, you must break out of the egoic mind. Stop the flow of time and you stop the flow of matter.
Jews and mussies worship the black cube of Saturn, or of time. They worship the mind and the world of matter. Its why they are so shit.
Hello, friend, and greetings from a BOND associate. I see where you're going with this and would like to add a brief insight of my own.
You see, kikes have been interjecting their own worldy, filthy, detestable form of magic into all other religions; Hermeticism being the most molested. So your idea of "boxes" is actually just kike magic seeping into your skull, as it has for Wiccans, so called "pagans", and Christians. Let's also not forget that the jew has also stolen spiritual concepts/truths from the rest of the world in order to accumulate the power they have now.
Please use discernment when studying any spiritual material. Identify kike magic, and discard it.
"the way of zen" by allan watts details it all pretty well in my opinion. "reality is god playing hide and seek with itself" seems to be true, but for other reasons. Those reasons are just other humans trying to outcompete you. The mental traps that they set are made so that they can one up you. To make MKULTRA work they also mentioned how they used multiple philosophies, science experiments…ANYTHING really to give their subjects the perception of them being totally controlled…when it is not as such.
Actual freedom of thought is as simple as just opening up an obscure book. Taking a walk in nature. Just not being glued to the thoughts of others (most MSM). Thats it really. Escaping the "cube" is just taking enough time to find alternative routes to problems that you may find. Sometimes you can find those routes by other anons like you (here on the chans), sometimes you make them yourself. Your brain has a shitton of thoughts that were put there by subversion, but also many thoughts that were not. Not a single religion or single anything really overshadows anything else on this realm in my opinion. Even though the kikes try hard with their kaballah schizophrenic insanity.
do this for many topics, on many books and now whatever the MSM speaks out doesnt matter anymore. Not just books, fucking crap like pic related too. A change of perspective, an additional frame to look upon can work miracles for your own freedom of mind, and freedom to outmaneuver anyone really.
have you ever considered the concept that thinking about the media as controlled makes the media controlled? or that by blaming jews for problems, jews appear as the culprits of the problems? maybe in a mind reading sense or maybe not, either way. what if every solution you apply to reality builds itself there as the solution, and by not hitting mental walls you stop those things from existing? maybe if nobody believed in the cia, the cia would disband, so that's why imagery like exists on earth, so that people apply the understanding of saturn or the god of death or the cube or the nwo to the imagery, and then those things are created or those realities are created? to me the cube is not actually a metaphor it is a reality of mental blocks but maybe by doing that i gave power to mental blocks, who can really say.
i wonder how much nicer of a place earth would be if nobody hated each other.
Ethan Edwards
Yes, jews are innocent. Oh why oh why do the goyim hate us so?
Power is a collective illusion. This means that if you cease to recognize their authority, they will leverage the faith of everyone else in their system against you. The best you can do is convince the multitude to drop their belief in said power.
It's just the power of right angles. The furthest point you can go from one direction is the opposite. The furthest from two opposing directions is any right angle. The furthest from that is the opposite direction. Thus you get 2 dipoles, or 4 poles. Now create another dipole. 3 dipoles, 6 poles. You have all the dimensions now. This fits into an octahedron shaped like two pyramids base to base though. This is a shape where the dimensionality is revealed in its vertices. A cube reveals its ==dimensionality== through the center of its face. 4 dipoles, 8 poles, point to the vertices of a cube. It's the opposite considering the octahedron.
So no it's not all cubes. Take out your D&D dice and look for the d8. Some geomagician occult philosophers claim that the d4 is fire, d6 is earth, d8 is air, d12 is aether, and d20 is water.
The cube is the most efficient dimensionality you can have whilst being a 1D brained retard. The tetrahedron is the most efficient dimensionality you can have whilst being a 3D genius but still wanting to flex your 1D benis. Earth vs Fire. Yin vs Yang. bullshit. The dodecahedron is cool because it uses pentagons. That's 5 sides, and that's terrifying. Imagine if every time you looked at a 2D you got 5 sides for each 2D. Wow my brain omg. ==And there's 12 of them== The d20 is like a shape that started dissolving into geometry. Thus water. There's pentagons into pentagons, triangles into triangles, optical hexagons… interesting to look at when you're rolling for "intimidate lock" and you roll a 20.