Kurt Eichenwald Trying to Get Another Twitter User Arrested
Another person has sent Kurt Eichenwald the picture a picture with flashing lights so that now Kurt is attempting to get him arrest just as back in 2017, a Maryland user was arrested and charged with cyberstalking and it going to do 10 years.
The Anime Avis are twitter are now lashing out by spamming him with epileptic images and reminding everyone that he not only watches hentai but literally ran a CP site for years.
Kurt Eichenwald Trying to Get Another Twitter User Arrested
Other urls found in this thread:
Everyone that sends him Japanese Seizure Robots just has to use the excuse "his computer came with a warning for photosensitives". Literally every phone, TV, PC, game console, tablet I have comes with basically the same warning indemnifying the manufacturer should I have a seizure. Someone should send him a .GIF with the first frame as one of those generic warnings. That way we can prove he ignored the warning and gave himself a seizure.
t. Epileptic
It's not like it's that hard to block gifs in most browsers.
I don't get why he's so salty, unless he's upset he still can't get past the sad panda screen. ;^)
Most vengeful race on the planet, that's why.
Woops, wasn't thinking
He's such an awkward fucking retard.
"Welcome to your nightmare" I can just see his fat, sweaty body hunched over a computer furiously typing that out.
Ok, since we all know that some 3rd world people post and visit this website, it would be interesting to see what would happen if spics or chinks started sending seizure GIFs to him
Oy fucking vey, the poor chosen man
Is he even employed after all the shitstorms he's been involved?
Hashtag is #FreeFloof on twitter if you want to follow along
Somebody really ought to check his driving records, shouldn't really be allowed to operate anything more deadly than a can opener. He should be banned from owning electronic devices capable of causing him a fit honestly. If he keeps choosing to look at flashing things he should be sectioned.
To the kikenwald
Q predicted this
Sage deez nuts
Kill yourself pedo
Computer monitors ARE flashing lights you hyper kike, literally everything computer related has an epilepsy warning on board. This is like you buying a strobe light and sitting in front of it 12 hours a day and somebody changes the colour settings a bit and they go to jail for ten years for attempted homicide
Do you think I'm Kurt Eichenwald or something, you mong?
He can't have anyone arrested if there's too many people sending these pics at the same time. Dozens, hundreds of them constantly from multiple sockpuppets for many many days in a row.
If only there was such an anonymous group to pull that off huh?
Epilepsy user here. Your doctor can "forbid" you from driving but has no authority to enforce it. You're usually cleared to drive again after half a year or no repeat seizures, while taking anti-seizure medication during that same time span.
Best way to anonymously make a Twitter and send tweets?
Public WiFi with a private browser and proxies? Tails?
you'll probably need a burner phone to sign up, if you want to keep the burner phone anonymous (considering the last guy was found by his phone I'd imagine you would) you'd need to drive out of town to buy it, make your account and then ditch the phone before heading home.
Exactly. Bareback the internet and get the STDs you deserve.
Also this.
Really user?
That other Epileptic user here. Your doctor is most certainly involved in the forbidding process starting with his diagnoses you're unfit to drive. By law he must report this to the Depart of Public Safety who has the authority to suspend/revoke your license until cleared medically.
My neurologist has had my license suspended twice for 6mo periods over the last 6 years.
How does a man that gets BTFO as often and consistently as Kurt does, find the strength to show back up on twitter?
He is obviously just jewing
This shouldn't hold out in anything. Have he been in court with this before or did he just lawyers to harass people? I don't remember how this went down. Posting a gif is not a fucking crime
as far as I remember some kid is actually in jail for several years for this
It's in their DNA. Jews jew right up until they stop breathing.
trial doesn't even start for 2 more months
so… he admits he didn't really have a seizure?
god damnit, I had a feeling about this it was there in the back of my head somewhere. what a piece of shit
Retarded kikenwald thread? Retarded kikenwald thread.
Floof is a good lad who doesn’t deserve to have his life ruined by a demon.
Don't forget
my bad I thought the original one was already sentenced. it's fucking pathetic that this is even going to court anyway
I almost forgot about this pedophile . He is an endless source of amuisement so glad .
What a petty, prissy bitch.
Hold up what?
I don't know about ran, but he was supposedly investigating CP related things (but never spoke with anyone officially about it in order for it to be a formal investigation. I.e., it was just him doing his thing with the excuse of it being an investigation for journalism). He proceeded to download CP. As for running a site, unless he used something like FN where you psuedo-store things like sites, I don't know about that being true. If anyone has a reference for him actually running a site, feel free to share.
Sleepy Eyes Kurt Eichenwald
When he complains about the flashing, reply with a flashing version of this.
I hope this kike dies in pile of shit.
I thought he was bankrolling the site. Either way, lotta fucking smoke around that creepy kike
IIRC he was given some sort of admin powers on the site.
Shouldn't this kike wear those blue Hillary seizure glasses. Or better yet stay away from a computer screen? At least make it black and white? Fucking weasel…
I've always found it really strange that all these fucks seem to love anime and hentai, but are completely triggered by smugs and in public always claim to hate anime and hentai.
There's a term for that.
Could it be Tsundere?
What if a non-burger and western citizen send him a daily dose of his favorite GIFs? Will that work?
tldr law is the kike law, there is no justice to the law, there is no intelligence to respecting any courts. Disrespect all courts, disrespect all legal institutions, disrespect all of the kike oppressor's tools of oppression.
Well, fucking duh.
Yeah, but they aren't cute girls. These are jews, psychopaths and communists we're talking about.
Tsunderes are just the anime version of shit-testing real women.
In the case of kikes, it's their way of letting us how that they're deceitful, disgusting creatures and we should definitively kill them.
Nice to know I'm not the only one. Cheers Anons.
Confirmed for not dealing with women irl.
Tsunderes do what they do because they care about their public image.
Shit-testing is insecurity-based with a large dose of poor impulse control, it's a completely different category and arguably starts moving a character towards gire more than dere if it's allowed to develop. Most girls IRL start out as dere but the jewish influence moves them towards gire as they become hostile to the world and themselves. It's a real fucking shame.
Ooh you fucking kike, you didn't just 'tell him the consequences', you went after him legally and had him arrested and jailed. Kurt really needs to be hanged.
And people wonder why anyone would self medicate, why anyone wouldn't trust doctors…
Too much for my liking actually. In my line of work, they're fucking everywhere.
Depends, that would be true only for those that exhibit those kind of behaviors only while on public, they can also be done as a way to push the man into action by way of questioning his virility (like Louise from ZnT, for example. Madoka from KOR is a great portrayal of this, even she's more aloof rather than actively aggressive in her expressions), as a way to play "hard to get" and have the man try to impress her (Pai/Parvati from 3x3 Eyes is a clear example) or, in a more simple fashion, simply out of frustration due to the guy ignoring her or his seeming lack of interest, trying to get his attention without appearing interested herself out of fear of rejection (Fa from ZETA is a clear-cut example).
The purpose of shit-testing IRL is for a woman to find out where her limits lay in regards to her man, how far she can push him and how much she get away with it. She wants him to push back against her and put her back into her place, because being responsible for her own life is stressful for a woman, so she'll seek out a manly man that will lead her. If the current man fails to be up to the task, that's where she'll start to look somewhere else for one that won't.
Even if that's so, fail to prove yourself as a man and that won't last long.
2 years ago?
the lying kike can't even keep his story straight
public wifi, burner phone purchased with cash, burner laptop / tablet
snail mail, my nigger.
Why is this idiot still being given air? Christ the herd needs a deep culling.
b…but the story says that something bad happened to someone I dislike, i…it must be true
Fuck off with your shit cuckchan threads, cunt.
Something about his face fills me with rage.
Fantastic job, anime nerds. The more he has to look at these images, the less believable are his claims of being a very fragile epileptic. Thumbs up. Keep going.
What in the fuck are you talking about?
Holy fucking shit lad
Just send him some 'woke' nogmusic.
Shit-testing has nothing to do with being tsundere.
You can't differentiate it because you're weak.
Christ, what a whiny little bitch.
It doesn't occur to him that he could just get off the internet?
You may send our guys to jail… You may dox us, threaten us with FBI swatting, sue us with your fellow Jew people, pretend to have seizures for gibs… But our lives will never be as ruined as yours, Kurt, you stupid balding lolikike
Jews manipulate whites and their capacity for sympathy by pretending to be hurt. Whites have adapted to respond to the pain of others with sympathy to protect their tribe. Jews dissolve and infiltrate tribal boundaries, inventing the "oy vey is me" routine so they can manipulate whites.
Bruh, having a seizure while driving is insanely dangerous for both you and other drivers. Couple this with the fact that you're more likely to have a seizure in the weeks following a seizure and it makes sense why you'd want to avoid operating a vehicle or firearm in that time. Also, I can tell by your use of ellipses and talking like a retard that you're fresh off the boat from some other website, but please, elaborate on how I and other can self medicate to prevent seizures.
t. yet another epileptic user
Meta data reveals users that use burner phones. They are easy to find since their normal phone goes off, then the other is turned on. Then CCTV of the area, and boom.
Not assisting you in commiting crimes, just saying that you'll get caught. Crimes are bad, don't commit them.
Why not give them motorcycle licenses?
:^) You don't know the #1 way spying through phones works. Edward Snowden does. So does that other NSA guy. What is it? Nothing more than the humble microphone. The camera is handy too, but the microphone is omnidirectional. Do you have any idea how far the range of those mics is?
Here's an example. Say you put your phone in your refrigerator - you've heard good things about that. Then you walk to the room that's beside the kitchen - but don't close the door (if your modern open floorplan affords you this luxury). Whenever the compressor of the refrigerator is off the fan and everything is off on it, and this happens periodically. So during the periods where the refrigerator is silent, your conversations are quite audible. Test this out yourself. Take your phone, bring up the camera, select video recording (you can also use a proper audio recorder, so long as it's not overly compressive), set it to recording, plop it into your refrigerator, unplug your refrigerator (to test it as it is during compressor-off portions of the cycle), then speak in a normal voice, naming the room you're in. Now plug in a good pair of sensitive earbuds or IEM, and listen with the volume cranked. I'll be damned, that motherfucker can hear everything.
And the same is true of bags. People think if a phone is in a purse or a bag they won't be able to hear it, since you can't use the speakerphone when the phone (voluntary quartering spy equipment) is in there. But actually there's little attenuation. Some, but little.
It's very hard to soundproof your phone out. That's why Snowden opens up his phone and literally snips the microphone out (he uses a WIRED handsfree set to make use of the phone - he could do better by also removing the speaker (can be used, through other phones, to establish location, if there's a fingerprintable tone emitted by a compromised phone. Don't forget, bluetooth headsets are nearly as bad as phones, have mics in them, have internal storage for recording, if compromised). Remember, you can just use fucking electrical tape (the best sort for the purpose) over the cameras. But taping over the microphone only grands slight attenuation.
Tape the mic, surrounding the phone in cotton, putting it in a box, you're making progress. Close the door, and if there's no transom seal, or tight carpeting, you can still record conversations going on in the other room.
What's the fast & easy method? If you have an automobile, leave it in there, have your conversations inside a building (again, you can test out the sensitivity of your mic - you want 1 extra room for conversations, I recommend 2 extra rooms of separation from silence to account for possible shouting.) If your phone is in your automobile, won't it be out of charge, say if you left it there all evening? No, you can just use a large battery charger for the purpose of charging your phone - you just charge it up in the day, so when you get home you take it from your house to your car and jack it in. Obviously, you'll need another battery if you need a battery charger for its typical use.
Or, leave your phone inside the building, go outside 50' away from the outer walls of the building, in an open outdoors area.
These two solutions work, but how will you know if you're getting a phone call? pic related or similar shit.
Oh, and another thing, totally disconnect all old-fashioned phones. Get rid of all of those fucking things, the modern cordless ones are just as capable of wiretapping, on battery, exactly like your cellphone ffs
Welp, apparently my satire is weak like my kung fu…
brb, off to kms
It's nigh impossible for narcissists, like Kurt, to realize/accept when they've lost and move on.
They will continue to chase their losses in typical passive-aggressive fashion until they get utterly BTFO.
In women, the condition might be considered somewhat within the boundaries of 'normal', but, in men, it's an utter shitshow cringefest.
I lay the lion's share of the blame for people like this existing on parents who fail to set and enforce boundaries.
Now, I'm not familiar with the speakers in cellphones; do they act like the old coil/magnet cone type in that they can be reversed to act like a microphone?
Polite sage for off-topic
Cannabinoids and ketogenic diet would be two things to look into.
The jew merely wished to watch his tentacle and child pornography in peace with his family. Isn't this what normal Americans all do? Your leaders most of all skip right past the CP and go straight to raping kids, the most American of traditions. We all saw every last war Americans have been involved in during the past 60 years to know this is a time honoured tradition among Americans and this jew is the most American of Americans.
What about someone doing it from outside the US? Couldn't BASED Euro Bros (or Japananons) fight the good fight and use their lack of citizenship (and thus legal jurisdiction) here?
Even though that is the purpose of shit testing, the mainstream manosphere shows itself for what it really is in essence with your comment; capitulating to feminism, and thus kikes, by giving women wholesale what they want in being an asshole why excusing her for exercising no control over her natural desires. This is the same liberal tendency that is on display when mudshits rape toddlers and everyone shrugs and says 'they can't help it, it's their culture'….
Take away social programs and laissez faire suffrage for everyone and watch the shit testing dissappear. They KNOW, no matter how much they lie to themselves and others, that their behavior is completely unacceptable. The misbehave for the same reason an out of control classroom misbehaves (when white), no cultural impetus for acceptable behavior. You suggest acting like a monkey as an individual solution to a systemic problem.
CBDs I get, but you'll have to give some more info on how ketogenic diets help with aberrant brain activity.