Time to get back to the bunkers, ww3 on again
Kek. I guess the North Koreans were expecting Trump to rollover and desperately beg for a deal. Like John Kerry would have. They guessed wrong.
Norks would be foolish to give up nukes to the ZOG
The ideal situation here is Trump called their posturing and decided to posture himself. Now the Norks are going to scramble and beg for forgiveness, the the submit is reinstated or rescheduled, with Trump having a better position to negotiate.
The ideal situation.
Can we talk about the atrocious grammar in that kike-tweet? I had to read it three times to figure out what that stupid bitch was trying to communicate.
Q predicted this
>Will: "Hey (((Kelly))), I was the first to tell the North Koreans that I'd been in the presence of Trump's letter!"
Are you fucking retarded?
After Iran, they will know that any treaty with the US isn't worth the paper it's printed on, and since Kim doesn't want to end up like Qaddaffi, who got rid of his chemical weapons and got disposed and killed for it, he will never in a million years get rid of his nukes.
Did you miss the whole
Bit? Are you brain damaged? The whole point of the post is the post what is intended to happen. Next time tell your parents they should check if they're related before having sex.
Don't forget that Pence was openly comparing Korean deal with Lybian one. Gee, I wonder why those entitled Norks got so hostile.
Nothing about this situation is ideal, or was even intended to develop like this.
Trump blundered, pissed the Koreans off, and that's it.
Gadaffi got rid of his nukes under an international agreement but he didnt get rid of all his chemical weapons.
When the regime was in full collapse there was a big drama about who would get hold of his chemical weapons stockpiles.
Sunni terrorists got the whole stockpile. Some of the reported chemical weapons attacks in Syria using Libyan chemical weapons.
On a scale of 1-10, how fucked up is his shit right now?
I stand corrected, but the point stands; the second Kim gets rid of his means of deterrence, he will get regime-changed
Perhaps the strategy here is to make Kim look so weak and lacking in international influence that his own people take him down.
Jesus fuck where do you brainless fucks come from? Can you not read?
And why would zog toppling Kim be your desired outcome?
It bothers you so much that Trump is president that you spend your time here?
Go back to r/t_d faggot
No I don't think so, it's been in the air a few days now that they wanted to pull out of the meeting. The US and SK were holding drills and they started bitching
Kesus fuck, are you one of those Zig Forums shills here to shitpost? Or are you just a legitimatelly mentally disabled individual? You should get a career visiting Pro-lifers. You make a great case for why abortion needs to exist.
Kimmy was pulling the usual NK rope a dope, they've repeatedly done this shit.
Trump is trying to take control of the tone.
For those of you who don't want NK glassed this sets Trump up for having the excuse of already exhausting the diplomatic option.
It's pretty embarrassing it's like it's written by a kid, and this comes from a president lol
indeed he was
Trump pulled out of the agreement, this way they didn't get the pleasure at least
Trump pulling huge powermoves, finally, this is the show we hired him for
Its not good for anyone to let the North Koreans believe they are equal parterns in this negotiation.
They are the junior parnter.
In recent decades the Norks used most of their economy to make a couple of nukes. The US by comparison has 6,800 nukes.
I'm glad, they'd be submitting to a kiked up hegemony that needs to die. Kim has called out US bluntly of being the slaves of the jews and he needs to keep that up.
That said, I do hope North and South can work something out. If they can still move towards reunification or peace, without official US involvement, that would be great to see.
US has a long history of 'buddy fucking' everyone except pissrael
Hmm for some reason I cant spell partner.
>this is the show (((we))) hired him for
Aren't ZOG/chink-kikes happy with the Kim Jong dynasty? The devil you know, right? I've heard theories saying the nork generals are more hawkish than Kimmy and some that say they are less trigger happy. Idk, usually I'm up for trying to see the chess but deposing Kimmy seems like a bridge too retarded.
Well the USA refused to put a halt to military exercises for the duration of the talks.
The Norks took this as a potential prelude to invasion so got angry.
The USA refuses to acknowledge its being aggressive as usual.
The Norks get even more angry about it.
The USA does its jew thing and plays the victim.
Anyone with half a brain could see this coming.
You only need a few to trigger a global nuclear conflict.
You need even less to destroy a nation. Hit the main administrative and infrastructure centres in the USA and the USA as a nation ceases to exist. Its the same for most large nations.
seriously, what provoked this? things were going well
things continue to go well. This is part of the ride.
Oblama is to blame
The US, China and Russia are actually pretty hard to destroy as nations due to their sheer size.
Every other country you could completely annhialate with 10 or 20 nukes.
Now Fatboy Kim will have to come begging Trump for another opportunity.
This is Obama's handy work. Trump should just start arresting all Demoshits.
Thats the neocon in pence talking, does trump have to keep him in 2020?
I like you user, you posting on shit always gives me a chuckle.
I hope things go well for north korean citizens sake.
nope lol Pence has served his foot-in-the-door purpose. Trump should grab a running mate who isn't an absolute swamp creature.
Nope. Neither Iran nor NK war will happen, both will be catastrophic. Both left and right are tired of wars and both are catching onto the fact they were never for oil but israel.
What will happen is lot of posturing, sanctions from the west, etc. Which hopefully results in NK and Iran going to China and Russia's orbit, the world goes on as usual and eventually when the boomers die off, we get anti zionists into congress to stop the gibs and end our entanglement from that shithole forever. Goodbye jews.
Your order is a bit wrong, it's: for some reason Pence claims NK could end up like Libya, Kim threatens to quit the summit, and then the U.S. cancels. If we're speaking of who was in the wrong, it'd be Pence for claiming NK could be Libya'd (even if he had casus belli to claim a regime change, referencing Libya is just poor taste and gives the neocon feel).
Can't wait to see the salt that results from whatever the outcome of this is.
wtf I love Best Korea now
Literally nothing in my posts as indicated I want war with North Korea. If anything the exact opposite.
Jesus Christ you people aren't even trying today.
Trump/Rand in 2020 would be unstoppable
Trump/Christie or Trump/King would have been better than Pence as well
That's about all you'd need to do it for the US, user. Like the previous guy said, it's about the high priority targets. But with China and Russia, I believe those would be harder than the US tbh. That's just my opinion from knowledge, if you have info to correct me, I'd appreciate it.
Kill yourself faggot
This is pretty insulting.
Comparing civilized people to barbaric muslims.
The people of North Korea might revolt but they would probably give Kim the old Anti Aircraft gun firing squad. Rather than stab him up the asshole like the mudslimes did to Gadaffi.
expansion is only suitable to a power at its peak whose homeland is secured. Not one whose race/populace is facing potential extermination at the hands of the powers that be through ethnic cleansing.
You're a fucking retard
Oh I'm sorry schlomo, you are gonna have to defend israel's borders yourself. Get to it.
US military needs to come back to defend its own borders instead of israel's.
The US has enough firepower to wipe NK off the face of the Earth and they should use it. Turn to SK next.
Trump/Little would be political annihilation. One can hope… (though, fruitlessly)
It reads like that reporter that malfunctioned on air.
Well just as one example Texas is larger than Germany, Netherlands, Belguim, Austria and the Czech republic put together.
That is 5 country sized nukes just for texas. And only steers and queers come from there.
I mean compared to muslims.
To whose benefit though? As a proxy, the U.S. controls SK. If it destroyed NK it would control Korea as a whole and have an entrance into China. I don't know how China would view the lack of any buffer between it and the U.S. It might lead to a potential war (regardless of whether you deem China strong or not, they have a lot of people, so it would be a financially draining war at minimum). Beyond that, supposing the U.S. owns Korea, what is the U.S. really? At present it's ZOG (it's certainly not an entity which represents the American people and is free from foreign control–giving Isreal billions is proof of that).
It would be a benefit to have a reputation as crazy fuckers who will even nuke our allies for no reason.
I wouldnt piss someone like that off.
drop dead chickenhawk
Actually NK has a load of good submarines, more than russia and china combined. Their naval power is underrated.
why would you want him? ffs Cruz would be a better option if just for memes.
I guess what we disagree on is on who controls the U.S. Even if the U.S. seems crazy to the common people, actual governments (read Isreal) have their paws in our government and would know we'd never harm our Greatest Ally.
You view other countries as entities that'd view the U.S. from the outside and think "I don't want to mess with him," were as I think of other countries (in particular Isreal) as entities which have already infiltrated the U.S. and will see the truth behind the facade (or, at minimum, know that they wont be harmed due to their level of control in the U.S.)
No, but a libertarian did
Are you suggesting their entire population could live aboard submarines if Trump Nuked their coutnry?
Nah, israel's enemies should be our allies. Denuclearized or flattenned NK is exactly what kikes want, and it is exactly what they will not get.
the only thing trump bombs is assads military positions
It is like comparing two pieces of shit in the toilet
I was thinking the same thing as I read the President's letter.
Those kids are never coming home.
No but NK having an entirely faulty military is a very common misconception, their naval forces would pose a threat to our carriers.
As for an actual boots on ground invasion, assuming SK joins us NK would be wiped out within a month. Our gulf war surplus would run circles around Kim.
then who was phone?!
they all
Get fucked.
You jest right?
Most of the USAs federal administration is extremely centralised. Take out DC and the nation soon falls apart.
Arguments become inevitable about which state leadership is in charge, why anyone should listen to the handful of surviving federal officials.
The USA like most nations would soon split into multiple smaller nations, in the USAs case it may even be easier for this to happen due to well developed state government structures.
One must also not forget that the total loss of access to federal records and administrative capacity would render any surviving federal officials unable to get anything done.
While the records may be backed up externally, anyone who has ever gone through any substantial quantity of records belonging to a single organisation or company will find that much of it is total gibberish unless you understand the record system they're using. All the people who understand the various systems in use by the federal government are not going to be high on the evacuation lists, they'll be at the bottom and thus dead. Leaving the federal survivors with huge stockpiles of records and administrative tools they don't know how to use.
You think the folk at the top have any real clue how shit gets done? No they tell other people to do it, who in turn tell other people to do it and shit filters down through a number of layers until it gets directed to the guy whose entire job is doing that particular shit.
The US, like all modern countries has multiple redundant government structures prepared in case of a nuclear attack.
If they take out DC they are doing everyone in the US a favour and you know it.
I'll bet you're someone who complains about there not being enough men today as one of the reasons civilization is bad, while failing to realize all the dead and maimed and distaste for conflict from the all wars in the last century are a big cause for a lack of manly males.
You're a fucking retard, hang yourself
Trump hasn't solidified power yet. The tables are just beginning to turn on the kikes.
If Trump opened NK talks, the required concessions would ensure fat kimmy gets ghaddafi'd by the kikes. Saudi Crown prince was either killed or is in hiding. Safety is not guaranteed.
Things are being put on hold until the kikes and commies are purged.
I never said anything about anyone 'personally' liking war you disingenuous kike.
The Norks need this, just like Iran. All that's happening is the US pushing for more leverage in these deals to get more leverage from Kimmy. Look how gentle the tone is on the letter stating that the summit is off, it's clearly meant to allow Kim to save face and go back to the negotiation table.
Anyone have a guess when this was? It wasn't when Pence said what he said in that cameafter NK had talks with fucking China. Then all of sudden Kimmy changed his mind and declared they would not be dismantling their nuclear program, which came after US investment into MK went public. This is all China trying to use NK as leverage for the recent trade spat with Trump that got them to buy more US goods. This is Trump taking that leverage away. It's already being reported that Trump will be throwing even more sanctions on NK as soon as next week.
The talks are still going to happen, this is merely Trump reframing the terms of the deal for a better outcome as has correctly posted. There will be no WW3 especially one regarding NK. To even suggest that idea confirms that person has brain damage.
Kikes are intent on Ghaddafi'ing Fat Kimmie, so Trump's holding off for the time being.
Nigger have you ever read anything about Asian warfare? They're certainly not the same as Arabs, or even similar, but they've got a whole other kind of insect-like savagery
You quoted 2 of my posts there. But I agree with the point you are making.
The Arabs will sexually torture people at any given opportunity.
Where as the orientals will just blow them in to tiny bloody peices.
Trump intentionally pissed off Kimmy through Pence so he would cancel.
Now he's in a stronger position and Kim looks like a weakling yet again in front of his generals.
The fatso winced and Trump punished him for it.
Actual you did call the situation ideal hence the "ideal situation" after you laid out a hypothetical ideal scenario. You think your scenario is actually occurring. Learn proper communication before raging at others for using basic comprehension. Enjoy your day and go work on formulating better ideas in writing before you post them as to make sure that people are not confused by what you actually mean to say since you, of course, can't take criticism and decide everyone else is stupid for not thinking the way you think when your writing indicates otherwise.
No it has a chain of succession so they know which federal official is in charge until the last of them is dead.
What it doesn't have is a second administrative and organisational body to fill in for the current one if it gets vaporised.
Appreciate it.
Sure it does, that's what the CIA is for
You can fuck right off
Saying q predicted something or anything really is similar to saying kikes are generally good people. It's a larp designed to speed up the self fulfilled prophecy the kikes have had in place for who knows how long.
Zergrush SK for the insolence.
That letter reads like everything was done in bad faith. Very jewish.
It is the ideal situation dumbfuck. You dont go to a summit with a nation thats already going back on what they said they'd deliver. They acted like they got they got the big dick and now are being put in their place until they can learn to play nice.
You should really drop Rules for Radicals kike.
Trump's merciful with his approach. I'd just nuke that shithole.
pls never become a leader of any nation ever. k thanks.
(exception being Isreal, but even then, why nuke? The land could still be usable)