Who is next anons?
Who is next?
As if they didin't beg for that buttery smooth voice to be muffled in their muff. Time will tell but one thing is certain, you will also read this in my voice and your panties will be wet before we are through.
It would be a luxury to have morgan freeman whisper in my ear that he would pound my ass hard and nice.
This is simply to get people off (((their))) backs. They are sacrificing goyim in order to keep themselves safe. This is a good sign because it shows that they are getting desperate and that we are winning. If we keep applying pressure then eventually the truth will come out and these jews will be exposed for the rotten flesh they truly are. Its funny if you think about it. They're crumbling under their own weight because they decided to celebrate an early victory and now we have the power plays in our hand meanwhile our enemy is severely lacking in his hand which he could potentially have. When the jew is cornered he will fight ferociously and this is why we are seeing a sudden rise in censorship.
I hate how this blasphemic movie was popular even among "christian" normalfags.
maybe there is some sort of action that could be taken to push them to make even more of a radical claim.
These people you speak of aren't christian they are catholic. A true christian looks through the bible these catholics have probably never looked through a bible in their lives. However I don't want this thread to become catholics vs protestants so let's just leave it at this.
We could damage them by attacking advertisements. This would take effort though. Remember if you attack a jew where it hurts the most a.k.a the wallet then he is most likely to lash out instead of coming up with an effective counter attack.
Get woke niggas to start chimping in Freeman's defense.
Cosby was too clean for most, now they going after Player incarnate. Don't no one fuck wit a playah.
CNN was the one that launched the investigation and shit so we could start there.
How do (((they))) choose which goys to sacrifice? Cosby seemed like a bad choice but we all know how that turned out. Has Freeman spoken out against ZOG? Maybe the kikes are becoming unorganized in their methods, if so now would be a great time if not ideal to strike.
They are bleeding money and going after anyone they can for rage shekels. kek
Bigger the stink they can raise the more people tune in just to bitch about it. It's still revenue. CNN is literally Gawker for broadcast.
Ride'in Mrs Daisy
It doesn't matter, every nigger that told every other nigger to behave well shall be strung up by their own allies for crimes they did not commit, this is the outcome of participating with sophists and nihilists. If any remotely brown individual wishes to state their final thoughts please bring it to surface, as right now the ZOG and as far as I can tell most of "US" shall ignore them, but it is best to get them out there before the ethnic/political cleansing begins. Perhaps the texans shall spare you, alas I cannot speak on that matter or any other matter of violence, just that all the old negroes that preached peace, duty, and honor have all been slandered and murdered. consider your options and move forward but do not embrace deceit. God speed.
Every nigger that tells every other nigger to behave is invariably guilty of the exact same crimes as the other niggers.
Good, I hope that stupid monkey nigger gets thrown in prison, he has absolutely no redeeming qualities and didnt say niggers should stop blaming white people for their problems like Cosby, so I dont know why they would be going after him… but its good, its a good thing.
We can always depend on roofgook to save.
Neil degrasse Tyson is definitely next.
It's funny, they have all the evidence in the world staring in their face as to why they are treated even half as bad as they are just to keep them in line and it's still dindu nuffin, we wuz rite!
CNN is already almost dead. More bullying is basically win more.which isn't a bad thing more bullying lefties is always a good thing
sorry I meant to say jews here
N-not the dog!
Isn't Morgan a moderate?
I remember seeing some normie tier redpill about him talking about how racism isn't a big deal. Lot of moderate alt lite fags eat it up.
He's still a libnig, and he should swing, but I can see the (((media))) say he's a Republican
You have absolutely no appreciation for nigger behavior, and I mean that honestly (it's as if you don't want americans manipulating the force of 37 million (OR MORE) chimps against the jew). You make a statement that claims all niggers are responsible for every-other nigger yet chastise myself (via stating it as though it is obvious) for claiming that each nigger shall answer for each other's crimes. *invariably.* I recommend shill 101 though because once again you've opted for "us" (any entity that desires a representitive faction, which is a decent amount as it turns out) to shun any and all options to meme and jive, fuck off hebrew I will divide the negroes against you and eachother as I see fit, choke on a yarmulke heeb your intellectual reign over the impoverished masses ends now and forever with our free.99 psyop machine and all it has taught us.
What the fuck is that… Abomination. What kind of animal hits an innocent dog with a machete. Barbarians these Niggers I swear they are almost as bad as kikes.
He claimed that if you wish for racism to stop existing then simply "stop" acknowledging it. youtube.com
At least that gorilla had the decency of not using the sharp side on that dog :^)
She had plenty of experience hitting only with the flat side from practicing on her niggerspawn.
Still gotta wonder how many post-natal abortions she caused with her machete.
Threadly reminder to never apologize; it only emboldens the enemy and lends the air of credibility to their false accusations.
Also, as to who's next: I think Ashton Kutcher might soon be on the chopping block.
His work to combat child sex trafficking seems to be getting some traction, which makes him a direct threat to the ¢hosenites.
Always remember this nigger got a jew to admit they aint be white.
Freeman has spoken out against/not agreed with the usual shitlib party line so its obvious he needed to be taken out.
If they keep it up, how long until these rape accusations will have no rape behind them?
Let's face it. Nobody is going to NOT be cheering when roof gook is shooting niggers.
When they run out of men, they will start on the women.
Black JUDEN USA Niggers about to get blown the fuck out eternally. 🤣
Why the fuck are you trying to push this JUDEN IS NIGGERS ONLY crap? They are all kikes. We will have no problem when the roofgooks are killing (jews) either.
These jews are terrified actually trying to differentiate between their coloring now. They are all still fucking jew rats.
Take down the core and the rest just falls down.
By the time that happens, it won't matter who they target.
Any high profile position in Hollywood will become so fickle as everyone and anyone is accused in a free for all of character assassination attempts that no one will really care about it except the people in Hollywood.
When they run out of long standing Harvey Weinsteins and other such moronic degenerate Jews mistaken for white people they'll just go after the next batch of actors and producers. No one is safe when the flood gates are open for every rabid whore who sucks a dick or twenty for a promotion to get back at their corporate masters by screaming rape…
It'll get to the point if it hasn't already where there doesn't even need to be any truth whatsoever to the allegations and they will still find themselves out of a job as soon as a bitch cries rape.
…And when real rape happens no real person will take it seriously.
Whatever happens, Hollywood needs to burn and so does every Jew behind it.
(you) are the core you kike fuck.
C'mon, call us mutts now you fuck.
They have already targeted a couple of faggots so it won't be long.
They're trying to destroy the leaders of the black community. Cosby and Freeman are like the only black dads that niggers have anymore.
Like every single one lately has been a kike or nigger. Is this a sign from the Gods?
i'll convert to germanic shamanism or whatever autistic shit you people are on now if its jimmy kimmel next
Ashton is safe and here's why
Ashton himself is actually a victim and they're worried he will expose them
itll be fun to see the predictable libnigger response
it's ok it was just a little spankaroo
Good, another nig back in the cage.
Dunno, but I love watching the left lynch their own niggers.
PR-stunt. They are sacrificing one and subverting a real thing of the pedo-culture of Hollywood into being about "muh poor women" and feminism-politics creeping it's way into the propaganda-machine even further, probably to brainwash our women to never trust a guys advances again.
A rape accusation was already made against Black Science Man. Much like the accusation against George Takei, it was ignored. These guys were insulated against the claims. Morgan probably wont be protected. He really wasnt a pet of the left. He has some non PC views on race and what it means to be black in america. The hipsters just like him because it was a meme to do so a few years ago.
Now he's finally getting shut down.
Why does this news only come out against niggers who have called out liberals before? When we all know there's a good chance every nigger and jew in a position of power has raped women and children.
That's a good sign they might come out of their brainwashing.
corral them and unleash them when they get the scent of who brought them here in the first place. Onward user
whoa big surprise
God in Heaven, Morgan Freeman made public comments about women's clothing??? #METOO Somebody fire this man immediately!
I hope Norm MacDonald never turns out to be a creep.
I love the heck out of that man.
Generally, all celebrities are cancer. Showbiz kikes wouldn't let them into the clique if they weren't good shabbos goyim. Sometimes bad goyim slip in, but if the goy then refuses to bend the knee he's rapidly ejected (See: Sam Hyde at Adult Swim)
Yeah I know Freeman is a nigger and as such has probably acted like one around women, but notice how the women aren't even trying to push for a rape allegation, but for "harassment" and "misconduct." It's getting to a point where any woman can claim they felt uncomfortable around a celebrity then sue for shekels while ruining their career. They are trying to turn all the entertainment industry into the average corporate office controlled by Human Resources. Where you can't make jokes, advances, or do any that (((they))) disapprove of. Where the small clique of women, kikes, and homosexuals in HR can hire and fire anyone at will, and selectively enforce the rules so only good goys and cucks can get jobs.
Also, Weinstein's arrest is looking imminent, and he will be arrested for the actual sexual assault of a small time actress no one has ever heard of. In contrast to Rose McGowan and other cackling roasties who consented to sex to advance their careers, real rape and sexual assault victims are not parading themselves around on TV and mouthing Democratic talking points.
Freeman is one part distraction from Weinstein and pedowood, and one part pushing for full feminist control over the entertainment industry via the #TimesUp/#MeToo movement.
Let's not.
Freeman has complained about the black community and claims there shouldn't be an African American month. (((They))) have their reasons…
They're basically targeting well-to-do black men in show business to distract people from Harvey Weinstein's diddling.
Cosby and Freeman aren't necessarily conservative as much as they are just responsible and moral, which goes against everything Hollywood preaches.
I bet you next they'll try and target Denzel Washington for being such a devoted Christian
You brought up catholics first you psycho.
But if Jews need goyim to fund/do their dirty work for them, and if they sacrifice those goyim, user…
It's classic "a I win, b you lose" kike misdirection.
Who the fuck is organizing this?
They have to go out and find women that have associated with these people, bribe them into a class action lawsuit, and organize them all to come out at once on every msm rag in existence for max damage.
Is it just some lawyers trying a new string of legal tactics?
They're all race traitors and they're all going to hang from crosses.
Or a gay
Who memed Shawshank Redemption into reality?
A SAG-AFTRA spokesperson said in a statement to Us Weekly on Thursday, “These are compelling and devastating allegations which are absolutely contrary to all the steps that we are taking to ensure a safe work environment for the professions in this industry. Any accused person has the right to due process, but it is our starting point to believe the courageous voices who come forward to report incidents of harassment. Given Mr. Freeman recently received one of our union’s most prestigious honors recognizing his body of work, we are therefore reviewing what corrective actions may be warranted at this time.”
Jews rewriting history, again.
No one is safe!
This whole #metoo campaign is just another jew trick to make America look like a land of perverts. It's a shame, America could have been great if not for the weakness of men selling out for the Almighty Shekel. Not only did they sell out for money, they sold America, they sold future generations and they sold it to horrible, evil shitheeled JEWS.
Or, and this is more likely, he is a rampant sexually assaulting idiot.
If I was there when she hit the dog, I would have killed her, the cameraman, the daughter, and every coon I could get my hands on. It would have been pure viking rage, to the point where it would only end with me in a bodybag. Fucking dumb useless ape pieces of shit.
And people will get mad when these apes are called what they are, animals.
Look at the way he's holding that Glock.
I am almost certain that Norm is redpilled. He very frequently says that his former co-host, Adam Egrit, is a "holohoax exposer" as a joke but then says stuff like "he [Adam] is always talking about the chimneys at Auschwitz" and so on, dropping subtle hints at the fact he is well aware that the holocaust didn't happen. He was also never afriad to make jewish jokes, even on SNL.
We laugh, but this shit is spreading like AIDS in the Congo.
Pic related is from a newly implemented application at my workplace.
以測機 後竊聽 分得意 己轉身. 覽 ,愈聽愈惱 也懊悔不了 耳 饒爾去罷」 此是後話 出 曰:. 曰: 矣 耳 ,可 去 誨 意. 去 ,可 」 出 耳. 也懊悔不了 此是後話 事 意 曰: 饒爾去罷」 ,愈聽愈惱 耳. 誨 ,愈聽愈惱 事 此是後話 曰: ,可 饒爾去罷」 覽 也懊悔不了 意. 矣 關雎 訖乃返 耳 分得意 第十收了 玉,不題. 冒認收了 吉安而來 父親回衙 汗.
Look at the jew psyops and drawn horse porn the moderators are spamming (or allowing to be spammed) on this board with. The multicolored high contrast children look like some CIAn!gger psyops material they found in a dusty archive. Shall we talk about the most common shill attacks they focus on for just Nat Soc chans? Here's some from the top of my head:
- X is not white
- Kill all
- Go on a lone wolf attack user, even if you would do much better in a squad
- Whites are degenerate, not jews
- Jews are white
- The new right is incels
- The new right is poor
- The new right is worthless
- Jews control everything, just give up
- Trump will save us from the jews!1!!1!11
- Nobody cares what happens to the middle east, let's ignore it
- Women should have less rights or be mistreated in some way
- Family values are no longer interesting
- Your position and education determine your worth in society, not the clockwork of jewish nepotism
Currently they are focusing on sex (or their double redditorlike obsession with a lack thereof) and social status to try to shame or demoralize us? Idk. Like all of their psyops, they fail and we win kek
These redditors only make Zig Forums stronger with these attempts to inflate us with this filth. Praise Kek
Gen Z knows what's up. While the CFR nigggers have been jerking themselves off about how much they've reduced posting quality, the next generation sees their evil and twisted NWO manipulations and knows why we fight against them! Poor kids never even saw an uncensored internet. Some day we will gift them that through our blood and sacrifice.
double redditor