(((Vox))) is here to explain to us how monogamy is unnatural
(((Vox))) is here to explain to us how monogamy is unnatural
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Evolutioncucks will protect this.
Probably written by a bored, spoiled lady who married a rich guy.
That's debatable. Could be the reverse or a cuckolding fetishist.
You should have realized that was a mistake like a decade ago.
Couldn't even make it 10 seconds. I wish you depressed school shooters would go after pieces of shit and be remembered as heroes instead of as beta incels.
Monogamy is how families exist.
Without families you get reduced compassion and care.
No matter what "plebs at dawn" author says.
The jews are mad that their women are sluts and want to fuck celts and abbos instead of them, so they project this trait onto other people bt it is the result of 2,000 years of their shitty belief system.
Stupid jews.
They're right though. Monogamy is also dysgenic because manlets are being given a chance due to social constraints, when women would rather have the alpha be the father of their children.
Typical female behavior, and a look at male biology should tell you that we didn't evolve monogamous.
Alpha selection doesn't disprove monogamy, user.
It only establishes that Alphas have higher chance of success at both relationships and breeding.
Bullshit jew "nuclear family" meme. In the natural unjewed state, your whole village is your family, because you're all related.
In a tribal system where no one can be sure of the father, every child is equally valuable to every man, because it might be his.
If we lacked patience we wouldn't have defeated you so easily, Moishe. No one is falling for your tricks anymore. We're putting all the pieces together and then we're going to finish you.
Strictly speaking monogamy is unnatural, the natural state is polygamy however this causes inferior men to check out of the system and leads to the NEET/herbivore condition. Its why the west and many other cultures encouraged monogamy to keep more men productive and just allowed the upper class to indulge in mistresses. As far as what women want well that doesn't matter, women do not advance civilization.
There is no biological basis for monogamy, either on the female or the male side.
I wish to value the other kids in the village because they are my blood and the next generation that will lead the future with my son. NOT because I'm unsure of whether or not it's my child or not.
Monogamy is a product of a rising beast. We are capable of it just as we are capable of being polygamous harem-owning warlords. Monogamy is probably not the default human state, but in a civilized society it works and helps to achieve harmony. The problem is society isn't civilized anymore, we are closer to our primal base nature than ever before and because of it, monogamy is no longer the norm. Impossible? No. Just have to remember (((who))) is incentivizing base human nature everywhere you look and everywhere you go.
Civilaztion wrecking parasites at it agin.
just wish we had more Nasim's, user.
Also what Alpha gets cucked and is okay with it ?
Demoted to beta.
Out !
Only beta-males have non-monogamous relationships.
This is history.
That's why you leave them hope through conquest wives. Beta men will die as your troops, just for the chance to touch a vagina once. And isn't this the dynamic every female e-celeb relies upon? Nothing has really changed.
There is a logical one.
See .
Monogamy may be technically unnatural, but human civilization in general is deeply unnatural.
Monogamy, more importantly the idea of family and social order, is a cornerstone of our civilization and has been for thousands of years.
If you don't like unnatural behavior you'll also have to say goodbye to your cushy houses/apartments, jobs, stores and methods of transportation.
Alphas don't get cucked, because women want the alpha's genes. All that "alpha" means is "preferred by women for mating purposes".
You're not alpha because you earn your way up the social hierarchy with a good job etc and attract a wife. If your wife would prefer to have children with the gardener because he's 6`2 and more charming than you, then he's the alpha despite making 1/20th of your salary.
Things Jews Say for Over 9,000, Alex.
Spot the ID arguing with itself.
Also, curiously enough - in places where the jew has not been, monogamous relationships are the norm. Even in ancient German/European tribal societies, people got married to one partner and stayed with them until death. The purpose being creating a stable family unit.
Sh00 j00.
Nope, kill yourself.
You're a torpedo for a reason. Kill yourself.
meanwhile monogamy with a virgin prevents all of this.
Shut up fed faggot, site owners ban vanilla Tor so everyone appears as .onion 0000000000000.
but you knew that
I was trying to point out how stupid it is complaining about monogamy being unnatural when everything humans do is unnatural.
That's not how it works, polygamy is one man having multiple women.
You're projecting contemporary mores way back into the past where they may or may not have applied. Also many so-called alphas don't even want children these days. A man is an alpha when women are attracted to him and want to mate with him. The term doesn't actually say anything about him other than the fact he is their favourite for mating.
Fuck you stupid jew.
Nigger culture is for niggers.
And your women.
Humans do far more unnatural things than monogamy.
I don't think anybody argues that monogamy isn't strictly natural in humans, we're a tribal species, the argument is that it's almost always better to be monogamous. Especially if you have kids, look at the data of how kids grow up with only one parent, that should be more than a convincing argument for monogamy.
I think various anons are getting crossed purposes because we are talking about different mating systems, and some misunderstand the terms.
You're correct there, polygamists don't share their wives (willingly).
Polygamy works very well for women and the health of your society, because the lower caste males won't be sullying your gene pool. The "checking out" thing is a bit hilarious, because it's such a 21st century mentality projected into the past.
To think anyone had the option of "checking out" in hunter-gatherer society.
Means first.
First choice for breeding is your argument.
The characteristics that establish one as first choice do not include cucking, which can be defined as being second, or equal to; neither of which are 'first'.
Ok shlomo.
Given that monogamy objectively produces the best results for childrearing and it's only selfish impulsiveness that leads people away from it, I daresay monogamy is one of the most natural things a human can do. What exactly is artificial about an agreement against sociological MAD that requires nothing but the realization it's a good idea?
They did not but it also limited them to hunter-gatherer societies, its why we see such a wild growth in civilization and technology when the males who were physically inferior but were capable of contributing in other ways had access to mates.
Is jews tbh.
Not knowing who the father is was my point, user.
You should know this.
TOR IDs should show up like "000001", "000002", ect instead of "000000".
If there are more than two in one thread you can't tell between them.
Guys, you can't be using shit prehistoric humans used to do and apply it to the modern world. The whole "alphas get breeding rights" wouldn't work today because you can't just choose what woman you want to fuck without bringing rape into the equation. You'd need to ENTIRELY restructure society for that to work.
Your post is pretty much word salad.
You can't be "cucked" if there is no marriage in your society.
His ID shows as 6a86a0 on blue to me, not all 0s on black.
You clearly don't understand what alpha means. Alpha means first choice of the woman for breeding. So your "muh rape" comment is nonsensical. And if you think a piece of paper stops a married woman from selecting the genes she really wants, you're mistaken.
I'm out, too much misunderstanding of the meme term "alpha".
Considering prior to incels forcing marriage we know 85% of women had children with 30% of men based on genetics, they are kinda right unfortunately.
Maybe it has to do with enabling js.
Jesus son of a christ Zig Forums was right again
I never mentioned "marriage" only monogamy.
Bullshit, it is solid and logical.
Alpha means first.
As in first choice.
You don't get to be first choice if you are a beta or a cuck.
well it is unnatural, but in the sense that agriculture is unnatural
it's a cornerstone of civilization that is necessary for society to function, just because it's unnatural doesn't mean it's a bad thing
Well thought, user.
yeah, and murder, theft, rape, incest, cannibalism, infanticide with the purpose of having more sex, are also things that occur in nature, what's their point?
Wrong. Monogamy is a perfectly valid reproductive strategy among social, and even nonsocial species, and the fact that monogamy withstands naturally selective pressures means that it is an evolutionary success.
It's an excuse to fuck as many women as they want.
Clearly not, have you seen the "men" in the video? Its just leftist social signalling in their case.
burn the jews
No, it was to get the column on the right.
captain obvious strikes again
burn the jews
Filename is shit and the pic glorifies the people who fell for kike lies and did their dirty work.
Does this mean I should be allowed to rape the female Vox writers because "rape" is a human construct?
Kill every kike
Trips say yep
Rape on raper
It is unnatural.
Civilization is in part, unnatural.
Jews reject nature and attempt to make us reject ours, in that way nature is already rejecting them in the form of ravaging diseases that are nearly exclusive to their ancestry.
All it takes it to examine penguins like the lover of grape-kun or watching an elephant display genuine panic as its newborn doesn't breath initially to understand a monogamous family as we know it is a natural occurence in many parts of the animal kingdom.
I keep reading everywhere for years about Jews hating nature and I didn't believe it until observing firsthand. To me it seems more that Jews resent nature, for making them what they are..
Corvids are smart as fuck, like they have their own languages and even pass down history from generation to generation. Want to know why? They're traditionally monogamous and follow the nuclear family structure along with the inclusion of older family relatives.
You're 100% right.
We need to publicly hang the promiscuous segments of humanity, and their anti-monogamy enablers.
At this point I am thoroughly convinced we are going to see the end of civilization in our lifetimes or we are going to have a backlash like never before, kill all these people who are just plain evil and take our place among the stars.
I am surprised you can use this site if can't read.
the file name is literally just the text from the image you retarded quintuplenigger
of course the (((polygamist))) is posting garbage
You misunderstood my posts, I clearly explained why monogamy is superior to polygamy.
The largest relative brain sizes among primate species are associated with monogamous mating systems
On the importance of monogamous marriage to have healthy and prosperous societies:
Study on women voting left and the decline in marriage.
Monogamous societies are superior, polygamy are literally muslim and africa tier
The only ones who advocate non-monogamous behavior are *always* disturbed perverts in the same class as furries and 50/50 physically repulsive mutants or brainless "muh dick" niggers.
Correct. Time to bring back more attention to r/K selection theory and gas the brainlets.
Someone's angry.
Actually, the evolutionary bio teacher I had spent a whole segment on evo psych and explaining why communism doesn't make sense considering human psychological evolution, and also made a compelling case in favor of monogamy essentially, it is very very high-cost, resource-wise, to raise a human child so jealous monogomy is the most optimal strategy for protecting that investment.
Well sure, they're likely cucks but they obviously aren't doing it to fuck more women.
Stopped watching as soon as I saw Dan Savage.
Did you hear about oldest profession? Other ways always existed progress don't.
Race traitors hate evolution and eugenics
Alpha means first choice of the henchmen betas for leader. Together they rape available women according to their rank.
Paying prostitutes is far from a reliable way to ensure offspring.
But what about economy of scale and labor division? They made production thousands times more effective. But parenting stays in the stone age. Today it makes as much sense as making your own iphone and brewing your own gasoline in your kitchen. No wonder when economic prospers at unprecedented in teh history levels we have zero progress with children raising even regression.
This isn't reddit, faggot.
Modern skulls house primitive minds. It makes no sense, biologically, to raise someone else's kids. You're wasting your resources on something that doesn't serve your primary biological function - keeping your genes alive. Making a phone for someone is fine because I benefit from that as well. Raising someone elses' kids does nothing for me except waste my resources for the benefit of another line of DNA.
Evolution and genetics is the enemy of the cuck
How the fuck do they explain the reality of physically based male jealousy? Men are programed to be wary of other men in regards to the chastity of their woman.
The same way they explain away every other reality
It's not natural though, right? It's good that we do it, however. It's much better that we've controlled ourselves to make a family unit than to just be retards who go and fuck and impregnate everything that moves like in Africa.
They're correct, monogamy is what allows society to produce more beta male offspring and inevitably brings down society by trying to keep the artificial status quo. Polygamy had always lead to stronger men being selected naturally.
It's natural when survival pressures people to work together, which, among whites, was certainly the case. Winter required people to huddle together and create close bonds, even "fall in love". We've had this evolutionary pressure on us for ages, and it led to our success. To abandon that now would be to undo a major part of what made us great.
Monogamy does not ensure beta male existence. Beta males can only get garbage tier women, and if we structure societies to not reward the weakest among us for procreation, then we need not worry about betas multiplying.
Are you stupid?
The problem is that you're doing bro-tier (((science))) analysis on a pretty easy subject. Every man can aspire to be an alpha, every man is and should be alpha, over their family. That's what it means, that he's the head of the family while the woman is the body of the family. The goal of a functioning society shouldn't get to the part where different alphas are infighting because of women, rather than just raising their own families and focusing on more important stuff than snatch.
And to the poly-amorist, if everything we have ever been taught throughout history points towards monogamy, then why the hell would all of a sudden, polygamy seem like a good option? Haven't you seen the effects of degeneracy already? Are you really this stupid?
Did you reply to the wrong person?
Monogamy is successful and completely natural. It's preferable to be monogamous to educate your kids to be successful in life as well. This gets more and more difficult if you're not monogamous. Typically one of the partners could work while the other takes care of the kids, eventually skills are bettered + transferred on and we can expand on that and grow civilization. It's an evolutionary benefit for humans.
Polygamy doesn't work and is very unnatural.
Because it invalidates their entire existence so they reject it like poison since they would break down if they would accept that view.
The anthropological record indicates that approximately 85 per cent of human societies have permitted men to have more than one wife (polygynous marriage), and both empirical and evolutionary considerations suggest that large absolute differences in wealth should favour more polygynous marriages. Yet, monogamous marriage has spread across Europe, and more recently across the globe, even as absolute wealth differences have expanded. Here, we develop and explore the hypothesis that the norms and institutions that compose the modern package of monogamous marriage have been favoured by cultural evolution because of their group-beneficial effects—promoting success in inter-group competition. In suppressing intrasexual competition and reducing the size of the pool of unmarried men, normative monogamy reduces crime rates, including rape, murder, assault, robbery and fraud, as well as decreasing personal abuses. By assuaging the competition for younger brides, normative monogamy decreases (i) the spousal age gap, (ii) fertility, and (iii) gender inequality. By shifting male efforts from seeking wives to paternal investment, normative monogamy increases savings, child investment and economic productivity. By increasing the relatedness within households, normative monogamy reduces intra-household conflict, leading to lower rates of child neglect, abuse, accidental death and homicide.
The Supreme Court, in Reynolds v. United States (1878):
Polygamy has always been odious among the northern and western nations of Europe, and, until the establishment of the Mormon Church, was almost exclusively a feature of the life of Asiatic and of African people. At common law, the second marriage was always void (2 Kent, Com. 79), and from the earliest history of England polygamy has been treated as an offence against society.
It also asserts the uniqueness of European civilization—that its culture and traditions are quite separate from those of Asia and Africa and that monogamy is a defining feature of the West. In this the court is quite right. Traditional European culture is the only civilization where monogamy is the norm
"The whole of human history does not contain a single instance of a group becoming civilized unless it has been absolutely monogamous, nor is there any example of a group retaining its culture after it has adopted less rigorous customs."