literally who
e-celeb shit
ugh not greg johnson, he's such a fucking faggot I cant stand listening to him.
Come on JF…what the fuck?
Are you serious? That guy is 8ch Zig Forums in person
will only watch if a gunman barges in
Spic Fuentes is a subversive anti-white.
See, this is why you should watch the stream where he will destroy a jew and not make assumptions based on cucked shill memes.
Hes a self identifying conservative opposed to racial nationalism, I didnt report you but now I will.
Source? If you watched his last night stream you'd know he's a white nationalist.
He called for the banning of any foreign language. He was attacked by kikeservatives, called a nazi white supremacist.
The last time he was interviewed on that same show he specifically said he is not a white nationalist, hes a traditional conservative civic nationalist vote with niggers shill, he complains about wignats, hes Ricky Bobby Crew.
oh and Trump is secretly a Hillary supporter because he was in a photo friendly with Hillary and Bill.
Reminder we have to go back and forth over stupid bullshit like this because TRS is still astroturfing civic nationalist garbage 2 years later.
TRS is dead
A crypto Jew and a Heeb debating Judaism Jewishly. Wow totally worth a thread.
inderned bloodspords :DDDD
>takes a photo with some thirsty I AM A FUCKING GOON SOMEONE SLIT MY THROAT who likes his facebook pictures
Where does it say that she's his GF?
Does every white nationalist have to punch a darkie in the mouth on sight to not be tainted?
I'm not at all surprised that a torfag posted this garbage e-celeb bullshit and is the only one defending it.
Your words are wise but your email fields remained tragically empty.
A show full of trannies.
A thumbnail with bold red, white and black.
Zig Forums being used to advertise the whole shit show.
Let me guess, Rebel Media?
He's just a supreme optics cuck. He calls himself a pro-white paleocon, but his countersignals of hitler are toothless and sarcastic.
This "he doesn't say 1488 tell everyone to read siege so he's a cuck" shit JIDF or retards.
>but adam's apple still poking out, despite gnarly scar from tracheal shave adam's apple reduction procedure showing that surgical attempts have been made to hide it.
And on the right:
>close-set bug-eyes men's eyes are recessed into the skull, to protect against blows in combat
Could go on and on enumerating the tells. Suffice to say.
Skip to 21:00 to see that adam's apple action, concurrent with desperate vocal fry reverse-psychology tactic favoured by MtF trannies.
Much of women's fashion exists to help trannies blend in. During the 80s the shoulder pad craze helped trannies explain away their broad male shoulders as the result of shoulder pads, when in fact they were the only "women" not wearing any. Bio-women were walking around with pads stitched into their clothing, making their shoulders look masculine and reducing the visual tells between male and female.
This shouldn't be that surprising once you realize that jews dictate fashion.
It's amazing just how obvious it is, when you go back and review 80s/90s "women" with fresh eyes. Check out any Annie Lennox video from that era, now that we know about elite transgenderism it's just so obvious, "she" looks like any other drag queen.
>Eurythmics - Who's That Girl? blatant mockery of the goyim
what is this tranny conspiracy
Ask Greg about the Savitri Devi letters
Greg's all right and has a keen insight and brings up many good points, but he's likely a homosexual. He's not Zig Forums incarnate. Patrick Little is.
Kill yourself. That woman is like 40 and there's no context.
Elite transgenderism. Shills will counter-attack with "everyone is a tranny amirite?" in an attempt to discredit.
The elite follow satanic religion which mandates transgenderism in the same way as other religions require male genital mutilation. It's completely normal to them because it brings them closer to their "god" Baphomet yes, the goat with tits and a penis, the divine andryogyne.
Nearly everyone you see in the media, on television, in movies, in politics is the opposite sex from the one they present as. Once you get over the cognitive dissonance, do some studying to learn the actual physical differences between men and women, and then look at these people with fresh eyes, it becomes very easy to spot them.
But to someone who has done none of these things, it just sounds like a "crazy conspiracy theory", they are blind to reality because from birth they have allowed the jew to dictate and corrupt their models of "man" and "woman" through the television.
Good primer is the following video, although I do not endorse its creator (he is a well poisoner).
Well poisoners make truthful videos, then associate them with things like flat earth and "fake animals" to discredit that truth.
Anyway, back to the point: Rebel Media (run by the jew Ezra Levant) only works with trannies.
All of these "women" are men.
OP is a Rebel affiliate and obvious tranny. It takes a while to punch through the conditioning and start to see people for their true sex, most don't even try because the implications are too hurtful (having been 'in love' with these creatures, and even masturbating over them is very hard on the ego).
Telling you the truth is also part of their religion. They believe that if you are told the truth and ignore it, then all the blame is on you for the consequences. So they slip you the truth wrapped in "humor".
This video is as good a primer as any, but the creator is a gatekeeper/well poisoner who goes on to link the truth with falsehoods like flat earth. Beware of these people.
Finally, the last remaining legit tranny exposure channels on Youtube, check these out before they're gone because they're both on 2 strikes.
Mr E was the best, but his channel and the backup has been banned. Some of his videos exist as reposts, the most salient and important is probably the following, which I recommend to download before it is gone for good, this is the video that REALLY brought the ban hammer down.
He's a confirmed sodomite who claims the holohoax happened. He's TRS incarnate, sans the lolbergtardianism.
The letters he stole.