I'll play ball with you.
The universe we experience is a closed loop infinity. Imagine it being shaped like a doughnut, and you're on the surface of it. You can go front or back, left or right, and go in that direction forever, circling around and around. Eventually you'll end up at the same place you started, but since this is the universe and not a doughnut all of the quanta have changed and it will appear to be a completely different place. It is not.
The "hole" in the doughnut-universe is the event horizon at which point you need to be able to move in a completely new spatial direction. It seems not many people can cross this event horizon and live to tell the tale, but if you can do it you'll come back with all sorts of interesting memories and perceptions, one of which is that the 4d (3d+time) universe is a static object. Nothing is in fact changing, although it may seem like it. A single movie screen can play many different movies, but none of the movies actually changes the screen itself. This universe is a screen, and interestingly YOU are the projector. But nothing is actually happening to the universe, it's all just you staring into the black mirror and seeing yourself. To change the universe proper, you need to actually interface with the "movie screen" itself. But to what end? This is the problem that the enlightened come to eventually. If I told you there is a way to escape this time loop, but that you had to experience utter annihilation, could you do it? Most people can't. But they probably should.
As for time itself, the way I describe it is as an "inflation" effect. Every quantum moment is a still-shot of where every quantum particle is, it's trajectory and velocity, etc. It exists, is completely annihilated, and is recreated one quantum unit larger based on its trajectory. And with each different possible outcome of each quanta, a new universe is created. That's 5d space, I consider that a "lateral" motion as opposed to an inflation or linear motion. That's a lot of universes, but luckily they can all exist in a simultaneous cloud until a conscious observer takes a measurement.
Of course it is my goal to encourage other Zig Forumsacks to learn about this new perspective. Once we have a vanguard of Anons who can move with 5d motility, we will be able to ride roughshod over our enemies, seemingly appearing from the Void and just as suddenly returning to Who Knows Where: this is why we are called the Umman Manda. I'd suggest that there are other you's in these nearby 5d bubble universes, and they're all You. Connect with those other parts of You and you will be one step closer to this motility. You may be aware that this is how the D-Wave quantum computer works. If you can do it properly, you can merge into a new you-body at will, and your enemies won't even know you did it. Even if they could follow they won't, because they think you're dead. Trust me, you're not. You can also hide your plans from even the most skilled spies, because you don't even have to know them anymore. Let another you handle that and save yourself the headache. Give the headache to your handlers, topkek, they'll never figure it out. Your intentions just gained quantum encryption! Fun!
Just to finish off, the electric/aether universe is probably a good description. Of course we here understand about Kek, Nun and the Ogdoad, so the Void is good language to describe the "universal substance". All we see of it is the surface, like light bouncing off the waves of the ocean. But the ocean is deep and has substance–the light you see does not. And don't forget if you want to go swimming in the Void that just like the ocean, it's full of life and the predators there are probably better suited to the environment than you. Unless you're beloved of Kek, then nothing would dare consume your everlasting soul to use as a battery, trapping you in just another gay ass time loop like the one you find yourself in this very moment.
Truth be told I've already accomplished my goals, but I like to take the time to really drink deeply of my memories. I'll go soon enough, when this story begins to bore me, but I think that before I do I'll gather my army and ride through the gates as a victor. Won't you join me as we storm the gates that were designed to trap you here for all time? Indeed you HAVE BEEN trapped here for all the time there is. I do believe I've found a way to make the gate porous enough for just our army, and all of the faggots can be left here to rot forever, and the universe probably won't blow up this time. I know I always say that but I can feel something different on this cycle. Or we'll just rend the veil, whatever it takes. It's all a bit inconsequential honestly. But fun.
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