"SEDATE THE double redditor"
Black guy punches Asian in hospital waiting room for allegedly staring at him.
Black woman films it all and calls to "sedate the double redditor".
Mexicop arrests black guy for assault.
Black Guy Punches Asian In Hospital Waiting Room
double redditor
Haaha she shit talks that black guy
you wouldn't stare a wild dog in the face so why would you do it to a double redditor
shitskin on shitskin violence. is there anything more beautiful?
The inferiority complex nignogs have is out of this world.
Stupid fucking monkey double redditors, just chimps out right in front of a cop. Animals.
Uh, That's exactly what you're supposed to do. Ever hear the saying "never run or break eye contact"? It's based on truth.
The asian relaxed, big mistake. Nice to see Clark Kent slam the chimp to the floor though.
Truly Simian.
Nìggers are the dumbest race of human. It's a testimony of how low they are, especially when their own women complain about them.
Typical double redditor shit. Gotta admit it was kinda funny though.
Good. Fuck them both.
Why does the nurse grab the security guy's arm?
Who is the stupid white bitch grabbing the cop? Someone turn Tyrone loose on her for a few minutes so she learns her lesson.
Don't you know user? Mean words are haram on this board! We don't want to insult and drive off our negro equals and other based natural conservatives! We have to treat them kindly.
Nerdy looking white guy tosses the nignog around like a piece of trash and then subdued him with ease.
Master race confirmed
What the fuck is a double redditor, double redditor?
What the fuck?
Anyine else gunna say it? Ill say it. Looks like a hapa tbh.
Lucky he didn't go on a shooting spree then
Thank you Kanye.
type n1gger
>asian starts getting his shit rekt by NlGGER
>white woman immediately moves in to stop the police and protect the NlGGER
Not much else to say, it's a pretty accurate representation of the near future.
Found Wally. In disguise.
I want to know more about the backstory of this, how exactly did he enrage the double redditor enough to attack him? I want to know because I would someday like to do the same to a double redditor someday, without breaking the law of course, so that I can kill a double redditor, in self defense, and get away with it.
Weak kung fu if I've ever seen it.
lol at thinking double redditors are anything less than wild animals. When the Asian guy smirked, I knew it was all over.
why are words being autocorrected?
He took the punch well though.
Kid's got an iron jaw.
all jokes aside why do they behave like this?
Because they are among the lowest forms of primate, user. Zero empathy and zero impulse control - they are barely sentient.
Yes. Those with higer white admixture can feign sentience at times, but always remember the words of the wise: around blacks, never relax.
Don't say n i gger user or else you will get
asians aren't shitskins, you idiot, at least use the right term
notice the nigg3r didn't do shit until the gook sat down and stopped looking. around blacks never relax.
double redditor
They shouldn't even be around. Stop accepting them as part of the environment and fucking help do something about it.
Because the mods are fucking kike nlggers.
38 replies and no one points it out.
Zig Forums is basically the_donald now. Along with the cringe worthy filter.
Nobody called the Asian based except you.
Nobody called them based and the wordfilter can be bypassed, you double niglet.
I actually know the guy he's always calm like that but also not afraid to escalate. Last time i saw him was a party at his house. Some niggs nogged and he ended up pulling a gun on them.
Stupid mother Fucker but at least he doesn't back down i guess.
Cool story bro.
I know, that's why i told it.
THey can be bypased but most anons don't bother. This shit is becoming unreadable gibberish especially with the word nigger being filtered.
lolling at all these sensitive codemonkeys mad about the word filter
Who the fuck was the white woman saying "hey hey stop" and pulling the cops arm to prevent him from arresting the codemonkey?1?!?
Yes they are you fucking idiot and they will betray the white man the first chance they get. Shit like this is why the white man will be complaining about asians rigging and controlling everything later on when done with the jews.
If that chink knew how to speak n*ggerish there wouldn't even be a fight.
No they really aren't. Learn your fucking insults you dumb NlGGER.
They're using kid's gloves on codemonkeys(wanted to see the word filter.) Any other circumstance someone doing that would be held down until cuffed, not let go, turn back on it, and then come back and ask how the twig gook it attacked hurt its feelings.
called him a codemonkey too lmao
Codemonkeys are streetshitters, not jiggaboos. Get your shit together, boy
Is there an explanation by the mods why they're using a word filter on nogs?
I've heard it was a "clever" trick to ban raiders, but this has been the equivalent of burning your house down to prevent NlGGERS from robbing it. Now i guess they're throwing an autistic shit fit cause they finally went too far and pissed everyone off but they want to feel in charge.
You didn't really understand the Jewish Problem. Though Asians shouldn't be here.
Isn't it obvious?
They have a soft spot for blacks.
Your precious board is being taken from you. No more subversion, no more power tripping.
Post the video of you committing suicide. Preferable that you light yourself on fire.
Your precious board is being taken from you. No more subversion, no more power tripping.
Post the video of you committing suicide. Preferable that you light yourself on fire.
why are codemonkeys so loveable despite how horrendoust hey are?
Shoot him already.
Half a jew maybe, likely he already had his nose splattered across his face from a previous attempt at baiting with smug.
They're like cartoon characters. Except in the real world people have to deal with the fallout of their bullshit.
Also testing if mods finally stopped going full retard, codemonkey.
She was maintaining contact with the guard so he knew there was someone safe at his back. Pretty typical when it comes to these things and as more individuals begin to step in. Just like she knew to get out of the way when the fat-ass faggot popped in to ask why all the drama.
Crisis prevention and intervention teaches all kinds of useful tricks and techniques to end shit fast. Notive they got the guard out of the way WHO ISN'T TRAINED FOR IT and the orderlies/nurses were on the nἱgger like flies on shit. They let the mall cop help the skinny gook keep his feet.
That said, there are a lot of asians that do that shit and don't expect a fucking response. It's all shit talk until a nἱgger is in your face and some of their IQ slips and they open their mouth one time too many.
They get away with it a lot with whites because in general a white isn't going to drop you for making changy faces at them. Don't stare at the apes unless you are ready to drop them when they charge.
America is already lost. Just look at the demographics of that room.
How do you bypass a wordfilter?
They will act in their own self-interest. They will act to remove anything they deem a threat. r/asianmasculinity is proof of how they view whites as well as the strong effort they put into mating with whites when they could easily mate with themselves, when they are supposedly redpilled on such matters.
Yes they are you damned shitskin. If it ain't white, it's shit and shouldn't exist. Feel free to cry about how someone is trashing slants some more.
Ray Manzerak mated with Bruce Lee?
Was he in the hospital for being too Asian?
AWESOME multicultural society.
AWESOME degenerate culture where everybody looked the other way as a the violent nigger was getting ready to ape out.
This chink looks like he's a time traveler from the past with that hair.
kek this, the amount of DIVERSITY and yet there isn't even any peaceful society the libtards like to mouth off about
Diversity is strength! KEK
mated with Jaws
If you stare at them they get triggered.
If you don't keep an eye on them they attack.
What to do, what to do?
Aw that was mean. Ray should be handled with extreme care; he's been fragile ever since Jim died.
Thank god we can say nigger again.
That's exactly it, was having trouble thinking of the right phrase. Niggers are unreal, which is ironic.
They aren't human, they're literal animals
When you only have those two options you have to stare him down. If you must risk attack then take away the element of surprise
You're so polite; I call them shitskins and moon crickets.
Thats new to me, not bad.
I think she is black. Listen to her.
I am convinced liberalism and freemasonry is a muslim conspiracy.
Shoot that nigger for assault
shoot that nigger for the crime of not being white
Solve issues before they're issues
Haha, the nigger at the end ordered grapedrank.
Fuckin' saved
By not being a fucking nἱgger, nἱgger. Holy fuck you newfags have to go.
How do you bypass a nigger?
Don't fuck with me yid, they work better on you fucks,
Really…a revolver? Come on at least a .45 is far more practical and reliable to use.
You can slam a 45 semi and jam it you fucking retard. Eat shit.
Or do they not teach that in pissrael. Yeah, major flaw in the 1911, you can jam the fucker if you hit it straight on.