They have a policy that all sexual preference including pedosexuals be respected, and since pedophilia is a "sexual preference" according to the DSM-IV / DSM-V thanks to the work of James Cantor in Canada and his pedo love gang or MAP (Minor Attracted Persons) groups combined with Freedesktop Code of conduct, you must love sex with children to be an open source developer or work with them!
"Our Pledge
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
Our Standards"
The status may have been removed in DSM-V but the fact remains the left says pedophilia is a "sexual preference".
If you want to see who the SOB james Cantor is, you can see him come on with CNN's gay child rape victim Don Lemon just after he said Jerry Sandusky was a nice guy on these Huffington Post hosted videos:
On 24 May 2018 at 00:01, Luke McKee wrote:
The Freedesktop Code of Conduct Enforcer trolls my bugzilla ticket pushing out 3x falsehoods, then trolls me on IRC and bans me.
How he - (Daniel) can twist the code of conduct to say you must at all times AWAY FROM FREEDESKTOP.ORG infrastructure respect those who have sex with children (pedosexuals) or be banned on bugzilla is beyond me. Perhaps you can explain why all freedesktop users are monitored away from the domain to ensure they love pedosexuals and will be banned on it they are not inclusive of a little action.
I opened a valid ticket about how to utilize an undocumented feature of the gallium state tracker in mesa, and got the answer I wanted.
Read it. What's wrong with it? Compare the original post to the off topic crap from daniels and the trolling on IRC falsely claiming I was reporting a GPL violation. Clearly a drama queen.
Why should I be banned for pointing out the trolling from a wayland developer? He doesn't like it when strawman arguments are used against him: yet he's running around IRC saying I make videos about loving child sex dolls which I don't. That's clearly abuse of the code of conduct from himself. For saying NO I don't have a channel about child sex dolls as you fasely claimed on IRC and providing one link to prove him wrong - I get banned. Clearly he's the troll not me. Everything on the bugtracker is software related and on topic, except for Dan's trolling on there.
If you don't respond I'll write up a blog post on how freedesktop's code of conduct enforcers are keeping a keen eye on all mailing list / bugzilla users away from to make sure they respect those who are convicted / charged / court confirmed paedophiles. I'm doing a livestream on an unnamed youtube channel (80k subs) next week and I'll be sure to give you a mention. It's mostly exposing the New Live IVF flesh trading ring praised by CNN and other issues. Like I said the whole interaction with freedesktop that got me banned and IRC is in the email below.
Daniel trolled me and called me hostile for pointing out he was wrong on the facts. I haven't seen anything more disgusting than this since was forked by a gaggle of confirmed homosexual devs into #lede-dev for personal profit, and it turned out like libav.
See the pastebin for full logs of how it kicked off and how I uncovered the policy. The fact is it's real and an OTO occult kiddy fucker drafted it and it's been used by Google and Mozilla and everywhere else now to say you must respect all sexual preferences to work in IT. The MSM news and DSM-IV says pedophilia is a sexual preference.
It's now law of the land you need to love fucking children, at least in IT.