The jewish question is fucking complicated. Obviously not to us, but climbing the ladder from the current liberal abyss is whack. In order to combat this, I think we need to make a definitive copy-pasta for explaining the jq. If nothing else, trying will make us more articulate. So, I will start by posting a brief jq essay I wrote. Before you read it, it is shit and incomplete, help me add to it, rewrite it, w.e.
fuck off, lets crowdsource this shit and make something presentable. I don't want credit for this this shit, I want kikes to stop being kikes or die. Hell, maybe Patrick Little needs some talking points.
It is time to stop preaching to the fucking choir. We have the power of truth and objectivity, lets use it. We all know where it leads once people learn the truth.
Also, ITT post normie questions and responses to them.
I will start:
The hardest aspect of the jewish question today is talking about it. The language has become so polarized that it has become nearly impossible to discuss. I would like to try to breach this divide, and perhaps prevent a genocide from either side.
To do this, I have to explain to you exactly what it means to be a jew, in the eyes of the goyim. Now I am sure that as I write this there will be those who say “the people you are describing are not jews” etc. etc.. So the first thing I am going to address is who and what we are, collectively. I will start from the beginning.
People are animals. Plain and simple. We are not a product of the mind, as so many liberals would like to believe. Reality is not a choice. What makes reality real is that it doesn’t matter what you think about it. You drop something, it falls. This is absolute. Now a common trick of the mind is the idea that we can imagine things that do not exist, the proverbial tree falling in a forest not making a sound. In the extreme this can be true, but communication relies on constraints. For some sort of communication to take place, you need conservation. We often forget to realize that nothing exists in a vacuum, yet most of our policies and ideas are based around this very notion. The truth is the world is nonlinear in every way. It is exponential.
This conservation, the idea of a single body, is an attractive and powerful tool. It is the source of jewish power as I will explain. The idea of holiness (whole-y-ness) is the recognization that there is only one voice controlling the mind, not an infinite number of gods as the Greek mind would have. However, the issue with wholeness is scale. Yes, inside the mind there is only one voice, the self (reading the 10 commandments should make exponentially more sense to you know), but there is a world outside. There is something larger. The key issue with wholeness then becomes the inability to believe in something greater. In other words, the price of wholeness is selfishness.
We can argue about the origins of these ideas, personally I refer to Tacitus and biology, but regardless of the true origins, there are certainly philosophical issues with this mantra. The earliest attempt to combat this came from within judaism itself in the forms of Philo and Josephus. They created the myth of Jesus in an effort to save their people from the selfishness that wholeness can lead to. The christian myth was meant to save early jews from themselves, and if we read the Bible with this in mind, we can see what Philo and Josephus were trying to do.
It wasn’t perfect, nothing ever is. And over time, the language disintegrated. Virgin was no longer from the greek idea of a perfect bonding souls, a perfect conception in spirit, it became more materialistic. It became a weapon for future selfish people to use. Our world is characterized by the path of least resistance, a minimization of energy. There was likely no grand conspiracy, simply men using what was in front of them for their own selfish gains, as well as the fact that we often know the right path, but have not built the choice yet. The mistake comes before knowledge.
So at this point, I hope you understand the dangers of intent. That is to say, the idea that all of history has been a planned con. Perhaps there is some notion of a God, using as a simulation or something along those lines, but the point is that men, animals, did not do this, consciously. What did this was artificial selection.
Nature works by selecting organism that first and foremost survive. Viruses and bacteria to this day cause problems for macroscopic organisms simply by their will to survive.
Now, if this thread gets shoaed, again, mods are jidf faggots.