African man hates his white mother for raising him

why are these N—-GGERS so ungrateful?

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I hate her too.

Because they're ñiggers. It's a shame his mother didn't get an abortion and die from complications during the procedure so two problems could have been solved.

check'd and kekd

beat me to it.



What an ungrateful n i g g e r
He should be beaten and whipped like his n i g g e r ancestors tbh

Mulattoes are by far much more complexed than their more double redditorish brethen. There are countless examples of mulattoes hating their whiter counterpart more than pure nigs. Koepernick, that nig BLM leader and many other half castes.

why aren't you spelling out NlGGER dude?

double redditor halfy hates his white parent, and quite possibly the only parent it had. I mean, wheres the dad? And does this double redditor hate the "dad" who abandoned him?

This, race traitors get the rope,
and that.

'double redditorish', what a shitty wordfilter, now I understand why Zig Forums was raided a while back, I don't blame them.

I made a typo, I mean to write NlGGER

Infractions are simply fucked in the head, we all know that

He doesn't hate her. That's a lie.

Back in your cage, DOUBLE double redditor

I second this

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double redditor

double redditor

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what a fucking double redditor


double redditor or nἱgger

cause they are NlGGERS?

I hate the word "whiteness" like, shut the fuck up. Just call it what it is: superiority.

Also, Mulattos project way too much.

it's funny how these people give the best arguments against racemixing.

what the hell makes double redditors think white people are in capable of empahty?

So you think this was a result of racemixing and not racism itself?
This didn't start because another kid called him a racial slur? Probably parroting a parent because of his young age?
The topic should be racism causes distance, pain and gap of understanding between mother and son.

Torposters never fail to be fucking retards, the child understands its mother is different from a very young age merely by observing differences between the father and mother and the skincolor of actual female blacks, even a negro can tell.



so is the codemonkey word filter for codemonkey or double codemonkey (d o u b l e n i g g e r)

Same here. OP's a fag for trying to defend her. If every mulatto and half-breed shamed their mother perhaps the world would be a better place. The women are basically cultural rapist.