Now that the faggot turk is gone, and the mass censorship from the natsoc circlejerk has been disbanded, lets have a thread about /liberty/. It's good to be back goys.
Libertarianism Thread
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Reported for not liking mass censorship. You are clearly from Reddit
It's good to be back on Zig Forums indeed, specially without being afraid of expressing one's views.
Fuck yeah, nice to see some good old fashioned freedom here. Couldn't be more fitting, seeing as freedom is something that just got restored to the board. To get the ball rolling what does freedom mean to you all? What's important about libertarianism? For me, it's just being able to not have the government up my ass and have useless laws and licenses trying to get in the way of life. I'll admit that I'm not the most political person in the world, but freedom is just so damn beautiful and I think it's the way America should be.
It's funny as shit how we all came to 8ch for the lack of free speech on 4chan, and the mods of /v/ and the former mods of Zig Forums fucking ruined the whole thing and in the end, made this site even less free than 4chan. Fuck you guys if you're out there. We're taking back our country and our board in the name of liberty and freedom.
I think the government should just stick to what it was made for, general management, border control, and defense. Anything else and already they're meddling in things any self sufficient community can handle. This is how societies eventually die, when the people become too reliant on others (i.e the goverment). We should let the people deal with their own struggles.
NatSoc here, it wasn't some natsoc paradise when imkikey was in charge. I got banned for wrongthink.
Sorry to hear that brother. By the way, I don't hate you guys, but I hate how fucking circlejerky this place was. More freedom for the both of us.
We whites earned our freedom by being civilized, niggers and other non-whites haven't, so why can't we enjoy our freedom, why must we let our goverments grow like in every non-white country? Only in times of crisis do we need a big goverment to put us back on track, but it's not always the case. Specially when the goverment gets in the way more than helping.
May commies burn bright.
That's the whole point of America. Anything past what you just said is an abuse of power by the federal government. Local powers can do things just fine, and when you take the state out of matters, natural selection will take it's course. Those who want an ethnostate will be happy because there wont be many minorities around due to the fact they're only being kept alive by welfare at this point, and people like me who are indifferent to the matter can continue to be indifferent. No man who is willing to work should suffer his downfall for petty reaosns.
Helicopters are preferable.
I agree. I usually shit on libertarians but I think you guys deserve the right to speak here. Long live Zig Forums brother.
Zig Forums is back my niggers.
2500s and above soon.
Hopefully this creates an era of mutual respect for different opinions, at least for a little while.
Obviously I don't like the way the board was being run, but it's obvious to anyone with a brain that most of the people who have been posting in Zig Forums for the past few hours are from /v/. So I'm just wondering what it's going to be like here when the /v/ anons get tired and go back to posting about vidyagames. As gay as the regime was here, they did serve one purpose as acting as a gate between Zig Forums and the retarded leftists that want to shitpost the place to death.
I dislike you lolbergs because you have no real solutions to problems of social ills like natsocs and just like communists you dodge the question of human nature.
They served no purpose but depopulating the population.
The turk was a schizos.
Libertarianism is about human nature. National Socialists want to use the government to solve problems instead of letting natural selection run it's course and kill all the stupid and weak people. Nature is the one true god, the only thing that resides over us and is out of our control It is disrespectful to this angry and jealous god to try to take these matters into our own hands. National Socialists are utopians, just like the Marxists they claim to despise. There is not a solution to every problem because nature is chaos, and will never not be chaos. The order must be maintained with the smallest government possible.
you mean Zig Forums, there are three threads right now on their front page high fiving each other about what's going on here
So you're mad about this site finally having some of the free speech it was founded upon? Go fuck yourself Mark, nobody wants you here.
I hate big government and love drugs, teenage girls and privately owned tanks. kampfy can suck my fucking choad.
You're good with me bro.
It seems like a combination of both. I spotted a number of gg Muh PR camp retards in some of the other threads. I think Zig Forums has reason to celebrate probably. Look what happened to /tv/. Taking out imkikey could be like taking out Saddam, what replaces him may not be a lot worse. It's the law of unintended consequences. IMO, we should probably not be a global board and instead move to new ownership, but choosing ownership that isn't kiked would probably be difficult as well.
Fuck yeah, you NatSoc guys aren't bad dudes. We might have differing ideals but at the end of the day we want the best for our people, and I respect you for that. May we work together as one as we wreck those fucking ugly reds; I couldn't ask for a better brother.
You're a cool guy, user.
Zig Forums should have no moderation except for illegal content. Communists should be able to speak here so we can actually blow the fuck out of their weak arguments instead of them huddling up in their hugbox.
Except it practically accelerated the natural selection process of Germany, transforming it from a degenerate laughing stock to a fearsome superpower. We are not in the 1800s anymore. It's 2018. We need national socialism, because we are in a degenerate society in desperate need of a quick fix, and lolbergs work too slow.
I think we need a gore background so commies won't generally come here
There's nothing natural about a big state. I'm going to do drugs and all sorts of other shit you dont like, and your state won't be able to do shit against my gun. The gun is the ultimate answer.
I don't care about muh degenracy. I want people to snort coke, sodomize hookers and run around naked on their own property while worshiping Satan or Odin or whatever edgy god you can muster, or no god at all. A state can do nothing about it if myself, and others in my area are well armed. You can propose idealist bullshit all day, but if your beloved state cannot stop me, they will be the ones who are stopped. Hail the natural order of liberty!
post the blood of the bourgeoisie
Good post user
Really I've never been one for Zig Forumss traditional sexuality D/C nor the christcuckery. I came here because Ireland should stay Irish.
Great to see y'all are back. May not agree on everything, but I've found most libertarians on imageboards are ideologically consistent and can hold an intelligent conversation. Are monarchists also allowed again? /monarchy/ has been pretty dead for a while.
why haven't i seen any good lolberg propaganda videos?
yeah, this is the muh pr /v/ faggots, I'm sorry you faggots lost the long game, what Jim said about you was true, I don't want to post in a less trafficked cuckchan Zig Forums where ever other post is some fucking commie or Tumblrina, if I wanted that I could also go to fucking plebbit and post in r/politics, I know some of the /v/tards were triggered by the nazis in here, I'm not even one of them, but I liked that we actually had a solid rightwing board to post in, I don't want to constantly bicker with these faggots or have to wade through amerimutt memes and black cock spam
They won't get off to the bodies of their pet niggers, they only want to kill white people
I like this idea. It makes sense to let sides fight so people can see who's really right and discover who they relate with the most at the end of the day. Lets people decide for themselves and I really appreciate that.
I suppose I can put up with Mary Jane if it gives me hemp clothing/fuel/etc.
Would hemp rope be suitable for lynching people?
Hopefully everything will be allowed again. The last thing a true libertarian will want to do is stop you from speaking.
If you're going to be a D&C faggot, you should at least speak in coherent English. Free speech is hopefully here to stay, and that shithole of a board /v/ should be cleaned of it's mods as well.
People who wish to silence others are insecure of their own ideas. I have rock solid faith in liberty, and I have challenged my own beliefs time and time again throughout the years, and I know deep down in my heart that if I stand by my principles that I will prevail in the future. I'm more than happy to let people of other dogmas compete for attention with me, for I believe that in a true free market of ideas, people will find the truth.
Pot's your least worry when alcohol is legal.
I'm a natsoc but I spew lolberg ideology IRL to make leftists butthurt.
Of course. It was the standard for centuries, user.
Hemp is pretty useful. Cannabis oils can be used to make medicine for anxiety and it's great for your immune system; you can use it to fight against colds. I think I heard something about infections and such too but honestly I'm not the most educated in the world. I just know it's a pretty useful plant, smoking or not.
Who here /nofreespeech/? I'm in Canada and a lot of the shitposting I do would probably be grounds to put me on trial. Also I like lolicon which is a big foul here.
A new golden age has begun.
Why would you ever want an echo chamber? Do you understand that a huge number, if not all of the posters here who are battling to save Western civilization, are people that simply saw the logical superiority of our reasoning? The only people who want censorship and control are the people who lose in open, free debate. This board became a stagnant cesspool of people mindlessly repeating the same comments over and over, a circlejerk of masturbatory trash, because no one was allowed to voice dissenting opinion, and everyone suffered for that.
Sorry to hear that user.
Maybe you are a real libertarian afterall :^)
Why bait?
I remember it being mentioned it's a better source for vegetarian protein than soy. Something something full amino acid profile. Hemp is useful for so much shit
It's all good, the drawing of the child prostituting herself for pocket money consents to me jerking off.
I forgot what it meant to be an /a/non who hates pedos.
There is everything natural about leadership, and denying a century's proven system of leadership in favour of "anarchy" only begets leadership.
It was getting to a point where natsocs and traditional fascists were getting divided by the circlejerking. I'm glad the roach is gone.
Damn, sorry to hear that user. I feel really bad for other places that have so little freedom; I hope places like the UK and Canada will be better places in the future. Also even America has trouble with freedom sometimes with how you can lose your job and get your life fucked up if news gets out about you shitposting about niggers.
So more threads where degenerates try to rationalize their adherence to a jewish ideology while pretending to be anti-Semitic, because it's the only political system where they'd be allowed to fuck kids.
You shouldn't watch porn
Amino acid profiles are what allow foods to be converted in a way muscles can use them. It's the reason Pork Rinds aren't a significant source of protein even though they have 7 grams of protein per handful- the protein isn't a full amino acid chain.
I'm not even baiting. I'm dead fucking serious. What's your state going to do about it? You'll have to fucking stop me first.
leadership =/= authoritarian superstate. People will become natural leaders in their own societies.
Again, I'll go back to the central point that begets national socialists everytime, what are you going to fucking do about it? If your state doesn't ban guns in the first place, then I am the man with the gun.
It's kind of weird trying to talk to people who are only sort of into hentai because my definition of "vanilla" is really skewed now compared to someone just discovering anime titties.
I'm hoping we can oust Trudeau next year. I don't have any faith that his replacement will be good, but at least he might be less openly destructive than the one we have now. None of my online accounts link to me because of this stuff, so I'm not worried about my job too much.
I shouldn't do a lot of things, but I do. I drink and I smoke and my sleep schedule is poor and I don't eat regularly enough.
Jews get fucked in Libertarianism since they can be murdered put to trial when their fractional reserve banking can't deliver on its promises. There's a reason most Jews hate libertarianism.
Libertarians have become lefties after the death of our Illustrious Leader Ron Paul I.
Move this Marxist shit to Zig Forums.
The way to save the Aryan sub-species is via loli marriage. Hookup culture at any age does not make Aryan-babies.
I'm pretty sure pedos count as hedonism
You can fix all of that though, all you have to do is try.
Mind explaining why it's Jewish if you're so sure about that?
I don't really want to, though. I'm just enjoying life until I die. All I really want is to be left alone for the time I've got.
You are baiting. Where are you coming from?
Is that also the reason why every prominent lolberg has been a kike, or at least backed by them? Even the super "BASED" and "fashy" Pinochet that the rabbinical sodomites dragged out to try and rehabilitate libertarianimism's image was a philosemetic ZOGbot backed by jewish trotskyites.
You can do it in your house, grow and make your own drug and diddle your fiddle to whatever you want to imagine but if you take it outside of there then you get gunned down for being a dangerous degenerate. Pretty simple.
Notice the number of countries where the age of consent is set much lower than the US. How many of those countries are libertarian/ancap? Not one, because banging teen babes is natural no matter what system you live in. Now fuck off with your crypto-feminism. Rape is still breaking the NAP, but not everything that offends amerimutts is rape.
God damn excellent trips but you can at least argue with him instead of flinging a buzzword at him. If you wanna prove us wrong, give me something to chew on. I'm open-minded to this kinda shit and hell if I can learn something new at the end of the day I'm pretty happy.
libertarians love niggers and spics who will work for cents and displace the native people
Figure the best way to stimulate conversation on a Libertarian thread is to talk about economics. So do you think that the minting of money should be privately managed, or managed by some form of a state? As it stands in America, the Federal Reserve is a pseudo-governmental organization that has a pretty high degree of autonomy. How about the currency itself? Do you think fiat currency is a bad thing? Should currency be on the gold standard (or backed by some other resource)? I know National Socialists have the concept of labor-backed currency initially put forth by Gottfried Feder, but it's a bit of a vague system from what I read of Feder's writings.
We actually don't like niggers and spics since they have increased crime rates. We just like using niggers and spics, in their own countries, to build shit for cheap that the native peoples refuse to do/will only do for exorbitant fees that hurt everyone.
Back when lolbergs were originally tolerated here, their two arguments were to pretend they were the first people to oppose the Fed (they weren't, and their queen Ayn Rand mentored Greenspan) and to whine about the age of consent.
You just listed a handful of Jews that support the movement instead of actually going into why it's a Jewish idea. Like I get those charts showing all of the Jews in the media because there's a limited amount of people in the media and most of them happen to be Jewish, but with libertarianism it's something that tons of people can stand up for. I don't see what those images are trying to prove at all. Did libertarianism originate in Israel or something? As far as I'm concerned it's a pretty American belief.
Not an argument. I'm not baiting. My logic is infallible, which is why you don't have a rebuttal. Now I ask again, what are you going to do about it?
Not if I take my gun with me, or if I am allied with others who have guns in a like minded community.
None of the original Libertarian thinkers were Jewish, unless you think the founding fathers are Jewish.
Yeah they love them so much they want to end the state's mandate on forcing them into employment and education, alongside the discrimination laws which force you to serve them at your business.
One of the fun things about libertarianism is that if you don't like "degeneracy" you can create your own society that doesn't allow it. People who don't want that in their communities can go pack up and live in this community, and people who do want that can go somewhere else. Everybody wins.
really nigger? nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger haha I don't get banned for saying that anymore fuck yeah
I hate stirnerfags so much.
Libertarians are weak ineffectual faggots and I'm glad to be able to post along side you again on Zig Forums
That difference being?
y-you too
Get a real ideology, weedfag.
the gentelmanly debate shit is a fucking meme, leftists don't want to debate, they want to crush all dissent, look at what they did to totalbiscuit who basically bent over to agree with them, they're still on twitter posting about they're glad he's dead, that's what that stuff gets you
get real, you have to fight fire with fire, this Zig Forums at least should have been a place to discuss macro strategy from a rightwing perspective, if you think you're going to change the world by arguing with some butthurt goon in an obscure image board, you are sorely mistaken, just like some faggots thought they could change videogames with "ethics," overall I can tell there's currently a lot of Zig Forums tourists posting here, you can post all this soaring feel good stuff about free speech and debate and try to dictate new board culture, but it won't do much when you leave and then the goon hordes try to plant their flag here by force
They didn't just "happen to support it", they created it.
You could make the same case for communism or any other semitic system.
They weren't lolbergs either.
y-y-you too
Oh Moshe. I was so excited to be rid of you, but you're back already?
He's being provocative for no reason. I don't know why he's baiting.
Why do you write purposely provocative, as if you were trying to bait people to get replied? You even write things like
They also want to import them to get cheap unskilled workers to do menial labor to displace the local population out of unskilled jobs.
Decentralized communes with entry based on meeting certain criteria (IQ, ethnicity, ideology, etc) and free exit is the future. In fact it's the only way to avoid civil conflict as seen in echo chambers and filter bubbles.
Reminder homogeny is a requirement for liberty
leadership is when you take daddy's cock like a good little slut and authoritarian superstate is when you don't like it and you cry cause your bootyhole is sore