Brit/pol/ #2819: Robin Edition

Nigel Farage accuses BBC of being in denial during 'absolutely ludicrous' interview

Tony Blair warning: Brexit Party popularity could rise EVEN MORE before European elections

Labour to pilot Universal Basic Income scheme for EVERYONE - rich or poor

Ardent Remainer accused of trying to 'RIG' second referendum

Durham Cathedral window commemorates student

Support grows for 'mosque tax' in Germany to make Islamic institutions less dependent on foreign funding

Gunmen kill six in Catholic church in Burkina Faso

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no more incest talk

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Good edition
For kino colour schemes tbh.

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Durham Cathedral window commemorates student

for fuck sake

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xth for large tories

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Admire the Nazi's vexillology fetish tbh

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Foster parents investigated after child, 3, changes from boy to girl

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glass houses

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smh, i'm not a nazi.

I think we need another world war to clear the air tbh

got the entire internet downloaded so you can fuck right off with that assertion lad

I have a folder of images of various fascist politicians and supporters. Nearly at 2000 now.

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I had a weird dream that WW3 broke out but we'd already gone daft and refused to join, but for some reason we invaded Denmark and Norway and no one cared.

nth for based Anglo incest
keeping the bloodline pure one finger at a time

probably because we restoring order to Somalia tier shit shows tbh

Google's left-leaning media bias revealed
How CNN, The New York Times and The Washington Post were promoted over their right-wing counterparts by the search engine which has more power than ever over what readers see

you're about a decade late DM

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Soon lad…

Good lads.

Dunno tbh lad.

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fucking hate women. treating men that dont' have square jawlines like shit.


I think it was to stop the Russians from invading them first, but it was an odd dream and wasn't very clear.

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Tbh I’m handsome


Get some lads together and go pillage some foreign lasses.

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tbh i can sour milk by looking at it but ive still slept with over 100 women

or do what the faroe islands do and import a third world fucksleeve

Might do a batten if I get old and lonely.

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How ugly are you?

I’m extremely handsome and I have never had sex. This is an outrage.

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solid 4/10 here i am
if you're good looking and can't get laid the problem is you are cockblocking yourself somehow tbh because the vast majority of women are total slags

never said pro-creating tbh

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Charles Gordon’s last stand in Khartoum

This smh

didnt need that trip down memory lane

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bit early for this lads

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tbh ive been in a long term relationship with a girl for three years now
about to all go down hill soon though
bit useless the procreation route too because shes barren

the Monad blessed her.
Sign this petition or the empire shall never rise again.

ah the beauty of a rootless society imagine that situation but now shifted to cover an entire region the size of western and central europe and you now have my experience

yeah great can't wait for their foreigners to flood into here too

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fuck you, you can keep your pakis

cities are vampires tbh

is suicide allowed in Gnosticism? or are we still slaves to the Demiurge if we commit it?

You wasted your life force on all those probably fertile girls and now you're with your misses you are unable to have children? Something poetic in that I think.

Pakis would love to move to a warmer climate which doesn't include pakistan

Nice thought but there is no political will in this country for it. Maybe after brexit.

Cheer up chuck

We're doomed either way tbh. Having a single border policy might make us better off though.

Exactly my thoughts.
Never give up on manifesting the dreams of our ancestors in this present era.

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i didnt waste anything, the multitude were once offs, lunatics or veritable used goods
i can graciously and regretfully say ive never defiled a virgin

virgin lasses are unicorns tbf

From January 2020 all new police constables will need to have a university level degree or work towards one

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Tbh none of my family settled Canada. According to colonial records, they all went to Barbados in the 1600s, Pennsylvania in the 1700s and Australia in the 1800s (one of them was on a convict ship, call the Arab). We still keep in contact with the aussies.

Bit inconsistent here lad, the wogs start in calais so having kids with them would be racemixing.

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You wasted your own time and precious fluids lad.

the scandinavians and dutch are fine to raep tbh

Barbados and the US are lost causes. Australia should definitely pursue a closer relationship with other CANZUK nations.


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Lad Barbados is Anglo heaven don't fall for the propaganda. Visited it on holiday as a child. 99.9% blue-eyed sand-haired anglos.

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All continentals are a different race to us lad.

black 92.4%, white 2.7%, mixed 3.1%, East Indian 1.3%, other 0.2%, unspecified 0.2% (2010 est.)

if they dont have the haplotype of the British Isles they must by divine law be sterilized

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Wtf lad


reminder this is an anglo-irish supremacist board

Franklin's descendants are 50% wog

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you just reminded me Saxons are named for their seax, i guess we should be Anglo-Seaxons or some such other
we're pretty much named for the long knifes we used in war

I prefer Anglo-Scaramaxons

I mean Anglo-Scramasaxons

Angle = angels/anglers (as in fishermen)
Saxon = knives
Our enemies (the celts) call us saxons (sassenachs) while we call ourselves anglos (anglish = english). There's an interesting etymological dichotomy there.

Welsh means foreigner


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Asking for a friend lads, are third cousins game?

Yeah tbh.

Brb fashioning a whip to liberate the House of God from merchants.

Oh fuck. I indirectly destroyed a relationship lads.
A week ago a girl at work overheard me and a colleague discussing the kalergi plan and she asked what it is. Now, given that she’s a coal burner I warned her she wouldn’t like what she hears but she insisted.
Found at work earlier today she dumped the coon and told me she was disgusted with herself for not even knowing what she was doing.

It’s immoral to accidentally ruin a relationship but, well, the guys a nigger. But then we want the coal burners to weed themselves out of the gene pool. Not sure how I should feel.

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Anyone can be redeemed lad

There is nothing immoral about what you did lad.

Is nothing sacred any more? Bet they wouldn’t do it to a mosque.