The Right to Bear Arms

ITT we talk about firearms and firearm accessories

We'll talk about Zig Forums-related stuff and which rifle/pistol is best for self defense at home and public and also about melee weapons. Also I'll do a quick rant on the Jewish meme known as (((gun control))).
(((Gun control))) is clearly a Zionist-invented idea. To think that not even (((Karl Marx))) himself supported (((gun control))) leads me and all of us to believe why the Jews have been supporting it for almost a century. The only type of mouthbreathers I see that support (((gun control))) in the US are the stock up "progressive" libtards because they think "dem ebil whitey be killin' muh minority chillens n' shiet". Without acknowledging the dead Whites in the hands of nigger criminals.

Western European, Canadian, Australian and New Zealander normalfags (take note at the last word) tend to be pro-(((gun control))) as well. So why did (((gun control))) work so well in Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand and yet kikes are still struggling to repel the 2nd Amendment completely?

Almost all of the gun violence in America is because of the presence of violent non-Whites like the niggers, spics, mudslimes, and then you have kikes always creating false flag school shooting in an attempt to push (((gun control))) even further. But I guess in the current state of affairs on the Current Year™ debunking crime statistics is considered "institutionalized racism".

Another thing I should talk about here is that anti-gun faggots especially the ones in cuckchan tend to go around saying "Why would you need guns when you can't use it to destroy tanks and helicopters?", this seriously needs to be debunked.

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Other urls found in this thread: 6904

Pistol: Glock 19 & HK P30

Rifle: AR-15 from Colt, FN or BCM

Shotgun: Mossberg 930spx or if you can, a fucking Vepr 12.


Are you sure about that, user? I heard some people say the AK-47 is better. I don't know why they keep comoaring the two, all I can say is that they both have pros and cons.

pic related

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Jesus christ faglord, google is your friend.

And no, you can't own "AK-47" in the states, only semi-auto clones or tacticool Saiga.

No nigger should be allowed to have a gun, in fact no nigger or any other non-white should be allowed to be alive

For what reasons have all these SCHOOL SHOOTINGS been happening for?

I've found these comics from some Marxist known as "Carlos Latuff". He's normally anti-Israel but for some reason he claims himself to be a Marxist but he supports (((gun control))) like a neoliberal. The comics on pic related are really fucking retarded. I know leftards are incapable to not virtue signal and project hatred towards their opponents but still.

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overpriced af, avoid

the best AK's are made in Russia and thus are import banned, you can only legally own them if they were imported before like '89 or something or if they have no more than 10 Russian parts, and they're overpriced as fuck because of the import ban.. they're considered investments or collector's items moreso than firearms because they're so much more expensive than they should be.. besides, AR-15 platform is far more practical in the US because they're fucking everywhere and there's massive aftermarket, the ammo is cheap and fucking everywhere

just build an AR-15 from scratch with all high quality parts, don't buy anything that sucks, it will save you money in the end.. buy once cry once, don't let anybody convince you to waste money on palmetto state armory bullshit with abysmal quality control. if you're a poorfag, get something like a mossberg maverick 88

SSRI's, feminism

It's so that the kikes will push even more tyranny over the goyim while they get everything. There is no such thing as "White privilege", there's only Jewish privilege.

Good AR15 are about $800 to $1000, never less.

Or you can buy a M&P15 and then upgrade from there, Smith & Wesson is still good.

I think it's the media popularising the killer and his number of victims rather than popularising the heroes who stop the killer.

Also, don't fall for the High Point carbine meme perpetuated by youtube gun ecelebs. They're only good for plinking. Pistol calibers are for handguns because you can't carry a rifle in public, and for full auto smgs because 30 rounds of even .380 in a few seconds will fuck shit up


The nigger kid should have a pellet gun designed to look like a real 1911 as he did in real life.
Not a fucking squirt gun.

My favorite is
These fags could never imagine the power of a cannon, which naturally they forget ever existed. Not only that, but privateers who attacked British ships were encouraged to do so and were celebrated for their victories. So a weapon that can surpass the "AR15 baby killer 5000" and was not banned by the emerging governent existed.
I wonder which one has the highest chance of surviving?

These things. They are "rifles" that shoot pistol calibers, with models in .380, 9mm, 10mm, and 45, with abysmal 7-10 round mags depending on the caliber. Within the last few years youtube ecelebs, the ones who post gun related content, have been positively reviewing these. These things try to be rifles firing pussy pistol rounds, which makes no sense. Pistol caliber booleets are weak, and even the long barrels of the carbines doesn't do much to help. They are tempting for poorfags to buy for a semi auto rifle cheaper than an AR, but in reality they are useless in every application besides shooting tin cans

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Is this thread for bodyarmor too?
I've been making progress with a new hardener for the ballistic clay. It used to take impact well and not fracture when shot, but no abrasive resistance. The bits on my rotary tool would carve right through it… now it takes 3 minutes on the highest setting with a new bit, to do what would take 3 seconds on low before the new ingredient. still working out why, happened on accident actually.

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I figure this is as good a thread as any to mention something I'm working on. Now that I have some free time, I'm working on building an EDM gun drill. For those who don't know, EDM is a form of metal cutting, where instead of using mechanical force and a sharp tool, you use electrical sparks to chip away metal. One of the important benefits of this is there is much less vibration involved as the tool and workpiece do not make physical contact.

Gun drilling is the process of cutting a straight hole through a long distance, in this case barrels. This process is very difficult, because it requires a very large lathe, and special tools. If my drill works, instead of requiring a $10k lathe, it will only require a $

Hi-points irk me, but pistol carbines are good for suppressing. Rifle cartridges are supersonic, thus making a sonic boom, and also have tremendous gas pressure in the barrel.

.45 ACP is subsonic and can be made so quiet in an integrally suppressed carbine that you can hear the bullet swatting the target, and the action of the weapon cycling nearly as loud as you can hear the muzzle report. Wonderful for an indoor/tunnel gun because your ears might survive the encounter.

pic related. You're welcome.

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fun for the whole family

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Thank you for posting this before I finished typing up a half remembered version

I don't know if they are completely useless. Something like keltec sub 2000 could be useful for how compact it is and can be shot accurately way further than a pistol in same caliber. It uses any glock mag btw which could go up to 33 rounds 9mm or 22 rounds at .40

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b-but muh .300 blackout

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the appeal of compact, pistol caliber carbines is that they are cheap and can be stowed somewhere small. its a weapon that requires minimal training and can be thrown in a backpack, for example. they're extremely niche but it's rather stupid to say they're useless. definitely better options for 90% of the population, though.

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I know somewhere there is a picture of a 7.62 cased telescopic cartridge that is cut in half so that the inside volume can be easily seen. I'd really appreciate it if someone could find that picture.

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Remember the local laws btw

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This one?

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I guess this is the perfect time to talk about why Israeli firearms and weapon designs are always horseshit. We all know they have a reputation to be jammomatics and what not, but do (((they))) really always have to copy designs from American and European firearms? Is making new ideas too much for their (((neanderthal))) brains?

pic related

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I think you posted the wrong picture. That's an exploded view of an AR. I said a cased telescopic cartridge. CT = Cased Telescopic

>Is making new ideas too much for their (((neanderthal))) brains?

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Why would it get deleted? kikey is gone.

The right to keep and bear arms is absolute.
Even criminals should be able to fully exercise this right Except in prison
At the same time, the death penalty should be completely abolished outside of treason or financial manipulation.
Instead of jurors being able to put a person to death based on shaky evidence, if you are caught in the act of an extremely violent crime murder, armed robbery, etc, you're put on a kill on sight list.

Well look who's talking, cumskin. Your ancestors stole a lot of ideas from other races but you get butthurt when my race does the same thing. Do you really think the whole West could stand against my little nation holding a thousand nuclear weapons? We're more successful than you because you are objectively inferior to us, when will you White niggers realize this?

Look at this noseberg. Look at him and laugh.

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LOL do you really that tirggers me, cumskin? What's next, you're gonna risk yourself getting heat stroke in the desert just to come by my house to shoot me with your luger? LARP and keep calling us "kikes" and "heebs" all you want but we're on the winning team when it comes to maintream politics.

922r is retarded, when people build their own shit they rarely follow that fucktarded rule, now if you are a perfectly law abiding citizen you don't talk about unnecessary things like where your parts come from.

tfw my ASR takes glockazines
tfw 10mm

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The fuck are you talking about? Trial by Jury is an ancient germanic tradition.

Mordecai, when my race wants to make a firearm, we work on the function first, then the externals last. We do this to ensure the weapon is designed around function for its intended purpose - shooting bullets. When your race made the Tavor, you made a "futuristic looking design" then tried to cram a rifle inside the shell. You did this because instead of fulfilling the purpose of what it was advertised for - shooting bullets - the real purpose was to sell it off to the goyim for money. This is the difference between being intelligent and being clever. Intelligence is making a functional rifle, cleverness is making a quick buck by advertising and promoting a shitty rifle to look better than it actually is.

Holy shit. Its so much chiller around here already! Anyways, this is what ive collected so far… im that guy who hates having the same shit as everyone else.
Sig P226 .357 Sig
Battle Rifles-
Steyer AUG A3 with 3x optic- .223
PTR-91 (G3) with 20" barrel- .308
On order- HMG STG 44- 7.92 Kurz
Bolt Action Rifles-
Savage Axis XP- .308
BRNO Spanish Mauser K98 7mm Mauser
Mossberg 500 12ga with multiple barrel/stock setups, from trench gun style to deer hunting
Just the beginning of course :)

Send a man to a penal colony yes, but it's unreasonable to say that a legal system that can put provably innocent men to prison is capable of only killing provably guilty men is insane.

What I'm saying is that if you're caught in the act of committing a violent crime on video, etc, you're dead.
There's far too little of that going around, so what ends up happening is that horrible people clog up containment facilities, which prevents other horrible people from being contained.
And then you've got states in the union which make it so that killing in self defense is a crime, thus leading to more dead innocents and more live shitheads clogging containment.
Now lets say you killed 20 people, and there's evidence of you killing 20 people, but you were never caught in the act. That should entitle you to a trial, but no death penalty.

Ideally, those found guilty of committing a heinous crime after the fact should be shipped to some African or muslim hellhole.
Likely a death penalty, but if they're white and embrace their civilized nature, they should be able to tame their environment.

Honestly man I don't kikes are really that clever either. If they were no goy would have ever suspected it was (((them))) pulling the strings this whole time. Sure, you have fed-tier disinfo agents saying "It's not the Jews, it's only the Zionists, Freemasons, and the Elites" and Marxist and leftist faggots only merely being anti-Zionist because of the Israel-Palestiniane conflict so they assume pro-Pissrael kikes are White therefore all Literally Hitler but (((they))) are the reason why they exist. (((They))) cannot keep their composure of scheming as much as they want to from the brainwashed goyim.

Everyone should own a firearm

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Having something that feeds from and eats the same shit as everyone else around you is a good thing for obvious reasons. There is nothing worse than finding out you only have ammo for 1/4 the people in your group.

Thats why i have the AUG and .308s…. same feed, different horse


Although i should invest in a .45 as well for that reason

Unfortunately the AUG eats from snowflake magazines unless you've got one that eats from standard AR ones. get used to handloading for the 8x33. Prvi stuff gets inhaled the moment its imported.

For pre-built AR-15's, BCM is a better value then Colt/FN both are good themselve, but are more expensive for basic models. Best thing about BCM, whether pre-built or build from scratch, is their upper receivers. Having the barrel connection be slightly smaller then spec, recommend to use a heat gun when installing a barrel, mates the parts together tightly and lends to accuracy.

I have plenty of my awesome see thru mags, dont worry. More than i need to carry certainly. And i already have made about 200rds of Kurz. I handload the 7x57 too.. Sheesh, such a buzzkill. Imo Privi will make more before long now that there are actually guns that shoot it that dont cost 40k to buy.

Reasons to Ban All Guns in the United States:
In 2011 alone, a total of 478,400 fatal and nonfatal violent crimes were committed with a firearm, as noted by the Special Report on Firearm Violence, 1993-2011, published in May 2013 by the Bureau of Justice Statistics. The same report states that a shockingly high 8% of all violence was committed with a firearm. If firearms had been banned in 2011, the most recent year in the report, there would've been 25% fewer robberies and 69% fewer homicides.
According to the above-mentioned report, only 0.8% "of victims in all nonfatal violent crimes reported using a firearm to defend themselves during the incident" in the years 2007-2011. This included instances where the victim "threatened" their assailant with the use of a firearm as well as occasions where a firearm was actually fired in self-defense.
From 1993-2011, only 0.6% of firearm violence was committed in gun-free school zones. Compare this with 19.3% of said incidents occurring in the home or lodging of the victim, 22.7% occurring near the victim's home, 8.8% at a commercial establishment, and 22.9% in public spaces. In fact, the notoriously gun-free school zones had the lowest incidence of firearm-related violence out of any classification in the BJS's report (which spanned nearly two decades) and that's even when you include crimes that occurred when the victim was "on school property, on the way to or from regular sessions at school, and while attending or traveling to or from a school-sponsored event."
After nonfatal crimes involving firearms, 31% of those who did not report it did so for fear of reprisal; compare this with just 5% of violence that didn't involve a firearm. Conversely, 36% of victims of non-firearm violence were able to resolve the situation without involving police, compared to just 12% of firearm violence victims. A shocking 27% of firearm violence victims reported that "police could not or would not help," while only 16% of non-firearm violence victims said the same.

Source for stats:

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Reasons to Keep Guns Legal in the United States:

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Maybe i came.across wrong. I just said shit everyone else has in an offhand way. The AR15, AK47, 1911, are all great guns. But i wanna shoot every gun i can before i die, and if i wanna shoot one of those, i can ask 20 odd people i lnow who own them and they will let me.

this is all you really need

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of keep it in a junk box

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I mean the amount prvi exports out isn't a lot given the market for 8x33 isn't exactly the biggest.

I gotcha. Nothing like a hot pile of brass at the end of the day.

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I just want a revolver.

Too bad we can't get the HK rifles, just their handguns.

Is is really that hard to get one in there? Surely gun laws in Australia aren't as bad as UK's.


Better in some ways like when it comes calibre restrictions and semi auto centrefires. Worse when it comes to other things like semi auto shotguns and rimfires. Handguns aren't impossible to get, just a bit of fucking around.

If I really wanted to I could GET a revolver, at expense of time and money. The problem is the prison sentence waiting for me if I carried or used it.

This is what I'm talking about.
Instead of the cops reviewing the security footage and blowing his brains out on scene, they tried to save him in a hospital, wasting time and money.

Get a revolving rifle. They're legal there.

i love the stats and image but
source the shit in the image or stop wasting your own time

Is it possible to get an AR-15 that looks like the original M16?

Here you go. Enjoy.

Still, this doesn't answer the reason why Western European, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealander normalfag leftists are always one of the first ones to support (((gun control))). All around the normalfag interwebs they keep arrogantly boasting about how "low" their gun crime rate is without noticing other types of crime. The truth is Whites and Asians barely even do any type of crime let alone one related on firearms. While niggers and other shitskins do.

Can any Western European, Canadian, Australian or New Zealander Zig Forumsack here answer my question? What exactly is the poltical window shift in Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand?

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Australians are now incredibly urbanised. I'd say 60% are practically interchangeable with obnoxious American liberals. When you see some Australian FAGGOT online, he is probably from Melbourne or Sydney. We have never faced real domestic crises. Nothing ever happens. The country Australians are the same old tradies and Steve Irwins as ever, but powerless. Top issue is immigration but neither party will change anything because our economy is a racket to pack in as many second and third worlders as possible to keep afloat retail and property. We will never get our guns back because the masters don't intend us to have agency as a people ever again.

So this leaves the question on why the Jews would do this? They made (((gun control))) successful in other Western nations, and in Australia and New Zealand but (((they))) are still struggling to successfully do it to the US. What's holding (((them))) back if the Jews truly have absolute power over the nations they settle in?


FN makes it.

They don't have absolute power. Remember that. America is still constitutionally protected, though you're being worn down upon. If they tried you have enough good men and good weaponry to defend yourselves constitutionally.

I really want that AK "handgun".

I think they're settling, for right now, on pushing red flag laws, so not only can faggots and Jews dox you and get you fired, but can then run to a courthouse and sign some papers to have cops snatch your guns. I fully expect them to try to make big purges around election times in which they have cops throw all wrongthinkers in mental hospitals so they can't vote

They look more fun than they are.

His and Hers, a day at the range.

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If you have to get permission to exercise a Right then it's not really a Right; Permits are for goodgoy cuckholds

opinion discarded.

The difference between compliance and violation of it can come down to magazine choice. If I were to use one of the Russian bakelite magazines in my AK, it would be illegal while one of the magpul gen 3 AK mags is perfectly fine to use.

I love the fully assembled BCM upper I ordered the things a tack driver the Geissele trigger helps too

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Why waste a bullet when your crippling genetic abomination diseases will do the job?

nice bait, maybe consider also saying if the guns were registered or not and how many are also suicides?
tnx xoxoxoox :3333

You're next, we all know kamphy was covering for you.
Cleaning up this board one asshole at a time.

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what part of shall not be infringed dont liberals understand

What would you lads recommend to a poorfag with no experience handling a firearm?

Im specifically browsing for home defense, not carry.

buy used 6904

just finished building an AR pistol

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I think you mean "Jews," user. Not "liberals." Also, I'm not sure they're having a hard time understanding things. I think they understand quite well.

Now be good and lurk two years, faggot. You'll learn things here that will change you as a person.

First, the traditional:

Now. . .

Reasons to Ban All Guns in the United States:

The middle pic is literally the opposite of reality.

Virtually all Jews in Congress support gun bans, and the NRA isn't even in the top 20 most powerful/rich lobby groups. We still have gun rights, because the majority of politicians are white males that support gun ownership. They'd do it even if the NRA never existed.

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