Minimum wage

Remove the federal minimum wage and allow states to dictate their own if they so choose. 15$ across the board for every state could never work. The GDP of most states isn't enough to warrant such a wage anyway. Even for Jew York and it's shitty cost of living with the inflation factored in at best you're gonna arrive at $12.75 or $13.00.

If you allow the states to consult with economic advisers to come up with their own minimum wage based on the revenue their local economy generates it will grow businesses and wages to as high as they can to compete with other states for better wages instead of everyone being forced into the cookie cutter minimum that is both too high and too low for many different states.

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It's still $7.50 here

Lemme put on my economist cap and ask you a few questions then.

What state/county?
what's the average cost of living for your area?
Does your state/country have any industrial or resource boom going at the moment?

If you're in some SHITHOLE $7.50 may actually be too high and could be hurting business growth.

The Heartland
Farms, Wheat and shit
I'm not posting my county here

Mostly agrarian then? No fracking or coal mining? Low pop per square mile?

Generally speaking if all of the above is you, unless you work on a farm you don't really have much of a demand for your labor in that area (and from what I've heard its getting harder for farmers as well these days). You're basically just living in an economic deadzone that trucks drive through to go to more important places and deliver their goods.

Unless there's a tourist draw or some other way to get money to come to your state you're labor is worth less since there's less people overall to capitalize on your production/labor. Depending on how rural you are and how low the cost of living is you could probably live off a minimum wage as low as $5.00 an hour.

This is of course assuming your taxes are nearly nonexistent and your cost of living is at the bottom of the fucking heap. If you're making minimum wage in a minimum wage style job you're probably getting overpaid.

To mandate or not mandate a minimum wage is useless as long as the (((federal reserve))) can keep printing money and make your labour without any value. By printing money you can just make everyone else go into debt by not giving them your monopoly federal reserve notes you create. Once in debt you can possess their lands with printed money that is worthless. So OP is a faggot asking the wrong question.

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to tackle another point regarding income
What all do you spend money on?
ask yourself

A decent income allows for more liberty in your life but keep in mind everything costs money. It may be economically advantageous to co-habituate if you cant live with your parents. How much more money could you invest if you only paid half as much rent?

Also smoking, drinking, and all manner of other drugs are luxuries illegal or otherwise. Kick the habits and save money.

Then make a "fun budget" and stick to it. You will drive yourself crazy if you don't get some kind of recreation and satisfaction in your free time. Ideally any kind of "fun budget" should be %10 or less of your overall income. That's after deposits into your saving of course. Once you assign value to the money you've earned you won't spend it so quickly on frivolous shit.

>but what about (((The jews)))!?!
Well as soon as you become Furher and start up the mobile gas chambers I'll be the first one to shake your hand. Until then we'll have to work within the system we live in. Gas yourself you imkamphy kike.

big city near me set a really high min wage but surrounding towns didnt
everything is inflated now even in the surrounding towns, there is seemingly no workforce, no jobs in the city and everyone is hiring in the towns but you cant live off of it so no-one takes them up on it
the chinese place down the street has had a "hiring" sign for about 6 months now but as far as I can tell nobody bites

essentially almost the whole area is jobless and most of us are not even looking, businesses are having trouble finding employees despite an all time high in unemployment

How high? Mechanically there's nothing wrong with increasing the minimum wage assuming the local economy can support it. Typically you want to tie it to the cost of living. This sounds like it's where your problem stems from.

You can't really drag the cost of living up to meet your wage. The cost of living should drive the wage up organically through supply/demand of labor. As far as outside towns inflating their goods that sounds like they're trying to capitalize on the increased wages. Their fault for looking at the numbers. If your economy can't support the higher cost of living then your goods won't be bought. That in turn, will make them fire excess employees who will also be unable to contribute to the economy.

Real conflagration you have on your hands. Someone is definitely making a lot of money but it sounds like your local economy is fucked.

I support a higher minimum wage because it will ensure a higher (whiter) standard of service on the part of the service sector.

and also because accelerationism

but can your local economy support it or will it just cause it to shit the bed like ?

What part of accelerationism don't you understand?

In the sense that accelerationism will drive industries to automate most processes with machines, this is pretty good. Usually they just hike prices up to match the extra cost of paying low-wage employees and the extra money circulating throughout the economy, but if the profit margin starts to become too scary you'll get automation. Otherwise, inflating the economy like this doesn't help society collapse in the way you'll probably want it to. It just slowly gentrifies everyone with a shitty purchasing power.

I'm talking about in the sense of causing mass unemployment and social unrest.

Accelerationism is a fool's gambit

Fine then have a real answer. The kikes in the governments are regulating small buisnesses out of existence. So it is better to have a inflated minimum wage so you force kikes to give you more of their monopoly notes so you can do real things like use land and grow food with it.
Nearly all of them are now one man shows providing a service of labour/skills that don't require stupid amounts of (((certifications and permits/permission))) from the kikes to do. The ones that have those certifications/permission and it hasn't been revoked yet are cucks or kikes for things like lawyering with the occasional slip past the radar that hasn't been martyered yet. So thusly forcing giant kike owned corperations to give you more permission/money to do real things like grow food is good.

I mean, just sitting back and hoping for society to collapse on its own is stupid, Lord knows that South Africa shows how much whites will put up with, but the average lemming needs to be removed from his panem et circenses for a revolution to be viable.

Why not take a third option and drop out of society?

God damn I love imkikey being gone.

Frankly, I'm insulted.

I understand your penchant for table flipping but if you don't inflate the wages high enough you won't accelerate shit. Instead, you'll just boost economic growth (assuming the economy generates enough revenue to support the wages and cost of living tied in with the higher minimum wage) which is fine if you don't want muh accelerationism.

You still need an economy to ruin in these scenarios. It's like the gun debate where people always jump straight to "well, the army will just drone your house so your rifle is pointless!" Well shit, I'll just go directly to the FED and blow it up. Problem solved (FBI pls no bully).

Run for office then. Cut away the tape. Drain the swamp. You don't even need to be a Trump nationalist. Just be a fucking lolbertarian. Hell, I'd settle for a classical liberal as long as you're not a colossal faggot.

Because I like my internet and vidya.

have a comfy /future/ picture

The FBI will bully you. But frankly, unless you can worm your way around le democracy there's probably a better chance for you to blow up the FED than get any radical accelerationist legislature passed that doesn't benefit kikes in the end.

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You can have vidya without the internet.

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Pretty much my point. You'd need a minimum wage so ridiculously high that unemployment jumps to 50% or some similar ridiculous figure. Here's the thing, this isn't some infinity war shit where you can just snap your fingers and suddenly muh accelerationism occurs. Stocks move fast, your local legislator does not. There are so many economic checks to stop muh accelerationism you could never really start it.

Pretend you manage to ruin 10 different random states by making their minimum wage accelerate things. There's all kinds of states I could move to that wouldn't have the shitty minimum wage law. The shitty states will fail and the non shit ones will gobble up their assets and grow. For a complete unilateral accelerative minimum wage law to take affect…it basically would never happen. If you had the kind of power to do that why bother with the minimum wage at all? I don't want to delve into the whole NAP bullshit but essentially any kind of change that happens is going to happen slowly as long as people are comfortable.

Until there's fire in the streets and people dying in droves no one is going to care. This goes down to the local level even. To the south, we have Mexico degrading into further shithole status every day with MS13 and all manner of corrupt politicians and police. Does the average U.S. citizen care? Of course not. Not when you have netflix and youtube and a job you have to get to on Monday (or Tuesday if you have memorial day off).

Glad we got Trump. If we hadn't gotten Trump we might have seen some serious shit.

Not if I want to play online and bully people in real time. Also I need to be able to shitpost.

Well fuck, I guess you should just give up then and pull your pants down let them poz your neghole because there's no point to anything is there?

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Very contradictory. Is this the angle you really want to strike from, faggot?

You're free to go fuck yourself. How bout that?

what now

spotted the ancap

The problem is not minimum wage, nor any of these so called progressive policies. The problem lies within blacks, whiggers, feminists and their (((handlers))) misusing whatever good the State can offer them. Instead of using said minimum wage as a way to sustain themselves because of their inherent lack of skills, or because of a stagnating economy, they just use it as a stepping stone for getting increasingly more free gibs.

Should be 12 in major metropolitan areas, and no less than 8 in bumfuck nowheres, 15 is stupid and won't work

nigger riots, of course.


Wrong. You're making the same mistake the federal government has. Allow each individual state to adjust their minimum wage (if they choose to utilize one) to their economy. In some cities, 12.00 is too high and in some rural areas that have some tourist/resource industry, 8 is too low.

15 may actually be a reasonable minimum wage somewhere. I don't know where but it's not my decision to make. You have to allow the states to review their economic data
If you ignore these questions and just mandate a set minimum across the board nearly everyone gets fucked with wages that are too high or too low or unsustainable.

Also, know that a minimum wage is what the government mandates as a minimum not what everyone will set their wages too. I get paid $10.75 an hour which is 3+ dollars more than the minimum for my state. Plebs with only a highschool diploma and no real work experience probably not worth even minimum wage. I don't want to pull the "I'm better than you" spiel but I see lots of minimum wage workers as glorified welfare moochers.

At least they're gaining work ethic I suppose. I blame the "send everyone to college" dogma. Technical schools that teach mechanical shit, woodwork, machining, construction, and other more technical style skills should be pushed on lower IQ people rather than trying to shoehorn them into college. Not only will their work be more satisfying they'll get paid more for it.

There's no need for a minimum wage.

Outlawing usury and nationalizing the central bank would raise wages and prevent constant economic collapses.

Ours went from $8 to $10 in the course of two months. And everything else went up about 25% as well. I suppose if I went somewhere with lower minimum wage, my money would be worth more.

Black people cant get by on minimum wage, reparations now.