So as we can see clearly the mega continent of Eurasia has the highest IQ populations. Everywhere is substantially lower. Don’t mind the Turks as they are not native to the region and are inbreed beyond belief. Now let’s move to the Middle East the Middle Easterners IQs are very low about the same as Latin America and that’s says a lot. India Pakistan Afghanistan might as well be included in the Middle East. Next we move on to Africa now this is where it gets interesting, africa is almost non human. So what’s the reason for this? Is it environmentally affected or genetically?
Serious question about IQ
Other urls found in this thread:
Some ignorant manpig posted pic related once, about how it's somehow Africa's fault that white supremacists came in and took everything, but that's a load of shit.
It's the environment, 100%. Can't become a surgeon with no medical colleges, yet here in the U.S., we have many great African-American surgeons such as Dorothy Brown, Ben Carson, and of course, the prestigious Windell Boutté, to name just a few of many.
So you see, user, it isn't imaginary genetics or whatever that holds Africans down, it's post-colonial racism and systemic poverty. Once those things are even partially eliminated (as is the case in America), Africans soar to even higher heights than the rest of us.
So you're back to rachposting now, roach?
Kampfberg got Shoah'd. He's gone. Until he fires up the VPN again, I mean, but he's probably still in his mom's room crying about his loss of power.
Kampfy my dude, you're back already! You should go choke on a chicken bone, you fucking prick.
C'mon, little bitch. Ban me, motherfucker. C'mon nigger goon kike.
Ignore imkikey and any poster posting like him as it is just a robot see >>>/polk/28336
Fucking die roach.
The official explanation involves the fact that the people from the northern hemisphere which includes both whites and asians, had to develop technologies and agriculture in order to survive the cold winters, while african nigs had no such problem, since they could hunt or gather food in the vast wildland.
Even though, we could also argue that the native civilizations of south and central america also developed decent civilizations with large cities, complex agriculture, mathematics, astronomy and engineering.
Look who's back, reminder that you're only white looking because your ancestors raided slavic neighboring nations to steal white women because Mehmet knew that Melike was ugly as hell and didn't wanted little Ersin to look like him.
Fuck off. You stepford smiling motherfuckers used to tell me "J-JUST IGNORE RACH. IT'S ALL J-JUST A J-J-JOKE!" IGNORING THE MOTHERFUCKER IS HOW THIS ALL SNOWBALLED.
It's been years, yet you remain the gift that keeps on giving.
Please, keep spamming these images. I love them. The idea that a few irrelevant lines of text on the internet is enough to keep you making OC - what, five years on? Six? - is beyond hilarious.
See you soon, manpig!
When are you going to live stream your suicide?
All that yakking and you still don't listen. I said BAN ME, FAGGOT.
Or just keep posting your smug sluts and screaming about BOOOOKS and SHIILLLLLLLLS, because that's all you can really do now. Isn't it little bitch faggot?
IMO, its all about natural selection.
Africa as in SubSaharan Africa (not all blacks are SubSaharan) was kept very far off from the rest of the world by the Sahara so there's bound to be differences. I've heard of smart (pure, i.e. not American Blacks who are on average like 20% White) SubSaharans so obviously some intelligen Africans exist, however they seem to have evolved in an environment where intelligent wasn't as important for survival, and so most will be less intelligent.
As for the Middle East, what I think is the lowest IQ cohort among them are the Bedouins. The Bedouins are descendants of the indigenous people of the Arabian Peninsula and in addition to being the farthest non-African relative to the rest of the World, are nomadic and pretty low-IQ. Lots of Arabs have Bedouin blood, but differing amounts, and those that lived in areas where intelligence was needed to survive will generally be higher IQ on average. Thats actually a problem with the Middle East, in that a lot are mongrels of higher IQ people with lower IQ people (for example Iranians, Egyptians, etc.), not to mention stuff like inbreeding and being warlike which selected against intelligence. Compare this with the Europeans that evolved in colder parts of the world where intelligence was more important to have.
Also included in this post is a 2018 graph of the gene composition of all contemporary ethnic groups (use k=17, it seems to be the most neutral). Its very helpful in answering your question on differences between different people imo.
Take note of what I wrote and how I wrote it you involuntarily D&Cing shitheads. By using science, we can avoid long arguments based on stereotypes about how "muh greeks and italians and spains and poortuguese are / are not white" or whatever. Objective data is what it is… objective data.
While I never became truly confrontational with Kampfberg - he tolerated me to a great extent, except when I inadvertently triggered his autism - I always fostered a deep hatred of his attitudes towards self-improvement threads. Banning people with "MUH BOOOKS" in the reason line was extremely poor form, and if you'd bothered to have posted in the few clandestine ones we had (for the short time we had them), you'd know that I posted there too.
Since when have I ever called someone a shill and refused to debate? Even when they actually are a shill, I simply point it out and continue obliterating their positions. That's just the kind of pyrsyn I am.
You clearly have me confused with someone else. Pic #2 related; I've been banned many times, always when making my most constructive dig posts.
Which varieties are not?
Except that humyn movement/trade/warfare along the Nile and across the Red Sea ruins this theory.
How was intelligence unimportant for survival in sub-Saharan Africa, and how was it important everywhere else?
Let this thread be your burial ground, kikey. learningcode. rachposter. turkroach. beast.
[citation needed]
And when I out your tactics, the very same ones you're using right now, you drop your persona for a moment to reveal who you actually are.
You're a coward, learningcode. You've always been a coward that hid behind manipulation and politicking.
Since you know so much about LC, why don't you post more than just the same Skype log that everyone on this board has seen a hundred times before? Protip, you can't, because you're a newhetero trying to act like you're in the know.
I haven't defended Kampfberg, nor will I. I'm glad both he and moonmanpig are out of power. Keep crying, though.
I'll also be starting a dig thread fairly soon, so make sure you come in and shit that up - wouldn't want all these bad goyim to see it, would we? :^)
You don't even know what you're arguing about any more, do you? You're just shitposting for the sake of shitposting.
Save this thread. Look back on it in a week, so you can see what it's like for a sober mind to read your posts.
For example
Those aren't exactly SubSaharans.
It was still important… just not as much. Think of that small tribe in the Amazon that didn't have any selective pressure to do math, its similar
Do we have any actual proof that different skull types exist like in pic related? Something in a relatively normalfag-friendly format we could just copy paste to all race difference deniers?
>kippah on the (((white))) guy
Tons of scientific (i.e. by actual scientists with pubs on Nature and Science Mag) articles have been written on the physical and mental differences between different peoples. The more distantly related two people are, the more the chance that their bodies (and brains) will be different. The problem is even if that data exists, mass media will use data in a way that allows them to come to whatever conclusion they want and push it to all of society, with all alternative ideas being hidden from the people. Add to that the "white supremacist" boogeyman and "racism!" fearmongering they build and the social guilt and whatever they push, you can see why its so difficult getting it into the heads of normalfags that different people are different (i.e. its more than just about skin-color), a lot of it comes down to ability to persuade.
Be as scientific as possible, thats my way. The more scientific data you compile the better. If you think its a good idea, mention how there's not just "caucasoid", there's a lot of types of caucasoids and each is different, same for all the other supra-categorizations, however you'll expect more similarity between more ancestrally closer groups than between farther groups. See
he isnt white he is caucasoid
just like there are many specific ethnic groups that make up white, there are greater groups like white and sand person that make up Caucasoid, and there are even more diverse groups that make up the human category (although I would really contest this last one)
sand people (which jews are a part of) are not white, but both whites and sand people are caucasoids
it's from a catalog. the guy is a professional model.
This is a foolish question.
It's obviously affected by the environment. If you grow up somewhere without education, or without food, or with lead paint, that's going to lower your IQ score.
It's obviously affected by genetics. So many things are affected by it that it's unreasonable to assume intelligence is different. There are genetic disorders that lower intelligence, and it seems there are even genetic disorders that increase intelligence (torsion dystonia).
And it's surely affected by other factors, like test-taking methodologies. IQ doesn't directly represent intelligence, there's some noise.
You can ask how much all those factors contribute to specific cases, proportionally, but if you go looking for the one true cause you'll be disappointed.
Genetics -
When they say it is just a paint job it is a lie and they know.
Why were all the advanced civilizations just prior to Columbus' arrival situated in Meso or South America while the territories corresponding to the US and Canada were limited to hunter-gatherers?
Is the "high iq jews" thing a myth?
What accounts for the low IQ of Mesoamericans today? Those people built fairly sophisticated civilisations and had knowledge of mathematics and astronomy, did all the smart ones just die off?
What does that have to do with IQ?
There's a plausible explanation for it that odd medieval laws forced jews into more intellectual jobs for centuries and made them value learning, so they got a head start with selecting for intelligence.
A lot of jobs were forbidden to jews by the church. Many jobs involving money weren't closed off, though, because they were sinful for Christians to perform and there wouldn't be anyone to do them otherwise.
Ok, but does that apply to all of them or just jews with a European admixture?
The usual claims about jewish intelligence are about Ashkenazi (European) jews.
Thats a good question, I'm interested in this as well. Just note natural selection is more advanced than what you're making it out to be, cold isn't the only possible factor for selective pressure. Based on the knowledge I have right now, I'd argue that its because after the ancient Asian forefathers of Native Americans had crossed Beringia and began to move down into the Southern parts of America, the Ice Age was beginning to finish. In Mesoamerica, the fertile agricultural communities would have had a competitive advantage, add that to warring with other tribes for resources and whatever, it would give them selective pressure to become more intelligent, which allowed their populations to flourish. The Native American hunter gatherers of North America were few in number (only 2 million when the Europeans came) and could live simple nomadic hunter gatherer lives in the area they lived in, so no big selective pressure to evolve in terms of intelligence.
A few died from wars with Europeans, some died from diseases brought in on ships from the old world. Most were just assimilated. Many Europeans came to the New World, there they married Natives and have kids, this led to the majority of populations of modern Latin American populations. What you said about modern spics being low IQ isn't very accurate because thats just an average, some I assume will be smart. Note that selection also works by castes, you can have high castes and low castes like in India, so if the smartest castes in mesoamerica were sufficient for advancing civilization, lower castes would not have pressure on them to advance in terms of intelligence much.
IQ is correlated with Latitude at 0.83 with an r^2 of 0.69.
Seasonal variation, growing seasons, and harsh winters require a future planning and resource/time management to survive. Living in a tropical paradise doesn't.
Eyeballing that first graph, it would seem that there's no such correlation within any of those four categories. How do you explain that?
Its fairly true but more complex than that. Even areas of the world of similar distances from the equator can have different climate and vegitation.
Requesting for codemonley to either make me BO or a janitor. Retards like this roach will be insta-banned. It's easy for me to monitor this entire board almost 24/7. Shill threads and shitskins won't even last 2 minutes after they make a post. Doesn't matter if you have a VPN when every single time you make a post it disappears almost instantly.
Tell me LC, how is your sex life with Smiley?
Did you mean Europe, OP? Since the chinks only achieve their score through mass cheating.
Not really, the Asian-Hive does do what it can to advance its own interests, but I don't deny some chinks are pretty smart, just that it doesn't mean the majority of them are smarter than Whites on average. This has to do with natural selection too. The Asians from areas where their ancestors could survive more easily, like in Vietnam and countries near it, won't have had selective pressure make them smarter, unlike Asians from areas with harsher climates like Japan.
Because it's kikefy.
Even if that's true: so what?
r/K selected
However I always found this doesn't explain the East Asians who breed like rabbits. Perhaps its the lower castes of peasants that do but this only explains China. Most of Japan is Urban.
Its shitposting and thus detracts from the thread.
It's some shitty disinfo designed to make us all look stupid and hate each other.
About 80% genetic 20% environment give or take.
Niggers in the US are about 10 IQ points on average higher than their African nigger kin. There’s obviously a direct correlation between nutrition and human development so getting access to more and better quality food will certainly lead to better brain development in the womb.
That being said it can only do so much and genetics are still genetics. Niggers aren’t borderline retarded because they don’t have medical school in Kenya on par with those of the US as some complete faggot pointed out. They don’t have medical schools because they’re borderline retarded. Even in the US where niggers are free to do whatever they want and even have things like affirmative action, various grants, and far less criteria to meet for school acceptance, they still lead in violent crimes and are the lowest income earners of any demographic in the US.
Poverty does not create crime, crime creates poverty and low intelligence coupled with hyper aggression create crime. That in a nutshell is why niggers be niggers.
Sage for babies first day on Zig Forums tier thread.
Good afternoon, kikey! Your number one BULLY is back, and It's time for your daily reminder that you lost the only thing in your entire life that had any purpose and meaning!
You smell that, kikey? You smell it, beast? It's the smell of a free board, a board you aren't touching anymore. All you can do is helplessly engage in the same mundane routine you always do: hide, like a coward, behind an avatar because you're too goddamn scared to show anybody else here your face. And you're right, you should be afraid. I'd be afraid of hundreds of people I systematically abused and shit on for four years, only to have been ousted from power in the blink of an eye and now on equal ground with them.
You deserve to be bullied, to be haunted for the rest of your pathetic fucking existence. That's all for right now, kikey! I'll see you tomorrow, and then the next day, and the following day, for as long as this thread exists. Later, nigger lover.
No, what we need is a way to immediately identify the beast whenever he shows his face around this board. So that everybody may summarily turn to him, and laugh, for he is a pathetic cockroach that now has to flee between the boots of bigger men than him, as a true cockroach would
Only if you autists sperg out over it like several are doing right now. If anything, him using the avatar is a good habit, since it signals clearly that the text is a joke/shitpost, on a board where there are literal paid shills who go unremarked trying to anonymously disrupt every worthwhile thread.
Don't defend someone that neutered and castrated this board
If this were the case why were they unable to develop anything for the centuries before Europe conquered them?
I agree that it's related to the environment. Africa had food available year round. As a result they developed shorter time preferences due to their environment.
The African-American surgeons you cite are those exceptional few right of the bell curve. Given that the average African American (that is, descendents of black slaves, not recent African immigrants) is ~20% European, that would suggest that the higher average IQ of an African American compared to an average African, is because of that ~20% admixture.
Good catch user.
I'm not sure. Let me look into it.
Knock knock, kikey! It's yet another beautiful day on a liberated and freed Zig Forums. How are you enjoying another day without being able to enforce and oppress free thought and critical thinking a board you were warden over for four years? Does it sting? Does it hurt? Perhaps you're in other threads at this moment pretending to be a confused nu/pol/ housewife that doesn't like all this scary autonomy Zig Forums has now, or maybe you're doing what you do best and screeching as fast as your stubby little fingers can type about anons talking about something other than what you think we should talk about. You never did like dissent and critical thinking, the basis of any grounded society. But! Then again, you are just a beast. I wouldn't expect beasts to understand the better things in life.
That's all for today, turkroach! I'll see you tomorrow, bitch!
Guess who's back, bitch boy! It's your daily bully, coming to remind you that you lost, turkroach nigger! You lost your board, you lost your power, you lost your position, and now you scramble about in the mud like a cretin, like a literal fucking beast. How pathetic you are, and must truly feel.
I wonder, kikey, do you truly know how much this board fucking hated you? Despised you? Well, it doesn't matter now. Hopefully you'll livestream your suicide so the rest of us can watch and rejoice.
See you tomorrow, bitch boy!