Not even mass shootings cause this much activity on Zig Forums anymore. That fucking Turkroach getting removed is what the board needed to finally stop dying.
700+ PPH
*2100 UIDS
It's crazy how much better the board is literally hours after that kike being removed.
He really was a cancer sucking the life force out of Zig Forums.
If Zig Forums returns to how it was in late 2014 I'll be a pretty happy guy.
That's been my cycle for months. I've probably forgotten formatting.
I left this place in early 2017 to go to cuckchan after things went to shit. Glad I can call this place home again.
I don't know why you made this thread but an active celebration and Q&A thread is up right now.
Quality thread.
Does anybody have that "World baffled by man's ability to fuck up constantly" image?
Thank fuck that roach is finally gone.
Hah he's back to rachposting.
Take a look at the IQ thread.
Absolutely disgusting.
I'll make one, 10 minutes max
Numbers should normalize between 2600-3000 IDs if everyone who was a regular over the years comes back. But then if I recall didn't codemonkey modify how IDs are counted about a year ago? So I'm not sure what to expect now.
Still should be about 2500 regardless my guess though.
Hah, we even used the same image of him.
This boards moderation has been objectively terrible in the last few months, and I'm not even that involved in the drama around here. I just check like, once a day, tops.
But whenever I go to post, either something stupid is word-filtered, or a mod gets triggered by something I said and bans me for random shit. The POSTING experience, and like, talking-with-people experience has been absolutely abysmal for the longest time. That's probably why I haven't been posting.
How long has it actually been modded by that cunt? Had to be at least a year now. It feels like it.
Since 2015, I think.
Yes, that long.
I like the use of negative space so I made some changes.
Enough tech news accumulate to warrant a Space Elevator thread?
other thread is full but
but "nigger" basically is what a large swath of our community rests upon, its a core fundamental value. Yea you could say that its a "weakness"…but its not, EVERYONE has values, even the jews have them (though they are more obscure, but anti violence is one of them perhaps for a large part). What kind of retarded nigger logic did the fuckingn mods have when they decided to mess with this? Its like going to a muslim church and proclaiming to be a pork eating whatever. WHAT DID YOU THINK WOULD HAPPEN MODS? HOW WERE YOU SO FOOLISH ENOUGH TO DISCARD A RELATIVELY WELL OFF POSITION WITH PRESTIGE IN FAVOR OF FUCKING OVER TRIVIAL BULLSHIT WITH US.
There has to be a shitload of stuff to catch up on since the last one.
It's been some time since I saw one of those threads.
the OG Space Elevator dude fucked off years ago after getting, surprise surpise, banned.
I hope he makes his way back here now or at least another user can take the mantle and do justice to the quality threads SE used to make
Three fucking years, holy shit.
Just as the fascists of old ended domination by the kike elite, and unleashed the people's will, so too has Zig Forums thrown off the Jewish leash.
Long live the principles of National Socialism! Death to Jewish subverters!
Sup ImSalty
We had space escalator and I think a space blimp, there is precedent for taking over the mantle of SPACE.
Template from the old one mocking Josh. Just saying that the ability to use transparency and layering (beneath) tends to look better than just stacking things over the top of another image.
spoiler alert: there are others who are somewhat neutral, to slightly positive about him. For a long time he carried our will, and the will of others with him for a great purpose. That is why this place was so great and notorious. It was VERY hard to infiltrate for the kikes with him around. So its shameful that he pulled such a move.
Not so fucking "kampfy" now is he
Fucking kek.
are you high?
this is the least kikeish the board has been in a long ass time
The board had been dying since the 2016 election dude.
HAHAHAH fuck off. You've been toppled, you Jewish agent, for holding back the will of the white Volk finally after years of internal subversion from the highest levels of our board.
Fucking kill yourself. Trump's dick needs another blowjob, why don't you suck him off one more time before giving up, ANTIFA kike.
Was he really a Turkroach, or was that just a meme?
Trying to find picture of him with his Turkish passport, hold on
I wouldn't be surprised if some have also become permanent torfags. I switched to tor after everything was getting shoah'd in the Charlottesville aftermath, and after torfagging for a while, you kind of get used to it. Are torfags counted individually for the purpose of ID stats, or lumped behind a single ID the way they appear on the board? I wonder.
Oh you rascal.
Oldfags should be pouring in thanks to ban lifts, and no kikery from controlled mods. Should be interesting to see how it effects the site as a whole, pre-election Zig Forums when?
How could one NOT have it on hand?
My main computer with most of the info i've collected on him, including that picture, is currently disassembled for repairs.
Thanks for the picture though.
What's that, user?
Where (((it))) lives.
So he's a roach, a leaf, and half kike?
There is something holy about the recurring ressurections of pol. I guess you can't destroy truth, only oppress it. But truth will rise again and again. And truth be told, I didn't care for that Turkish fella. He was a real jerk.
It's coming back.
unfortunately it will take time to recover, but yeah this is definitely a positive
people have been posting on halfchan about imkampfy finally getting the axe
if nothing else this Zig Forums is needed because people can post information here whereas anything approaching doxx was banned on halfchan
Hmm weird because just today I was grappling with what exactly could removal hope to do and is it really the answer to the age old problem. Kek seems pretty clear on this…
His latest post in the Zig Forumsmeta thread had a swedish flag.
Swedish meatballs are Turkish meatballs
Fixing the west really is as simple as removing the jews from moderation.
That kampfy guy was a real jerk, ya know? I bet he diddled children and let niggers cuck him every chance he got, the old fag.
But he's a good guy.
t. Norm MacDonald
They are terrified.
Oh shit, all you fucking jews are dead and you just don't know it.
Holy hell. It's what you wanted apparently.
So how many kvetches an hour does that translate to?
fam kampfy was bad but all of the obvious boomers from the zognald were all at least half as bad, and they're not going anywhere
i wouldn't get my hopes up
Have we finally been liberated from ottoman rule?
Am I no longer banned?
This shit is classic and will truly be a glorious moment in 8ch history.
It kills me every time I think about the audacity of that roach
Beware, a good chunk of the activity is shills and kikes trying to wedge themselves back in during this brief period of chaos.
there is probably a huge pool of "well it seems like I learned the majority of this crap, understand most of it and have little reason to spend 10 hours a day here anymore, Il only come occasionally back when something peaks my interest, while trying to make a family, and get money outside"
If you shit on the board though, this whole fucking majority of oldfags who did went outside come rushing back to nearly literally kill you.
I'm ok with this
That's why you should always tune your jewdar. Be mindful of thread sliding and other shit.
Zig Forums is always right
Who was that mod? He should be murdered.
It's at 2500+ now, and rising steadily. That's already approaching last year's peak numbers.
Quality > Quantity
Heh, yeah. With swedish flag non the less.
I prefer a shakeup of the snowglobe so that a new normal can be reached than the shitty normal that was reached under kikey/skeletor.
Stay salty roach. You are never getting the board back
The roach had effectively range banned many countries - he was probably about to start on Svenland next.
But its not just Zig Forums that visited the board.
Its also Zig Forums that was banned on sight for a quite a while, the real one.
Pretty much the only reason I left. I actually assumed kampfy was on the take from Jim and Jim from Kushner but I guess he was just doing it for hotpockets the whole time
Who the fuck cares if they post here? They sure don't do themselves any favors.
the PPH was because everyone from /v/ posted in here yesterday
So I imkomfy he was a moderator for a few years (ever sense hotwheels sperged out and canned the last Zig Forums owner) slowly he had been gaining extra mod sock accounts but he was not BO until a couple months ago when he took over the account of the BO that hotwheels installed. That was the point things really took a turn for the worse.
I hope you know who the buffalo queers were, they're probably planning how to fuck this place right now
Wish someone would paint something commemorating this moment.
hi kikey
does not wanting /intl/ here make me imkikey, are you this retarded?
People are yelling it from the highest mountains. They're ringing the church bells. I'm spreading the news to my buddy that left when this place turned shit.
just go away kikey, we dont want you here
you were never liked, merely tolerated. We came here in spite of you, not because you were here
imkamphy was a faggot who shouldn't have been BO, but if you're pro-/intl/ I'd say you're worse then
Yes, yes it does. No duck off like you promised
Every mudskin culture on the planet hates jews. That doesn't excuse him for being blatantly anti-white.