Were you (like me) an oldfag who left after board quality went to shit? Come and talk about it.
pic unrelated, I just really like it
Were you (like me) an oldfag who left after board quality went to shit? Come and talk about it.
pic unrelated, I just really like it
Other urls found in this thread:
I left for Halfchan because this board because boring and sterlie to the extreme.
I'm so happy to be back. Maybe GEX will come back to.
I was one of the spores who hung around, waiting for the opportunity to sprout again. Looks like there were many like me waiting for the right conditions.
I'm curious where everyone ran off to. I know lastchan didn't get that many people.
Why would he come back?
He broke with Zig Forums because we didn't whiteknight a Stalinist camwhore.
I really left when HWNDU was being nuked by turkroach and I was banned in the process. I pretty much swore off this board at that point, and have been hoping and praying for the freedom and liberation of this board for over a year and a half.
same. I hung around because fuck going back to halfchan, but I'd been so disinterested in this board for quite awhile and rarely ever posted. It's good that things are returning to the days of old.
No. I stayed and fought.
Zig Forums is back baby!
Glad to be home!
Truth be told?
I know it's a shitty platform for any sort of useful discussion, and also compromised, but I don't care about useful discussion on the internet anyway, I just use it for shitposting.
I started lurking cuckchan /b/ in 2007. I didn't leave here, though. I couldn't after I swore fealty for life over the Based Wilson KKK/fuck niggers trolling in 2015. I'm glad all you faggots are back, though.
I've been around since the beginning. It is miraculous how within this chaos truth somehow finds it's way.
Didn't really go to any other place, just stopped posting on any incarnation of Zig Forums. Followed around >>>/polk/ for a bit, but haven't been in quite a while.
>Chinese malware
Welcome home brothers.
I still came here every now and then but I spent less and less time due to the constant censorship and destruction of entire topics of discussion, such as books, (still mad), philosophy, self improvement, and so on. I went from posting every day to once every few days and eventually reverted almost entirely to lurking every few weeks or during a major happening. Half the posts I did make in the last year or so were complaining that the entire board was nothing but a news aggregate that had outrage articles people could scream about. No interesting discussions or debate, no fun, nothing but the same exact people saying the same exact things about the same exact topics.
It was horrifying to watch how completely and totally it destroyed all the things that made this place great before it was nearly strangled to death. We left halfchan because mootykins was a giant bitch who couldn't handle the bantz, and then tried to censor us. Then we ended up being censored and controlled 100x more here than we ever were there, all while halfchan itself was inundated with absolute trash day in day out. I was preparing myself to simply abandon imageboards altogether as a lost cause. This happening is honestly a miracle, and I am quite pleased that we have a chance to restore what we once had.
I'm glad that faggot has been removed. WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
I was just coming here less and less,a quick look at the catalog to see if everything was still shit then went back to lurk the shithole that is /v/
Glad the roach was roasted.
I browsed the front page once daily and that's about it. Completely gave up on posting. So glad books and self-improvement and culture threads are back.
I considered leaving but decided to torment kampfy for years instead. Made him wordfilter vegan along with over two dozen other terms. I'll miss calling him a meatcuck and posting niggers holding broccoli.
Went to endchan, came back, tried cuckchan again, then used some of the smaller boards /tv/, Zig Forums etc.
Its good to be back.
I never left, but I have been banned for most of the past three months. herbalanon here
me too
Good to be back.
I've been posting on discord and whatsap and normie shit.
now I will go back to be the scheming nazi I always been.
4/biz/ - extremely degenerate but made 200k in the last year. Could've been worse, could've been reddit.
Yes, got banned multiple times for "ban evading" even when I never was banned, the roach went apeshit with most of the oldfags and drove the majority of them to lurking status. Since 2017 I always lurked and used Tor to post, (futile, since kampfy deleted any posts that triggered him) and it wasnt until october when I gave up on this site and moved on to different bunkers, although I can say that quality really went to shit in December 16 - April '17.
Even though codemonkey got his shit together and pressed the "reset" button on Zig Forums, im not planning to stay here, I wanted to make a National Socialism General thread to commemorate copying the template out of cuckchan's /nsg/, but atleast its something, Should I? or anyone else?
How did you make your money? /biz/ just looks like tea leaves and bullshit. How did you filter truth?
I left for /polk/, then that died when they tried to move to nextchan. Then I just started checking here from time to time and mainly just hung out on /tg/.
Good to see I'm not still banned for 88 years.
The only thing /biz/fags are good for is their crypto shilling. They were right about ETH and BTC's last rise.
With retards critiquing cristianity over God being mean and somehow a kike plot because heretical morons exist, people calling retarded liberal sodomites and other various undesireables "based" purely on the basis of having said some stupid shit that vaguely aligns with this place's favorite caricatures of what a better world looks like, this board proves time and time again to be total garbage and not worth the time for any serious attempt at doing something other than be a fucking idiot, i mean, a bad goy™.
I was "permabanned" for talking shit about degenerates a year ago or so, the moderation is a constant bitchfit of "don't call out my based white savior brethren of people that should die but could be useful to da cause or you are a jew cuck traitor !".
Felt pretty good knowing I wasn't the only one who got banned for 88 years, all because I told some shitposter to fuck off, and then bam, 88 year ban from the faggot turkroach
I kinda hung around but I'm looking forward to the more lax moderation so we can actually have board culture again and have fun. I remember the old days of 4/pol/ leading up to GG fondly and I want them back.
Place already looking a ton better now. I'm glad, maybe I'll start visiting more again.
We gave our lives and our times for this. Celebrations are nearing this end and I'm tired, we will rebuild tomorrow brother, we got what we wanted, the old kin who couldn't let go.
Used to do a lot of the digging threads here. Also a lot of contextualizing bits of history for other anons so they can start looking at the bigger picture for themselves. I left after getting banned in a thread I had made, had pinned and put quality research into, all because I pointed out some sort of bot or shitskin replying to me with nonsensical posts. It was a single post asking "what the fuck is this?" showing the posts from that ID. Was promptly banned and to really rub things in, had my fucking IP posted in a cap. Now it wasn't my IP persay, but it was enough to make me ditch this place.
Shout outs to /tv/ for making me not leave the site entirely
This, there was an active attempt to ban all oldfags and anyone posting anything remotely theological or philosophical.
:made an effort not to post things Imkikey would dislike
=Life is good=
Not really an oldfag, was on half/pol/ for a few years before the first exodus.
Probably would have stuck around here but i got permabanned for some bullshit and didn't care enough to ban evade. Lurked other places on and off Zig Forums, but it's nice to have a proper Zig Forums again.
I never left, you are faggots if you did.
Imkikey had a special hatred for oldfags, I think he viewed oldfags as a threat to his existence and supressed you guys every chance he could.
I'm the autist who kept trying to piss him off and arguing with him. Weird that it won't be happening again, but I'm glad overall. I never let him censor me, I got banned literally everyday for over a year, guess I grew accustomed to trolling him and his ilk.
8/u/ was where I spent most of my time. It's great finally having Zig Forums back to its old self pre-GG.
And you really kept the quality here high during that time, didn't you?
I still checked in daily, but I rarely posted anymore. I am a very very oldfag, and I hope Zig Forums can become what it once was again. Maybe we can have a book thread every once in a while
Sorry your board got taken away from you cause you are a coward and ran. Now 8/pol/ will be opened to the flood gates of cuckchan and any other shit hole. Have fun.
I was both shit and quality (when appropriate, primarily in history threads), I'll miss the trollposting, but we have to rebuild.
I got busy building shit, learning a bunch of recipes and getting banned at night. Also had to call /v/'s mod a fat kike once a day at least.
TOP KEK. you were that piece of shit? At least it worked.
And here I was acting like an idiot and hating you. God bless your soul.
Kikey couldn't argue his ass out of a paperbag. That's why he absolutely had to ban those who were smarter than him.
Yeah, same. Funnily enough he filtered Islam to Religion of Cuck™ because I pointed out that Muhammed was told Aisha was cheating on him by three of his friends so he made up a rule where you need four witnesses to prove rape, and earlobes spacing through a typo.
I'm in the same boat, I just used this place as a news aggregate. The next major storm that happens in the U.S. I'm making a weather thread for, they're always so comfy.
Came here first exodus. Back in the day it was a passion project of mine to convince the resident manchildren that their their worship of anime was a blight upon our movement. When I did this the same guy would show up in the thread with the same smug anime whore images, call me "goon-kun," and I would be banned in seconds. I stopped visiting completely once I realized that this place had become indiscernible from 4/pol/.
Trump was what truly ruined this board. Election hype completely derailed the noble little think tank we had going on here. I don't think this place can ever go back to early 2015, where we'd have five screencap-worthy posts a day, but canning the turkroach is a good start.
lol goon kun
Welcome back, goon-kun.
I lined myself up for that one.
You are one of the reason's the board went to shit, all you got left is reddit or suicide, pick both faggot
About a year ago I made a very reasonable and thought-out thread about the declining state of the board, and how we could all come together to try and make things better. The subject of the mods was unavoidable, but it wasn't the main focus of the thread. Kikey started rachposting and sperging the hell out. I called him out on his shit. I wasn't just banned. My thread wasn't just deleted. Motherfucker took the time to repost a warped and edited version of my original OP post, that was changed to make me look like a screaming retard. He basically edited it to look like a bad shill post. That's when I completely lost my shit and went turbosperg. He did a lot of other crazy shit around that time and I couldn't handle it. I spammed the board with anti-mod rage for about two days straight. Every time he re-banned me he mocked me and it just provoked my sperging harder. I left not long after that. I haven't been back until now. My timing is too good to be a coincidence. I hope things can go back to normal now
It was done deliberately. Nevar forget.
It's all good user, now is the time for healing.
Hey turkfaggot, how come you aren't spamming Rachel everywhere?
I just lurked until I got tired of seeing the same things everyday. There wasn't any real point in posting for me.
It all makes so much sense now
I've been hanging out on /cow/ the last few months. Many thread #9s were made, many yt e-celebs were julayed.
Vacation over. Now we're back in business.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
Cowards who left the board cause the BO was a total fucking faggot? You don't deserve to come back, but now will?
You mean blowing them the fuck out 24/7 and getting banned for it all the time cause turk faggot was a fucking pathetic roach.
Lurk for two years before you post you fucking poser.
I just heard from a post on Zig Forums. I'm so happy. I can't even begin. I left for good the middle of last year. I fought for a few months, but couldn't stomach it any longer and just stayed on twitter and /v/ and plebbitcringeanarchy is pretty fun
I tried… and was promptly banned
Kek I thought it was leftypol all this time
I'm not a Zig Forums regular. I came here to see what all the rejoicing is about. There's a lot of positive energy in here right now. I guess this is what people of old felt when they chopped off the head of a treasonous king.
So, where's the cockroach now? Lurking butthurt, yeah?
I'm back
I think that it was two years ago that some user posted a classical music thread, and there were several people talking about tastes and what new people should listen to first
we were having a good discussion and before I knew it the thread had been anchored for no reason, I bailed after that
seems to be a good sign that there are only a few stickies instead of 10+
My post here explains what happened
I felt unmotivated to post here afterwards, none of the larger work at hand stopped.
But I guess a thank you is in order for you sticking it out and driving down the quality here so much that something had to be done. Good show.
It might take me a bit to thaw again. I've gotten so used to apathetically glaring at the board out of habit but without a reason to participate in it. I guess it still remains to be seen how all this will turn out.
Back in August or September of 2016 was the last good culture thread that I remember. It got anchored and soon after, kikey started outright deleting the threads. I saved all the paintings that were posted and made a big playlist of the music. Mostly orchestral and folk some of the stuff brought me to tears.
Went out with a whimper in >>>/polmeta/31290
Before the board went to total shit, I was here effort-posting almost every day. When it got bad, I just kinda just stopped posting. The mods had created an environment that wasn't conducive to fun, enjoyment, or free-thought. It was no longer the place we fondly remembered. They had turned the board into a highly antagonistic cesspit of shills, complete with extreme censorship of anything outside of their narrative. They almost removed any incentive to effort-post which increased the overall amount of shitposts per hour. The most basic threads immediately devolved into cut-throat shit slinging competitions at the drop of a hat for no reason. It got old quick. I visited yesterday and saw what was happening. I was pissed. I quickly joined the spammers and helped them nuke the forum, much at the disapproval of the Stockholm Syndrome lemmings who tried fighting against us but to no avail. Obviously, our strategy worked and the shitstorm caught the eye of CodeMonkey who has removed all the mods and the BO ImKikey from power. We're now free.
You fought against us during the storm and called us conspiratorial retards for our threads and beliefs. But we got the board fixed. What do you faggots have to say?
Shitposters never die.
4/pol/, /cow/, KF for a whie. Mostly I've been spending my spare internet time trying to trigger jerks on twitter and sending hate mail to members of the British Parliament.
I still find it hard to believe anyone actually accepted the idea that talking about culture should be banned because it wasn't "politically relevant". Culture defines politics.
Damn, I was in there with you. Ah, the memories.
Now that the board is no longer a roach motel, I hope all you returning anons are ready to fight to bring this board back to the good old days.
There wasn't much of a choice, you either had to bend or leave/lurk.
Let's do it nigger.
Today shall be known as Zig Forums Independance Day.
Relish it!
I just plain stopped visiting Zig Forums after a while. The 15+ stickies got on my nerves, I complained about it and got banned for 88 years. Still came for other boards, but never returned to halfchan or any other site.
remember the enormous image thumbnails? How longer posts would stretch the page out horizontally? How often the site would go down? Good times.
I hope we see the return of Beaver-user.
Tbh it's extremely likely imkikey isn't going to go out fighting. Expect more subversion and spam before this place settles down.
kind of excited tbh
And we fight back. We earned freedom for this board. No we fight to keep it.
Roaches are notoriously hard to kill. You have to completely crush them to make sure they are dead.
The retaking of Zig Forumsstantinople
Beaver user was good but overrated
Personally I thought another user's suggestion of Constantino/pol/ sounded better. Polite sage.
Fall of Istan/pol/ - Liberation of Constantino/pol/
Same tbh fam.
As was I. But when Komrade Kampfberg thrust me into the gas chamber, I somehow, through secular provenance, found mysylf outside the very chamber I was meant to have been locked inside of! I survived that way, ban after ban, until finally the camp was liberated by that nice Jywysh boy, Ronald.
It was truly the best time to be on this site. The low traffic and high quality posting made the place so comfy. I still have folders and folders filled with old Zig Forums wisdom. Once I get my internet fixed, I'm going to dump all of them.
When do we loot and burn Constantino/pol/ to get B/y/zanti/u/m back?
Sage for circlejerk.
Fuck off roach, you ruined everyones experience for the last four years
Friendly reminder to filter and report the rach shitposter who is definitely not imkikefy. That is all the attention it deserves.
What a pathetic sandnigger, turks truly are subhuman.