so what's the progress on the wall? did burgers get zognaled?
Muh wall
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I doubt this is serious and is just a ZOGBALD BLIMPF thread.
He's too busy whining about the FBI being mean to him and being a victim
actually, it's serious, I'm not even a burger, I'm just curious since burgers have spamming the internet for over a year about muh wall
That's not a sufficient answer. I want the status of the entire project. Estimated cost, budget allocation, congress approval, estimated time of arrival, ..etc
A Zig Forumsack should know the answer to these things without doing any research. If you don't give a straightforward answer, it means you are covering for Trump.
He did build a prison in the Arizona desert for 30,000 as yet unidentified residents.
Zig Forums testing our new frontiers i see
Example of a terrible thread. Single line with shitty meme image. Couldn't even bother to source articles claiming wall wont happen, or currently isn't. Belongs in a QTDDTOT.
The wall is prototyped and partially being built. But it is more show then anything useful at this point.
Literally fucking nothing. He's spend that 1 billion zogbux he got from congress on the steel bollard replacement with taller steel bollards but those are pretty ineffective, there's videos of Paco climbing the 10 foot ones with ease. Not that it matters since the rest of the border is still shit and the brown caravan can flow into burger.
Kinda like Donald
Well he has started doing some work on the wall so I'll give him credit for what's been done, although, the fact that he's been serving as Israel's bitch and engaging in a neocon foreign policy for most of his term so far kind of outweighs the little bit that's been done on the wall. Not to mention the other shit he's pulled like that trillion dollar omnibus bill.
Since Trump has been a life long builder developer it does appear to me it's behind schedule, way over budget, and hampered at every turn. Not at all like the Wolman Skating Rink success as promised.
the wall just got ten feet smaller
no, I hate Zig Forums probably more than you do because leftists permanently ruined my country. Stop the paranoia and answer the question. Off-topic posts means Trump is not doing enough.
you are probably from stormfront and not familiar with chan culture, imkampfy kept you in a bubble so it's not totally your fault.
can you give me a summary? did he get the money needed? estimation for construction? congress approval? ..etc
You can make a better thread then that, just because the BO is gone doesn't mean cuckchan shit threads are allowed.
Maybe he's not really hampered but purposefully not starting the wall building using military's budget because he's planning to use the same promise for his reelection. Surely the dumb goyim will forget that starting the wall was one of his first 100 days promises.
From what I remember he's gotten about 70 miles of construction done, which is far too little (I might be wrong on the exact figures, so feel free to correct me). So far as far as I know he's only gotten a billion dollars for construction (which is fucking nothing) and when he signed the omnibus bill it had a provision limiting how much can be spent on a wall. So he kind of fucked us but he's still managed to get a little bit done, although it's not nearly enough.
Meanwhile, mudshit/nigger rapefugee numbers are down to the double digits.
I'm sure that's more of Trump doing nothing though.
There is no wall. He's a sales man and it was a tactic to get gullible retards to vote for him. It won't happen because no one wants to pay for it. It also doesn't work anyways.
The smarter thing would be to start the wall and brag about it.
Don't forget that the big beautiful wall was/is going to have a "big beautiful door" so that spics could immigrate legally. I'm still waiting for President Trump to challenge anchor baby citizenship in the courts.
not surprising since sessions killed the yates memo. glad i bought that geo stock.
Well in that case he technically started it. I work with a die hard pede and due to his inability to differentiate between a fence and a wall, he thinks the bollards are the wall that Trump promised.
Back to reddit you go.
There is no money for a wall but endless money to muck around in the Middle East
Duplicate thread locked because better OP here.
kys, faggot.
Wall is necessary to keep out MS-13 and human and child trafficking (blackmail).
Big beautiful door will let worthy immigrants in. Remember many immigrants were for the wall too.
I post this also for any lefties wandering in that think wall is racist.
Walls don't fucking work retard. Strict immigration policy and perhaps killing Invaders is the only tried and true method of keeping the MAJORITY of people out. Walls are a waste of time
I have yet to see a source for any claims on progress in this or any other thread. I've seen wall prototypes, I've heard about funding. This hearsay is REALLY starting my neurons.
and let it get sabotaged by faggots after knowing it's progress? the actual 'wall' itself is probably in the dev process, and the last thing they want would be some commiefucker sneaking in and shitting up the whole project
Heres the con folks: Trump promised a ridiculously over expensive concrete wall (knowing full well it would never get funded) when all you need is a bad ass multi layer fence like Hungary. Dropped by 98-99% ever since.
fuck immigration, this country is full and shitskins need to be heavily pressured to repatriate to whatever hell hole they hail from. close the borders completely, except to white people of good character.
truck driver MUH WALL IS HAPPENING ''you are going back and Mexico is paying for it
We do work.
t. Wall of China
t. Israeli West Bank barrier
While barriers stop refugees, the US-Mexican borders has permanent, determined groups and criminal gangs that will try to circumvent it. Wall is needed.
Of course they work but its about increasing the difficulty level. Also it forced people to use other means (overstays, etc) so theres a paper trail of people coming in.
Good luck with that. Reagans amnesty was basically the final nail in the coffin on that front. Merit based would still avoid countries with white populations.
Towers + Snipers will resolve the surface attacks.
Some ground penetrating tech to look for the tunnels.
Mercenaries within mexico taking people out on QT.
yid, where are you at so I can martyr your kike ass.
Not kidding, any ok you kike fucks have the balls to actually die for your professed belief, I'm there. I will kill you.
how about you answer the question and stop pretending to be tough on the internet
Answer the question.
This would imply your average Zig Forumsack gives that much of a shit about Trump
Still fucking waiting.
To be fair, this is hardly his fault, what with the violently autistic "OBSTRUCT/RESIST/IMPEACH DRUMBLPF AT ALL COSTS" half of the government he has to contend with.
Don't get scared now, it'a all words remember? No fucking consequences for you bullshit. It's all fucking good. Just a bunch of fucking lulz.
You will not read about it because the gov won't let it get past a "drive by". But I will find your family and drown them to a fucking rat. Your bubbe? Sucking fucking water. Yeah it won't end at you.
you ok user?
share your address and a selfie with a timestamp and thread id
You sure you want it yid?
brb with requested materials.
I believe the orange kike granted isreal a few hundred million of US taxpayers cash to further bolster their wall, that's about the limit of Trump's wall building tbh
Please. When is he going to name the Jew again? Trump has become a sacred cow for far too many people on this board.
Trump is another neocon with a modern populist flavor. He is likely going to send young white men to die for Israel somewhere before the end of his Presidency.
Sent. Check your fucking documents folder you fucking shit eating yid.
literally how
We're the government, yo.
I would like to thank out (((allies))) in tel aviv, because without them this wouldn't be possible.
Still looking for a detailed answer. What's the status of the wall? Don't tell me to Google, you say the media is fake (you are right), so I'm here, seeking the truth from you. LET ME HEAR IT. GIVE IT TO ME.
See the much better thread here for the answer:
didn't he tweet that it was already under construction?
what more do you want?
No, not yet but there are prototypes and there is more funding. ICE is deporting more beaners than before.
He's doing a decent job generating economic growth. Around 3% per quarter vs France + Germany's 0.3% and UK 0.1%.
Shit OP, shit thread.
Fuck Drumpf
First of all that's not a fucking wall, and second of all it's only an upgrade to existing border fence.
Here's your wall fam
Trump/Pence Build That Fence
Remember when a Border Patrol agent was "bludgeoned to death by immigrants" and then we found out he just fell down a culvert?
USA has become a Roach Motel.
In the past, renouncing citizenship could be done free of charge. Since 911, a fee to renounce citizenship was implemented, and it now costs over $4.000 to gtfo.