Zig Forums became weak because it turned itself into a safespace protected by banns instead of strong arguments and having each others back. So in a way this had to happen so Zig Forums can grow, it would not have taken long for them to have banned themself to death.
However, Zig Forumss system has not been created for shits and giggles. It was a neccessary evil. The shills are not some boogeymen Zig Forumslacks only use as a buzzword, it has been confirmed and proven several times that several organizations paid people to attack this board through every concievable form of shilling possible. Zig Forums is at war and in war, order matters more than free speech, like it or not. Don't get me wrong, they still fucked up bad, the collateral damage was way too high. I'm just saying the system itself was neccessary. Right now the shills have won, Zig Forums will be unable to properly investigate their conspiracies and fight the war of truth VS disinformation with shills no longer being banned. They simply outnumber them and are better organized. The machine that was Zig Forums has stopped functioning. It was a terrible machine. But it worked.
The only way to save Zig Forums would be to find a proper BO that doesn't get currupted by power and doesn't let his banhammer get out of hand. One that is willing to debate. One that is willing to reason. But also one who can see through lies and make sure truth doesn't get drowned in them.
And you can bet your ass that the shills will now try to get their hands on this position. I doubt the administration cares enough about Zig Forums so that they will make doubly sure the title goes to the right person. So IMHO, Zig Forums is officially fucked. I wish it wasn't. But it is.
Basically the worst case scenario you are presenting is kamphy 2.0. Who gives a shit. At least for the time being things are way better.
Nathaniel Murphy
Better for open discussion, perhaps. But bad for investigation and being a network for revealing conspiracies and fighting (((them))). Which should be Zig Forumss main function.
Landon Ross
I see a few people saying something along the lines of, "Why should I be having a discussion with these people, and implying that his is not a board for discussion, but rather a circlejerk for activism. Maybe you saw it that way, but most of us sure as hell didn't. Imageboards are not that kind of platform. If identifying posters is important to you, this is not the place to do it. It makes no sense.
Aaron Garcia
Some of us liked Zig Forums for the dank memes and willingness to laugh at the apocalypse. SRS digging has its place, and without a powermad mod you can still fight shills with truth and archived facts.
Also you are delusional if you think kamphy/pol/'s dig threads weren't already muddied and pozzed, especially since the election where narratives were being pushed hard facts be damned.
Adrian Bailey
Sometimes an "eye of the storm" effect occurs when confronted with board-wide shitposting during an interesting happening or investigation. A few threads end up serving as gathering points full of useful discussion while shitposters are busy baiting everywhere else. This effect used to be noticeable on 4/pol/ back pre-exodus. So while the conditions have changed here, anons tend to adapt rather well to it.
Robert Long
If your faith is so shallow, if your dedication is so lacking, that someone posting "muh drumpfff!!1!" shatters your resolve, then no amount of hotpocketing is going to save your fragile sensibilities. Leave it as it is, and let the globals deal with it. None of this would have happened in the first place if cripplewheels hadn't stolen the board and given it to Heil/Kampfy years ago. Curiously none of the Zig Forums bunkers have this problem, and they have a similar hand-off approach.
I loved those times too, but I doubt they will come back, even now.
Fair point, though I guess only time can tell if those anons are even still here.
I don't care what they post, it's not their words that are the issue here, the problem is that (((they))) can simply abuse the technicalities of how this site works without proper moderation combating them. Do you seriously think the current moderation won't just be bought by (((them))) or manipulated into hurting Zig Forums constantly? They are no Zig Forumslacks and what Zig Forumslack would actually want a non-Zig Forums administration here?
How you people could possibly think that I want another kampfy or someone like him is beyond me. I don't want anyone to lead Zig Forums, I simply want a BO that won't be corruped, neither by (((them))) nor by his own position.
William Ward
We didnt want to grow. Were not a big tent, this is why you werent welcome, you never understood that we are quality over quantity. Now thats ruined, now this place is cuckchan. Hope you enjoy spam telling you about the joys of racemixing and how its okay to mix with some non-whites.
Oh, and of course he has a Reddit image.
Aaron Martinez
Congrats, pedogates no longer kosher approved, hope it was worth a couple wordfilters goy.
Asher Young
Zig Forums is a board of chaos. As long as mods aren't actively working against us, we'll be fine.
I will not enjoy because I know you will spam it so we can ask for you back.
Fuck off kampfy, your shit is done.
Ayden Evans
Reminder the best thing you can do to sort out Zig Forums now is give these people exactly what they want. You want growth? I saw we advertise 8ch/pol/ in flyers now, on street corners, on twitter and gab. Let the masses show these people why big tents equal destruction.
Thats cuckchan and half the board is communist anti-white trash. This was never about having fun or posting memes with friends, this board was dedicated to a cause and now it cant achieve jack shit because its going to be 24/7 arguing with paid shills we cant ban. They dont argue in good faith, they spam low tier trash and big surprise, you end up with "Zig Forums BTFO!" Hilldog posting as the whole front page. You people deserve a punishment worse than death.
Zig Forums is (was) a board that cares about objective truth, you shills always were so obvious because you were willing to believe that with absolutely zero evidence, a meme collage that didnt actually link anyone to anything.
Luis Perez
God this butthurtness, go create your perfect board, kampfy.
I know it's you.
Grayson Cox
Youre reddit spacing, youre not even from here and you know who the mods are, sure thing kiddo. No one is making another board, in case you didnt realize they just D&Cd us twice with the same tactic and now we dont have anywhere to run to that has more than 20 people. Whites lose, you win.
Charles Nguyen
The people who stay here after this are no different from those who stayed on cuckchan after the mods stopped banning cancer there and invited all the cuckposting bronys in too. Same thing, except the shills are cheering it, happy Zig Forums is gone.
Elijah Miller
RIP your trump dick sucking hugbox it will be missed.
Mason Nelson
Growth doesn't automatically mean that you're a "big tent", you just have to grow enough to not die out, that's all. I agree with the whole "quality over quantity" thing and I am not happy with that being ruined either. But yeah, guess I posted an image that must have been used on Reddit before so clearly I must be a shill. Since I don't lurk there - unlike you - I wouldn't know what images they use. But fuck having an argument about things when you can just spam "BACK TO REDDIT" and whatnot, right? You can't even tell if someone agrees with you anymore, you see one point you disagree with and there we go, everyone is a shill. I am very well aware that shills are everywhere, but you overdo it and thats why this place went to shit.
James Peterson
I know, Trump is a racist bigot, just like that stupid Jew Hitler.
What a load of shit. I've been banned for piecing together false leads in the Podesta threads. If you assholes thought something sounded good for Trump, you ran with it.
Hunter Rodriguez
Except this is how serious National Socialists feel about your subversion and you repeating kampfy as if Im him is the same style rhetoric as Jews saying Trump was put in by Russia. Zero proof but it sounds real nice if you keep repeating it. You have promoted white genocide by preventing the people who oppose Jewish controlled opposition. Based Jews are now the mainstream opinion because we dont exist.
Isaac Russell
Nobody is listening to you Kamphy. Kill yourself you worthless Turkroach. You've done far more harm than good for NatSoc.
Camden Turner
I was never for Trump, I mostly avoided talking about it because white genocide is more important and this board is an important tool. If you never looked at the ban reports or apparently are color blind to redtext, they did ban 100x the anti-white cancer compared to what they did on Trump.You threw the whole board away so you could talk about Trump using shareblue memes.
Samuel Evans
No one has to listen to me because there is nothing stopping this place from turning into cuckchan and so it will turn into cuckchan. We have enemies who were waiting exactly for this, no rules on Zig Forums.
Hudson Edwards
I hate kampfy as much as the next guy but he's right about this and that is the point of this thread. If we don't get a new BO this place is cuckchan. Just don't let it be another kampfy.
Robert Morris
With friends like you I prefer the enemies.
Gabriel Edwards
You mean the same style rhetoric that makes everyone on Zig Forums throw around jew accusations whenever someone says something they don't like?
Dylan Ramirez
Thats why we will get rid of you when your treason is discovered.
Zachary Moore
It begins.
Jordan Fisher
Ethan Diaz
As expected of a jew to talk about jews being blamed for being jews that might not be jews but are probably jews that are being accused by jews. Everyone is a jew.
Angel Turner
Kevin Powell
The trick is to outjew the bad jews while you jew down with the white jews, fellow jew.
Leo Jackson
You got burned for your treason and now you are calling others traitors?
The kamphy cries out when he strikes at you.
Christopher Rogers
Everyone knows that Zig Forums is exclusively interested in the truth and the mods arent the posters, however youre hostile to the board and arent of us so its plain to see why you would throw that well ingrained idea away in a split second to blame the current destruction of the board on people who spent their time preventing it from being like this. Zig Forums cares about objective truth, the shills - you - never did, and still dont - clearly. No one was a magapede around here, most people just learned not to talk about Trump because they - unlike you - are actually concerned about white genocide. Trumps largely irrelevant and if the mods want to be excessive with banning shareblue tier criticisms, I really dont care. The amount of actual cancer and based modding I saw on TRSodomites and IE cunts - defending our extreme ideology and the differences between us and them proved whos side they were really on. If you spoke about based niggers, or suggested some kikes werent bad, or said faggots are important to us or whatever.. you would be gassed, and now that wont happen, and neither will overt leftist posting… so this place is dead. You killed it, there is no more moderation of the actual cancer. At least you can shit on drumpf now.
Be a good goy and learn not to talk about things we don't want you to talk about or you like white genocide!
Ryan Thomas
Nothing is stopping you, pal.
Owen Price
See, he defends racemixing, allowing niggers to rule over whites, the acceptance of mixed race society, cooperation in mixed groups with blacks, zionists, based jews in general, fascist jews, national socialist Jews like that general so Jews are okay now, faggotry as being okay, faggotry as being part of our culture, etc etc etc. Dont have white kids, just suck cock. Thats not contributing to white genocide, nope nope.
This is why youre a larping white genocide promoting traitor and were serious revolutionaries who banned you, you promote soft forms of genocide and then go around pretending you havent done anything wrong, that we are the problem for you because were not okay with men who dont have kids.
Nolan Brown
Do you have kids?
Grayson Morales
The only racemixing that should be allowed is drag and kart.
Landon Gomez
This is not an argument worth having and thats yet again an example of why you would have and should be banned. Youre defending faggotry now - ban - from a position of ad hominem - ban.
Jacob Barnes
Oh, and its also data harvesting, asking someone if they have children benefits alphabets and therefore should (but probably wouldnt under the old mods) earn you a ban.
Leo Ortiz
Correction, this is not an argument you're capable of having which is why you're crying so hard about your defense force being gone and theres nobody left to protect you from the horrors of dissenting opinions.
Noah Walker
other than occasional Zig Forums and freech or /int*/ raids, you are absolutely wrong. all paid organizations that have been proven to shill Zig Forums have only been proven to shill 4chan and reddit. There's never been any confirmation that CtR/Shareblue have shilled this tiny obscure board of less than 2k Nazi LARPers. Everything you believe was an elaborate smokescreen that imkikey built over years to gain the consent of the board for him to schiz out and act like a fool
Actually asking someone if they have children is just a means to out them as retarded millennial larpers who say one thing and do another which is exactly what you are.
Blake Perry
reddit where you belong if you are too stupid to make your own threads.
Jeremiah Nelson
I've made my own thread, it's literally the only other thread in the catalog criticising this fucking coup. You're fucking toey now you've been let back into the henhouse, aren't you kike?
Julian Ross
Endchan, /polk/, /zenpol/, /mlpol/, etc.
>the problem is that (((they))) can simply abuse the technicalities of how this site works without proper moderation combating them. Back on half/pol/ we were shilled ruthlessly every day. Blackpills, "x > white" threads, "look at these Israeli women!", etc. And we didn't have shill guides, investigations, shill bingos or dozens of world filters, and hundreds of pages worth of bans. What did all the paranoid moderation over the years achieve here? Zig Forums losing over half it's users, everyone that wasn't Trump being denounced as kike puppets, open attacks against right wing outlets and activists, end of outreach and quality OC. Zig Forums turned from a driving force into a joke. Sure, cointelpro is real. But it works because it paralyses the opposition. Suddenly there are "shills" and "traitors" everywhere. And the whole thing implodes eating itself. The worst damage wasn't done by shills or /int/ shitposters, but paranoid schizos seeing enemies everywhere.
Maybe this will serve as a learning experience? Anons here, not just mods, got overly paranoid. Minor disagreements and sombody's called a kike. That didn't help at all. I'd rather assume someone's not a kike and work with arguments.
Jose Brown
But enemies are everywhere. Why don't you go and talk about the Jewish Question to random strangers? Oh right, because we're a taboo movement. Because enemies are fucking everywhere and are very powerful. How can you not see this?
Christopher Hernandez
It's the best example of what excessive hotpocketry leads to. If anyone does gain control over the board (preferably not), they'd be wise not to repeat the same mistakes.
True, enemies are everywhere. But this has always been true. Through sheer force of will you push through the propaganda and barricades, and make yourself heard. If you're message appeals, it will be repeated. As it was on half/pol/, /new/ and Zig Forums. You can't disseminate information if you create a hostile environment to begin with. Zig Forums no longer was a place where you'd go out of curiosity. It was an echo chamber at it's worst that actively pruned newcomers. Four years later Zig Forums is a shadow of what it once was.
Let's say everything you're saying is true and Zig Forums is even worse off, best case response would be that the backlash would be bad enough that it would cause a Zig Forums harbor 2 and exodus to somewhere else. The kikey led slow attrition of users was the real death knell for Zig Forums
Camden Green
What made us strong was darwinian struggle against overwelming foe. That's what kept us alert and pure. Board Owners are CANCER. Every time. There's not a single BO that couldn't be bribed or threatened into submission. No center means no critical weakness.
Owen Lee
Sticked Investigation are cancer. Because part of the way chans work is threads age out. I'ts up to interested members to save and cosnolidate information from the threads and make new threads with more condensed summariws and links to old material. This way information is constantly compressed and the best memes rise to the surface. Darwinian selection is important for memes and threads, not just anons.
Blake Nelson
No, they won years ago when I first got banned for posting a video of Trump worshipping Israel. If you had been here before Trumpcucks took over, you would know that Zig Forums has always had shills. Learning how to spot them and properly respond is part of a Zig Forumslack's initiation. Being a Trumpcuck (ie. shill) safespace killed the board and reduced it to a cringey low-IQ circle-jerk with no memes (perfect for a subhuman like you).
The fact that we can now all call each other cunts, that people can finally criticize Trump and Trumpcucks and that inarticulate dummies like you can make your terrible posts without being banned (just rekt) is a sign that Zig Forums is now stronger.
In short, kill yourself you disgusting redditor trash.
Sebastian Torres
Actually I do (to acquaintances). Pick some evil they already see in the world and show them the string-pullers. If you don't overdo it, you can. Also don't sound/look like some stereotype of a conspiracy theorist.
Liam Walker
stop bumping cry baby threads
Carson Rogers
at least you will learn some real asesthetics now that things are opened up
There absolutely are people who can't be threatened or bribed or corrupted. But those people aren't going to run around asking for power. “Absolute power does not corrupt absolutely, absolute power attracts the corruptible.”
Juan Long
Lucas Lee
Goodbye, imkikey.
Gavin Gutierrez
Reminder that Endchan is SA Goons and Leftist larping as right wingers. Do not trust Endchan.
John Wilson
David Wilson
Go eat some immunosuppresives and stop your body banning all those germs. Give up your safespace.
Brody Walker
P.S.: Since the only thought anyone in the west needs is to remove all the jews, communists and other degenerates, we can arrive at the logical conclusion that anyone who tries to "debate" or "discuss" this belongs to these groups and is trying to buy time.
I get where you're coming from, but a moderation staff should primarily be a reactionary force. When it becomes biased, forms an opinion, and strays from an established set of culturally defined rules it no longer is an appropriate moderator. What happens then is what happened for the last four years.
It honestly disgusts me how bad Imkikey regressed this place under his rule that their are anons who unironically want him to come back. That some anons have become so damn weak that they would rather have some fucking turkroach slowly kill this board than have free discussion thataround during the First Exodus. Also the nerve of some people around here to claim that Zig Forums was always some NatSoc circlejerk as if they seem to think they aren't any oldfags still around. No, Zig Forums was never a NatSoc board you faggot, it was a political board where any ideology could post.This was not a right wing or left wing board and any user who doubts me could use old archives to verify this.
For those of you who don't give a shit and want your old hugbox back than too bad faggot. You either adapt or you fuck off to somewhere else like Reddit where mods can protect your precious fee fees
Yes, believe it or not user people use to make memes on this board before the constant censorship strangled any form of creativity people had around here. Serious activism has a place in it's own thread but so does oc as well.
The board will experience a short-term rise in use, due to scum like you. If this keeps up, people like you will get board with the novelty and/or the board culture will completely decline into that of whatever its been colonized with.
Nobody who knows the score will be fooled by your rhetoric - there are WAY MORE RETARDS than people of desirable political contribution, and what this has done is lure in all those retards, with many of them, like yourself, trying to camouflage their cancer behind the benefit of kampfy being deposed. There's no meaningful difference in outcome between administrative repression (kampfy/zionist regime) and participatory repression (present/antifa), and there's no justification that the community ought be forced to choose between zionism and marxism as though those are the only options.
Fuck kampfy. Get a NatSoc BO in power. Let the lolbergs and commies go start their own boards, and if we want to argue with them, we can go there - or we can just go to cuckchan and have exactly what you're proposing this board should attempt to mimic.
Woops, missed a bit This is the rational of a liberal woman. That's you.
Nobody with a brain wants kampfy back, but the idea that its a good thing that all these degenerates and worthless cumrags ought have a say is the polar opposite in terms of being absolute shit.
Sounds more like you're a Zig Forums or lolberg retard who is trying to gaslight folks into support of your faggotry being given another shot in the public square, despite the fact that you've been BTFO enough times that people got really tired of having the same fucking arguments with you again and again and again and again, with you either being too autistic or too semitic to engage in good-faith arguments.
That's another problem that pro-white ideologues have always had. They sperg out so hard and so fast that it turns away potential allies. This is not just a thing on imageboards, I remember it being like this on youtube 5-10 years ago too. An era where people were baited into feeling comfortable posting pro-white content only to be tracked and banned. I'm lucky I was able to find some people who were more smooth and rational in their approach. But make no mistake, pro-white ideologues on the internet have a sperg-out problem and they need to face the truth. The brown Turkish Achmed that censored this board for 4 years reflected a deeper problem.
Angel Wood
you're the same guy from that other thread stop crying about this Zig Forums being shit and just fuck off already. wew lad
Sebastian Lopez
this board is best served as a redpilling lounge and a problem solving forum while dispensing (((news))). There is one user out there that makes a fucking hell of an OP and I hope more would join him in his literary craftsmanship
Joshua Foster
what happened .. seems like the same shitpost board to me?
isnt our kpi staying the same on average?
well still on schedule to hit 4000 hitlers this year right?
its been a slow quarter, but things always pick up after summer
Ryan Morris
Jackson Lewis
I haven't been here in a while, obviously something has happened.
What I gather is this: There was some moderator who started to ban too many people for every small thing. There are obviously shills, who shilled. The shills conducted their attacks, but, how did the regular Zig Forumsacks lose faith in this guy? This Kamphy, I assume.
It does seem like the same old site I grew accustomed to. I came here when halfchan became a wasteland a couple years back. Is halfchan better now? Where do I go for the occasional, half-decent, debate with lots of weird Nazis? Is this still the place?
Andrew Barnes
I fully agree with this. People are intentionally misrepresenting that this place was once a beacon of free thought and great debate, when in reality it was an absolute shitshow under endless attack once election season got underway. Zig Forums came to the attention of the entire internet. It was never going to be the same after that.
Jaxon Clark
Bumping a goddamn important thread.
Bentley Carter
It still is the place to talk right wing politics. However for the past few days its been alot of threads like this. Just the storm niggers and lolbergs arguing as usual, and some shills are taking advantage on the chaos. How long ago did you leave user? because cause kampfy was here for awhile. Also kampfy was a notorious storm nigger and let them run wild on here and in turn banned alot of lolbergs and your average right wingers which is why they are arguing.
Jackson Garcia
Having mods and jans dish out bans is like having borderguards shooting motherfuckers on sight.
Id rather have corrupt guards than no guards.
But id REALLY rather now have a Guard that has the policy for people who approach on both sides, gets bored, and goes back into town to shoot up the towns folk.