What does pol think of /ourpastor/ Steven Anderson?
What does pol think of /ourpastor/ Steven Anderson?
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He is alright.
Not completely red pilled. But I like him,and he has some quality clips.
You forgot:
Amongst other things my friend :^)
I still prefer Brother Nathaneal, even if he is an ethnic k*ke.
If we complain enough maybe the globals will take more care to keep them stickied again.
love it
Some comfy sermons, and it's good to show Marching to Zion to your philosemite Christian friends, but he's ok with racemixing.
kill yourself
Pretty good on everything except race which is a shame.
At least when he's consequent with his "color blind" nonsense and doesn't use it as an alibi to shit on white people.
It's not like he's the one who decides who has to marry with whom and he is perfectly fine with people only wanting to marry within their race.
He calls out the jews you retard. But no, racism is too important for you faggots. go kill yourself
Alright, I'm sick of this seeing this fucking thread continuing to rise.
Why do you think we call out the jews? Because they harm the white race. What do you think the end goal is here? A grey muddied globalist world but without Israel? Racemixing is a tactic of the jew.
Meant for
So did aspostles you fucking retard. We are all descentatnt from noah, abraham and so forth. You can't be a saved Christian and a jew. pastor anderson is the first, he can't be the second.
i think the main thing for me is I get suspicious whenever someone seems to be trying to redirect me towards a personality, an e-celebrity if you will
You're worrying over nothing, the real problem is getting rid of the jews in the first place. Even if you're not Christian yourself there's not much point in constantly harassing Christians so long as its not the SJW Christianity of today. Racemixing is indeed a tactic of the jew. But in a traditional Christian society, there's nothing forcing a man to have his daughter married off to some nigger.
It's not even in his top 50.
Also the video you linked is about kikes not being "Gods chosen people".
Of course its icky you fucking moron. Racism is a tool of the jew.
t. autist.
What does pol think of x. Didn't those guys get banned in the past?
Fuck off Commoncuck.
You jst expozed yourself as a sodomite. Die and go to hell already.
Fuck off reprobate and go back to the cuckhacn.
Fuck off aut-kike.
Niggers and nonwhites are more likely to be fags. Fuck off, nigger.
yet you are a sodomite, fny how it works right?
He follows a missionary faith.
Missionary faiths are never true.
The only thing that needs constant teaching is untruth.
Holocaust never happened and is physically impossible.
Needs constant shilling that it really did happen lest people stop believing.
Communism et al is degenerate garbage, must be continously shilled lest people turn into hitler.
Christianity must be constantly maintained or people start believing in proper things again, no nation on Earth has ever been fully converted, heathenry out of the ass everywhere, continous decay into myriads of denominations that bicker among themselves, etc.
2 + 2 is 4, if you want it to be 5 then you'd need to prevent everyone from actually doing the math, whichever shape it might be done as.
The moment you stop with the makebelieve larp is the moment people take 2 apples and 2 more apples and see that it's 4.
Tou don't need to be told that dogs piss on walls 24/7.
But you need a constant barrage, a constant maintenance of Christianity and other missionary faiths lest they crumble away.
In this case it's extra awful cause it's judaism for goyim with their OC Jesus.
ever seen the depictions? it's a bunch of string yet the kikes are on the floor, tables broken, completely destroyed.
Kike tricks 101, hollywood.
You have nothing when called out. You're like a deer blinking in the headlights. Go and brainstorm something new, switch IPs, and try again tomorrow bud.
Anderson is a funny guy, and "Marching to Zion" is a great documentary to show Zionist Evangelicals, but at the end of the day, he's not woke on racial issues.
Things that are constantly under attack need to be constantly reinforced.
If there was an jewish lobby with a massive media network, subverted churches and scientists (falsely so called) telling you 24/7 that dogs don't piss on walls you would need to put in effort to counteract that.
Just like you need to tell people today that there is actually a difference between the races which should be more than obvious to every sane human.
Christianity is also more complex than just a single math problem/dog pissing habit, so there is a lot to attack and to defend.
Ohh, scary.
Look at the cord.
Don't flog me with the shoelace please, my table will splinter.
Truth cannot be attacked, it can only be shilled against.
I am talking about the basic fundamental level here.
People believe more readily in tooth fairies and thundergods when they hear a rumble, but they will never recreate the bible from thin air.
They will create a billion thundergods and harvest spirits, however, without anyone needing to tell them.
That's the important bit.
Marching to Zion is pretty well done. But I do absolutely disagree with his views on racemixing.
End yourself.
He is a disgusting anti White christ cuck who supports White genocide through race mixing. Christian religious anti Judaism is not serious like National Socialism's racial anti semitism is
He isn't "supporting" or "endorsing" it, he just doesn't care about it one way or another.
Also on a purely empirical basis his church is producing more white kids than almost any other group of that size is.
Mormon polygamists probably have them beat, though. Seems like religion has a strong positive impact on birth rates.
He's absolutely BASED. MAGA.
Kill yourself, shitstain.
That guy is as representative of Christianity as some great ally like Shapiro/Milo is of right wing politics.
Also you're repeating yourself.
I was there when the first thread was happening and I remember absolutely BTFOing that paganigger that dropped in to act like his autistic version of a self-righteous faggot. He stopped replying to me at that point like the coward he is.
Pastor Anderson is woke AF about the holocaust bullshit the Jews impose on our world. He debunks the whole sad kike story in this video. When it comes to red pills and waking up normies (& especially Christian normies) to the fact that they are being systematically lied to by the Jews, this video by him is nonpareil.
If you have a friend or family member that just needs some logic and facts about the "holocaust deception", show them this entertaining presentation. It reveals a lot of curious facts and gives references.
(get past the first 58 seconds)
"Holocaust Exposed" - by Pastor Steven Anderson
A jew who pushes (((christianity))) and says that national socialism is just like regular socialism.
fresh OC if anybody wants it, lots of screencaps from Zig Forums retards
You lost me at (((pastor))), no matter how based he is.
Not this shit again, how many times are we gonna back and forth with you shills on this one fake talking point
You are a shill, who has the post of Zig Forums trying to D&C Zig Forums and Zig Forums.
No one gives a shit about (((Zig Forums))) or their "godly niggers". Neck yourself.
But you didn't BTFO the cuckstians so your post is irrelevant.
he gives solid advice, I believe there are 2 types of Guardian of the west. both are Zig Forums.
1 - A life oriented man, his sphere of influence is Eros, he impregnates blond ladies with his blond babies and leads them through a wholesome christian life. that man does well to heed pastor Anderson.
2 - A death oriented man. his influence on the struggle for the white race is Thanatos. he will slay the niggers and hunt the cucks and traitors of the west. he can't heed a cuck religion like christianity, because is a luxury he can't afford.
both are Zig Forums, one is christian, the other is not. and both should support each other.
I think he's a kike by his own admission, and promotes race mixing.
His granny is #1 kike :^)
The christfags have returned. Here to save Christiani…I mean…uh the white race!
oh no.
He's a kike and a moron, and anyone who thinks otherwise is too.
you give too many opinions user, a little reasoning.
but I agree.
Varg is better
He's worthless to the white race.
Fine, if he admits and self limits to what he is: a steward. Borderline subversive, when he goes beyond the dogma. He is a man that has paid, but paid little, and it is clear that when he attempts to leave his walled garden (which is not his, nor paid for by him), he does not understand the mathematics enough. Not quite sure how to say it, but when you go beyond select instances of his (decent) sound bites and (some-what good) media productions, it is clear he's static-to-sometimes-regressive. This is the mark of a boy comfortable playing the game where he is, even though that game and the board it is played on is loaned (and being taken over by maria-tards + voodoo, relying on international leins to keep taped together).
Essentially, what says. As soon as you go into his deeper productions (or facetimes? Was he the sole-owner of them, or the speaker leased in them?), it becomes clear a fair amount is off beyond the face of 'Steven Anderson'.
Regulate to eCeleb.
He follows the bible 100%
Some reason the bible tells him its ok for niggers to marry whites
This. Anti-white is not all right. Fuck this cuck.
Love the guy (strong no homo), he inspired me to become a racist pastor myself. Except I hate race mixing unlike him. Otherwise he's /ourguy/ a good prot.
If 1 wants to be 1 and have some mental circus to think he doesn't have to pay the price for 1, then I reserve right+rite to kill whatever 1 makes.
Ideological games, whereby boys think they don't have to pay the rest of the price to become men; or they cast both the straw-and-the-strawman arguments to form hermetical seals of so-called 'logic' so as to rationalize-feels XYZ; etc.
You wouldn't drive on a bridge, built by an engineer, who designs but doesn't build.
You wouldn't drive on a bridge, built by an engineer, who builds but doesn't design.
You wouldn't drive on a bridge, built by an engineer, who doesn't use his own bridge.
Thanos gained the honorable one because he paid the price + won + kept that profit -and- made progeny. It took many iterations. The Nord saga is less adulterated than the neo-'greek' revision. In short, execution of 1 requires 2 - ownership payment is required. French 'men' like JF et al will pay for their false piety thinking that they are somehow magically safe from paying if they speak the magic words.
Fuck off christcucks, I guess you all fap to cuck porn as an expression of christian love
Interracial marriages are more degenerate than any of the thing he opposes, and the sluts of his church have a miscegenation rate above the national average.
The #1 mission of the Jews is to blanda whites out of existence by importing muds into white countries, so it's rather pointless if he "calls out the Jews" and then does what they were going to do anyway.
Zig Forums hates Zig Forums the same way Zig Forums does. Your argument is invalid.
This is a Motivational, spiritual energy blast into your memetic Sphere!!!
A pep Rally!!! A call to arms!!! A return to God and a destruction of the VILE ones!!!
Well get cured and watch this Panacea for your mind!!!
You are not worthless Goyim Shit you are loved and appreciated and waiting for you to come home
Even if you dont believe in God there is alot of redpills in this video and you WILL FEEL BETTER !!!
Dont be!!! RISE UPThis is the only thing you should be concerned about.. it is connected to pizzagate, QFagFraudnon and the Elite…
It will be too late…
We must stop THEM before it's too late
Gas the Christfags
You go first, Gershom.
and full of shit. Hes basically saying whatever he needs to for popularity. If he becomes massive they'll take him out.
Well, we share the redpilled opinion that esoteric immigration isn't much of a problem if done right! Most of the 8/pol/acks I've met irl don't care about esoteric immigration. We just want to get laid, but because kikes destroyed our sexual market, we must destroy their money markets.
He's too milk toast. He needs to step up the rhetoric and stop the inter racial shit.
He calls out the Jew, but then promotes the Old Testament the Jewish book. He kinda dumb.
He is assuming populations intermarried and that populations were somehow spread out evenly, not the case.
is that a typo?
took me a couple of reads of your post until I deciphered what you mean and through the references made on it, I learned a lot honestly.
so if I had to condense on a sentence, you believe a man should be both. is that correct?
personally I am type 2 myself. believe is the short end of the stick indeed, except for the fact that a life around women is something I don't understand. such are things on life, I bet type 1s put too much time chatting on whatsap and securing a job. while types 2 spend much time studying fighting and target acquisition. there is not enough time on a man's life to be both.
We'll see. Sometimes in history there isn't.
He defends race mixing. I don't have the pic at the moment but I'm sure someone will post it - the one where he states that "only Jews dislike race mixing".
The OT is a Hebrew, not a Jewish corpus. A subtle but very real and significant difference.
This is the biggest problem with Christianity… even considering the flabbiness and meekness problem.
It's still an offshoot of judaism, after all.
Christians and jews are a driving force behind the blurring of racial lines and the importation of shitskins into white countries. They seem to think Christian identity trumps racial identity. They are wrong and must be stopped.
Call ICE or whoever on your local Protestant congregation.
Disgusting but not surprising.