/Bernie2020/ general

Thread Theme: youtube.com/watch?v=CdHmz3bzN8Q

This is general designed to raise support and awareness for Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and his potential bid for President of the United States in 2020.

Note: The content herein is not a reflection of Senator Sanders, his office, or his campaign. And we are in no way affiliated with any political party, PAC, or corporation, or politician. Our words are our own.

Bernie Sanders is currently the longest-serving independent in Congress (16 years as a representative and the past 8 as a senator), with his past election winning 71% of the vote. His stance on issues (many follow Bernie because they found him to align with their views closer than any other candidate using isidewith.com - take the quiz and see for yourself):

-He wants to help get money out of politics (by overturning Citizens United, make campaign donations more transparent)
-Work to end our contribution to climate change (with carbon taxes, stopping the keystone XL pipeline, and shifting the country to more solar energy sources)
-Lessen income and wealth inequality (with higher taxes on the wealthy)
-Make a higher education more affordable (see his current attempt at this in congress)
-Universal access to quality healthcare (move the US to a single-payer system)
-Make it mandatory for employers to offer paid sick and family leave (the US is the only developed country that does not guarantee paid maternity leave)

Many who like him point to his character:

-He speaks very plainly, does not shy away from answering questions directly and avoids the ultra-careful vague-talk of many other candidates (see this interview as an example: youtube.com/watch?v=cz0u2FH5Bnk&feature=youtu.be&t=39)
-He does not run attack ads
-He refuses to fund his campaign with Super PACs


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#FeelTheBern #polforbernie #BernieforPres

a thread died for this

The final redpill.


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dude sage lmao


fucking kike. sage.

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He'll be dead as McCain by then.

t. roach

His brother is like 5 years older and still an active politician in the UK. He has had a very healthy life style, he never smoked, never been obese and has been active track runner during most of his adult life.

He is very healthy an he will run in 2020.

Attached: that's more like it.webm (854x480, 3.69M)

and has never abused his body with the labor of a real job.

He'll be way too old and you know it.

Serious or shitposting.

the boy aint thicc though

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Except that he used to work as a carpenter.

Not at all. See:>>11626553

His campaign is already preparing.

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Btw, what's up with all the redditards ITT that think sage = downvote?

Hillary is going to beat him to the nomination again then.

MFW black women cuck him and take over one of his speeches again?

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He was a literal who and went on to win 23 states and territories, all sustained by micro-donations. The difference in 2020 is that he is now polling to be the most popular single politician in the USA.

Hillary doesn't stand a chance and corporate cucks like Cory Booker will get fried.

you cant make this shit up
he's like the only one to ever oppose US funding (((war))) in yemen. MSM came on themselves in praise of the (((syria strikes))) while bernie was strongly against them. he consistently bashes israel for being an apartheid ethnostate for jews.
bernie is literally the most Zig Forums candidate.

Foreign policy-wise this is unironically true.

Wh-where's the third hole?

But why is he so cringy?



He is a grumpy old man. What the fuck do you expect exactly?

reminder that youre posting in an imkikey made thread
this is exactly what he wants


Gee, I sure wonder why it's only a jew that's seemingly allowed to hold anti-zionist beliefs.

2020: McCain vs Bernie

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Fuck him.
He's a jew and he's a communist
I hope he has a coronary in the Senate parking lot today.

What the fuck is this gay ass nigger commie fucking shit thread doing up on Zig Forums?

Zig Forums is a free speech board now, sweetie.

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They way that he cucked himself after he was cheated proves that he wouldn't be able to take on the deep state.

*ZOG (he's a part of that, by the way)

Why? Be endorsing Hillary he made sure that he won't get the blame for splitting the liberal vote later in the case of her failure, so he is able to run once more later.

He literally is the most anti-zionist mainstream politician there is.

He couldn't stand up to a few uppity mulatos. He couldn't stand up to Clinton (probably sold out too). He supported no fly zones in Syria. What makes you think he will accomplish anything positive at all?

Bernie is a sell out.

"… the American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails!"

Because who cares if the Secretary of State who is a former lawyer and would have known better mishandled classical information and operated an illegal server that most certainly had been hacked for state secrets then deleted 33,000 emails that belonged to the government and the American people.

Pick one you faggot


wait wtf OP is serious LOL


I remember when a Bernie vs. Trump showdown looked like a real possibility. Good times.

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This, but unironically

Oh you mean the guy that said "white people don't know what it's like to be poor."? And he's the guy that called out Hillary for being corrupt while he was running, but as soon as it became evident he was going to lose, gave all of his campaign donations to her? Oh and he's also the guy that now owns 3 houses worth multiple of millions of dollars after giving up those said donations.

Yeah I think I'll stick to not voting. There is only one way to reverse the track this country is on, and voting is not a part of it.

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I know a lot of people like to compare Colonel Sanders with Bernie Sanders but I really wish the former were still alive.

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You niggers are so butthurt about freedom that you're larping as the enemy. You're only pretending to be retarded, right?

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Literally going to canvass for Bernie's upcoming senate race but whatever makes you feel good about yourself.


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A Bernie style socialist will be the final phase of the US becoming Brazil.

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I have no idea why you'd support still him.

Make sure to donate for the greater cause. This time it will happen. Guarantied.

Thanks. I will spend all of my $27 :^)



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National Socialism is a dead ideology. All you guys do all day is LARPing and jerking off to aesthetics.

Bernie will increase my NEETbux, so I'm all for it.
lol fuck your nation, national-shitheads. I'll be staying here playing comfy vidya and reading manga while you whine about the ancient worldwide jewish conspiracy. Stay cucked.

NEETdom: The FINAL red pill

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Sorry sweetie, but this is now /b/ 2.0. Just accept that fascism is a dead meme ideology and become a productive human being instead of crying about nonwhites and jews on Zig Forums. Sad!

most of the neetsock redditfags dont understand that Zig Forums came from /b/.

Please, Bernie was only there to get young voters excited and then hand them off to Hillary so she could win. The efforts of the DNC leaks showed that Hillary was a shoe in and ruined this chance, nevertheless Bernie still cucked out and let Hillary win. Bernie is essentially useless, used only to move voters and get liberals into office who will be sucking off some PAC or Soros group anyway.

Hold your horses son, this guy may be doing time in fed pound me in the ass prison with his wife. You know about the loan fraud trial they're both involved in, right?

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Nah, your half-dead jew will kick the bucket before he gets another chance at office. He's going to get cucked by his own party and supporters again.

dude what?

Is this some kike reverse psychology?

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H-HE can still win!!!
how's that donation money working for your daddy figure?

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If crooked Hillary didn't cheat him, he might have won the election due to changing demographics.


Bernie was weak.

Also this. I liked him in the beginning but he turned out to be a weak sell out faggot. Afterwards I voted for Trump.

bernie would have won if he wasn't let down by the democrats.

He let them trample all over him. He wouldn't call out the fraud for what it was. And he also let two uppity nigresses upstage him at his own rally.
When that happened, I lost respect for Sanders, it made me hate niggers 100 times more and I became a right winger.

Trump would have gassed him, don't kid yourself. Bernie would have been reduced to a sniveling sweaty merchant on the defense in a one on one debate with Trump. It would have been a slaughter.

Fuck (((Bernie))), he's a kike Communist. Sage.

Bernie really is a communist jew.

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Yes goyim, I'll make you equal to the big bad rich goys! Put me in charge, I'm smart. How this kvetching whining retard had so much support in the US is scary.

Absolutely based.

This is great! I wonder the if the democucks are going to bend over and support him. He might get desperate leftyfaggots to donate enough to get this shitshow started but it will end in absolute hilarity.
Keep it up, faggots, you are now our designated lolcows.

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finnally we can be rid of drumpftstsdffsfsft

Can't wait for the exact moment Ohio flips Sanders and Trump goes on his last embarrassing twitter rampage (if he doesn't get impeached beforehand).

There will be no pardon.

You will regret coming here.

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The 'here' you used to know has already ceased to exist.

Is hilarious how he, berniecuck, dropped out of the race with a huge moneybag and with the whole bunch of donations on his pocket.

and yet the liberals want to still pay him again. fucking idiots

A lot of democrats didn't turn out to vote for Clinton the way the republicans didn't turn out for mittens.

Literally a shillpost paid off by Rober Mercer.

Hello Saint Bernards,
If you need some sales on Mac's I have a few that won't bite your budget.
Mac's from Apple are too expensive, money that could go into running Anti-Zig Forums ads on CNN are far more worth a $3,000 check.

Will any of you buy my listing? I need it sold from a true Berniebro.


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Hello reddit, how nice of you to come out and play.

You think this chaos is your ally? You merely adopted the chaos. We were formed by it, molded by it. We did not see the neon light of MSM until we were already NatSocs.

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Bwahaha, you don't know what chaos is. You spent the last 4 years in an over-moderated echo chamber that was nothing but the bad extension of a shittysubreddit instead of a true imageboard.

What's going to happen in 2020? Bernies funeral?


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I am so happy you think that. I also hope you are actually white and not just some shitskin shitposting around.
It will be a fun ride either way.

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His jobs guarantee would be a good way to halt massive third world immigration. We need to be clever ourselves, using PC language would be a start. So instead of saying you don't want a bunch of Jews pushing non white immigration, say you don't want the corporations pushing Neoliberalism on America etc.