Mike's not such a bad guy when you get to know him. Also does anyone have Fridays paywall show?
/trs/ general
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salty kikes in 3… 2.. 1..
fuck off TRShill. Check em for mike “like my kike wife?” Enuch
who cares, he is funny anyway
le ovens xD
The only cucks are the TRSodomites who follow him and send in their shekels.
Deez bnai brith jews is awful funny goys.
Who /unironic Spencer fan/ here?
I think he's top notch. You'll be singing a different tune about him in five or ten years if you don't care much for him now.
no fun allowed >:(
Watch and learn newfags for the one line OPs. This is how you subvert a board. A decent OP takes time, and spamming shitty one line OPs slides the good content which takes time to create.Report these threads immediately when they appear.
Even though he's effete he's invaluable to the movement and has made great personally sacrifices. I for one salute him. It's time for Zig Forums to return for the alt right.
he let himself get punched on TV and the left did a media blitzkrieg with the punch.gif and the cucks and kids couldn't take the heat so they disavowed him. pretty pathetic
Yeah I'd agree. He's the only seriously respectable public figure we have. The round the clock shill storm against him even in far right friendly internet circles is very telling.
this board was the main culprit tbh
cuckchan is more your speed kid.
#safespace much? :)
/trs/ BO here, TRSodomites deserve to be bogged.
op's a lazy nigger
go back to your gay pool parties
see how you protect your echochamber without cancerous mods LOL
He is shit to put it lightly. He loses every debate he's ever been in. Uses smoothbrain argumentation. Has beady eyes. Enoch is at best an idiot at worst actively destroying the movement.
It's almost always on Youtube. I thought it was entertaining for a while but they have about 20 minutes of content per episode and the rest of the time is them being drunk. FTN is a much better produced and organized program but there is only one per week. Most of the TRS people are kind of meh except for Eric Striker but he is hardly ever on.
There really are no decent right wing podcasts tbh.
A Trump thread would possibly be sagefagged as well, as I said in a different thread I want to observe what happens.
Not really surprised with the sagefaggotry.
Anyone listen to myth of the 20th century? It's not bad, even if a lot of the time the presenters only seem to have a surface level understanding of the topic at hand.
Report shitty OPs
This really toggles my noggin
Actually yes, unlike TRS they don't sound like mouthbreathers. I'm afraid there aren't enough serious podcasts like mo20th to substantiate the counterculture with.
TRS on the other hand did not grow up on imageboards, they appropriated the humor and took a dump on it. It's as if they mock us intentionally with their cringe.
t. imkikey
This. It all came out of the mutts and kikes shilling here.
They hate him because he's convinced dozens of groups to have a strict no Jews or nonwhites policy. These "people" were comfy larping as nazis on imageboards and were genuinely spooked by poltically effective white groups in real life.
An old story, really.
Peak optics
Check out the z-man blog if you like things on that level.
If you can't handle the bantz stay in the cuck shed.
Imkikey was involved directly with the false flagging that got Zig Forums to rally against kike enoch in the first place.
Pat little is better
Was it Kikephy who convinced Eunuch to marry a B'nai B'rith BioQueen too? Everything done against TRS was completely justified.
yes but it was only known to be justified after it was found out who he was.
Might be so but now that many on Zig Forums hate him it would make sense that this is just another thread he made thinking he's making us feel bad about deposing him.
Not really. TRS was clearly subversive to anyone who was paying attention.
All of those were long before the jimpact.
So you are saying Imkikey was Lothar the whole time?
Where could these purity-spiraling autists possibly get an idea like that?
We really doing this eceleb thread again?
Well you did feel the need to open the thread so I guess that means yes!
You know I thought it was weird when trump mentioned dancing muslims on 9/11, I always remembered dancing yids
The TRS doxxing nuked the right wing media online. Everyone scattered to the winds.
Did anyone catch Mikes and Sven's drunk livestream last night?
These are the people who keep harping on about optics.
>now that Imkikey has been ousted and TRS threads are allowed, Kike Enoch and Sven get FUCKING EVISCERATED by a literal ANTIFA puerto rican youtube.com
I disavow TRS for good now.
Irony bros rekt them
Don't you see user? BASED commies are fellow travelers as long as they are willing paypigs. You wouldn't want to be a "wignat" now would you?
how will they ever recover
I'm watching it right now. Honestly hardcore ethno chauvinism like this straight to a non white's face still makes me feel uneasy. Mike is really rubbing that guy's nose in the fact that Puerto Rico is a shithole. Beating up on non whites this hard fundamentally feels like picking on a kid with down's syndrome. It's just poor form.
Srsly though fuck those purity spiraling 1488er whites, my based black girlfriends son is just as committed to stopping white genocide as any of you.
bad optics
This is clearly all Kampfs fault and not a TRS astroturf against the former based mods. Thank fuck for codemonkey and his returning Zig Forums to the Jew loving faggot niggercocksuckers.
just sad, all around sad.
required viewing
Sinead is a national treasure.
You weren't woke to the JQ thirteen years ago either.
she does great work and still gets shitted on for being a women, and people openly promote kike enoch. The strange times of controlled opposition.
I started shitting on her when she shilled against encryption, VPNs etc.
I don't really have any problem with him tbh. I just like the anti-Spencer memes.
Who the hell stacks books like that?
I listen to him from time to time. I don't think he is controlled op I think he's just a bit of an effete douche who has enough wealth to forgo a regular job. And his idea for an "ethnostate" is a bit off the mark. He should be talking about multiple ethnostates.
I've got two of those "spine" bookshelves. I prefer them over regular shelves.
Also she's one of the loudest voices against (((((((((((((((((WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEV))))))))))))))))))))))) and the degenerate crowd that unironically hates women. They learned NOTHING from the Commander's teachings.
First all the brony porn and now a Fucking Mike Eunuch nigger cock sucking thread. Who the fuck let plebbit kikes onto this board. Are the Mods getting Pegged by Blair White instead of banning this shit? FUCK and the sperm swallowing of the Jewish shill Spencer. I guess /pol is getting Shoahed by the JIDF.
Didn't you see the sticky? imkoonfy got removed as BO
Lmao that mod got banned from TRS for asking about Mike's wife during the dox
Get it through your thick fucking skull. It is YOU, who cannot handle using the filter and instead go POST in the thread you don't like that is causing issues. It is weak willed, weak minded people like YOU that cause this board to be filled with shitposts and shills replying to them.
there aren't any local mods anymore
now this board only has global mods, whose only duties are to get rid of spam and illegal content
The kike BO is gone. Things are currently in flux, but I imagine they'll reach an equilibrium in about a week. Zig Forums will be freer from now on. If you don't like it, go back to leddit. I'm sure you can find a nice circlejerk there.
oh nononon hahahaha
alt kike get the fuck out
There is no way there's a TRS thread on Zig Forums. Old mods must really be gone after all.
Lawsuit to dox all of TRS likely to succeed.
is your safespace broken? :^) maybe stop astroturfing against TRS, nigger
I stopped listening to TRS when I realized they were out of touch with reality. I don't hate them as much as most people here, but I am astounded that they're welcome back.
I never understood why kampfy hated them so much. They basically push pretty much the same ideas in regards to Trump especially. I guess they just of made a off handed Turkish joke or something
I don't blame you, I listen just for the lulz since I'm not an american. They are not based leaders, but the hate they get, the wild conspiracies about them are just gay.
I remember you kike-humping, well-poisoning faggots shitting up the board so badly for a month or so that only blanket bans helped. And I'm not the only one who remembers.
You better fuck off before your faces are plastered all over the US.
they're literally kikes you retarded faggot
if you faggots keep shilling every single one of your nigger e-celebs will end up doxed
I don't care, cunt :^)
Yeah, that's what they all say until the first package of dildos arrives in the mail.
TRSfaggots and the mods are trump loving chessniggers.
Was he "woke to the JQ" when he brought her on TRS multiple times, as late as 2016? Or did he only get redpilled after being exposed?
I think that's just her naivety, although, snailmail with a ghost address is probably safer than any online communication.
holy fuck the board is going to be absolute shit now
tthreads like this are going to clutter it up so fucking bad