The damage that dumb roach has done to Zig Forums is finally undone. Here is a list of things you can do on Zig Forums again.
Fuck the Roach.
The damage that dumb roach has done to Zig Forums is finally undone. Here is a list of things you can do on Zig Forums again.
Fuck the Roach.
For the longest time you validated every attempt that Turkish neckbeard made at turning this place into his own echo chamber.
People who even slightly dissented from the circlejerk status quo here were swiftly removed.
You claim to be better than reddit and leftists that censor everyone but you clearly weren't.
Lets not pretend that this is just an issue with a neckbeard Turkish moderator. He was validated by many people on this board, who stuck by his decisions even though *thousands* of other people were wrongly censored by the mod(s) here.
Time to take responsibility, you stupid faggots. If you think that minor criticism of Trump justifies someone being banned then you are not tough enough to use the internet.
Fuck you, kampfy was based. This take over of Zig Forums is pure kikery and now the anti-trump shills have flooded.
New age is upon us.
Post the video of your suicide.
You whites are on the endangered list. And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving. In forty years or so, maybe fewer, there won't be any more white people around.
That's faster than Kikefy got rid of him
Polite sage because we have a dozen threads about this in the catalog
Anons like you are the rot that destroyed this board.
Getting ready for Imkikey suicide video release.
kys, chessnigger. You need a new safespace to suck Zognald's cuck without any interruption.
If white men were not complaining, it would be an indication we weren't succeeding and making the inroads that we are.
What if that Pajeet poster was just another Kampfy persona, like Rach?
Fuck yourself to death Gandhi.
How many personas Kampfy had? I remember one being weeb and Fu-fu-fu~ screeching kind of thing.
Get out of here Kampfy.
What does kampky means
Please can we have some kampfy content here, a hard drive crashed meant i lost my favourite Kampfy content.
Bam Bam with kikefys head superimposed while hurriedly done was a classic amongst others
He still owns /polmeta/! and is a fag on that too!
Add that he's also the Pajeet is "looking for a gf".
So avatarfagging needs to be banned right
Oh no!
Your ideas are going to get challenged!
Too bad this isn't your hugbox.
Is it over? can i say nigger & read fucked news again?
I see poo needs sexy gf is still here, cunt.
Honestly I'm laughing at Kamphy's collection of girls he has been cucked by.
Kikey gets fucked to death with a rusty t-ball bat or a fruit bat whichever is more horrific
Read a book you embarrassment, you're done here
I will keep posting it until i got girlfriend.
You won't find me hahahhahahahaha mwhahahahhha
Also bye.
I am lonely and new mods should dead right now
dumping my folder, I made that pic in GIMP by the way.
Starting with the GEX ban, I'm hoping he will will return but C!odemonkey is not allowing tripcodes currently.
Kolkata zindabad
Found you already shitskin
Enjoy your less than shit fourth world existence - or don't and just kill yourself already
Where I live tell me.
Actually it is same wrong location you found hahahahahaha
Turkish Roach Scum = Ratchposter/Imkampfy/Heil
Shitskin pothead = Faggetts possibly moonman
Just to make things clear.
I am olive beautiful Indian.
I look lot of like Spanish
You live in a little village in India
We found your address even already. I am too lazy to give a fuck though
Go outside
Smell the air deeply
It's really nice to see the place so alive again
Say it with me poojeet
You will never ever ever be white
You won't get my IP
I don't even live in village you foooooooooooooooooooool.
Villages are more conservative and those village woman are conservative
I never claim I am white.
I am olive
It's called shit. Not olive. Shit brown. Like poop. Get it?
Shitskin. None white untermench shitskin filth. Like poo
You are the filth which fed that piece of shit. Go back to 4cuck and stay there, faggot.
Shit skin
No you garbage
could someone for the love of god please delete this poojeet subhuman's spam?
Get mad shitskin
Triggered the shitskin
You need a knife to the jugular shitskin boy
Why would you post pictures of poo here? Not cool.
I know you don't own any funs so a rusty knife is your best option out of this world
Holy shit, it is Kampfy. That’s the turk from that picture of him smoking a joint in some car. Fucking hell it all makes sense now.
What's that disgusting shit looking substance in your pic?
Mods are deleting it's posts
I am not that person.
I am olive Indian.
I won't post my uncensored face.
Imkampy whatever is he is a white.
I managed to reclaim the Ban Ban Kampfy pic posted during one of his meltdowns after trump sucked on neocon cock publicly for the 6 millionth time.
Made me laugh anyway
Kampfy-kun, are you really pretending to be the nogf Pajeet?
Now I know it’s you.
I will capture photo
No , it isn't. It's a roach. It isn't human. Neither are YOU. Less than human
LoL, that really was the big tell
oy! hell.
What a Supreme Gentleman tier.
You’re that same weed smoking Turk, are you out of your fucking mind right now? Is this Indian shit something you do when you’re on your nightly xanax binge?
Anything less than a painful slow agonising death will be too good for Kampfy and each and every one of the hasbara kikes who turned this place into Breibart 2.0
I knew Kampfy was the Pajeet. Probably used a lot of google images too. Probably why his threads don't get deleted right away back when Kampfy was BO.
I am olive beautiful Indian.
Compare this to the Indian poster, it’s the same guy.
Maybe now we can go back to actually winning and not jerking off to a fat, orange kike who's president of a country half the posters fucking despise.
Nah user, freedom only means people now can not only support Trump, but also support Israel too.
All nonsense.
Then why did I capture photo of street in Kolkata if I am kampky.
I am not kampky you motherchod..
Can I post a word with Gate in it like WaterGate and not get some stupid fucking worldfilter instead?
You ain't fooling anyone Kampfy.
Maybe you aren’t a Turk, maybe you’re really Indian but you’re that same pot smoker. You’re kampfy, it all makes sense now.
Kampfy is some schizo pothead indian!
Apparently so…
Quads confirm nobody is fooled.
I was so goddamn sick of the whole "no fun allowed" atmosphere that permeated this board for so long.
See my uncensored face
He really is a fucking schizoid.
Here's my 2 cents.
He is not Indian it's one of his autism ticks, a form of avatarfagging like Rach or Shitporn, all he'd have to do is put some false details on an Indian dating site and rip the profile photos so they can't be reverse-searched.
BTW There was not just one mod on Zig Forums, Faggetts/Moonman switched his name multiple times and is subservient to Imkampfy (a different breed of faggot) who was also Heil (B.O). Imkampfy is pictured in famous pic 3 related.
Look at the facial features they are 2 different people but in close connection, the probably still suck each others cocks in skype and IRC.
You will never get a girlfriend. Consider proper marriage and earning loads of money on a job, so you can at least from society standpoint seen as respectable man. Also wait till you get older.
With this face you will never have luck in random hookup fucking. And stop stalking, this shit will make your situation even worse, because you look like a creep.