We are being raided, and it's no surprise after we are vulnerable with the power change.
Stay here while we brace the storm of %56 forced meme, Anti-Trump, Anti-American, black-pill, pro-traps, etc etc.
Shills are going out in an all out attack to dramatically change the direction of this board.
Remember, we are winning. Don't let them try to tell you otherwise.
Other urls found in this thread:
Kike emperor will kike
Most of the "raiding" is just imkikey trying to make us feel bad because he's not BO anymore. The rest is /tv/ shitposting. I think if nothing else more global mods should be recruited to take care of spam on this board.
So? It will die down in a week.
Either that or it'll become like cuckchan Zig Forums.
We'll see.
Hopefully. Otherwise I'd be right, and so we'd have to get imkampfy back, for bad wordfilters and mass banning is better than cuckchan + "purity" spiraling autists.
sorry user but you cannot hide from the truth anymore. trump is a kike. we elected him and he betrayed us. you will have nowhere to run because we came from all these hidey holes. you can only accept that you have been sucking jewish cock for too long
–Ivana Trump–
Ivana Zelnícková (Ivana Trump) was born in the Moravian town of Zlín , Czechoslovakia, the daughter of Miloš Zelnícek, who was Czech, and Marie Francová. Moravia and Zlin have a long history of Jews. If you drop the second e in Zelnicek you get the Jewish Zelnick
Ivana Trumps marriage to Trump was her second marriage Her first was to an Alfred Winklemeier, who was a real estate businessman
Trump has four adult children three from Ivana Trump and one from Marla Maples Three out of four are married toi Jews and Tiffany Trump is dating a Jew
Ivanka Trump is married to Jared Kusher both of whose parents are Jewish Jareds father Charles Kushner is a convicted criminal and possibly a Mossad asset
–Donald Jr.–
Donald Trump Jnr is married to Vanessa Haydon, 38, who is a designer and the mother of five children Vanessa’s mother is Danish and her late father Charles Haydon was Jewish Charles Haydons original name was Charles Hochberg and he was a lawyer
–Eric Trump–
Eric Trump is married to Lara Yunaska who has two Jewish parents
–Tiffany Trump–
Tiffany Trump is dating Ross Carpenter both of whose parents are Jewish
Four Generations of the Trumps beginning from Freidrich Trump (real name Drumph) have had close business and personal associations with Jews
ALL four of Donald Trumps adult children have married /are dating Jews That is no mere coincidence its a cohencidence
When the Presidential Election Process begun no one gave Trump any chance of becoming President Yet there were the Jewish controlled networks giving Trump incessant coverage which seemed to be more than all the other candidates combined
Trump Family Has 50-Year History of Donating to Jewish, Israeli Causes
Israeli media have reported several important donations made in years past by both the late Fred Trump and his son, now President Elect Donald Trump.
Some 50 years ago, real estate developer Fredrick Trump donated the land for the Talmud Torah of the Beach Haven Jewish Center at 723 Ave. Z in Flatbush, NY, as can be seen from a promotional image released by that institution. The center is open and active to this day, offering programs for youth and the elderly, as well as an active synagogue.
Fred Trump at the groundbreaking of the Talmud Torah center (Screenshot/Kikar Hashabbat)
And Fred’s son, as reported by Yediot Ahronot, donated heavily on both occasions when Israelis who had been expelled from their homes by their own government needed assistance to resettle.
Donald Trump donated in the 1980s to help build new infrastructure for the Israelis removed from the northern Sinai by the Begin government, which returned the peninsula to Egypt as part of the peace agreement. Then, in 2005, Trump gave again, to help resettle the Jews of Gush Katif in the Gaza Strip, exiled by the Ariel Sharon government.
Effie Stenzler, former chairman of the Jewish National Fund, told Yediot that JNF approached Trump, among other wealthy supporters of Israel, for funds to build an infrastructure in new communities established for the exiled, and the real estate magnate gave generously.
This board must be FBI…
Boohoo, you don't have daddymod enabling your faggot excusing of this bloated, kike-loving bellowing idiot of a president.
Your time here is over magapede
I'm not so sure it is. Mass banning is what caused people to come to Zig Forums in the first place. The purity spiral existed here too.
The last time this happened, they got grouped with cloppers and furries when Zig Forums was coming back after a blackout.
Trump has not done a single good thing, he is obviously a kike puppet to placate the right when electing another democrat would have caused too much civil unrest. Prove me wrong.
The USA has been used as a battering ram against European nationalists for over a hundred years and is currently only half white. There are literally CIA agents in places like Germany actively suppressing nationalism, and the US is constantly agitating for war with Russia, the last European country that isn't completely kiked and intent on replacing its population with shitskins (except Belarus, which is basically a Russian satellite).
Well white pill me then. I don't see how we're winning, nothing good is happening, every day there are less white people and more shitskins. The normalfags are still completely retarded, even after Merkel marched millions of moslems and niggers straight into the heart of Europe in a multi-file line and then there was like 100+ terrorist attacks and mass-rapes and then there's constant rapes and murders in every single city and they don't have jobs, they're just leeching off the system, it's so extremely obvious that this is a bad thing and nobody fucking cares except for Zig Forums. The only white pill to me is that it seems unlikely that Eastern Europe will submit to genocide because they have not been demoralized nearly as bad as the west. So the white race will likely survive, but the outlook for its finest branches (Germanic and Romance Europeans) looks bleak, in my opinion.
If it gets too bad, maybe they'll appoint new mods. I don't think there would be anything wrong with appointing new mods, it's just that the old ones were shit.
Just give it up and go raid 4cuck. They are at least stupid enough to take your drivel seriously.
What about it is stupid imkikey? I bet it must feel so bad to not be able to delete his post.
Who needs a bunker?
Only lefties need their safety space with teddy bears, cocoa and peace and quiet to suck their thumbs.
Just filter and forget.
I think you mean that you all are all completely BTFO and have to go back to reddit.
reminder that anti-american is pro-white.
Trump is a jewish puppet and if you are butthurt about a mutt meme you are probably a mutt
Watch out for kikey posting as I need a gf poojeet
are there any decent Zig Forums alternatives right now? Somewhere else on Zig Forums would be preferable.
Fuck off.
yeah its in you're mothers vagina ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;xxxdxdxdxdxdxdxdddxxdxdd get fucked trumpcuck
Never before or since have I seen a meme cause as butthurt as the amerimutt meme.
That explains all the shit happening at once. Why don't we just gore spam the board until they leave?
Why don't you go back to reddit?
Fuck off Kushner shill
Two simple solutions:
Don't reply
Filter ID (you can do that here)
There is no reason to panick. We at least have a place to talk about shit we want to. I don't care if Lefty/pol/ makes threads. The reason it works on 4chan is because the mods keep them up and sink the good ones, or delete them all the time.
Excuse you.
56% is fucking funny
Fuck Trump
Death to America
There is no raid you dumb fucking boomer.
you misspelled /intl/, not everyone that posts in /tv/ is actually /tv/, they just chose the board because of lax moderation
I am a literal shill who has been paid to give people good reviews AMA.
Zig Forums is U/ACC now
it's not, it's a forced goon meme, everyone that likes it should be shot in the head honeslty
Yes and? There's a filter function. You don't need daddy to tell you what you are allowed to see.
have you ever reviewed anything that was actually worth the rating you gave it
Zig Forums is now the new /b/
It's /liberty/ and Zig Forums and whatever else coming back from exile son
underated post
Probably not. Let me just say that if you google "is X a scam", and you see good reviews for it, chances are pretty good it's still scam, and everyone there was paid like 50 cents to say otherwise from some crowdesourcing site.
Memes helped get him elected. We can meme his demise too if we so wanted.
They're taking advantage of th e transition period to force the "Trump is a jew" meme, but they won't succeed
Trump is a zionist stooge. The sooner you come to grips with that, the better.
This. It'd be a bit tougher, but it could be done.
Are you fucking retarded? Memes had literally nothing to do with him being elected. Presidents are chosen years in advance. The 'democracy' of this System is nothing more than a puppet show.
yeah great plan, oh yeah I forgot you're marxists pretending to be nazis
Obama spied on his campaign to try to stop him, he had the entire Republican establishment turn on him, stop trying to gaslight
I'm sorry sweetie, but we are here to stay. :^)
You're right Trump isn't a jew. But all of his children except one are married to kikes and his former NYC donors were all jewish. not to mention his cabinet which is the most jewish in the history of the US
< believing the puppet show memes.
you trumpcucks are fucking retarded. The entire System is controlled you utter moron, these narratives are a complete hoax to keep idiots like you operating within (being subsumed into) the democratic System.
memes had nothing to do with trump getting elected, stop being a retarded nigger
Lmao, there still is a serious debate going on whether Trump is zionist? Are you guys fucking serious? The one American president who recognized Israel's claim to Jerusalem is in some way not zionist? This is hilarious.
go back to kikeys IRC server you aids riddled faggot
t. atrocidad
Sorry folks, we love Trump.
He is the cause of great salt and butthurt and we are big investors in the market of getting snowflakes being triggered, nothing else matters.
We thrive off chaos and troubles, you thrive off cocks and shit.
All of them recognized it. Trump was the first one to follow through.
Only the battle hardened will survive
normies and redditors can't handle chaos
You must understand that there are so many different shill groups fighting against each other at the same time. Their conflicting messages lessen the impact and help to identify them.
what the fuck is this below shittier memery
What you are calling your 'political ideology' was made up by some thick-rimmed ivy league grad on the flip chart of a British data analytics firm. You are the political peon of technocapitalists like Robert Mercer and Peter Thiel.
Leftist memes in shellnut
this Zig Forums was never like 4cuck Zig Forums, I know some fags jizz over first exodus Zig Forums, but I think we need a compromise between rulecuckery and everything goes, because there is certainly plenty of people that want to subvert this place if it's too lax
Its almost like T_D really did flood this board under kikefys watch and weve known it all along, welcome back to Zig Forums
lol, you dumb turk got butt fucked hard.
Bunkers are Nazbol
Don't you have innawoods threads to make? Now call me kikey like I know you will, cuck.
a lot of the people butt hurt about Trump are faggots in Europe and South America that already live in shitholes and have no invested interest in fixing shit in America, to suggest everyone who was pro Trump is T_D is fucking stupid
they're doing this in other threads too, smells coordinated, especially since no one has said they want imkamphy back, they just don't want a global subverted board
Jesus, you guys really spent to much time in your over-moderated echo chamber. It's time this board goes back to being an imageboard and not the extension of a subreddit.
You're fucking retarded if you think this is an improvement, because now any communist with a wide spectrum of autism can advocate for their failed ideologies and "BASED TRAPS".
Filter function. Is it so hard for you to grasp? If you can't deal with $x, just filter it.
A side effect of the over moderation was a bit of quality control, believe it or not. But since all the bans were lifted without regards to why they were banned, codemonkey let loose all the shitpopsters who have nothing to contribute back to the board. On top of the power change being made public just made a massive "Come on in and shitpost!" sign to everyone. This became a shitshow way too fast to be any sort of "improvement", and we're now directly opposite of where we were before.
This bunker is now property of NAZBOL GANG. Please put on these complementary cock cages and wait while we import african refugees to black your family and seize the means of production.
We need our own forum with a true-hearted leader.
Wew lad, seems like you love being raided by a bunch of cuckolds; y'know, I wouldn't be surprised if you had a wife who gets fucked by jamal while you watch in a rocking chair.
So you'd rather have a close minded circle jerk, of all exactly the same opinion.
(Also Test if I am really not banned anymore)
Never said I did. We're in the exact same position as before, only more pph and shitposting.
Please bump save worthy threads from being slid off the forum.
Bottom thread was last replied to on May 24.
We need a longer board for the time being.
Dude, nigger was filtered and many other things.
You couldn't criticize trump
Kikey did less pros than con.
Why did I even try? It's useless to argue with the meme spewing redditors that flooded in under kikeys reign. Hope the commie faggots drive you to suicide.
yeah this has already gotten old, create a better argument
don't talk about yourself in the third person
Pretty sure the commie faggots are already there themselves, given they no longer have turkroach shitting up the board for them.
This is what the shills want you to believe.
Oh, so you're just a christcuck who believes in ignoring anything that clearly isn't beneficial. Good fucking meme.
What fucking cuckoldry logic is that?
What the fuck happened to this place?
Heil Pagan Europe
Varg is a male welfare queen.