on what basic structural level does the leftist fail as a person?
I have this feeling that the ideological level failure is just a reflection of some deeper value within so I want to discuss it, maybe list it and see what your opinions are.
so list the way leftists annoy you ITT let's do a case study.
-leftists interrupt civil discussion they often fail to understand the use of Zig Forums, they don't understand there is a way that communism failed on a dozen countries already and they want it to fail where they are because they think they will get gibsmedat and handouts.
Grayson Scott
why do you even believe in the left/right distinction?
-leftists don't seem to have interest on other subjects Zig Forums often see raids like where everything is left vs right. they come to pol completely ignorant and they want to leave pol just as ignorant as before.
Zig Forums just had a book thread, a self improvement thread, and some news threads for a short while and leftists know of kampfy removal they came already anus in hands and did a thousand angry threads without a single thought on it
I'm an unironic leftist. I have a severe mental illness and have a very difficult time holding down a job. I'd much prefer a society where your basic needs are guaranteed in exchange for you returning to the system what you are capable of (which admittedly for me isn't very much). I'm a mental defective that can't really survive under capitalism, I'm not afraid to admit. Not a fan of all of the poz that the left drags with it personally though. Also the labor theory of value and the proletariat/bourgeoisie adversarial relationship is impossible to refute as far as I can tell. Not a natsoc because I'm not especially racist I guess. Ask away I guess.
Noah Green
-leftists desperately copy from right wing movements again and again, leftpol itself is a copy from tumblrites after they spent years trying to shut down pol n 4chan /q/. they to this day want Zig Forums to stop working yet they leech everything like they are trying to be us. they lurk on our threads trying to learn how to speak and they even tried to make a pepelike meme with a pig.
what was it called? pussy something?
Daniel Cox
read uncle ted's industrial society and its future, especially the sections about leftists. its one of the best written breakdowns of the leftist mind
Adrian Adams
not a surprise, many such cases. I can't ask you anything I already didn't ask to your copies.
you want handouts, because you are useless as you identified, yet the thing is, without communism, you would probably not be useless. you would have grown with structure and the state wouldn't be your crutch, they made you and they use you.
I guess I have 1 question, do you know what positive rights are? not positive on the liberal connotation pussyfooting
Juan Ward
So you want the government to force others to support you with the threat of violence. Your support of such a system comes from greed and not trying to better your fellow man.
Hudson Garcia
The normalfags are'nt called UNTERmensch for nothing, buddy.
yes, I should get around it. the book itself touched the subject of them on their core. as people. because "the leftists" has become an entity of deranged individuals, their individual singular failure is what I want to zoom in and I guess Ted did as well. but until then feel free if you want to give us some.
I don't want handouts, I just want a guaranteed minimum standard of life in exchange for whatever work I can do. Peeling potatoes or what have you.
Well the capitalist class and their contracts right now are protected via threat of violence. So I just want the the threat of violence to work for the common people instead of the bourgeoisie I guess.
A leftist is essentially a violent beggar born in a rich family. That's all to it.
Brayden Ross
yes you copied from Zig Forums, congratulations. now can you face the beast you worship? the nazis made everything for you, as the white man before. you are not and would be nothing. at the basest level: a failed incomplete human. I couldn't hope for a better example of what I mean for this thread.
peeling potatos didn't build your mac laptop or power the heat on your house.
There has to be a cost for violation of agreements between parties Farmers, a factory owner who throws everything he owns into his operation, ranchers, etc. can all be considered part of the bourgeoisie. No, you want to force people to support complete at the barrel of a gun and it's worse because they're paying their extortionists to do it. You're worse than a highway robber because they at least get their hands dirty.
just face you want handouts. be honest with yourself, you want to paint your nails and browse twiiter while other people waste their lives on oil rigs and picking your trash from the street.
If that makes you feel any better we are not going to gas you over you mental defects just for the political views formed by them.
Also you are far from being the only one in your circles.
Ethan Ramirez
I can empathize. I'm in the same situation. Where leftism promises socialism, Natsoc fulfills it with the strength to make realistic solutions and it's focus on self improvement. Natsoc's care for their own, but even if we were left in the dust, I would be proud and honored to have supported them.
Jacob Carter
Why do Americans in general, even leftists, equate the left with communism? What about social democracies like the Scandinavian countries that have a bigger social safety-net because civilized societies look after their young, old and disabled?
Socialist ideas are used as a trojan horse for communism. While basic ideas like what you mentioned are good in principle, subversive (((communists))) always use it as a spring board to take over countries by going from taking care of your people to taking care of everyone to taking care of everyone but your own people because that's racist.
Parker Murphy
I personally don't want handouts. Maybe some leftists do, I don't know. Society should be geared around ensuring the needs of its citizens are met, people shouldn't be be subject to profit makers and market forces just to have a roof over their head and a chicken in their pot (and this is becoming increasingly difficult for a great many people, not just me and the particular circumstances I find myself in). There are more empty homes than there are homeless in the united States. The system has it all ass backwards, imho.
Call me naive, tell it will never work, that's all fine and dandy. I'm merely being honest about my situation and my motivations.
to be totally frank euthanizing us and putting us out of our muser has a decree of humanity to it as well, I must admit
Scandinavian style social democracy was pretty sweet for a time, but seems to be in a downward spiral, for obvious reasons. It will suffer the same fate all nations do under global neoliberalism it seems.
Ian Thompson
What? Did you click the wrong reply button?
Cooper Morgan
no, why? aren't you the guy trying to rebuild sweden?
Uh no retard, the distinction between the proletariat and the bourgeois exploiters is ‘‘explicitly defined‘‘ by their relationship to the means of production.
Nope. On the contrary, I think one can identify a victim complex with the average Zig Forumstard. Note the constant Jew-blaming and harassment of nonwhites. As an ex-Zig Forumstard I found myself to be personally attracted to Nazism due to my own feelings of low self worth. It was easy to take the "redpill." That the jews were behind everything bad in my life and not my fault. You usually tend to see an ending to a Zig Forumstard's frame of mind when finally faced with reality; that the forces against them are not a Jewish conspiracy, but simply a result of late stage capitalism and a desire to scapegoat their own securities onto others.
all humans try to compete for resources and women. And they know exactly when they lack what it takes to make it. So they use other means to do so. Some lie and cheat, others give up, others still try to find even weirder venues. The organism is simply programmed to do this. So you can hardly blame them. If they are ugly they will want to increase their chances/proficiency in other area's. Thats where leftists come from.
Oliver Perry
Why do you blame the 1% for everything instead and refuse to acknowledge (((who))) makes up the 1%?
Juan Cruz
oh my god, they killed james woods :(
Hudson Sullivan
So the farmer who owns the land he farms and all the equipment doesn't control the means of production? The person who owns the factory and all the machines in it doesn't control the means of production?
Jordan Wood
You didn't take the redpill. Zig Forums is obsessed with Jews, yes. Mostly because in order to be overcome, they must be named. That said, the destruction is our countries is our fault. Every day where you do nothing to stop your nations slide into degeneracy is another day where you failed.
Nolan Sanders
-Leftists have no self awareness because they expect all from people they can leach and copy from they spend all day cucking out on twiiter and then ll night cucking out here. AND THEN expect an handout
Left versus Right is of little importance and is, for the most part, a distraction. The dichotomy is, in reality, people who see the jew versus jews and their lemmings. The OP may well have asked why lemmings are content to be lemmings, why they have chosen to deliberately be self-loathing and willingly zombified, and how abject idiocy can result in smugness.
John Nguyen
I would bet with proper guidance and a sublime goal to pursue you would be surprised what you are capable of. That's what fascism is all about, to aim for your best and the best for your people. But you decided to give up and let you been dragged down by marxist propaganda instead. Embrace Zig Forums, we will help you to get the most out of your life.
Scandinavian society some years ago came pretty close to national socialistic ideals, but the great and easy life made them vulnerable to subversion and the jews targeted them fricking hard.
Robert Sullivan
they annexed themselves to pol, so "the shit is on your shoe" now so to speak.
book threads and self improvement threads are already taking a hit
Ethan Clark
Because he fell for the kike trap. Communism was specifically designed by kikes to deflect attention away from the ((1%)), as a form of controlled opposition to the kikes that were already exploiting capitalism.
Adrian Hill
You've lost me.
I don't know why leftypol is still stuck on capitalism versus communism rather than say for example, discussing why Scandinavian style social democracy is failing. Or even applying lefty ideas to current social issues, as opposed to being stuck on class warfare or how China is not communist or socialist enough because it doesn't have universal healthcare (real thread).
Kayden Nguyen
-they see evil on a word like nigger, but see no evil on the blood toll for the red terror is a willingness to believe they are good, this is something I think the thread is a splinter on.
they are rotten people, but they continuously think they are good
Jackson James
are you so indoctrinated and brainwashed you dont even know why people react that way to communism. or pretend to.
More like brain damaged. Even animals understand territory and the need to defend it.
Elijah Wood
I don't know where you're coming from, but you seem to think that repeating yourself with these one-liners will make me understand you better, so at least I know you're going nowhere.
Isaac Collins
NPC theory. They literally do not have souls, and operate on an almost robotic manner of purely reacting to they limited amount of stimuli they can process.
Easton Hall
Wait, you do know a number of being share the same Tor ID, don't you???
Kevin Nguyen
I don't understand your confusion. I just said that "you are so indoctrinated and brainwashed you dont even know why people react that way to communism. or pretend to." because of your "why americans don't separate the left from the communism" aka the shades of left. what are you confused about?
They are brain damaged, vengeful, power hungry and lazy. Lefties have all the worst characteristics a human can possibly have. Look:
List goes on and on.
Brody Anderson
didn't I say it?
Liam Jenkins
that is a slipery slope, you want just a little left on society? then communism is a self fulfilling hell and will find a way in. once established in schools and once your free speech is lost, it will be a fight to hold things from going ever more to the left until another communist venezuela chinese hellhole
They are broken "people" who expect everything handed to them and they convince themselves that they are intellectually above the conservative masses. Anything pure, decent, moral, and righteous is hated by them, because they are rotten souls.
Those women may act a big game but we all know they are desperate for white guys and like all minority women they think they are oppressed because they can't get white guys. That's where their bitterness and resentment comes from.
What would be needed is a full, comprehensive list of regressive faults.
They are Der Untermensch.
XX:34:44 Trips checked!
Zachary Ortiz
When dey do not bite off your thumbs dey are always dying from nostalgia — home-sick — for dey haf der imperfect soul, which is midway arrested in defelopment — und too much Ego.
Gabriel Phillips
They're brainwashed.
Levi Wood
Zig Forums confirmed for sexless relationships?
Chase Bennett
Oh I see, Norway is now Venezuela. I don't know how I didn't make that connection before.
Joshua Butler
They are not failures, at least, not all of them. Most can be salvaged, and have simply been provided a false framework with which to work off of their entire lives. How many times have we gone over anons transformation from a true blue liberal into one of us? If anything I've found it's easier to convince liberals about the merits of a NatSoc or Libertarian position then it is the die hard (((individualists))) and Israeli worshipers on the other side of the spectrum.
it's probably just a combination of conforming and self-interest, if you have a vagoo you of course don't want to give up any benefits for yourself and at the extreme end of it you're happy to totally sell out and take your orders from some fraternal order with an upsidedown pentagram
James Sanchez
Get a load of this white knight normalcuck loser. It's because of that type of weakness that Hitler lost.
The bluest of the blue areas around me are complete shitholes. They are so bad, people move to red areas to escape. But come voting time, they vote for the same shitheads that fucked the blue zones. seattle is a great example. Those libs actually passed a "head tax" to HELP FIGHT HOMELESSNESS. Let's see, we'll take money away from the productive to give to the unproductive, driving away the productive and attracting more of the unproductive. Yep, should work out great. Liberals operate on emotion, either unwilling or unable to think logically. I personally think it isn't initially structural, but at some point it becomes structural. They are coddled and given everything without experiencing sacrifice, hardship or pain, and at some point become infantilized for life. This is why you rarely see libs in the military or in law enforcement (zogbot comments unrelated). The only way I have personally seen a liberal converted is when the system bends them over and fucks them good. Such as watching their rapist let off the the hook by some liberal court.
Adrian Thompson
Listen faggot, talking to people and convincing them spreads ideas, so if you can't do that, then you're a fucktard who isn't trying. Most liberals are just hopping from one political party and back again, thinking, retardedly, that they've found some magical unicorn that'll make their dreams of their idea of a better society come true. While the faggot you replied to is a little optimistic, to say the least, he does have a point. Communication. Oddly enough, however, I've found individualists either to be batshit insane or the most well reasoned and articulate, with little in between.
Blake Davis
I'm a broken AMWF breed who still wants to preserve whiteness because i'm not white enough myself, am I better than a leftist?
Parker Torres
you are so indoctrinated and brainwashed you dont even know why people react that way to communism. or pretend to
Gabriel Smith
Oh my god you absolute faggot - the best you could come up with was "I know you are but what am I?" Jesus christ you people are pathetic.
Jayden Hall
I'll just reply for posterity, but no, you shouldn't corrupt white genes further.
Matthew Ross
If you are too inept to make a living in today's world, especially in a white nation, you don't deserve to live. Meeting everyone's needs just leads to indolency and stagnation. Humans need to struggle in order to maintain purpose. If there is no struggle you'll find rot. This is why we needed to go to space. Instead we babysit negroes and manchildren. Now the white race suffers and dies because it aquessed to the needy dregs of society You and your useless ilk get to wallow in meaningless comfort at the expense of the greatest race who walked the Earth. You are selfish, you are lazy, and what you want won't bring you happiness. You will live as a sad, well-fed slug.
Nathan Smith
Considering the considerable amount of leftists that own cats, toxoplasmosis is probably a considerable factor.
Gavin Sanchez
dozens of cats, multiple cats really. you can correlate many things when you think about it.
cat owners are rarely survivalists, they usually are people who know luxury, and can afford not to think about some of the worse stuff
Well, from looking at hundreds of lefty faces with their narrow faces and heads, sharkmouthed poor dental arches, and sallow skin, I'll conclude their diets are sparse of nutrients and filled with stuff like heavily sweetened fruit, confections, canned goods, specialty coffee n heavily modifiedmilk shit, and very little actual meat, very little actual veggies. Basically their diet is all sugar and things that convert to sugar. Its poor diet, mommy issues, poor health, an inability to delay gratification, an original sin type mental self flagellation complex instilled by their single mothers and all female role models growing up like teachers and babysitters and daycare that punish them for even blocking an attack by a bully. They are proof that women want to rut with wild wolves of men, but on their own can only raise neutered puppy dogs that cower before a raised voice.
-they cannot understand what made their society one thing that really makes me disgusted is indeed the lack of understanding.
the leftist would never accomplish even half of what he seeks to overtake or destroy. a tool to the jew, he never thinks of the ramification or of the bigger picture.
Luis Hall
Easton Brooks
Of course they're. Not real men (cucks) and the blue hair cunts have no children and there's nothing feminine about them. How can you ask such a dumb question? Oh… OP is a jew faggot again. Literal retarded children don't 'annoy' a man. When that retard is adult size, you just curb stomp them. Once you've done enough of them, they can sense it and don't try any shit so it's like they aren't even there. Online, they're playthings to be fucked with for amusing. It's nothing.
Daniel Bennett
nice sage while using the thread as intended. dumb leftist.
you fucking piss me off more than anybody, how can you watch the making of a narrative, the twitter shit and still pretend there is no malice.
the leftist hatred for the very working class, that again and again resist his attempts to give them to the jews. how can you pretend is not done with intent?