>Now Zig Forums's Zig Forums has a change (lack) of authority and quickly becomes a cesspool of irrelevant sliding threads about Commies and lelTrumpisDrumpf shit, active users increase by 400+. Zig Forums Rizon IRC requires a (((username and password))).
Online War
Other urls found in this thread:
Its always darkest before the Don.
Trump is a kike tho
Add Voat to the list.
Has been fucked for 5yrs. If you were never banned you were never there.
Let them hunt all the Alt-Right to death and hang them. Dugin designed, Hillary approved.
Thank God! It was designed to create Alt-Right terrorist cells and stupid activism. This isn't your recruitment office, Officer.
NatBol Deep State
NatBol Deep State
You bump the threads and make shit ones like this.
BETTER THAN EVER. More people than ever. Better thread than the last 2yrs because they're not anchored.
I do
It wasn't safe and everyone left.
>Everything is fine Goy, it was a good choice to turn this place to more (((freedom)))."
Freedom from terrorist groups like the Alt-Kike IMKikey and news sight called "nu/pol/
With the recent porn influx? I've been noticing that too.
approach the code monkey then, christ. What are you doing here complaining.
It's oke user, trust the god-emperor, he will bring the good times. MAGA
Fuck off /leftyfail/ shill.
polmeta, emails, his stickied thread, reports etc. Tell others to do the same.
I'm tired of people acting like shit is better now only because the old shit is gone. They both suck.
>doesnt know how to spot a coordinated effort of a large group of (((people))) and when its completely unnatural
lol, all if this didnt even fool me for one second.
are you fucking kidding me??
I hope he does. MAGA.
You can't be seriously comparing censorship on social media with "censorship" of shills in Zig Forums.
Give it a week or so to settle. We've always been good at spotting paid shills, goons, D&C (here's your (you)), and so on.
In the end, they do themselves more harm by coming here than they do us.
If you can't handle dissenting opinion you need to leave. Try making your own board :")
Same shit was what people were saying about 4chan, and see the state that it is in.
I never said to bring the retard back, i am saying that strong moderation should exist. If anyone wanted another 4chan, they should go to 4chan.
History shows censorship never lasts. The current happening to Zig Forums and the previous BO proves it as well.
I wouldn't worry about it. The left is currently overdosing on fentynal. Think about it for a second, the more they kill themselves on heroin and other debilitating drugs, the less vocal opposition we have here and on other outlets. I say we start up quiet hit squads and start putting the rest to sleep with the drug of choice in a given square radius.
Trump is unabashedly the most pro-Israel president we've had in my lifetime. You got duped user.
I also noticed that "disqus" updated their policy and if you try to sign in now they want you to agree to their new terms where they track your IP.
That always happened, just now they mention it. But good addition.
What has been since 2017?
Funny enough I actually quit browsing 4chan because of the word filters
All the tech companies are fucked by the Mueller probe. Spygate is directly related to them. That's why Jews collectively are losing their minds. The hivemind. They know the end is near. That's also why the shilling has increased so dramatically on cuckchan that the shills have foregone all subtlety at this point.
We have powerful allies to.
(((THEY))) are increasing the attacks on Elon Musk's Pravduh.com and making more Gamergate associates to his idea.
I love how GG is the eternal boogeyman of the media, its like a stock that keeps rising in value over time.
>>Now Zig Forums's Zig Forums has a change (lack) of authority and quickly becomes a cesspool of irrelevant sliding threads about Commies and lelTrumpisDrumpf shit, active users increase by 400+. Zig Forums Rizon IRC requires a (((username and password))).
This board was pretty much dead anyway. Stuck in its own echochamber with delusions of grandeur while having fuck all influence on the real world. You won't change shit by just shitposting on the same board all the time, treating literally nothing as HAPPENINGs. Now at least the low IQ fags who got used to using moderator backing will be forced to defend their views. Maybe sinead-tier electric universe ayylium garbage and republican election strategy will not drown out actual discussion for once.
In order to have influence on the internet, you need to crosspost a lot. You can't just sit in your own little community. I don't think this board will ever be as good as it used to be, but that's to be expected considering the massive amounts of notoriety and attention we've gained since 2014. If you want to get real shit done, Zig Forums has never been a place to organize considering it's in full view of the enemy. It's just where you come to discuss things.
I was having a good laugh at the faggots that thought otherwise.
I dunno why people couldn't handle shitposting on cuckchan and serious posting on 8pol like I do.
Now its shitposting on cuckchan and shitposting on cuckchan 2.0
This seems to be a recurring shill talking point.
No you dumb cunt, they are not here to converse or debate. They are either paid to be here to spread shit or they do it because they are actual mentally retarded commies.
Yea, National Socialists never had any control or ability to effect change, Zig Forums was just a larp.
I e-mailed codemonkey and sent him a message on Twatter. Do the same fellow anons, maybe he will listen to reason.
literally retarded. that's you.
Yes, and you need to know how to deal with them, faggot. Cuck/pol/ has been far more effective these past two years despite being overrun by shills, because they aren't sitting around with their heads up their asses.
Zig Forums has been extremely influential, shut up you stupid kike
But during and after the election 8/pol/ got overshadowed by cuck/pol/ and lost touch with reality. Can you name one successful op that originated here during the past 6 months? There's fuck all. Just a bunch of larpers discussing electric universe esoterics.
Digging threads were successful because they got pinned. Now slide threads will take over.
But at least we've got our (((freedom))).
Fuck your agency's nigger
Relax they will all fuck off back to their respective caves and echo chambers in a week. They are just having some fun now that Kampfy got nuked. It'll be back to normal soon - it's been like two days for christ sakes.
Have they already forgotten their own narrative?
You are the guy going around telling people it will "cool off"? I fail to see your logic. These people are here to push something, and now the open gates let them do it.
You're never getting back into power kampfy
"le everyone that dislikes the current state is kampfy XD" meme.
Delete your life.
Facebook is easy to fuck.
Twitter will become a leftist eco chamber, it will fall on it's own. Better this way. Jack CEO should be ASSA
Instagram banning is indeed odd.
Tumblr is problematic as fuck tbh.
Reddit still has some small subs but it was always managed by literal communist admins.
Youtube is fucked and someone should boob up their headquarters or go Breivik Nasim on them to teach them a lesson.
Don't know about discord, but it was inevitable, use telegram instead.
Even worse than discord, use tux or IRC.
With enemies like these, it's impossible not to win. We should consider creating adverts for Pravduh.com to further piss in the face of the media. The reaction will no doubt be more outrageous articles that further tarnish the credibility of the media itself, and the public will likely notice the fued as its Elon Musk the media is fighting. Regardless, planting the idea that the media needs to be held accountable and a service that does it is useful.
Why? It's open source
Discord is systematically giving chat logs of altright servers to the SPLC and Vice so they can dox people. A lot of good people have had to go underground.
you are truly lost
Aren't chat logs public? I think any bot can record the whole post history of a channel.
Unless you mean the discord admins give a specific file to SPLC and VICE that contains LOG IP and CHAT history, but that would be illegal. Not even FBI could get that without a court order.
Maybe the people are doxxed because they used real name or usernames tied to their real name?
Good points.
Isn't Telegram the service Facebook messenger uses, or am i mistaken?
No. It's russian, made by vk.ru
russian facebook
Because you're a fucking sperg who's never seen what happens when people know the mods are asleep.
Frankly this shit is absolutely amazing compared to most places in a similar position. We haven't had CP floods or huge botting or anything.
The whole board got under same rules as /tv/ and left Zig Forums open for lefty created template threads that don't get deleted no matter how many you report.
Unbanning of the myriads of VPN IP also contributed to the spam.
What are some Zig Forums bunkers for come discussion until the commie tantrum ends and they get bored with shilling each other?
Zenpol any good? polk? k?
Use by terrorists
In September 2015, in response to a question about the use of Telegram by Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), Pavel Durov stated: "I think that privacy, ultimately, and our right for privacy is more important than our fear of bad things happening, like terrorism."[166] Durov ironically suggested to ban words because terrorists use them for communication.[167] ISIS recommended Telegram to its supporters and members[168][169][170] and in October 2015 they were able to double the number of followers of their official channel to 9,000.[171] In November 2015, Telegram announced that it had blocked 78 public channels operated by ISIS for spreading propaganda and mass communication.[172][173][174] Telegram stated that it would block public channels and bots that are related to terrorism, but it would not honor "politically-motivated censorship" based on "local restrictions on freedom of speech" and that it allowed "peaceful expression of alternative opinions."[175] Telegram's usage for ISIS propaganda reignited the encryption debate and encrypted messaging applications faced new scrutiny.[176][177] It also led to tabloids labeling Telegram as a "jihadi messaging app".[178]
In August 2016, French anti-terrorism investigators asserted that the two ISIS-directed Jihadists who fatally cut the throat of a priest in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray in Normandy, France, and videoed the murder, had communicated via Telegram and "used the app to coordinate their plans for the attack". ISIS's media wing subsequently posted a video on Telegram, showing the pair pledging allegiance. A CNN news report stated that Telegram had "become known as a preferred means of communication for the terror group ISIS and was used by the ISIS cell that plotted the Paris terror attacks in November".[168]
In June 2017, the Russian communications regulator Roscomnadzor hinted at the possibility of blocking Telegram in Russia due to its usage by terrorists.[179]
In July 2017, Director General of Application and Informatics of the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, said eleven Telegram DNS servers were blocked because many channels in the service promoted radicalism, terrorism, hatred, bomb assembly, civil attack, disturbing images, and other propaganda contrary to Indonesian laws and regulations.[180] In August 2017, Indonesia lifted the block after countermeasures against negative content were deployed in association with Telegram LLP.[181]
so if they had trouble banning ISIS, I think nazi frog posting and calling people niggers will be fine
On the subject of chats, i always loved Tox. Any experience from anyone here?
How about Riot? I haven't heard anyone talk about that one yet. It's like an open-source version of discord, and intended to be a bit more decentralized.
Have to provide a phone number.
I don't think Elon needs financial help.
Everyone hates jews whether they realize it or not. Even jews hate jews. The best thing to do is bring attention to their jewyness.
yee good stuff
nah, it's a great place to organize irl stuff
we could basically become a social club
Sharpen your bayonet on their spines you weak, faggot.
God damn it… For a moment i was excited…
Kill yourself, kamphy
of course you'd larp with the same propaganda that nu/pol/ paraded around. fuck off.
fuck off aut-right trumpcuck
Stop spamming threads, kampfy.
you have done this for 3 days already.